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Title:Ravers are depraved. (???!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Posted On:2008-01-16 13:31:11
Posted By:» Horus
I recently saw someone post about how Ravers are "depraved"... This person means to be a "real raver" somehow... Where in PLUR do we see depravity? Pleasure, yes. But depravity? PLUR does not mean "Orgy"... Or anything like that... Some people are clearly misguided, no?

Raves were ever meant to be a celebration of LOVE. If there is something that is anti-depravity, love would be it. Remember, love yourself, love others, that leads to NOT degrading yourself, not becoming depraved... Ah, but that path is so narrow, it is much easier to just fall into debauchery, no?
Miembro Comentarios
» Horus dicho @ Tue Jan 22, 2008 @ 6:38pm
I don't think raves were ever initially meant to be about dj's at all. Music, well, has always been an accessory to the people movement it was, IMO.
» Turtle dicho @ Tue Jan 22, 2008 @ 1:43pm
Raves a celebration of loe wtf??? celebartion of music, dj's and people .....The last time i checked.....