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By » SacreDuPrintemps on Wed Jan 31, 2007
Speak ideals with inebriates and half wits who deal fight and spit in their own social context I’ve stayed weighed down by my bullshit, actionless, day by day I sit, and occasionally steal life with a kiss, a gesture, a fist Rationalize indolence just so I can soak in my indulgence, with a...
Cookie Cutter Consumer Perfection
By » SacreDuPrintemps on Wed Jan 31, 2007
The punk, raver, goth, stoner, skater, rebel, corporate prescribed image dictating your identity, robbing you of creativity, God sobbing over humanity’s sold out entity Wear the right clothes, go to the right shows, take the right drugs, and you, too, can fall into one of the above Adam is a GAP...
Adaptation of W.S. Merwin's "For A Coming Extinction"
By » SacreDuPrintemps on Wed Jan 31, 2007
Beautiful organism As you near the sea floor you’d never touch The sleep you’ll never escape I hope you do not hear A preacher’s cry for a compassion That never reached you Like a man at his deathbed And I by his side I feign something sweet of the moment As if these words do you...
Delicious Suffering
By » SacreDuPrintemps on Wed Jan 31, 2007
My sister’s breasts dragged across bloody cement, like some horrific transfigured mother nature I would go to sleep for months to the music of madness, of screams, and the stench of disease I’m packed in tight like a product, too tight to breathe And I haven’t moved my whole life I dream...
Capitalist Whore
By » SacreDuPrintemps on Wed Jan 31, 2007
I met a man in a nice suit He kept looking at his watch (I think it was Swiss) as he drove 85 on the highway And turned his car into a flaming metallic coffin And no one cried at his funeral
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