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Dj_Psychokitty's Profile - Community Messages
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» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Sat Apr 16, 2005 @ 12:02pm. Posted in Neurotik Party / 16 Avril / TeKnO AddiK.
Coolness: 49010
j'y serai!
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Wed Apr 6, 2005 @ 5:07pm. Posted in Nostalgia @ SAT - 8th of april 2005.
Coolness: 49010
For you Nostalgia lovers, listen to Cité Souterraine at 0h30 (102,3 FM or [ www.radiocentreville.com ] I will have Tipsy T and Mr Vain as guest for a special Nostalgia...
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Sat Apr 2, 2005 @ 10:16am. Posted in inbox problem.
Coolness: 49010
nah, i know that, i mean I REALLY get that message signal for nothing...
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Sat Apr 2, 2005 @ 12:26am. Posted in inbox problem.
Coolness: 49010
i connect to the site, i get this message like everyone telling i have a message..i go read it, i do something else on the net, come back, and it rings again, but this time, there is no new message???
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Fri Apr 1, 2005 @ 11:56pm. Posted in really Bad experince.
Coolness: 49010
okay so here we go for another painful experience...yesterday morning, at metro honore beaugrand, someone tripped and felt by accident and at the same, throw his coffee, directly in my face...Now I am lightly burn on one side, its not that bad, but I tell, this is not a good wake up.. :)
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Thu Mar 31, 2005 @ 7:10pm. Posted in The Fool (le fou)...April 1st, 2005.
Coolness: 49010
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Thu Mar 31, 2005 @ 7:07pm. Posted in to all DJs with Campus Radio shows.
Coolness: 49010
well i guess when i lok around in the studio that Radio centreville is pretty much a community station cause it sucks lol...

Cite Souterraine 102,3 fm
or [ www.radiocentreville.com ] wednesday (thursday night) 0h30..
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 9:43pm. Posted in Une question de valeurs....
Coolness: 49010
J'ai eu une reponse de Doc Savage et je suis bien heureuse de l'issue. Nous nous respectons dans nos choix mutuellement et c est tout. J'espere vraiment que certaines autres personnes sur ce board puissent avoir cette même attitude, c est incoryable le nombre de shit qu on peut lire dans certains thread. :)
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 8:53pm. Posted in Une question de valeurs....
Coolness: 49010
Allo tout le monde..je sais que je n'ai pas a me justifier, mais j'avais ici une question d ethique a soumettre si certains ont envie de me donner leur avis. Voici un message que je viens de faire parvenir a Doc Savage concernant le fait que j'annulais sa visite a mon emission pour Hard as fuck xxx. Je ne cherche pas vraiment le support, mais je vois ici une facon simple et plus discrete de donner mon opinion que sur le discussion board si ca devait devenir une plus grosse histoire que ca devrait..voila! merci

Hello Doc savage.

Just a little word here to tell you that finally, I wont receive you to the radio show on March 30th. It is nothing against you. Just that before this week, I knew there was going to be a party (Hard as fuck xxx) and about which dj were spinning, but since I am very busy with school and all, I do preparations for the show usually a week before. So I just heard this week what the thema was on this party ( I know its late, but I dont read the discussion boards really) and i dont feel comfortable with it, its against my values.

Maybe you wont care, or maybe you will, or maybe someone will answer me like someone did to "polite" who made a comment on your party that I am a stuck up bitch or whatever, but ey, if you do care, let me explain.

First, I dont go anymore in parties for socializing or the way i used to when I was 16 to 20 (get high and stoned, thats it), now I go only for the music, only when there is a good dj that appeals to me. Because I hacve come to hate in parties a lot of things, including teen girl getting so high that any jackass could rape in a corner of a room. exemple. I know not everyone is a jerk and that probably most of the girls there will be safe, but that happens sometimes. And with your theme, you open wide the door to any with-no-good-intention male to understand a no as a yes. To try to abuse of the situation.
Cause you know as I know that you cannot control to whom you have saled those tickets.
And even if you wanted that party to be 18and over, that wont happen. You know as well as I know that there are a lot of minors going to party, especially hardcore party.

And on a more personnal note, I for myself have worked many years in the sex industry, too many years, and that almost killed me, in many ways, on many levels.I know first hand of what this is about, what really happens there. And I dont think this is funny, neither festive, a reason for having fun on that. And pimping and whores is not a sexual life choice. It is abuse, manipulation and a rape of the body and the mind.

