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DjEnejrex's Perfil
» DjEnejrex
a.k.a. "Yuri Zak"

37 edad leo. hombre
De Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Última vista:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Perfil visto:770
Sitio web:[ www.djenerjex.com ]
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Yuri Zak A.k.A DJ Enerjex was born in Ukraine in 1986.He moved to Israel when he was 3 years old, where started listening to Psychedelic Trance in the age of 15. He was influenced by popular artists such as Talamasca, Logicboomb,X-dream ,G.M.S ,Tim shults, , Astral projection .In the age of 19 started also producing psytrance Music and orgenizing parties around toronto himself. now when he is 23 years old he is a Dj for 8 years he plays the vibes of vibe tribe, raja ram bizarre contact, electro sun ,holyman ultravoise ,Ananda shake,dna,Delysid,Trymbaka ,toxic ,meta,menog,slug,digital talk and more full on trance music .Dj Enerjex know for his accurate mixing and full energy Music that goes between 140-150 BMP majorly in fullon (night/morning) Psytrance. Dj,promoter and apart of new formed group named Upbeat Connection, sound engineer in the international academy of design and technology Toronto .
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