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R.i.p Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 12:42am
Coolness: 145180
ahhhh bin laden, he died like he lived, without anything ever being substantiated or proven about him.

it's just the way we like him...
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» databoy replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 12:43am
Coolness: 106095
I'm feeling shiraz right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» M-A-X replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 12:42pm
Coolness: 121615
Originally Posted By DZZZ

Any facts to back up your hypothesis or are you just going to keep undermining everyone else for having a different opinion than you?

Not saying what I believe either way, just saying that you're being a little hypocritical in calling someone biased when you are just as biased in the other direction.

hahaha, well said! I guess STRIK_IX will be a good dictator...

No, you are wrong mister Strik. You base your arguments on dogmatism, prejudices, stereotypes and lets not talk about your lack of knowledge in the matter (AKA canadian military) which lead you even more in the wrong way. You dont think, you dont ratiocinate, you only see the point of view you want to see, without checking both sides of the medal. Like dzzz said, you are using the same `Thinking` system of the ones you hate the most and I agree with that observation.

For your info, we dont have a 5% bonus if we vote conservative. I dont give a shit about my paycheck, it's not the reason I joined and I dont care who sign it. Nothing of this have influence in my life or my decisions. It's like the story with the FTQ, some people thought that they were voting for the Bloc only, all bias about the paycheck...election proved this statement wrong(duh).

Yes, we will never know what really happened until it's declassified, for that point I agree with you.
I'm feeling douchebaghistan right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MolocH replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 12:56pm
Coolness: 226255
Max: Woa...

OUblies pas deux affaires.

Primo: En tant que militaire, tes chefs, c'est nous, les voteurs.
Secundo: T pas payé pour penser, t paye pour manger des balles.
Oublie le pas, pis checkes ton cul au lieux de jouer au prix Nobel.
I'm feeling wicked right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AlienZeD replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 1:15pm
Coolness: 509540
but who's to say the declassified documents will be more or less accurate then any other information... I really see no reason for the US to lie about this, why lie? why now?
So he's dead, it's not that big a deal... get over it.

I especially like people who say he's being dead for a long time now, OMG who fucken cares!! "He couldn't have been killed, he's already dead!" lol
I'm feeling psyfun right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Strik_IX replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 2:21pm
Coolness: 88620
MAX, mon point n'avais rien à voir avec ton choix politique, ça t'appartient et tu votes pour qui tu veux...

Quand je dis "bias", je parle de la question de la présence Canadienne en Afghanistan. Évidemment qu'un militaire qui combat en Afghanistan crois qu'il est là pour une cause juste et bonne. Je ne faisais que dire qu'argumenter avec un militaire sur cette question a de fort risque de ne mener à rien puisque ses ordres sont d'y être.

C'est clair que la desertion est une option, mais les conséquences sont plutôt poches.

Honnêtement, le commentaire sur la dictature, je trouve que tu charries pas mal... Oui j'ai des idées de gauche et j'y tiens vraiment, justement la démocratie en est une.

Anyway, have fun in the desert, votre budget va monter maintenant que la gang de zoufs sont majoritaires. Entre les avions de combat pi un service hospitalier dans lequel on n'attend pas 14 heures pour 3 points de sutures, je prendrais le service hospitalier adéquat.
I'm feeling so many robots! right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» recoil replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 3:40pm
Coolness: 86485
Originally Posted By M-A-X

You need to put yourself in context, that happened 10 years ago, security were not so tight for NORAD. Do you think these guys were ready to shoot an airplane full of civilian under populated area? The processus of decision was slow and the events happened so fast, when they clicked about what was going on, it was too late.

well even if I believed this to be true, which I don't, it's redundant. there's so many other glaring inconsistencies that something is clearly amiss.

no matter who did it, how could such a plot not be detected by the intelligence community? the whole world knows that the Mujahidin (Al Qaeda) were the brainchild of the CIA and Pakistani ISI to defeat the Soviets, and Osama was chosen as a bright charismatic and capable leader for this guerrilla army of Holy Warriors.

the CIA poured money into founding Madrassas in Pakistan - religious schools where children were indoctrinated with violence and the concept of jihad. this is a fact. it's also a fact that these Mujahidin started turning up in other theatres of war, after the Soviet Union collapsed. Bosnia in 1993. Chechnya in 1995.

