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» fishead replied on Sat May 22, 2004 @ 8:47pm. Posted in Birth Control....
Coolness: 75810
nothing says lovin' like knockin' up yer cousin.
» fishead replied on Sat May 22, 2004 @ 3:27pm. Posted in Birth Control....
Coolness: 75810
"You can take it in the butt! So what, you'll still be a virgin, Mary!"
» fishead replied on Sat May 22, 2004 @ 3:26pm. Posted in DJs wanted for a HARDER event.
Coolness: 75810
I nominate Merzbow's Electro-knots single (from the Music For Bondage Performance series) for the hard ambient category... although it's more of dense and suffocating ambient...

The New Order by Whitehouse is a good one, too... calm and relaxing with an explosion of epic proportions in the middle.... Stockhausen probably qualifies as well...
» fishead replied on Sat May 22, 2004 @ 3:22pm. Posted in Level 4 Productions present School 05.22.
Coolness: 75810
I once played a punk club wearing only a pair of hot pink, floral print bikini bottoms... there are photos somewhere.

I've been playing around with records and trying to decide on a direction... looks like it'll be a hardtechno-cockrock-disco-synthpop-hiphop-house sort of thing with glitchy sort of bits.

expect double copies of just about everything including bootleg mixes of Queen, Eminem, NWA, Technotronic and, of course, AC/DC.
» fishead replied on Sat May 22, 2004 @ 1:09pm. Posted in speedcore labels?.
Coolness: 75810
he was playing classic speedcore and black metal a couple of months back... Dimmu Borgir in amongst old IS and Kotzaak stuff.

It's been a long-ass time since I listened to Buried Alive... I played the shit out of that track when it came out in '95... used to mix it with High Is On LSD from one of the early New York Terrorist records that Oh-Oh-Omar Santana put out.

not really related - but have any of y'all heard the old 80s stuff that Lenny Dee and Omar Santana had a hand in? I've got remixes that Santana did for Book Of Love in mid 80's... and if you read liner notes carefully you'll see that Lenny Dee took care of the breakbeats on KLF's What Time Is Love.
» fishead replied on Sat May 22, 2004 @ 10:30am. Posted in speedcore labels?.
Coolness: 75810
Manhunt used one of the tracks from an Aftermath record.... Aftermath being a collaboration between Ryan Leeman (Embolism) and Fritz Cardozo.

A handful of tracks from Fist 01-03 show up on the Industrial Strength releases (ie: Shaftman, Bitch, We've Got The Balls)...

At any rate - I think we can agree that Bloody Fist hasn't been doing speedcore for a while - if the best examples of it are records that were released more 7+ years back... and I initially got the feeling that this thread was geared more towards labels that are still going... and right now there doesn't seem to be much of that around...

Looking forward to hearing Drop Bass Network 66.6, which is new Delta 9 material. When I played a show with him in NYC back in March he was telling me that it's going back to his roots.
» fishead replied on Sat May 22, 2004 @ 10:14am. Posted in Level 4 Productions present School 05.22.
Coolness: 75810
I still need to see that... but I've got a 2cd set of that show... have I ever told y'all how happy I am that 180 gram re-issues of the AC/DC back catalog came out this year? Amazing.

Anyhow... School is tonight, folks... be prepared to enter a world stranger than you have ever imagined.

"Ain't it a shame? To be shot down in flames!"
» fishead replied on Fri May 21, 2004 @ 9:52pm. Posted in speedcore labels?.
Coolness: 75810
how much of the early Bloody Fist stuff have you heard - 'cause Bloody Fist 04 (Embolism - This Means Fucking War!) and Bloody Fist 08 (Hedonist) are about as close to straight up speedcore as it gets (Fist 04 includes the classic Multiple Orgasms)...
» fishead replied on Fri May 21, 2004 @ 8:18pm. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 75810
the only reason I'd say it was better in the past is because there was a point when people had to keep an ear to the ground to find out about shows... and the people that showed up were mostly people that really wanted to be there.

When people started stuffing flyers under windshield wipers they opened it up to a wider audience (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), but sometimes I wonder if it was the right audience.

As for the drugs issue... it's good to have fun exploring, but it's not-so-good when your fun becomes dependent on it.
» fishead replied on Fri May 21, 2004 @ 8:11pm. Posted in Birth Control....
Coolness: 75810
more people should do what I do... become a hardcore dj... girls don't find that sexy at all.
» fishead replied on Fri May 21, 2004 @ 6:11pm. Posted in Level 4 Productions present School 05.22.
Coolness: 75810
I can get my hands on soooo much satanic metal on vinyl... it's not even funny... I should get some Burzum, Marduk, Mayhem and such...

Most of Priest's Defenders Of The Faith album was click tracked (with the exception of the solos)... Heavy Duty/Defenders Of The Faith will ride over drum'n'bass... it's a nice mix. Love Bites works well with techno or house... the killer is Turbo Lover (from the Turbo album) which is loaded up with synth sounds and is in the 150bpm range.
» fishead replied on Fri May 21, 2004 @ 7:31am. Posted in speedcore labels?.
Coolness: 75810
Bloody Fist has been on more of a drum'n'bass tip for the last few years... The old Embolism records were crazy fast, but they've brought down the tempos a lot... crews like CSR ( [ www.speedcore.ca ] ) are keeping the flame alive, but I'm not sure how many strictly speedcore labels are still around.