I am not agaisnt alternative sex life or choice, but there are place for that, fetichism, echangism, name it, in adult private place with everyone sharing the same values. And I , for myself, dont share those values anymore, but i respect everyone who does as he wish in his bedroom (private party) and I'll do the same in my bedroom with my boyfriend. I dont share it with the world. And while I am talking of this, I am not pointing you there, but the main reason I dotn go on the discussion board, is that every conversations turns back to stupid allusions to sex. Not even serious discussions, but just (lol, sux my dick..hehe I will..) Pathetic. I guess that most of these little girls and boys that speak all the time about sex just dont get some. Or are still virgins. Anyway.

When I invite people to my show, its about the music, about promoting Montreal music life, thats it. If one day you have a project that to which people are attending because of the music, let me know, I'll gladly invite you over again if you are not mad at me. But for now, this is the joy of community radio, I do as I wish and i have to feel good about my guests coming, not being unsure or not at ease.

Thats it, I sincelery hope that you wont hate me for that, and if you do or just think I am stupid, or whatever, well I dont think its stupid to respect my opinions just to please a bunch of people I dont even know.

Have a good party
Please, just assure you everyone will be just safe there
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Tue Mar 8, 2005 @ 2:42pm. Posted in Quebec Connection 102,3 fm.
Coolness: 49010
Wednesday night (thurdays morning), Quebec Connection will be at Cite Souterraine radio show! Listen if you want a chance to win their last released Cd "Bonjour Expo"

» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Mon Feb 28, 2005 @ 3:48pm. Posted in Punk Gtoh Drunk GT ???.
Coolness: 49010
je retourne aux foufs mercredi, en bas, prendre une tite biere entre ma job pis la radio, d autres partants?
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Sat Feb 26, 2005 @ 12:40am. Posted in Punk Gtoh Drunk GT ???.
Coolness: 49010
c etait cool de vous rencontrer, j hais ca juste parler virtuellement a du monde sans savoir qui c est...if i just was a bit more rich and a bit more healthier this week, i would have stay longer, but i promees it will be next time, i have a drunken reputation to hold...
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Fri Feb 25, 2005 @ 11:53am. Posted in Punk Gtoh Drunk GT ???.
Coolness: 49010
Ok Julien, allons noyer notre peine apres tous ces sondages!
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Thu Feb 24, 2005 @ 8:18pm. Posted in What's new.
Coolness: 49010
criss d ordi..c est tu toi qui a appele hier a la radio concernant atari? si oui, desole de pas avoir parle longtemps, j avais plein de bogues en meme temps au studio..mais je suis pas antisociale habituellement
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Thu Feb 24, 2005 @ 8:17pm. Posted in What's new.
Coolness: 49010
ke rakoon, c est tu toi
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Thu Feb 24, 2005 @ 8:17pm. Posted in Punk Gtoh Drunk GT ???.
Coolness: 49010
foufs demain? ca peut etre drole, mais on se retrouve comment vu que je vous connais pas? je finis de travailler a 21h30 au centre ville...
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Wed Feb 23, 2005 @ 12:17pm. Posted in This Saturday, 26th, D.O.D. III @ Velvet.
Coolness: 49010
Dans la nuit de ce mercredi, ecoutez Cite Souterraine au 102,3 fm pour une chance de gagner des billets pour Dance or die 3 ainsi que le pre-party de l'electro avenue, avec Mr animal (Hifx Production) et Mekkadom...
[ rave.ca ]
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Wed Feb 23, 2005 @ 12:16pm. Posted in Dance or Die 3 special@102,3 FM.
Coolness: 49010
Dans la nuit de ce mercredi, ecoutez Cite Souterraine au 102,3 fm pour une chance de gagner des billets pour Dance or die 3 ainsi que le pre-party de l'electro avenue, avec Mr animal (Hifx Production) et Mekkadom...
[ rave.ca ]
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Tue Feb 22, 2005 @ 6:29pm. Posted in What's a goth?.
Coolness: 49010
I could tell you what "goth" means, but I'd have to kill you after...
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Tue Feb 22, 2005 @ 2:25am. Posted in What's new.
Coolness: 49010
pff, j ai vu sur un autre que tu disais avoir un faible sur les candys goths..une candy goths, ca reste une candy..
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Sun Feb 20, 2005 @ 4:51pm. Posted in Tonight Simpsons episode.
Coolness: 49010
I say Selma is a lesbian
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Thu Feb 17, 2005 @ 12:38pm. Posted in What's new.
Coolness: 49010
Merci beaucoup! J'espere que ca deviendra une habitude pour toi, tu peux toujours appeler a la station quand tu as des demandes speciales ou comments ! :D
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Wed Feb 16, 2005 @ 3:41pm. Posted in What's new.
Coolness: 49010
oui, tous les mercredis...le special va finir a 1h30 alors j aurai du temps pour du violent aussi, je vous donnerai un taste de ce que j ecoute habituellement
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Wed Feb 16, 2005 @ 3:40pm. Posted in Hot Goth Galz on Rave.ca.
Coolness: 49010
merci, c est ma seule session de photo qui est pas pire..j en attends d autres bientot parce exemple, en pleine action....de spinner bien sur!
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Wed Feb 16, 2005 @ 12:32pm. Posted in What's new.
Coolness: 49010
oui, on peut l ecouter sur le net a [ www.radiocentreville.com ] ..ce soir specialement, ca commence a 11h30 vu que c est un [ special...ca ] va etre plus smooth ce soir, mais d habitude, c est pas mal plus violent
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Tue Feb 15, 2005 @ 11:27pm. Posted in top 3 Meutal.
Coolness: 49010
pour le metal, je reste classique...
Master of puppet
Number of the beast

