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nomadwave's Perfil
» nomadwave
a.k.a. "Nomad Wave"

37 edad tauro hombre
De Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Última vista:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Perfil visto:1,434
Sitio web:[ www.nomadwave.org ]
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No Friends!
Recientes mood
He's Moodless!
Ultimos eventos frecuentados [ Todos 1 ]
2011-01-28-Le Groove De La Terre (7)
Adiciones del sitio
1 Eventos agregados
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Nomad Wave is a label from Montrèal Quebec with mexican roots.

Nomad Wave is developing a musical ideology based on one of the oldest forms of life: nomadism.
Its ideology is to search and musical-cultural collection to develop new work without predetermined parameters, avoiding thus a sedentary lifestyle to one genre.

Nomad Wave is the synthesis of musical ideas in expand like every wave, the goal this community of
artists is keep moving in the music media. Due of their nomadic nature exist in them the necessity from change.
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