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» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Jan 11, 2013 @ 5:34pm. Posted in what a nut bar Alex jones is....
Coolness: 84005
Originally Posted By MTGREYLOCK82
Sigh...nice to see another one of my countrymen totally embarrass himself on international TV lol. Think you guys now know how Bush was elected Governor of Texas twice before becoming President. Ironically, Jones was arrested in Ottawa in 2006...too bad the local authorities released him:

[ en.wikipedia.org ]

And folks, he's not even the most radical of the daytime right wing talk radio hosts here (Google Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage).

BTW, here's a map of the anti (blue) to pro (red) gun states in America.

[ www.rave.ca ]

How is alex jones right wing???
Do you put your shoes on backwards too??
I'll admit that alex jones is a crazy fuck, but you can't possibly defend piers Morgan and claim to have left leaning views...
That's ridiculous.
Alex jones is definately a mental patient, but he has a lot of legitimate views and I don't think it's possible for anyone to lean more left...
Anyway like I said, he's a fucking fruit loop, but he's fighting the good fight.
As far as gun control and the recent events in the U.S. go...
There's definately a problem down there, but CNN and the press do a lot more damage sensationalizing these events, than Alex does by trying to defend the rights he has left.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 2, 2012 @ 1:05pm. Posted in Did He Deserve It???.
Coolness: 84005
You guys are siding with an idiot?!
Ever hear the expression "go play in traffic"?
Well it's not meant to be takin' literally.
These douchebags just got kicked out of a cab for being assholes, slammed the guys door and started kicking the shit out of his car when he told them to go fuck himself.
It's pretty clear that if he didn't do what he did, that those fuck faces would of eventually pulled him out of the car and he would have been the bloody mess on the pavement.
Do you really think they were beating the shit out of his car and trying to pull him out so they could give him a medal and a warm hug because the love him so much?
Fuck that!!!
I don't know about your hippy, pussy ass estrogen filled nutsacks... But my balls were genenically programed with survival instincts, and if it comes down to me or you...
I'm gunna do everything in my power to make sure it's gunna be you.
So ya fuck that guy!!
If he's stupid enough to think he can beat up a moving car, I hope he got his fuckin' dick run over so that his idiot seed stays the fuck out of the gene pool.
All that cabby did was keep his own ass out of the hospital.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Jan 26, 2012 @ 1:13pm. Posted in Anonymous reaction to the FBI closing Megaupload.
Coolness: 84005
I think you guys are missing the point...
You guys can bitch about piracy and artist dividends till you're blue in the face, but the real problem here isn't piracy. It's the fact that the U.S. is trying to police the world and has not only violated it's own constitution... But has been shitting all over the way the rest of the world does business in the process.
Thier system doesn't work and they are bullying the entire world into living by it.
The game changes every so often and the pro's come along with cons and vice versa.
And as bad as things got out of hand the entertainment market is not only stabilizing but making room for new and creative ideas, and the only people really bitching are old fashioned and to ignorant/ selfish to adapt and unfortunately this is where most of the exutives and politicians fall.
And I say... FUCK EM!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed Jan 4, 2012 @ 1:18pm. Posted in What did you receive for Christmas?.
Coolness: 84005
Originally Posted By K-DZO
Pioneer hdj 2000 .

I considered buying them and tried em out... HATED THEM
The HDJ 2000's sound like shit, look ridiculous and don't have any user replaceable parts.
For the price you can buy 2 pairs of Allen and heath or audio technica's and both of those sound way better than the pioneers.

I'd buy Dr dre headphones before wasting my money on those hunks of space alien bullshit.

The sens however...
Can get run over by car, sound better than most home studio monitors and if anything does go wrong every part is user replaceable.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue Jan 3, 2012 @ 9:21pm. Posted in What did you receive for Christmas?.
Coolness: 84005
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD
we all have yet to see a pair of headphones thats not destroy itself by itself.

