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Absurd's Profile - Community Messages
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» Absurd replied on Mon Mar 10, 2008 @ 2:43am. Posted in Sexy or Scary?.
Coolness: 33300
Wow... she gave me hope in redhead girl!
I bet she can twirl a cherry !
» Absurd replied on Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 2:44pm. Posted in What ever happened to the Dee3e fan club?.
Coolness: 33300

Yes. Then I pee on them.
And also menstruate on them.

Oh gawd! A big flashback from a book where a guy drank the blood from the woman mentruation.. hum.. a good vision to have when I was 14 year old :)
» Absurd replied on Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 2:06pm. Posted in i would kill for this right now..
Coolness: 33300
I'll use 6k to build myself the perfect bed.
The other 10k will be used into various drugs to experiment the perfect bed ;)
» Absurd replied on Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 1:58pm. Posted in Breakin' and poppin.
Coolness: 33300
How come ebay don't have tons of this! :O
» Absurd replied on Wed Feb 13, 2008 @ 5:00pm. Posted in Just Accept It.
Coolness: 33300
so all that anthropology taught me about the fact that race don't exist in human population is false? :(
We are all human, I can go on and mate with every woman on earth and it should come out in the end with and healthy baby.
Race is : A chimpanzee and a gorilla mate together = WRONG! Satan will breed out of this union.

You talk about : naturaly selected to die..
If it was all naturel, they would have been left alone and would be able to live in union with their environnement. It's a cultural selection your trying to made.

L'ethnocentrisme =a son meilleur!
( ne plus aller ici pendant un cours , note a moi meme :) )
» Absurd replied on Mon Feb 4, 2008 @ 12:19am. Posted in RAvE r US 2.
Coolness: 33300
J'aurais du y aller et écouter ma conscience..
» Absurd replied on Sun Feb 3, 2008 @ 1:37pm. Posted in I search for sinstar games on ps2.
Coolness: 33300
[ search.ebay.ca ]

;) You can save near 50% with some deal there.
» Absurd replied on Thu Jan 31, 2008 @ 8:48pm. Posted in what the hell is this?.
Coolness: 33300
I know where I'll be next saturday!
» Absurd replied on Thu Jan 31, 2008 @ 4:18pm. Posted in Best Poutine in the City??.
Coolness: 33300
Screw the restaurant, I make my own. Best damn poutine ever!
» Absurd replied on Thu Jan 31, 2008 @ 4:17pm. Posted in Have you noticed?.
Coolness: 33300
Does it work with small pocket mirror too?
» Absurd replied on Sat Jan 19, 2008 @ 5:10pm. Posted in London Underground Party Pills.
Coolness: 33300
Je l'ai pas encore essayé la smiley, faut croire que je suis souriant à rien ;)
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 18, 2008 @ 10:40pm. Posted in How to Party Sober.
Coolness: 33300
Slap yourself in the face a couple of time.
Not only you will stay awake.
But you will get cute little red cheek :)
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 18, 2008 @ 9:10pm. Posted in Leprechauns exist!.
Coolness: 33300
» Absurd replied on Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 12:10am. Posted in London Underground Party Pills.
Coolness: 33300
Je prend note pour prendre un truc plus fort la prochaine fois, la smyley semblait plus forte. Bref, la Jax, l'effet était tres minime... bref ouais la grosse déception que je retient haha
Mais j'étais bien quand même, l'environnement aide toujours, un gros smile tout la soirée ;)
» Absurd replied on Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 9:28pm. Posted in Le topic de Pérusse.
Coolness: 33300
C'était un ptit chiuahua qui allait d'une a l'autre...
» Absurd replied on Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 7:20pm. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 33300
Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music. --Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989
» Absurd replied on Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 11:57am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 33300
The torch!
» Absurd replied on Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 11:56am. Posted in The New Rave.
Coolness: 33300
Ils étaient planqué ou? :o
» Absurd replied on Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 11:55am. Posted in Invader Ziiiiiiiiiiiiim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 33300

:) Love at first sight for me
» Absurd replied on Mon Jan 14, 2008 @ 12:27am. Posted in The New Rave.
Coolness: 33300
Je me suis amusé, rencontré des gens très intéressant, j'ai pas danser autant que je voulais par contre, raison de santé :/ . Très belle soirée! J'avais pas eu aussi chaud depuis un bon bout ;) Parti plus tôt que prévu, reconduire quelqu'un qui dormait debout.
DrGonze : I think I've danced in the circle for a moment, turning toward a friend, then I noticed I wasn't alone looking this way... ankward moment.
» Absurd replied on Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 8:44pm. Posted in London Underground Party Pills.
Coolness: 33300
C'est comme le contraire du fast-food avec le produit qui t'incite à avaler d'avantage... c'est beau la vie.

Update » Absurd wrote on Mon Jan 14, 2008 @ 12:20am
Bon, court résumé de mon essai de la Jax.
C'est une pillule qui se veut reproduire les effets de la E tout en donnant un peu d'énergie. J'ai prit les deux dans ma soirée.
L'effet à été plus long que je pensais avant d'embarquer, prochaine fois je penserai de m'y prendre d'avance. Le côté sensoriel était très faible, parfois je me demandais si c'était pas l'effet placebo ou non. Le côté energy était correct pour danser. Mais le gros désavantage viens que ça venait par vague, je passais de vouloir danser jusqu'à vouloir m'assoeir et discuter. Bref, un mélange des trips des deux pillules sur laquelle la JAx est basé.

