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» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 3 Mar, 2003 @ 2:00am. Posted in truth and reality.
Coolness: 149240
1) written sounds... cool concept
2) theory, if you need help in philosophy i can probably help ya out. it's one subject i was alright at, especially with the greek dudes. it's all about the allegory of the cave dun
3) bong!
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 3 Mar, 2003 @ 1:50am. Posted in BONG! March 6th.
Coolness: 149240
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Sun 2 Mar, 2003 @ 5:15am. Posted in Source Of Light 4-5-6 July/Juillet 2003.
Coolness: 149240
What_Bass did you mean a wookee village or DID you mean an EWOK Village. 'Cause, me, me I'm about the ewok village me. A ravewave ewok village or better yet, an ewok ravewaver village. Bong. That would be ill.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Sat 1 Mar, 2003 @ 9:47am. Posted in BONG! March 6th.
Coolness: 149240
Danny Newton:

One of the most respected figures in Canada’s East Coast techno scene, Danny Newton’s styles encompass the sounds of dark progressive chugging tech house and banging techno. Already an experienced DJ in the young electronic music community of Halifax, Danny’s ability to move people on the dancefloor has given him the opportunity to be featured at events alongside DJs such as Bad Boy Bill, The Liberators, John Kelly, DAVE the Drummer, or Paul Edge, to name just a few, playing across Atlantic Canada, the UK, and now, for the first time, in Montreal. Recently, Danny has been exploring his own sound in depth through production. Danny created Doppleganger Recordings in December 2001 as a vehicle to release his own music and that of label co-founder Jay Hamilton.

Info: tek@level4productions.com
level 4 infoline: 514.301.6971
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Thu 27 Feb, 2003 @ 8:12am. Posted in truth and reality.
Coolness: 149240
In Book VII of The Republic, Plato tells a story entitled "The Allegory Of The Cave." He begins the story by describing a dark underground cave where a group of people are sitting in one long row with their backs to the cave's entrance. Chained to their chairs from an early age, all the humans can see is the distant cave wall in from of them. Their view of reality is soley based upon this limited view of the cave which but is a poor copy of the real world.

In addition to the chained people, there are other people in the cave. Plato refers to them as the puppet-handlers and they are the ones holding those in the cave captive. (It is important to realize that the prisoners do not realize this--in fact, the prisoners do not even realize that they are being held captive since this existence is all they have ever known.) Walking behind the prisoners, the puppet-handlers hold up various objects found in the real world. Due to a fire that is burning the mouth of the cave, the prisoners are able to see the objects and each other only as distorted, flickering shadows on the cavern wall in front of them.

Unfortunately, the prisoners can not see the actual objects or the puppet-makers because they are unable to turn their heads. From childhood, "...their legs and necks [have been] in bonds so that they are fixed, seeing only [what is] in front of them.... As Plato goes on to later explain, "the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images."

The movie, "The Matrix," parallels Platos's Allegory Of The Cavein a number of ways. Similar to the prisoners of the cave, the humans trapped in the matrix (the cave) only see what the machines (the modern day puppet-handlers) want them to see. They are tricked into believing that what they hear in the cave and see before them is the true reality that exists. Furthermore, they accept what their senses are telling them and they believe that what they are experiencing is all that really exists--nothing more.

However, Neo is forced to face a painful truth when he is removed from the pod that has kept him trapped in the virtual reality of the matrix.

Neo discovers that what he has been presented with his entire life is only reflections, or merely shadows of the truth. This theme is carried throughout the movie as we see many objects (as well as Neo himself) reflected in other objects.

The Puppet-Handlers

The puppet-handlers, as Plato calls them, represent the influential, powerful members of society. In "The Matrix," the puppet-handlers are the machines spawned from a singular consciousness called AI (Artifical Intelligence.) Basically, the puppet-handlers in both cases use artifical surroundings as a way to control and manipulate the information that the prisoners receive.