Senhieser HD 25 II = INDESTRUCTABLE!!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Sun Dec 25, 2011 @ 1:02am. Posted in A christmas gift from the president.
Coolness: 84005
Pink stocking stuffer...
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Dec 22, 2011 @ 1:14pm. Posted in Wierd Marks on Your Body.
Coolness: 84005
Definately AIDS lesions.


» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Dec 22, 2011 @ 1:10pm. Posted in Sopa.
Coolness: 84005

And we gotta get Harper the fuck out of parliment fast like...
Cuz that motherfucker has been sucking US dick so hard that he's Gunna shit Obama's zebra load all over our whole country so fucking hard that every single one of us will be blow jizz bubbles.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Dec 22, 2011 @ 12:54pm. Posted in Sopa.
Coolness: 84005
It means the U.S. is going to become a police state...

Between that and the fact that they are trying to pass a bill that allows the U.S. Military to randomly arrest anybody And lock them up forever without trial or reason...

Shits getting pretty fucked up.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Dec 22, 2011 @ 12:46pm. Posted in HELP! I need somebody help, to tell me whos who in the music scene!.
Coolness: 84005
You guys are all idiots!!!

This is a great idea!!

So great infact... That I might just have to steal it for myself.

So if any artists want to get involved and get paid for it...

Please send me as much money as possible... I have legal connections...

Did I mention I spent time locked away in a mental ward?

I'm very credible and I can sue you!!!

*waits for money to come in*
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue Dec 6, 2011 @ 12:53pm. Posted in I make MIDI controllers.
Coolness: 84005
I think the best for me is software specific controllers that don't require any mapping.
For DJing the best example I've seen of this is the novation dicer.
Literally plug and play with serato.
Love it, but still not perfect.
Would love another mode to trigger samples and would like to see the cues behave more like a pioneer cdj 800/ 1000.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue Nov 29, 2011 @ 7:42pm. Posted in More talk on government corruption....
Coolness: 84005
if your looking for info...
I'd start with gaddafi's wiki and maybe do some research on libya as well.
I can't verify the accuracy, but then again... I can't verify the accuracy of what CNN tells me either, but here's some great example's of Gaddafi's "Crimes against humanity"

Update » MURDOCK_ROCK wrote on Tue Nov 29, 2011 @ 7:53pm
Update » MURDOCK_ROCK wrote on Tue Nov 29, 2011 @ 7:57pm
Update » MURDOCK_ROCK wrote on Tue Nov 29, 2011 @ 8:14pm
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue Nov 29, 2011 @ 1:04pm. Posted in More talk on government corruption....
Coolness: 84005
This got unearthed the other day, and I'm kinda discusted that it didn't make the mainstream media...
[ boingboing.net ]
Between that and the horse shit we were fed about lybia and now siria...
I don't know what the fuck to think anymore???
Just out of curiosity... How much do you guy believe about the whole lybia thing?
Was gaddafi really killing innocents?
Or was he killing corrupt members of his government that were working for NATO and trying cash in before gadaffi got a chance to redefine democracy and share lybia's oil wealth with it's people who legitimately had it pretty fucking good for Africa.
I'm trying not to lean eather way on this one, but after following the latest news on Syria, it just seems like "crimes against humanity" seems to be the catch word to justify invading countries with oil.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Nov 18, 2011 @ 12:58pm. Posted in battlefield 3.
Coolness: 84005
What system and how much?
Which version? I don't need the game...
Coincidentally, EB finally got some in as well.
Is it as high quality as it look?
I've only seen it out of the box online.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue Nov 15, 2011 @ 6:43pm. Posted in battlefield 3.
Coolness: 84005
If microplay wanted to make money they would order some fucking MK3 Fight sticks!!!
Video game stores...
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed Nov 9, 2011 @ 12:58pm. Posted in vista FAIL.
Coolness: 84005
that's hilarious!!!
You have such a keen observational sense of humor.
Have you ever considered stand up?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue Nov 8, 2011 @ 1:01pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 84005
So besides the obvious things like rape, violence and rampant drug abuse... Has this thing figured out a point yet???
It's kinda looking stupider by the day, and Im starting to think that this 1% really isn't really cut out to represent the 98% who would actually like to see a proper revolution with a shared goal and not just a bunch of dirty hippies FREE LOADING and adding to the problem.
It makes me physically angry to see so many people whining without anybody stepping up with any sort of game plan to find any solutions...
So I believe I speak for the 98% when I say...
You are an embarrassment to the causes you stand for.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Nov 3, 2011 @ 7:35pm. Posted in work life balance.
Coolness: 84005
I think it's about finding that middle ground.
I worked a lot of really stressful jobs and know exactly where you are coming from.
I always like the expression "work smart not hard".
Not that I don't work hard now, but I find that once you start to get fairly good at what you do, you'll start to get more respect in your industry and if you find the right place and get enough respect, you'll start getting better at smelling bullshit and will have more confidence in making the demands that you need to make so that you'll feel more comfortable.
The key is to try to put yourself in a position where you are appreciated and ppl will go out of thier way to show that appreciation.
Not to mention... A happy employee is usually a good one, and more companies need to realize that and due away with the oldschool mentality of instilling fear to maximize productivity.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed Oct 26, 2011 @ 12:56pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 84005
Regarding the CNN link...
I got a friend who lives in the neighborhood where this happened, and apparently these protesters that got gassed aren't protesters at all...
It's a group of Berkley anarchists who have been using the protest as an excuse to beat and rob ppl, so the city was forced to shut down the occupation a few days ago to avoid further violence, ppl just wouldn't leave...
Messed up.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Sat Oct 22, 2011 @ 5:18pm. Posted in onlive.
Coolness: 84005
Does anybody use onlive for gaming?
I'm considering signing up but i'm a little uncertain.
was hoping I could get some first hand reviews.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Oct 21, 2011 @ 5:14pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 84005
I'd still prefer if the protesters shared one or a series of particular goals, so there would be a possibly of it having a positive outcome...