Check out Perdition, FCK, dev/null's record release on Violent Turd... and older material on labels like Brutal Chud, Fischkopf (in particular Amiga Shock Force and Burning Lazy Persons), Industrial Strength (DOA, FUHD, Industrial Terror Squad, Suicide Squad, Nasenbluten)... and, of course, the obvious Speedcore label out of Germany (part of Martin 'Speedfreak' Damm's family of labels).
» fishead replied on Fri May 21, 2004 @ 7:23am. Posted in Level 4 Productions present School 05.22.
Coolness: 75810
If they play trance then I'll lead with Judas Priest.... and if you don't believe that, then you've got another thing comin'.
» fishead replied on Fri May 21, 2004 @ 7:18am. Posted in travel ideas?.
Coolness: 75810
Everybody I know who's been to Prague says that it owns.
» fishead replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 11:24pm. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 75810
drugs have been a stigma of the rave scene since the early days... which is pretty lame, but the media tends to gravitate towards the more sensationalist angles of everything.
» fishead replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 11:22pm. Posted in Horror Movies.
Coolness: 75810
Revok ( [ www.revok.com ] ) used to have one... but it doesn't look like they do anymore... there are, however, a lot of sites that come up if you run a search on Leatherface Workprint - none, however, are places I've dealth with - and all their workprints seem to carry different lengths.

Revok does, however, have some amazing stuff listed in their catalog and it's worth taking a look at.
» fishead replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 9:16pm. Posted in Horror Movies.
Coolness: 75810
THe Thing was probably the last truly classic film that Carpenter did. Halloween and Assault On Precinct 13 being earlier examples of that period.

I like how the original Thing is playing on tv in Halloween... unfortunately Carpenter kind of took a nose dive after that... Christine and They Live are passable - but certainly not as good...

The Leatherface dvd is the unrated cut, which is still almost an hour shorter than the workprint... btw - the big black dude is Ken Foree from Dawn Of The Dead...
» fishead replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 7:50pm. Posted in Horror Movies.
Coolness: 75810
I thought Leatherface used a sledge hammer in the original TCM - the smaller hammer is used later on by the grandfather when they've got Sally's head over the metal bucket. The key bit in that sequence is the shots of her eyes... great stuff.

Texas Chainsaw 4 wasn't that bad... I've actually liked all of them... I just wish they'd do a proper cut of Leatherface because there's some good stuff in the 2+ hour workprint version that's been floating around for years.

Anyhow... horror movies have never really scared me... If you're looking for something disturbing you're better off pulling out stuff like Last House On Dead End Street or In A Glass Cage... or any number of fucked up films about atrocities (ie: Man Behind The Sun, Salo)...
» fishead replied on Thu May 20, 2004 @ 6:58am. Posted in too legit to quit?.
Coolness: 75810
» fishead replied on Wed May 19, 2004 @ 7:18pm. Posted in Level 4 Productions present School 05.22.
Coolness: 75810
I missed Ghetto Blast - but caught Eyedea & Abilities at Sala Rosa... Abilities has some pretty crazy tricks up his sleeve.
» fishead replied on Tue May 18, 2004 @ 6:25pm. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 75810
I played gigs with some of the Vinyl Syndicate guys... I remember playing right after Slip'n'Slide at this party called Primal. They seemed offended with I mixed I Want Your Sex by George Micheal into their last track as soon as they stepped away from the decks.

Troy Geary is the real DJ Slip - always has been - always will be.
» fishead replied on Tue May 18, 2004 @ 6:41am. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 75810
I've got a whole bunch of tapes that Out Of Bound sent me (probably in '95 or '96)... as well as mixes by Bliss and Gnat from the same period.

Last I heard Gnat had moved to Toronto and was working as a lawyer...
» fishead replied on Sun May 16, 2004 @ 2:23am. Posted in Level 4 Productions present School 05.22.
Coolness: 75810
ask me for a demonstration next weekend...
» fishead replied on Sat May 15, 2004 @ 6:20pm. Posted in Level 4 Productions present School 05.22.
Coolness: 75810
mmmm.... moustache rides.
» fishead replied on Sat May 15, 2004 @ 11:29am. Posted in Level 4 Productions present School 05.22.
Coolness: 75810
don't joke about spam in the ass... it makes me nostalgic for those long ago days of Even Furthur '99 when Meat was still in action (peep the not work safe gallery here - [ www.lowres.com ] )
» fishead replied on Sat May 15, 2004 @ 11:24am. Posted in Horror Movies.
Coolness: 75810
I never saw Event Horizon... for some reason I think I always muddled it up with Sphere, which had a similar looking case - as I recall.
» fishead replied on Sat May 15, 2004 @ 11:22am. Posted in Who thinks he's ugly?.
Coolness: 75810
y'all probably don't want me to try and explain how fishead evolved from bananafishbones.
» fishead replied on Fri May 14, 2004 @ 4:34am. Posted in Who thinks he's ugly?.
Coolness: 75810
that's really me... although it's also a long ass time ago...
» fishead replied on Fri May 14, 2004 @ 3:09am. Posted in Who thinks he's ugly?.
Coolness: 75810
once upon a time... this was the me.