Comme certain l'ont déjà mentionné, ça te travaille beaucoup dans le ventre, c'était très suportable pour moi. Mais c'était étrange, comme avoir faim, sans vraiment vouloir manger. Pour le sommeil, j'ai eu aucune difficulté à m'endormir. Et le lendemain : WOW! J'étais en pleine forme. C'est le gros point positif. Également, on ressent la fatigue dans ses muscles, c'est pas comme le speed où tu danses sans remarquer que tes muscles brulent. Pas danser autant que je l'aurait voulu!

Est-ce que j'en referais? Oui sans doute, dans une soirée où il y a amplement de place pour se reposer. Bref, j'aurais préféré un truc un peu plus énergique, il y a d'autre pills axé la desus, je les analyserai un jour. Mais pour un autre type de soirée avec moins de dance = soirée idéale.
Est-ce que je préfère les pills non légale? Dans un sens oui, parce que c'est plus intense... mais bon

Voilà ce "court" résumé. Tenté d'être le plus honnête possible.
Update » Absurd wrote on Mon Jan 14, 2008 @ 12:21am
Également : Jax c'est inscrit : Extra strengh, je me demande c'est quoi l'effet des petites pills ;)
» Absurd replied on Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 8:30pm. Posted in London Underground Party Pills.
Coolness: 33300
Bon à savoir, j'ai l'habitude de me claquer 2 tynenol avant de me coucher!
» Absurd replied on Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 6:26pm. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 33300
- DOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!! Doom doom doom doom!


Indeed, a very good show! :)
» Absurd replied on Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 6:25pm. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 33300

Red pill or Blue Pill neo?
» Absurd replied on Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 1:16pm. Posted in the quote/sentence of the day.
Coolness: 33300
"L'absurde, c'est la raison lucide qui constate ses limites"
» Absurd replied on Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 12:48pm. Posted in London Underground Party Pills.
Coolness: 33300
C'est commun du monde qui abusent de l'alcool en prennant des grosses prescriptions : Hellloooo? Il y a quelqu'un dans ta tête? Résultat : Coma ou malade comme ça pas d'allure :)
Lisez les étiquettes et les mesures à suivre. Si un produit modifie ton système, même si c'est légal, faut se surveiller.

Même les tynenol ont une mesure de protection.... haha
» Absurd replied on Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 12:38pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 33300
Must be running on a 56k!

^^^^^ And that's how albinos rabbit are made, with their red eye... staring at me... 0.O
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 7:49pm. Posted in People saying the rave Since is Dieing..
Coolness: 33300
Okay, I admit, I checked the main page just after the photo...
But still : Hahahaha
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 7:46pm. Posted in London Underground Party Pills.
Coolness: 33300
Première fois des alternatives oui, je pensais y aller au feeling, et voir comment je me sens ;)
Et merci pour le conseil, je verrais pour la smiley en voyant ce qui reste demain ! Elle semble un bon middle range des deux mondes ;)
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 6:31pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 33300
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 5:18pm. Posted in London Underground Party Pills.
Coolness: 33300
Pensais peut-être me lancer dans les alternatives samedi soir. J'hésite entre la Jax et la XXX pour avoir un premier feeling. Je vous donne le résultat dimanche, lundi si c'Est pas positif ;)

Si le psychaunaut en vend toujours demain... j'aime être à l'avance ça pas d'allure :)
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 4:29pm. Posted in online geography test.
Coolness: 33300
FOund the solution, found a small software which zoom where you point, really handy to get precise pinpoint :)
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 4:22pm. Posted in J'aime pas cette représentation..
Coolness: 33300
Same here, I've worked with too many abused children to make me appreciate. Even If I didn,t.. why would I appreciate?

J'ai rien d'autre à dire la deçu vraiment.

Let's talk about slinky and how's it's changed our life? ( see what I did there? inconspicuously )
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 1:17pm. Posted in Things To Say That Won't Get You Elected.
Coolness: 33300
Vote for me and I WILL NOT unleash the neo-virus I got stashed in the four corner of the country!
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 1:14pm. Posted in Yoda and Vader to appear in Soul Calibur IV.
Coolness: 33300
I was hoping on waving my wiimote like a saber for a moment..
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 1:09pm. Posted in Date Fuck Or Pass.
Coolness: 33300
Drunk date, can't get them otherwise :( ... :P
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 12:56pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 33300
Archive - Again

Update » Absurd wrote on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 1:18pm
Shindy : Kamelot, je veut l'écouter depuis 2 mois, mais toujours pas réussi à pogner l'émission!
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 12:45pm. Posted in Glow in the dark CATS.
Coolness: 33300
Wasn't this shown in the glowing clubber topic? Anyway it's still freaky.
I mean, think of the possibility if we could do it to human. And I'm not just thinking about glowing.

It will be Gataca all over again!
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 1:14am. Posted in last to post...here!.
Coolness: 33300
Let's have a little talk about tweetle beetles....

What do you know about tweetle beetles? Well...

When tweetle beetles fight,
it's called a tweetle beetle battle.

And when they battle in a puddle,
it's a tweetle beetle puddle battle.

AND when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle,
they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle.


When beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle
and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle...
...they call this a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle.


When beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles
and the bottle's on a poodle and the poodle's eating noodles...
...they call this a muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle
bottle paddle battle.


Now wait a minute, Mr. Socks Fox!

When a fox is in the bottle where the tweetle beetles battle
with their paddles in a puddle on a noodle-eating poodle,
THIS is what they call...

...a tweetle beetle noodle poodle bottled paddled
muddled duddled fuddled wuddled fox in socks, sir!

Fox in socks, our game is done, sir.
Thank you for a lot of fun, sir.
» Absurd replied on Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 1:07am. Posted in International DJ's vs. Local Talent.
Coolness: 33300
Still... the local banana would be in a poor state.. I mean... it's winter here and all...

Subject at hand : I think breathe gave all the thing we need to consider in question.
Absurd's Profile - Community Messages