But yeah... The asshole camera man is Greg "opie" hughs from the Opie and Anthony show on satellite radio...
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Oct 21, 2011 @ 12:54pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 84005

» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Sat Oct 15, 2011 @ 2:41pm. Posted in Microsoft .NET Framework....
Coolness: 84005
I'm primarily a mac guy who hasn't the slightest clue what your talking about (feel free to quote this and use it against me)...
but are you seriously still running windows 98 in 2011?
Not trying to diss you or anything, but why?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Oct 13, 2011 @ 7:01pm. Posted in Grinding Coffee.
Coolness: 84005
maybe try one of these...

like hey... it works the other way right?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Oct 13, 2011 @ 6:56pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 84005
^^^^^^ @ Zed
Let's not forget why they have the 2nd amendment...
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Oct 13, 2011 @ 6:49pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 84005
@ Masa... I get what your saying n Im down for a beer, and like I said before. I agree with nearly all the points occupy party is stating, but to say you represent a hope for a better distribution of wealth is one thing, but to actually devise a way to actually IMPLIMENT it is a whole other story. And that's the problem with the idiots on wall street.
So many fucking people are so eager to say this and say that about how fucked up everything is, but nobody is fucking smart enough to step up and suggest an alternative.
If they hate the fed being run by a private bank so much why dont the activists say they are not leaving until it gets audited by a firm in the private sector and takin' over by the government instead. Or follow in kenedy's footsteps to reinstate the greenback?
The thing is they are talking so much shit (true or not) that nobody knows what the hell they are fighting for.



This isn't directed at you Masa, but let me put this in layman's terms for all the useless cunts out there calling me right wing for simply telling it like is...

Say you were at work doing a new job, and you boss comes up to you every 5 minutes screaming his ass off telling you that "you're doing it wrong" in way that is completely unconstructive because that's all he's fucking saying... "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG! YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!"
He might be right... You may be doing it wrong, but that doesn't really fix the problem does it? You still don't know how to do it right if he's not constuctively suggesting a better way to perform the task at hand.
He's not wrong to tell you it's the wrong way, but you'd probably think your boss is an idiot asshole for not explaining the RIGHT way.