And while the prisoners are being fooled and influenced by the false reality presented to them, so too are the puppet-handlers, to some extent, because they are also living inside the artifical world they have created as well.

Note how towards the end of the "The Matrix," Agent Smith, a computer simulation, begins to express human emotions such as anger and hatrid. Since he has to live in the false reality of the matrix, the agent has begun to adapt to his environment, the very prison-like surroundings he helped create for his captives. In fact, he is becoming more and more like the enslaved humans that he is despises.

The Shadows

The shadows in both stories play a crucial role in shaping the prisoners' view the world. In fact, it is the shadows (which are only half-truths) that serve as the basis for the prisoners' false or distorted sense of reality.

The repetitive use of mirrors and reflected images in the move "The Matrix" serve to remind us of this fact.

In "The Matrix," the machines use "shadows" (series of code which together make up the matrix world) to occupy the humans and keep them under their control. The prisoners of the cave and the matrix are shown only shadows of the real objects, in part, because the puppet-handlers believe that the truth would be too painful for the prisoners to accept. Besides, it is easier to pacify the prisoners and keep them happy (and under control) by supplying them with only half-truths since most will be uncooperative and try to escape if they learn that are in captivity.

The Freed Man

In "Allegory of The Cave," Plato goes on to present the hypothesis that one of the prisoners (who he often referred to as the philosopher or intellectual) would eventually be released or escape from his chains and flee the cave.

After turning around in his chair, this philosopher/intellectual would then be able to see the real objects that are casted as only shadows on the cave wall as well as the puppet-handlers who are holding these objects.

In the movie, "The Matrix" this scene directly parallels with Neo's scene in the matrix pod. Looking around in shock, Neo sees, for the first time, his true surroundings. He is actually living in a human factory.

At first, Plato says that the Freed Prisoner would be confused at what he saw. "He [would] suffer sharp pains; the glare [would] distress him, and he [would] be unable to see the realities of which in his former state he had seen the shadows....he'd be at a loss and believe that what was seen before is truer than what is now shown." As for Neo, when he is finally confronted with the truth surrounding the matrix, Neo is in a state of confusion and denial. In fact, the realization of the true is so overwhelming that he throws up and passes out.

As pointed out in "The Allegory Of The Cave," the Freed Man might even feel that what he was seeing now was the illusion and the shadows on the wall were actually more real. Like Cypher tells Trinity, "I think the matrix can be more real than this world."

Plato also goes on to sugguest that the freed prisoner would not only be shock over the realization of his true existance, but that he would suffer physical pain: "And if he is compelled to look straight at the light, will he not have a pain in his eyes which will make him turn away to take in the objects of vision which he is able to see without pain, and which he will conceive to be in reality clearer than the things which are now being shown to him?" Like Neo, who says "I can't go back, can I?" the freed prisoner's first reaction would be to turn around (return to the false reality) because it is less painful and more familar to him.

Interestingly enough, Plato even ponders with the ideas that the bonds holding the prisoners to their chairs may actually be mental rather than physical in nature; in another words, if the prisoners really wanted to escape from the cave, they could do so by simply willing themselves to get up and walk out. (Note that in "The Matrix" that Morpheus is able to break free of his handcuffs with the use of his mental powers as well as physical strength.)

With these thoughts in mind, it is important to realize, at least accorind to Plato, that the Freed Man must have started to question what he saw in front of him and wondered about the origin of the shadows and if there was anything else beyond the cave wall that he saw before him. He must have sensed something was wrong and he sought out the truth. In fact, this is the only way that a prisoner is able to escape--it has to be the result of him making a choice and wanting to learn the truth.

This theme is also found in the movie, "The Matrix." Neo is portrayed very must like the freed prisoner. As Morpheus tells Neo, "You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me."

