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Intense 2006
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» woblz replied on Sun Jan 1, 2006 @ 2:42pm
Coolness: 68040
HA jvoulais juss le partir, ceux de gatineau sont les premier a partir le forum des reviews de intense, une soiree memorable pour sur :)

c ink ca jvoulais dire, pour ce momment pcq chu vraiment fatiguer depuis vendredi matin chu debout pis la ma crever si jdors pas
et bonne annee
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bang_Strano replied on Sun Jan 1, 2006 @ 6:11pm
Coolness: 41380
cetais pas pire jai eu du fun mais jai deja vue mieux
Merci! et bonne annee
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» chicphonecall replied on Mon Jan 2, 2006 @ 11:35am
Coolness: 45590
c quoi quil aurait fallu de mieux, quune des tite fille de 16 ans en bikini te suce le gland?...sans farce, en 8 ans, c la meilleure organisation que jai vu....jai attendu 10 minutes en file, les toilettes étaient relativement propres, une bonne variété de musique pour plaire aux plus difficile, une grande variété de gens, encore pour plaire au plus difficiles...une bonne aération, pas trop chaud! la musique était un peu trop forte, mais yont penser a vendre des bouchons... ca en vallu la peine de faire 2h30 de char!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» XTR3ME replied on Mon Jan 2, 2006 @ 12:58pm
Coolness: 40475
Selon moi, ce party fut un des meilleurs que j'ai été en 5 ans. L'édition de 2006 a, de loin, déclassé l'édition de 2004 sur plusieurs point.
On est arrivé dans la main room à 30 secondes de l'arrivée de 2006 ( question timing, on est quand même pas pire )
La vibe était beaucoup plus nombreuse qu'en 2004, mais toujours aussi chaleureuse et pas mal de beau monde;
La main room était mieux décorée et les dj etaient pas 15 pieds dans les airs comme ( si jme souviens bien ) en 2004. Donc c'etait possible d'avoir une certaine interraction entre les djs et la foule.
J'ai eu la chance de revoir des vieilles connaissances ( Fred, Andy, Vince, Isa, Marjo, Mélissa etc.. ) et d'en faire plusieurs nouvelles ( Omni, Gen, Julie, Laurianne, Emilie et une 20aine que jme souviens pu de leur nom )
Le set de Nicki S. ouch, y'était débile !
Un line-up intérieur... alleluya
Un chill... sans ordinateurs cette fois ;)
Merci au mtl crew ( jeff, oli, marie, annie, math et mario ) d'être venu et d'avoir trippé autant que moi cette nuit la. Sans vous, le party n'aurait pas été aussi INTENSE :P

Ce que jai moins aimé:
Salles trop éclairées,
Une fille du vestiaire cheap qui m'a demandé 1$ pour mettre un vinyl que Nicki S. dans mon manteau parce que javais pas de poche assez grande pour le trainer sur moi... come on !
Set de S4 et d'Indica, j'avais trop d'attentes faut croire, avec le nombre de fois que jles ai vu en tag team, jpensais qu'ils allaient tout peter... mais les problemes techniques avec la console n'ont pas aidé... au moins on a pu entendre Do you feel lucky ;)
Son assez a chier quand tu danses près du dj booth ... aucun haut parleur, t'es un peu moins dedans mettons;

Mais pour le reste, je n'ai pas a me plaindre, c'etait la meilleure facon de finir 2005 et de bien débuter 2006 !