And that's exactly what is happening on wall street.
Thousands of people screaming YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG regarding SOOO MANY DIFFERENT THING, but not one is suggesting a better way to do any of them.

Hell fucking yeah I'd fight against anybody trying to take anything that I busted my ass to obtain.
And FYI my political stance is firmly centered, as anybody should know it takes 2 wings to fly. I never said wall street had my back,so I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to put words in my mouth and if you think that the unions are not part of the problem, I highly urge you to educate yourself a little bit more on the matter as they have a completely different agenda than that of the protesters.

That being said... I'm not against the idea of a revolution, but occupy wallstreet needs to step their game up and figure out exactly what it is they are fighting for, or they won't make it past the first snow fall.

My 2cents...
now FUCK YOU!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Oct 13, 2011 @ 1:03pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 84005
I dunno about you guys, but I've been watching this story quite closely and have been listening to unbiased coverage from NYC radio everyday and this whole thing is absolutely  embarrassing to anybody who legitimately is fighting for a cause.
I'm not going to argue that there are definitely some serious issues at hand, but i don't think a pointless protest without a end game or even a clear motive is going to do anything but cause a tax hike for NY and the recent union involvement is absolutely preposterous.
If these protesters had the slightest bit of education about the issues they are fighting for, the union heads would be lenched the fuck out of there, as the unions send more jobs over seas than any other group in their nation and are lead by huge corporate ceo's that squander money at the same rate as the politicians.
As much as the statement that masa posted is mostly legitimate...
They neglect to offer any solutions to these problems, and until they do, all they are doing is pointing out more problems with the American education system, because the "99%" of these ppl are clearly IDIOTS who can't even agree what they are fighting for.

I'd like urge any of you hippy fucks to please tell me what this group of morons actually want to do to fix all the mixed causes they represent.

Because if it's anarchy they are after I will gladly shoot a hippy in the fucking face to protect my middle class lifestyle.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Sep 29, 2011 @ 4:21pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 84005
Ok hippy...
Easy to Say, but harder to explain...
If your bike got stolen by a black guy, would you want ALL BLACK PEOPLE TO BE JAILED for it???
would you go and picket in a black neighborhood calling them thieves?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Sep 29, 2011 @ 12:48pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 84005
I can't even look at that giant block of meaningless text ^^^^^^^