Freedom From The Cave

In addition, Plato gives the reader an account of what it would happen if the freed prisoner were to forced out of the cave and into the reality of the real world. As he explains:

"When he approaches the light his eyes will be dazzled, and he will not be able to see anything at all of what are now called realities... He will require to grow accustomed to the sight of the upper world. And first he will see the shadows best, next the reflections of men and other objects in the water, and then the objects themselves; then he will gaze upon the light of the moon and the stars and the spangled heaven....Last of he will be able to see the sun..."

As Plato pointed out, the sunlight would hurt the Freed Man's eyes, and leave him temporarily blind. It would take a lot of time and patience before he actually see, let alone come to fully comprehend, his new surroundings. Ironically, this is exactly what happened to Neo after he is removed from the matrix pod. When Neo questions why his eyes are sore, Morpheus tells him that it is because "You've never used them [your eyes] before."

At some point, Platos suggests that the Freed Man would most likely want to share his discovery of the real world with those still trapped in the cave and want to free them. However, he would have no desire to go back to his life in the cave; in fact, "...he would rather suffer anything than entertain these false notions and live in this miserable manner." Eventually though, his desire to help his fellow prisoners would win out. (Note that this accurately describes the members of the Neb crew with the exception of Cypher.)

Upon returning to the cave, the freed prisoner would once again sit next beside the captives and tell them about the world that exists outside the cave. Of course, it would be very difficult for the Freed Man to adquately explain the real world, and in many ways, he would not be understood or believed no matter what he said. As Morpheus tells Neo while the two of them sit down and chat, "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see it for yourself."

Dismissing his claims and laughing at him, the prisoners would most likely come to the conclusion that the Freed Man is insane, especially since they would realize that the Freed Man was having trouble re-adjusting to the dimly lit cave. In some respects, the Free Man, who has now become accustomed to the light, would now be blinded by the darkness.

In fact, the prisoners would even demonstrate hostility toward the free man if he persisted in his beliefs or tried to convince them to leave. They would not want to face the possibility that their idea of reality was flawed. In addition, prisoners would fear that they would become blind (unable to see the only reality they have ever known) if they left. As Plato explains, "Men would say of him that up he went and down he came without his eyes; and that it was better not even to think of ascending; and if any one tried to loose another and lead him up to the light, let them only catch the offender, and they would put him to death."

Here, Plato points out that prisoners would rather commit murder than allow anyone to take them out of the cave. They would fight to stay in the cave because it is the only world they have ever known and it is where they feel safe. In "The Matrix," Cypher kills several people in his quest to go back to the matrix (the cave).

Morpheus tells Neo the same thing in regard to the humans still plugged or trapped in the world of the matrix. "You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged [forced out of the matrix--the cave]. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Thu 27 Feb, 2003 @ 5:38am. Posted in Insane Behavior, party privé le 13 juin.
Coolness: 149240
nice nasa fonts

shark bita'

and if it's a private party why do you post it on ravewave like 4 months in advance? just out of curiosity, shark bita', no offense or anything.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Thu 27 Feb, 2003 @ 4:35am. Posted in BONG! March 6th.
Coolness: 149240
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Thu 27 Feb, 2003 @ 3:39am. Posted in Spread the word.
Coolness: 149240
You mean this picture?

» Czarkastik répondu dessus Thu 27 Feb, 2003 @ 3:37am. Posted in Whats Your Favorite Song Today?.
Coolness: 149240
"If you Techno Electro" Afrika Bambaataa, Sirius B and Hardy Hard.

Download iT!!!
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Thu 27 Feb, 2003 @ 3:35am. Posted in BONG! March 6th.
Coolness: 149240
spirallianz all the way.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Wed 26 Feb, 2003 @ 6:47pm. Posted in BONG! March 6th.
Coolness: 149240
That be the Stones G. The Rolling mothafuckin Stones.