I believe the Mujahidin were being used by the CIA as a proxy army against the former Communist states, well into the mid-90s.

the official story is that this same proxy army began planning the WTC attack in 1996. well I don't believe that people in Mossad, the CIA and ISI didn't know what was coming. from 1996 - 2001, none of their moles and informers or prisoners they tortured gave them any info about this epic plot? bullshit. some people knew, and they wanted it to go ahead anyway.

another interesting angle that should be explored... the very first victim of 9/11 was this man. Daniel Lewin

this was a very clever guy. he founded a computer software company which made him a billionaire at the age of 30.

apparently he was seated with one hijacker in front and one immediately behind, and, so the story goes, he was the first to die. the first alarm they called in, was that he had been shot by someone seated behind him. this was later changed to him having his throat cut with a box-cutter

a gun blast on a plane would be very loud. how someone can confuse a gun with an exacto blade is a bit odd, to say the least.

so he was the only billionaire to die in the 9/11 attacks... but that's not the only interesting thing about him.

Lewin was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Jerusalem, where he served for four years in the Israel Defence Forces. He was an officer in Sayeret Matkal, an elite and secretive counter-terrorism unit.

so this guy was also a highly-trained Israeli commando. what are the odds that some anti-terrist commando, worth a billion dollars, would be taking a commercial flight, sandwiched between 2 of the hijackers?

and since his expertise was killing terrorists, why then were they able to kill this very dangerous man with box-cutters?

A secret Federal Aviation Administration executive summary, first uncovered by WorldNetDaily, says that al-Suqami, who would have been sitting directly behind Lewin in seat 10B, shot and killed Lewin with a single bullet.

The FAA maintains the high-level report was a mistaken first draft and that Lewin was more than likely stabbed, not shot, along with American Airlines crew members on Flight 11. (Box cutters were allowed that day through airline security, which the FAA regulated, but not guns.)

But a childhood friend who served with Lewin in the Israel Defense Force says only a bullet would have stopped Lewin.

"He'd be more than a match for those skinny little (expletive)," said Brad Rephen, a New York lawyer who grew up with Lewin in Jerusalem. "With his training, he would have killed them with his bare hands."

"I can tell you, their knives would not have stopped him," he added. "He would have taken their knives or their box cutters away and used them against them."
Rephen recalls Lewin's injured hands after he returned from an Israeli anti-terrorist training course.

"They were pretty beaten up from the fighting he did," he said. "He knew how to fight with knives and take knives away from people."

He described Lewin, at about 5-11, 200 pounds, as "thick-boned." He says he witnessed him bench-press more than 300 pounds and squat close to 500 pounds.

"He was very, very strong and had a lot of meat on him," Rephen said. "They couldn't have subdued him by slashing him. The only way they could have stopped him was by shooting him."

so ya. a computer whiz billionaire - who was also a top-secret Israeli anti-terrorist commando - was the first victim of 9/11. he was just unlucky enuff to get seated right between the ringleaders, and they cut throat cut with a box cutter.


lots of unanswered questions.

Originally Posted By M-A-X

Yes, we will never know what really happened until it's declassified

even once they do, you'd be a fool to believe what the declassified documents say. just more smoke and mirrors to trick people into believing they finally know the truth

they're not stupid. they're not gonna leave a paper trail proving they attacked their own people.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Gamos replied on Thu May 5, 2011 @ 7:34pm
Coolness: 93475
I think Osama was Al Queda's emmanuel goldstein, and it took the US 8 years to figure it out. And then another 2 years to figure out that they could kill a fictional character if no one knew he never actually existed.
I'm feeling a overhang right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» M-A-X replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 2:57am
Coolness: 121615
Originally Posted By MOLOCH

Max: Woa...

OUblies pas deux affaires.