Bonne Année à tous, merci encore à ceux qui ont rendu cette soirée fantastique et comme l'a mentionné Chic-phone-call, le 2h30 de char en a vraiment vallu la peine !
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» woblz replied on Mon Jan 2, 2006 @ 5:05pm
Coolness: 68040
bon moi jme leve apres 22h de sommeil(jta debout depuis vendredi matin) bon ou commencer
jtarriver a 7h, le pti fluffy trance kia jouer au debut juskau set de rodi pas mon genre :/
reck, sin, twinspin c pas ke vous ete pas bon( jai pratikement pas entendu derreure c bon ca:) ) mais c ke le trance jpa fort pentute dessu
bangning mark, juss 1 affaire a dire su lui PK C LUI KIA FAITE LE DECOMPTE ya fucker ma soiree(dsl pour ceux ki laime)
rodi styles ou commencer avec lui jai entendu d bonnes affaire sur lui avant, mais a intense yenas mis pos mal trop sur les loops pis les scratchs :/, nicki s OUUUU LALA, trop hot cte femme la, sont set a rocker la cabane :P tres le fun a jaser avec aussi :) the crow de uberdruck la raison pk jai ete a ce party ya demolie le dance floor :) ya jouer tout les hit de uberdruck, pour ceux ki connaissent uberdruck vous aver probablement entendu beaucoup de tounes classiK :P, jai pus chiller avec dirk pour un bout stun bon gars, bon apres ca s4 et indica jmattendait a plus aussi mais les 2 avais dlair ben fatiguer pis avec les problem de sont durant leur set :/, bon apres 30 min de eux chu parti ma blonde voulais partir comment etais coffee man???probablement tres bon acid :D et merk?????ca me fait chier jai manke c 2 la
les lumiere 2 thumbs up
le son un peut moins fort ke lannee passer mais 2 thumbs up
le monde super le fun :P jai rencontrer ben du nouvo monde
joueblie tu de koi???hmmmm pense pos
ahhh oui ya ben du monde kion tripper sur ma ceinture ki flashait merci a ceux ki sont vnu me voir :)
merci a la gang de intense une soiree memorable de 2005 et a entre 2006, onas fini ben une anneee pis onas commencer biens laute :)
bonne annee a tlm et on ce vois lannee prochaine
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bang_Strano replied on Mon Jan 2, 2006 @ 8:37pm
Coolness: 41380
Ok moi aussi apres mavoir reposer jpeux prendre le temps den parlez
mais avant ... "c quoi quil aurait fallu de mieux, quune des tite fille de 16 ans en bikini te suce le gland?" non pas trop ... faudrais tu demande sa a toute la gang de gino pas de gilet qui avait au party ;)
Lendroit: Tres bien ! Ouvert ! Laeration excellente! Avoir 5 salles sa aide a dispersser le monde parce quand yon ouvert les 4 autres salles ... la main room commencais a etre un peux trop plein. Lumiere stais bien good job! Le Son kickais dans l'corp en masse.
La Musique: C'est la que j'ai eu un peux de probleme. La musique etait pas vraiment a mon gout jsuqu'aux temps que Nicki commence a spinner (et oui Supa .... she's F!?cking hot!) pis Celui de Uberdruck apres etais tout aussi bon ... plein de tounes que javais deja entendu. S4 pis Indica stais bon mais des F!?ck up sa arrive a tout le monde.Le probleme etais que jcommencais a etre fatiquer quand Nicki a commencer alors la meilleur musique etais trop tard. Pis pk on a pas eu un decompte audio ... quand jai remarquer que cetais le decompte y restais 4 sec ... jai vue du monde qui savais pas trop quesqui ce passais lol

Merci a la gang de Gatineau/ottawa mais prochaine fois jconduit pas ;)
8/10 pour moi ... comme jai dit ... jai deja vue mieux mais jai deja vue pire aussi
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» earthyspirit replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 1:22am
Coolness: 229680
This event was very intense.

Upon arrival us two were confronted with a higher price than expected based on the flyer. We paid for entry and were searched thoroughly, our markers were taken away from us and disposed of.

We entered the space and put the items we brought with us in a position which suited us and began to dance and enjoy ourselves. Our intentions were to let everyone know how much we loved them all and that this year would be a good one. Happy New You. I love you. Je t'aime. Tout la monde!

At some point I placed the glasses I use in order to see clearly down amongst the items we brought with us. I determined that it would be good for me to see everyone with my senses more clearly than my glasses could allow. I would no longer see individuals as special individually. I would move and dance about the entire room and give love to each being there. It was absolutely the best I've ever felt in my life. There was a tam player there who was wonderful, somehow I found him many times and he found me many times.. He played wonderfully, I loved him! I loved everyone!