This is the most idiotic demonstration/protest ever...
Everyone involved are over privileged hipster , so desperate for "a cause" to justify their pathetic existence, that they don't have the slightest clue what they are fighting for.
There are a lot of honest businesses on wallsteet that operate within their rights and create 1000's of jobs for American citizens.
If these trust fund wannabe hippy dip shits had half a brain in there numb fucking skulls they would protesting the government official with their hands in the cookie jar allowing all the foul play to happen in the first place.
Go America!!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Sep 2, 2011 @ 3:38pm. Posted in Sagging pants and other wack fashion trends.
Coolness: 84005
At least nobody is tucking one pant leg it there sock anymore...
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Sep 1, 2011 @ 12:58pm. Posted in SONY MDR-7509HD vs PIONEER HDJ-2000 vs ALLEN & HEATH XONE: XD-53.
Coolness: 84005
After trying out the demo pair at Moog I'd be kinda weary about dropping 300$ on the pioneers...
While they did have a wider feeling sound stage than the sens that I picked up, they sounded kinda crusty like they were overdriven and blew out... While I understand that this was a demo pair that I tried that probably got beaten up in the store and abused, I feel that it says something about the longevity of the product and pioneer already has a pretty horrible reputation for both drivers and joints breaking and the parts are not user replaceable (aside from the cable).
I'm not Gunna tell you what to buy, but I'd recommend you try a bunch of others out before buying because A&H, senhieser and audio technica are all making comparable products with lower price tags.
I was actually very surprised to have tried a pair of audio technica's that blew away the pioneers for 100 bucks less...
Not sure the model number though, but they were all black and had a big logo type emblem on the side of the can.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Mon Aug 29, 2011 @ 12:28am. Posted in SONY MDR-7509HD vs PIONEER HDJ-2000 vs ALLEN & HEATH XONE: XD-53.
Coolness: 84005
Melo must have a HUGE HEAD!!
I tried the XD 53's and even on the smallest size the ear cups hung WAY below my ears.
too bad though cuz they sounded pretty good.
I tried those pioneers and was actually a little dissapointed.
maybe it's because I tried a rather abused demo pair, but they sounded on par with the A&H's at best...
anyway headphones are pretty subjective anyway.
I went with HD-25's in the end, and WOW they are the best headphone ever!!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed Aug 24, 2011 @ 7:51pm. Posted in SONY MDR-7509HD vs PIONEER HDJ-2000 vs ALLEN & HEATH XONE: XD-53.
Coolness: 84005
K... Now I'm buying headphones!!
I'm lookin' at the HD-25's the A&H's, the ultrasone DJ-1 pro and nuclear's new pioneers have peaked my interest (despite being butt ugly).
I'm trying to keep the cost under $250 and I'd prefer to buy em from Moog (Cuz I got a gift certificate for my bird day).
I'm definately gunna test drive em all, but what do you guys think?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Aug 19, 2011 @ 9:04am. Posted in Demonoid help..
Coolness: 84005
I'm in the same boat...
A few nights ago the site turned into a trash can with popups and page forwards and creepy voices screaming at you.
I can't log in.
The password retrieval sent me a new one, but it won't work?
If anybody has an invite please send to digitalfunk59@hotmail.com.
It's a shame if this is what demonoid users have to look forward to if the want to keep using...
I need my opie and Anthony fix and can't get the torrents!!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Mon Aug 15, 2011 @ 6:41pm. Posted in good mp3 players that can also record DJ sets?.
Coolness: 84005
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
iPod's have the voice memos app... as far as getting a good quality recording of your mix is concerned, you'll need a personal recorder or a laptop

I think there is actually a few ipod/ iphone aps that can record wav's that can use the earphone jack as an input. not sure how great the quality is, and your definately limited by the storage space you have available.

I'd do a little more rasearch before buying a minidisk though... as it is a lossy format and many of the older model are riddled with copyright protection that will make it a serious pain in the ass to get on your computer. I believe sony later removed the copyright protection on later models after these things started getting killed off by mp3 players.

not to mention you need to buy mini disks...
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Mon Aug 15, 2011 @ 6:14pm. Posted in Totem.
Coolness: 84005
I wanted to throw myself in front of the metro on the way to work today...
In other words, the party was great!!

*kisses your forehead and whispers into your ear "The White-throated Sparrows will sing at night if the moon is full"*
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Aug 12, 2011 @ 12:42pm. Posted in good mp3 players that can also record DJ sets?.
Coolness: 84005
Im pretty sure there are iPod apps that can do this...
Best bet is probably A zoom handy recorder though.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed Aug 10, 2011 @ 8:55am. Posted in SONY MDR-7509HD vs PIONEER HDJ-2000 vs ALLEN & HEATH XONE: XD-53.
Coolness: 84005
I stand corrected...
I was referring to the 1000's.

@ recoil... Where did you get your HD25's?

Moog doesn't seem to have them anymore???
And the blue ones are the limited edition Adidas model.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Mon Aug 8, 2011 @ 5:23pm. Posted in SONY MDR-7509HD vs PIONEER HDJ-2000 vs ALLEN & HEATH XONE: XD-53.
Coolness: 84005
The pioneers sound great, but the plastic that holds the earpiece breaks really fucking easy.
I haven't tried the sony's, but I'm in the market for some new cans myself, and I've got my eye on the Allen & heaths or the senhieser HD-25 II cuz they look pretty fucking dope...
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Mon Aug 8, 2011 @ 5:15pm. Posted in PC Case.
Coolness: 84005
Every PC case I've ever bought had a power supply that shit out on me...
MURDOCK_ROCK's Profile - Community Messages