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seb333's Perfil
» seb333
a.k.a. "seb"

De Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Última vista:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Perfil visto:1,559
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» Jaimie_Dee dicho @ Thu Jul 5, 2007 @ 6:06pm
Flesh me when you can! ;) haha!
» seb333 dicho @ Thu Jul 5, 2007 @ 2:42pm
Hey! It was a pleasure, the people involved came together well and brought their strengths and ideals with them and the positive response after this event has been overwhelming. I tried to have as many like minded individuals participate in this project. Thanks to missRita for the name, Jamiedee for the artwork, Barbara for the lightboxes, Gabby for the space, Ivan for the sound, Charles for the Bierbrier, Josh for the Hype. Setup and teardown assistance by Will, Jay, Brad and Bernell. The fabulous barkeep by Rase and none of this would have flowed so smooth without my dedicated roommates David and Roxanne. The music this weekend was programmed by myself and Rob Brown who was the initiator of this Canada day event. Sean Kosa has proved to be versatile, dedicated and an exciting dj to follow, not realizing he had gone 4 hours over his set. Robert Gauthier has always been an innovative producer and this time introduced a trumpet and saxophone player bringing a fusion of live jazz into his music (not