At some point though, I determined that I should put my glasses back on in order to find my friends, but I could not find my glasses, they had dissapeared and my vision was not sufficient to locate them... especially in the dark..

So I determine I must ask for assistance, I cannot see clearly anymore. Help. My glasses are lost, they have fallen somewhere here in the back of the main room, please help me to find them someone... please help. It's dark, there are many many people here, it is hard for me to do this all alone with no flashlight.

When I approach the guards to ask for help they are violently forcing another individual into a table, this person is not struggling so much as trying to defend themself, it's a scary sight. I make a plea of help to the femal guard who is observing the other two confining the individual. IJai perdu mes lunettes la au derriere du chambre et jai besion d'aide. Si tu plait, aide moi. The female guard turns and snarls that I had better go away or I will be restrained too.

I have not been frightened like this before, it's now more difficult for me, I'm half blind and those I go to for help actaully threaten me?

Approaching another person I sk for help and am shrugged off again, I am now very sad and scared really because I cannot see my friends and cannot find them and they are not apparently looking to help me.. I'm alone, half blind and noone will help me so I cry out load "Aide moi! Si tu plait! Jai besion d'aide ici! Quel Que veut tu me aide?? I am certain all those around me heard my cry but none stepped forward to request what kind of hep I was in need of.

Then security came and demanded that I leave. I could not understand this, this was not right? I asked them if they would help me locate my glasses. They demanded instead that I come with them in the form of force.

Immediately I was taken by the neck, the arms, the legs by security in am extremely forceful manner. My shoulder was dislocated during the ordeal, I did not struggle, I was being strangled violently and dislocated and I was crying. I cried that my arm is dislocated and that i loved them and did not want anything but assistance, why? why? why? are they hurting me?? I am dislocated OW OW! They did not care, they laughed at me and continued to twist.

They took me and those things they determined were mine to the exterior of that place, to the front doors. They threw me down and I immediately went about trying to relocate my shoulder, I have been damaged badly, the progress I have made on my shoulder over the last two years has been torn apart. It hurts again.

I was barefoot and with no shirt on. They did not bring all of the items I brought with me to the door. My glasses were still inside. They determined I must leave, they told me forcefully to do so. I stood my ground, I told them I love them with a smile. I am not angry, you have hurt me but i continue to love you, why are you determined I must leave when all I have done is ask for help? I don't understand!

So I cannot leave, my friends are inside, my glasses are inside!!! I am positive minded, I love and laugh and am positive! I do not struggle, I do not attempt to cause pain, I am merely here to enjoy myself, why did this occur????

It is NOT over. The police come next, all the while these people who have escorted me out are trying to tell me where I am allowed to stand and that I must leave, they force me into a corner like a piece of meat and grab me by the throat and rais meinto the air in order to take me to the police car. They squish me into the front of the car, on the hood and twist my very hurting arm into a location which is very suceptable to re-dislocation. I cry why are you doing this? Ow my arm cannot go there! Ow! Please no! Help!

The ploice who escort me to the station laugh at me the entire time, they think I am on some sort of drug, that I am all high and that my requests are illusions or I am some sort of crasy person?

They laugh at me, they take me to the station and the rest of the police there laugh at me too, all the while I am speaking in french describing my ple for help to them, requesting they help mke and asking why they are doing this? They laugh, and they determine I have no rights, I am not read any.

I am still in only a pair of pants. I have been taken out into the snow twice and am cold, they will not give me my shirt or socks or anything, they are laughing at me, ripping my items apart, tearing open the big stuffed dog pillow I brought to search for things they did not find. They pick me up by my pants, and carry me in the form of a wedgie all the way to a holding cell. I don't understand!!! Why am I here!

At some point many many hours later I am shivering cold and I ask a passing guard politely to help me I am cold and she asks me if I would like to leave? I could not believe my ears! Of course I would like to leave!