» Czarkastik répondu dessus Wed 26 Feb, 2003 @ 6:44pm. Posted in BONG! March 6th.
Coolness: 149240
When your spine is cracking
And your hands, they shake
Heart is bursting and you butt's gonna break
Your woman's cussing, you can hear her scream
You feel like murder in the first degree
Ain't nobody slowing down no way
Ev'rybody's stepping on their accelerator
Don't matter where you are
Ev'rybody's gonna need a ventilator
When you're trapped and circled
With no second chances
Your code of living is your gun in hand
We can't be browed by beating
We can't be cowed by words
Messed up cheating, ain't gonna ever learn
Ev'rybody walking 'round
Ev'rybody trying to step on their Creator
Don't matter where you are
Ev'rybody, ev'rybody gonna need
Some kind of ventilator
Some kind of ventilator
What you gonna do about it
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do about it
What you gonna do?
Gonna fight it, gonna fight it?
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Wed 26 Feb, 2003 @ 6:39pm. Posted in BONG! March 6th.
Coolness: 149240
Shattered, shattered
Love and hope and sex and dreams
Are still surviving on the street
Look at me, I'm in tatters!
I'm a shattered

Friends are so alarming
And my lover's never charming
Life's just a cocktail party on the street
Big Apple
People dressed in plastic bags
Directing traffic
Some kind of fashion

Laughter, joy, and loneliness and sex and sex and sex and sex
Look at me, I'm in tatters
I'm a shattered

All this chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter, chitter-chatter 'bout
Shmatta, shmatta, shmatta -- I can't give it away on 7th Avenue
This town's been wearing tatters (shattered, shattered)
Work and work for love and sex
Ain't you hungry for success, success, success, success
Does it matter? (Shattered) Does it matter?
I'm shattered.

Ahhh, look at me, I'm a shattered
I'm a shattered
Look at me- I'm a shattered, yeah

Pride and joy and greed and sex
That's what makes our town the best
Pride and joy and dirty dreams and still surviving on the street
And look at me, I'm in tatters, yeah
I've been battered, what does it matter
Does it matter, uh-huh
Does it matter, uh-huh, I'm a shattered

Don't you know the crime rate is going up, up, up, up, up
To live in this town you must be tough, tough, tough, tough, tough!
You got rats on the west side
Bed bugs uptown
What a mess this town's in tatters I've been shattered
My brain's been battered, splattered all over Manhattan

Uh-huh, this town's full of money grabbers
Go ahead, bite the Big Apple, don't mind the maggots, huh
Shadoobie, my brain's been battered
My friends they come around they
Flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter
Pile it up, pile it high on the platter
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Wed 26 Feb, 2003 @ 6:36pm. Posted in The 4th Level.
Coolness: 149240
ya it was really bust last night. it's unfortunate. but the site's server maxes out at like 4000 listeners or some shit... well ,better luck next time. also sometimes when we broadcast we do like a simulcast on shoutcast so you can listen there too. next week i'll post the shoutcst IP address for the show.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Wed 26 Feb, 2003 @ 6:16am. Posted in BONG! March 6th.
Coolness: 149240

featuring Sarcastic, Nter and special guest DJs to be announced...


level 4 productions

at Amnesia. 1421 Bishop St. Thursday March 6th


one love
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Wed 26 Feb, 2003 @ 2:39am. Posted in Spread the word.
Coolness: 149240
why do you have DJ Krush's real name as your signature chelsea?


and clown... it's all cool. dun. we like brothas now and shiiiit.

» Czarkastik répondu dessus Wed 26 Feb, 2003 @ 2:36am. Posted in The 4th Level.
Coolness: 149240
you're not REALLY from Ottawa are you somekid? that's too bad maan. my condolences.

and yes, L4P represents 9 DJs and 1 VJ (mindlabs)
listed below them are the DJs playing tonight... though toltech didn't play. freebass played instead.

» Czarkastik répondu dessus Tue 25 Feb, 2003 @ 8:49pm. Posted in st00pid boiz.
Coolness: 149240
You tell me you like the taste
You just need an excuse
You tell me it calms your nerves
You just think it looks cool
You tell me you want to be different
You just change for the same
You tell me it's only natural
You just need the proof
Did you fucking get it?