[ fishead.gabber.org ]

let the mockery commence.
» fishead replied on Fri May 14, 2004 @ 2:58am. Posted in Horror Movies.
Coolness: 75810
remakes are usually the bunghole...

and ya'll should see Alucarda. That movie owns. Satan possessed lesbian orphans at a boarding school run by nuns. Incredible. It's also called Sisters Of Satan, Innocence From Hell and Mark Of The Devil III.

btw - sexual tension in Jeepers Creepers... as you said - they're brother and sister. That's enough to give me wood!! Beyond that, though... the director doesn't like girls. They make him go the limp, apparently. He's all about the young boys. He's the same guy who made Powder and ran into trouble for having too many boys-in-the-shower scenes when it was revealed that he's a card carrying member of NAMBLA.
» fishead replied on Thu May 13, 2004 @ 4:15am. Posted in Horror Movies.
Coolness: 75810
pretty much any of Argento's stuff... but especially Profondo Rosso, Suspiria and Opera
The Beyond (Fulci)
Cannibal Holocaust (Deodato)
Black Sunday (Bava)
Texas Chainsaw (Hooper)
Evil Dead (Raimi)
Carrie (DePalma)
Dead trilogy (Romero)
Carnival Of Souls (Harvey)
Society (Yuzna)

fuck it... there are too many...

weird asian shit like Organ, Evil Dead Trap, Ebola Syndrome

Jeepers Creepers is really funny/creepy when you think about the fact that the director is a convicted child molester everytime there's a blatantly fetished shot of the guy's stomach...
» fishead replied on Tue May 11, 2004 @ 7:39am. Posted in Level 4 Productions present School 05.22.
Coolness: 75810
bullet bukake
» fishead replied on Mon May 10, 2004 @ 10:54pm. Posted in jungle, dancehall, idm hardcore.
Coolness: 75810
I'm like... all quoted and shit... in that ragga-jungle thread... weird. Those quotes are from a thread on the [ hardcoretechno.ca ] board.

The funnier part is that I scored a copy of Sub/Version 001 this weekend - as well as stuff on Phantomnoise, DigitalHut, Bloc 46 and Ambush... mmm...

Louisville, KY was awesome. Played a show for the Fear Records crew and picked up some mighty fine bourbon.
» fishead replied on Fri May 7, 2004 @ 12:06am. Posted in CockTock.
Coolness: 75810
if you take a map of Canada and you grab hold of BC like it's a big ol' ass cheek... and you grab hold of newfieland like it's the other big ol' ass cheek... and you poke your finger right about where you'd expect the bunghole to be...

you'll find yourself pointing at Winnipeg. Go ahead, try it. It's the truth.
» fishead replied on Thu May 6, 2004 @ 11:59pm. Posted in CockTock.
Coolness: 75810
I lived in Winnipeg most of my life... all my friends were either huffing lysol or drinking pee.

Thankfully I left that shithole.
» fishead replied on Thu May 6, 2004 @ 7:36pm. Posted in CockTock.
Coolness: 75810
I remember this jock telling me about one of the 'initiation rites' for freshmen on the football team. They have a big party, buy them about 3 cases of beer, and fill up the fridge... except there would be about six bottles filled with piss - stuck at the back of the fridge so that by the time the kids got to 'em they'd be drunk and the piss would be cold.
» fishead replied on Wed May 5, 2004 @ 7:49pm. Posted in CockTock.
Coolness: 75810
the thing is, *Country~Boy - you drink your pee once and... that's ok. You were curious.

...but if you drink your pee twice. Then you'll forever be a guy who drinks pee.
» fishead replied on Wed May 5, 2004 @ 5:34am. Posted in CockTock.
Coolness: 75810
I live in town - but I don't pee on or play with boys. I'm very happy with my own penis, and I'm not looking for another one.

but yeah... said ex-gf told me that having her ex-husband pee on her clit was awesome because boys can aim and vary the flow - like a shower head that knows how to tease you.

I'm not trying to sell any of y'all on this, btw.
» fishead replied on Wed May 5, 2004 @ 5:29am. Posted in must see.
Coolness: 75810
this one was always a favourite of mine... a friend of mine once checked it at work after I made it very clear to him that it was not worksafe - [ www.winternet.com ]

They also have a page dedicated to "the good shit" - [ www.winternet.com ]
» fishead replied on Wed May 5, 2004 @ 5:24am. Posted in Level 4 Productions present School 05.22.
Coolness: 75810
*whisper*pass me your gun - I'll hide it in my flight case and give it to you inside*whisper*
fishead's Profile - Community Messages