Now I cannot understand why I have been given a ticket for two hundred and sixty dollars for yelling for help. ok though, now I only have 80% of the things I brought with me from Montreal to Quebec City.. I do not know where I am, I cannot read street signs, I have spent most of my money and my friends do not know where I am.

I ask for help from the officer at the front desk, he says that ii should take a cab and a bus back to montreal, I have less than 50 dollars left for the entire month and have not bought Groceries yet. Hm.? It's 7:30pm I cannot see and do not have enough money to get where i need to go. Thge officer at the front desk tells me that if i do not leave he will lock me up again, that if i do not have any money he cannot help me.

There is more to this story, but at this point I take my future into my hands and spend the rest of my money in order to return home. I am home now. I have no money left. My glasses are gone and cannot see very well. I am missing other items too. Why did this happen? Who is responsible? Am I free?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AmilyA replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 2:27am
Coolness: 193880
o_O this story's true???
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» woblz replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 2:52am
Coolness: 68040
omg, if this is true, this sickens me so badly, fucking security(some of them where cool, the ones i talked to, but some where assholes cuz my freinds told me) and fucking cops(especiall cops)man if this is true, i hope its not, cuz im pissed
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» earthyspirit replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 5:26am
Coolness: 229680
When I ask for help.. am I hurting you? When I am in pain do you have the right to destroy me? When I have things you determine you want.. you can come and take them, they are not mine, they merely exist here and this organisim moves them about. Money is a concept which divides us. It does not exist. The only thing in this life dividing you from me is the determination that I must accept one life is allowed to determine for another.. The right to stature. The fact that we must pay for our life when we have no right to ask a living being to pay us for its life!! NO RIGHT! WATER IS NOT YOURS to own and sell! ITS OURS!!! WE NEED IT TO LIVE! The concepts of ownership and stature are killing us. Wake up to the divisibility this creates. You do not own the space. You do not own the time. you have NO RIGHT to sell me my life. I have a right to live positively and when I ask for help.... PLEASE HELP ME!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 6:18am
Coolness: 71440
i met a sufi neighbour as i was riding my bike around the mile end looking for a pair of dropped glasses my ex had lent me (me and cloak had about the same prescription) - as he asked me what i was doing i told him 'well I'm riding my bike around looking for my glasses' i had a pair of glasses on the tip of my nose. this reminded me of a poem by a famous sufi Rumi and the situation dawned to me as somehow funny...

show me your face
i crave
flowers and gardens
open your lips
i crave
the taste of honey
come out from
behind the clouds
i desire a sunny face
your voice echoed
saying "leave me alone"
i wish to hear your voice
again saying "leave me alone"
i swear this city without you
is a prison
i am dying to get out
to roam in deserts and mountains
i am tired of
flimsy friends and
submissive companions
i die to walk with the brave
am blue hearing
nagging voices and meek cries
i desire loud music
drunken parties and
wild dance
one hand holding
a cup of wine
one hand caressing your hair
then dancing in orbital circle
that is what i yearn for
i can sing better than any nightingale
but because of
this city's freaks
i seal my lips
while my heart weeps
yesterday the wisest man
holding a lit lantern
in daylight
was searching around town saying
i am tired of
all these beasts and brutes
i seek
a true human
we have all looked
for one but
no one could be found
they said
yes he replied
but my search is
for the one
who cannot be found

ok i don't that was the exact one. but something like that.

[ www.khamush.com ]

anyways he invited me to the sufi center.

&yeah. that'S pretty intense........
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» beercrack replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 6:26am
Coolness: 71440
What you are looking for is what is looking.
- St. Francis of Assisi

- that is what i was looking for
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PitaGore replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 12:07pm
Coolness: 471810
Greg u always seem to get in trouble @ parties , well any big one ...

stop carrying too much stuff, buy water at the jams, stash your drugs up your ass or somethin' slick and leave all those *psychedelic raver toys* at home, i'm sure it'll be less of a hasstle

my 2 cents ...keep it up !
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» BA_Baracus replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 1:42pm
Coolness: 121040
were you sober for real?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PartyPopple replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 5:09pm
Coolness: 63420
I don't think that sobriety is the issue here...from that story, the security took things waaaaay too far. If someone needs help, we should help, regardless of whether or not they're high.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» clown replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 6:57pm
Coolness: 221770
Vraiment cool comme party .. jai beaucoup trippe.. la salle etais vraiment genial et tres tres grands, et ca fait vraiment different de les partys a montreal. Ils avais de tout les genres de monde et selons moi, ces ca qui faisais le charme du party.. ca pis la duchesse biensure.. LOL. .