...Cruelty and the Beast de cradle garde aussi une place dans mon coeur...

punk, j en ecoute pas vraiment, avant plus, Crass, Subhuman..astheur, si je m imagine a la plage avec une planche de surf en ecoutant ca, je suis pas capable!
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Tue Feb 15, 2005 @ 11:25pm. Posted in Bières !!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 49010
J ai deux facons de boire...quand j ai du cash pis qu en j ai en pas...Unibroue tu peux pas te tromper, mais sinon, je reste dans la Belle Gueule..c est quebecois pis moins cher que de la Labbatt...
je supporte plus le gout du fort comme avant par exemple..vodka canneberge reste un fav

vous avez deja gouté de la biere au scotch? maim, ca goute le chocolat! Yeah, la SAQ est reouverte! t etait temps criss
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Tue Feb 15, 2005 @ 11:23pm. Posted in What's new.
Coolness: 49010
Hola! Presence féminine? Je rote pas pis je pete pas, mais je peux etre tout aussi vulgaire qu'un gars parfois hehe...ou du moins boire autant qu'un gars pis tenir debout plus longtemps!

Blague a part, c est ben le fun ce petit site la [ ] en general, j ai retrouve des potes et ben du materiel pour la radio...c est cool
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Tue Feb 15, 2005 @ 11:19pm. Posted in 102,3 FM I love Neon Special.
Coolness: 49010
juste un petit rappel.and check the next weeks, i will have guest such as Mekkadom, Quebec Connection, and many more to confirm...
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Fri Feb 11, 2005 @ 3:45pm. Posted in Cité Souterraine.
Coolness: 49010
Its starting at 0h30am until [ ...us ] its 2ham but I have the studio until 6h in the morning...
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Fri Feb 11, 2005 @ 2:17pm. Posted in 102,3 FM I love Neon Special.
Coolness: 49010
Cité Souterraine and Tektonik invites you to listen to our special I Love Neon radio show, wednesday night starting from 11h30pm to 2ham.
We'll have special guests, such as DJ Frgid who has prepare a mix just for the occasion, with news, and tickets to win!

For more info about the show:
[ rave.ca ]
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Wed Feb 9, 2005 @ 1:59am. Posted in Cité Souterraine.
Coolness: 49010
Originally posted by DOCSAVAGE...

Looking forward to listening to the show tommorow night!

I am sorry, tomorrow night there is no Cité Souterraine show since I am spinning elsewhere...but Tektonik will be on air longer...
But next week, we have a special I Love Neon :)
» Dj_Psychokitty replied on Wed Feb 9, 2005 @ 1:05am. Posted in Cité Souterraine.
Coolness: 49010
Hello everyone..I dont know most of you and you probably dont know me either so I'll keep it short and simple.
I have a radio show at 102, 3 FM every wednesday night and since I have now the control of the content, I wish to have more guests. So if you are a DJ or have a band and are about to have a special event, party, concert or CD lauching, please feel free ton contact me and we'll see if an appearance on the show or promo could be interesting for the both of us :)
The music style can goes from electro, noise, hardcore, metal, indie, industrial, gothic, Ebm, and synth-pop.

Thank you :)
djpsychokitty@hotmail.com or via this site
Dj_Psychokitty's Profile - Community Messages