And it doesn't look that way to me
In my eyes
And it doesn't look that way to me
In my eyes

You tell me that nothing matters
You're just fucking scared
You tell me that I'm better
You just hate yourself
You tell me that you like her
You just wish you did
You tell me that I make no difference
Well at least I'm fucking trying
What the fuck have you done?

And it doesn't look that way to me
In my eyes
And it doesn't look that way to me
In my eyes
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Tue 25 Feb, 2003 @ 8:42pm. Posted in The 4th Level.
Coolness: 149240

[ www.drbongs.com ]

Level 4 Productions Online Radio Show. Tonight.
10pm to midnight @ [ www.club246.com ]

Kilobyte. Sarcastic. Toltech. Freebass. Nter. Simon G. Kidstatik. Module M. Mindlab. Karl Marx.

The 4th Level. tonight: Kilobyte, Sarcastic and Toltech.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Tue 25 Feb, 2003 @ 5:04am. Posted in Spread the word.
Coolness: 149240
Look everybody, Nter is humping the hard corner of the pioneer like it's jonny thrice's mom.

Jonny's mom's ass. Jonny's mom's ass with diarhea coming out. Jonny's mom's ass with diarrhea coming out of your ass into your ass. Jonny's mom's ass with diarhhea coming out of your ass into your face into your ass. Jonny's mom's ass with diarhhea coming out of your ass into your face into your ass and fucking a donkey. Jonny's mom's ass with diarhhea coming out of your ass into your face into your ass and fucking a donkey taking a shit on your cock. Jonny's mom's ass with diarhhea coming out of your ass into your face into your ass and fucking a donkey taking a shit on your cock in your mom's ass.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Tue 25 Feb, 2003 @ 4:59am. Posted in Unibrow : look ? or a lifestyle!!!!.
Coolness: 149240
unibrow is the recognized term. monobrow corp attempted a hostile takeover of the unibrow corporation a couple of years ago, cause unibrow had the domain name. a vicious court battle ensued, with monobrow claiming that unibrow's claim to unibrow was flagrantly unlawful and that the unibrow domain name should belong to monobrow, hence monobrow corp ultimately becoming unibrow corp. Monobrow corp did eventually buy out unibrow, but never gained access to the unibrow domain name cause unibrow corp's director of IT, who had a huge unibrow (or monobrow) committed suicide, unwilling to work for the evil conglomerate of monobrow corp. Two years have passed and monobrow still hasn't been able to crack the security features that the unibrow IT director with the unibrow installed on the domain name. And so the battle rages on...

[ www.unibrow.com ]
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Tue 25 Feb, 2003 @ 4:52am. Posted in Spread the word.
Coolness: 149240
Well clown, you didn't really offend me or anything. You're being honest and that's cool. But it is kinda weird to think that the first impression you get when seeing me chelsea and mike is that were meth heads. Or maybe it's really just a joke. But it kind of makes me question exactly how much of a psycho nutcase I really look like when I walk around on the streets and shiiit. naaaamean?

!one love
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 7:22pm. Posted in Goodbye Ravewave.
Coolness: 149240
bye ben! see you on [ montrealtrungle.com ]
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 7:22pm. Posted in Spread the word.
Coolness: 149240
YA so maybe I'M the DORMANT RACIST? eh? Kafwin? did you EVER think of THAT?!??!
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 7:21pm. Posted in raves better than bars.
Coolness: 149240
ya there really is no difference. except bars close at 3 and serve alcohol.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 7:11pm. Posted in I'm leaving ravewave.
Coolness: 149240
shut up bush.