J'ai fait des belles rencontres et jase avec pleins de monde.. ils avais beaucoup de gens de montreal qui ont monte a ce party pis c'etais drole les voir labas.. hihi..

Pour la musique jai pas vraiment porte attention car jai passe la pluspart de mon temps dans la salle Chill a jase le monde et a trippe sur le beat. Les autres salles en generals etais pas impecable cote innsonorisation et des fois ont entendais pas grande chose dans la salle psy et electro, m'enfin, ils avais pas grande chose a faire de mieux etant donne que le plafonds etais genre 20 pieds de haute.. hehe

Bref, pour ce que jai entendu, Roni style etais cool avec sont scratching, sauf quand ils abusais et on dirrais que c'etais des mega Off-beats de la mort. Cetais drole, a moment donne, tout le monde dans la main ont arrete de dance car y commencais a scratch avec la toune qui jouais, au lieux de le faire avec la toune qui embarque.. malgre ca, je lai entendu faire vraiment des belles affaires en scratchant et le dood a du talent ca ces claire..

Uberduck (ou chez pas trop comment) ma totalement decu (malgre que je le l'avais jamais entendu au paravant. Ils a totalement fucke sont premier mixe et c'etais asser grave pour me faire change de salle sans hesitation (malgre que jai bien aime ca premier track)..

Azriel a jouer des tres bonne tracks, Zen a egalement bien comment la progression de la salle psy avec du progressiff. Kynoxe a defonce le tout et a mis pleins de belles tounes, Rickam a fut le set que jai trippe dessu le plus de tout la nuit.. sont son etais clean et vraiment groovy..

Adam Shaike a vraiment bien jouer encore une fois, Omni a egalement jouer un set debile mental et ces pas mal ca que jai entendu.. lol..

Jai bien aime mon experiance a Quebec et l'organisation a vraiment fait une belle job avec le tout..

Bravo !
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» woblz replied on Tue Jan 3, 2006 @ 9:20pm
Coolness: 68040
the crow a pas fucker sont premier mix, jetais planter en avant tout le long de sont set, les seul fuck up kia faite etias preske pas parraisable, jai a peut pres 15 mix de the crow shredda pis uberdruck ensemble pis des live set en europe c tres rare ki fait un fuck up, chek banging mark pis rodi eu on fucker la soiree a mon opinion
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» earthyspirit replied on Wed Jan 4, 2006 @ 1:50am
Coolness: 229680
Always sober. Always aware and sensitive to sensitivity. Neither negative nor violent.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» kwickStah replied on Wed Jan 4, 2006 @ 10:26am
Coolness: 65550
c'est dégueulasse comme histoire y doit bien avoir une place ou tu peux te pleindre quelque chose!! c'est vraiment frustrant!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Spinner replied on Wed Jan 4, 2006 @ 10:58am
Coolness: 77175
Woin...moi qui voulait essayer ca intense...
Faut tu etre sans coeur en estie faire ca le jour de lan ...
Greg u always seem to get in trouble @ parties , well any big one ...

stop carrying too much stuff, buy water at the jams, stash your drugs up your ass or somethin' slick and leave all those *psychedelic raver toys* at home, i'm sure it'll be less of a hasstle

my 2 cents ...keep it up !

Bleh comming from montreal we woulda all had a bad or 2 on us ...
There no exuse for what happen there ...Cheap ass security ...We all seen those...
Greg coulda been anyone of us that night .
Now how would u feel on new-years outside in the cold whit ppl making fun of you?
Heh,fuck that shit dont u think?
Intense 2006
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