Primo: En tant que militaire, tes chefs, c'est nous, les voteurs.
Secundo: T pas payé pour penser, t paye pour manger des balles.
Oublie le pas, pis checkes ton cul au lieux de jouer au prix Nobel.


...Ont est pu en 1980 dude

Very interesting Recoil and I agree. Im very divided on the subject of the 11 sept 01 but O know there's something wrong behind it.

I wish I can add more, probably later. Need to get back to work...
I'm feeling douchebaghistan right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 10:56am
Coolness: 145180
maybe we can finally stop talking about 9/11 truth it was like 10 years ago, let it go, we should just pretend it's true...
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Holly_Golightly replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 12:14pm
Coolness: 158715
military industrial complex.

managed democracy.

inverted totalitarianism.

that's what i think people should really think about.

also many people perceive bin laden and his org. as a threat since 2001 but it's been already many administrations who had fight him. wtc in 1993. tanzania... clinton retaliation.. etc//

yah maybe basdini is right and we should stop argue about that but think about solutions for a more fair, just and safe world for everybody..

but it's hard in nyc for people to forget, majority of my friends were traumatized that day. personally i don't even take subway in rush hours to manhattan or hang out much in time square and places like that because i am way too nervous..

and i don't even really look at those yellow/orange/red alerts or mass medias much bc i will flip out.

and peeps can tell me woah you paranoid blablabla but it happened everywhere in europe.. soon a subway will blow or something of that nature will happens :(...

yeah maybe our politic powers "created" those extremists by administrating an unfair world with way too lil very rich people and way too much poor..

but still the day i'll come face to face with a motherfuckin' extremist who wants to chop chop my head, i'll be happy that a guy like max or a police officer or a firefighter come to my rescue.. anyway.. that doesn't mean i agree with our foreign military policies or even the concept of war culture..

i'm just saying that people should sometimes look at other in a sociological way without cultural relativism and wonder why is this person enrolling or why is this person think that way...
I'm feeling hitched right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Dzzz replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 1:05pm
Coolness: 29800
[ winnipeg.ctv.ca ]

Al Qaeda confirms his death, lets see how far Alex Jones will go to make his theory on how he died in 2001 seem valid..
I'm feeling sleep dep right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Holly_Golightly replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 1:47pm
Coolness: 158715
some infos leaked on wikileaks were concerning this upcoming "mission" and they had to act faster..

also now "some" have new "great" arguments concerning the enhancing interrogations techniques (torture) and the us ghost jails.. bc governements is now saying that's how they got their tips about the couriers etc.. and eventually leaded them to him and his killing..

it's a big ethical dilemma!

what you guys think??? :

if in the eventuality of an imminent bomb somewhere...in your area let say.. would you torture someone if you were sure that person would give you infos and that would save the life of innocents?

like would you have torture timothy mcveigh if it would have permit you to prevent the bombing?

i don't want to stir shitty arguments/keyboard fight.. myself i'm not 100% sure about what to think about it... im just curious about what others have to say... ;)
I'm feeling hitched right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DJ_DTM replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 2:15pm
Coolness: 86835
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» JojoBizarre replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 2:20pm
Coolness: 294955
I'm feeling cool story bro right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DJ_DTM replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 2:26pm
Coolness: 86835
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» flo replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 4:37pm
Coolness: 146305
Originally Posted By DJ_DTM

Nice :)
I'm feeling the flow right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» JojoBizarre replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 4:38pm
Coolness: 294955
Originally Posted By JOJOBIZARRE

I'm feeling cool story bro right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» flo replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 5:14pm
Coolness: 146305
ouain mais spadrole ça :P
I'm feeling the flow right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» v.2-1 replied on Fri May 6, 2011 @ 7:10pm
Coolness: 159100
Originally Posted By DJ_DTM

Even without Jojo's image, I blinked once and saw this was 'shopped immediately ( and a piss poor job at it too ). Plus, you need both hands to hold a newspaper up this way...

... unless they 'shopped his left hand out just to make it look even more realistic. * rolls eyes *
I'm feeling r3c0nf1gur3d right now..
R.i.p Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011)
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