Takyu Ishino
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 7:02pm. Posted in Spread the word.
Coolness: 149240
hi julian!
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:57pm. Posted in I'm leaving ravewave.
Coolness: 149240
ya see you guys later, I quit too. People keep deleting my posts. And I can't put up .gif images. I'm gonna go hang out on [ dork.com ] message board. it's way cooler. in fact, check it out [ www.dork.com ] i'll meet you there.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:54pm. Posted in Bubblegum Surprise Room!.
Coolness: 149240
Bad Boy Bill is an evil curse. If you go see him I can promise you that you will die.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:52pm. Posted in Spread the word.
Coolness: 149240
Seriously, though, I think they're some dormant racism fermenting on ravewave, exemplified by the mad passive-aggressive attitude displayed here.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:50pm. Posted in Karl Marx.
Coolness: 149240
Jules: Whatsamatter? Oh, you were through. Well allow me to retort.
what does Marsellus Wallace look like?
Brett: What?
Jules: What country you from?
Brett: What?
Jules: "What" ain't no country I've ever heard of, they speak english in "What"?
Brett: What?
Jules: English muther fucker, do you speak it.
Brett: Yes.
Jules: Then you understand what I'm saying?
Brett: Yes.
Jules: Now describe what Marcellus Wallace looks like.
Brett: What?
Jules: Say what again motherfucker. C'mon, say it again. I double dare you motherfucker. Say what one more time.
Jules: What does Marcellus Wallace look like?
Brett: He's black.
Jules: Go on...
Brett: And he's... tall...
Jules: --does he look like a bitch?
Brett: What?
Jules shoots Brett in the shoulder.
Jules: Does he look like a bitch?
Brett: No.
Jules: Then why'd you try to fuck him like a bitch?
Brett: I didn't.
Jules: Yes you did Brett, you tryed to fuck him, and Marcellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody but Mrs. Wallace.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:49pm. Posted in Super Mario is an ill communist.
Coolness: 149240
ya well I want to post some pictures of his hot communist ass. but it's not working.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:46pm. Posted in Super Mario is an ill communist.
Coolness: 149240
nothing works on this ill board. what am I doing wrong?
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:42pm. Posted in Spread the word.
Coolness: 149240
His name is Tha Ill Ghostbusta. Not only does he eat duck.. and sushi... but he eats player-haters for breakfast and SHIIIT, so dun watch yo' mouths and shit. and captions.

!one fucking love. bitch.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:39pm. Posted in Karl Marx.
Coolness: 149240
Ya I think it's time for you to get of MY thread. I'll see you IN HELL. This shit is between ME, NEOFORM, and mister soon-to-be-living-the-rest-of-his-short-ass-life in excruciating pain, rapist here.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:33pm. Posted in Karl Marx.
Coolness: 149240
Drugs ALL KINDS bro. I do drugs all kinds. Except I don't even have aspirin in my house cause that SHIT WILL KILL YOU. KILL YOU. YOU WILL DIE. YOU WILL ALL DIE. WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:05pm. Posted in Karl Marx.
Coolness: 149240
I'm not sure what's more doctored, his face or the can of Heinie. Anyways, that's SUPPOSED to be DJ Krush. he's ill
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 5:48pm. Posted in Karl Marx.
Coolness: 149240
Look, there's me on SMACK. Nter is dosed up on ETHER and Chelsea just popped six peyote buttons. WE ARE FLYING. You can feel the CHI pouring OUT OF THe fucking ROOM.

» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 5:45pm. Posted in Spread the word.
Coolness: 149240
Ya great pictures. Love the one of me in the so called meth crew. What DOES THAT MEAN??? I don't know... And love the ones of thugs... Just cause a dude got brown skin, he's a thug all of a sudden??? IS THAT IT?!?!???! Good job taking the pictures, errrr, some of the titles might be a bit misleading though -please take with grain of salt.
» Czarkastik répondu dessus Mon 24 Feb, 2003 @ 6:08am. Posted in Karl Marx.
Coolness: 149240
on second thought. fuck this. fuck that. fuck this whole fucking gay-ass thread.
Czarkastik's Profile - Community Messages