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» Masa replied on Sat Jul 28, 2012 @ 5:46pm. Posted in asylum.
Coolness: 158900
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 25, 2012 @ 4:00pm. Posted in Way to go Bliss.
Coolness: 158900
Don't insult the father of my future buttbabies
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 25, 2012 @ 1:27pm. Posted in banning in threads.
Coolness: 158900
Yes, superstwat, I secretly have a huge crush for you.
What's not to like? A 40 year old DJ with MASSIVE bookings at Chez Roger and L'Assommoir, who single-handedly broke out all the genres in the city, and keeps making funny posts after funny posts on a local rave forum.

Erhmahgerhd I'm in luuurv. I want your babies.

- Yours truly, Skinhead homosexual Masa.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 25, 2012 @ 1:00pm. Posted in banning in threads.
Coolness: 158900
It's all for you, superstwat. All for you.
» Masa replied on Tue Jul 24, 2012 @ 6:46pm. Posted in gay and lesbians of this site.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By V.2-1

If you feel that bothered, may I suggest you put on your favorte PJs, buy some Hagen Daz cookie dough ice cream, put on your favorite romantic comedy, clutch that giant teddy bear and sob quietly until you fall asleep.

Now I'm starting to wonder how in the hells did you know how Blisss usually spends his Friday nights?
» Masa replied on Tue Jul 24, 2012 @ 4:47pm. Posted in Omgwtfpsytrance.
Coolness: 158900
Started by writing bass music actually, but figured using "dubstep" would more aptly represent the current "psy vs dubstep" ravewar

... Can I has a raggamuffin instead?
» Masa replied on Tue Jul 24, 2012 @ 2:14pm. Posted in banning in threads.
Coolness: 158900
Oooh, is the honeymoon over between you "two"?
Somehow I feel Blisss can't be happy about being called a fascist
» Masa replied on Tue Jul 24, 2012 @ 2:13pm. Posted in gay and lesbians of this site.
Coolness: 158900
You've spent more time saying the word faggot and calling people "gay" than anyone else on this board, wanker. So who's REALLY got a problem with homosexuality here, huh?

How 'bout you stick to your coke and your free booze and your ladies and your guestlists, superstwat?
» Masa replied on Tue Jul 24, 2012 @ 11:38am. Posted in Basdini and his use of the word fag.
Coolness: 158900
Meh. Aside from my personal assumption that Blisss is a closet homosexual (and there's nothing wrong with that, the only person hurting is himself, emancipation and whatnot), he's only trying to start shit. Still.

It's morbid. I don't think any sane person would perceive anything he posts on here as rational or even coherent.

But it does keep this board alive, somewhat. And it does fuel our collective, MORBID desire for drama
» Masa replied on Tue Jul 24, 2012 @ 10:08am. Posted in Omgwtfpsytrance.
Coolness: 158900
Cross over to the dubstep side then. We have cookies.
» Masa replied on Fri Jul 20, 2012 @ 1:26pm. Posted in gay and lesbians of this site.
Coolness: 158900
I lol'ed at that "witty retort". Proof that you definitely suck, Blisss
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 18, 2012 @ 4:54pm. Posted in Basdini and his use of the word fag.
Coolness: 158900
J'préfère des termes genre marginaux, non-conformistes, ouverts d'esprit, free-spirits/free-thinkers, etc... Et dans ce sens-là, oui, j'm'assume.

Mais fais gaffe aux termes que tu utilises, "fucké" c'est comme un brin péjoratif. Surtout venant d'un gars qui hang out sur un forum de raves.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 18, 2012 @ 2:54pm. Posted in Basdini and his use of the word fag.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By MAX_X2
actualy, i'd believe that a lot of people attending raves, also work with kids... C'est souvent du monde relativement fucké, sans blague.

Wow. J'm'attendais à ce genre de préjugés de Blisss, mais...
Pfft. Tu viens de dropper d'un cran dude.
» Masa replied on Tue Jul 17, 2012 @ 12:17pm. Posted in Who is Host1? Fuck That Guy.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By BONUSBEATS
I'm just wondering how you can say this here and then open a thread calling someone a bigot. It's not against you or anything, just a question.

Mehhhehehehehe. Trying to point out the flaws in Blisss's logic won't get you far. Just sayin'
» Masa replied on Sun Jul 15, 2012 @ 5:27pm. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By BLISSS

For your information, you do meet a lot of girls, do get offered TONS of drugs for free, never pay to go anywhere, always end up on the guestlist, and yes if you're so inclined you can get your airfare paid for to go somewhere exotic if you feel like it.

Djing is hard work yes, but it does have its perks ;)

Reposted for lulz.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 11, 2012 @ 11:13pm. Posted in Dee's Bday Drama Thread!!!!!!!111111.
Coolness: 158900
Wait, I'll 1up you.

Dee is a fag. Happy deelated deebay. Fag.

» Masa replied on Wed Jul 11, 2012 @ 11:10pm. Posted in Basdini and his use of the word fag.
Coolness: 158900
I loved Lalla's column in the Hour, by far the main reason why I picked it up.

That article is 5 years old easy though. So y'know.
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 5, 2012 @ 1:12pm. Posted in Basdini and his use of the word fag.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By BASDINI
oh one last thing, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, YOU PLAY CRAPPY MUSIC.

for real, on a technical level you are good, but you have horrible taste in music I can't even listen to your mixes anymore, it's all just Fluff Breaks with no soul. If you like it I guess it's cool.

anyway, yeah...

I have to say, I humbly agree with this part. Still, kudos on the technical skills eh, perhaps you should become an instructor yourself?

What's that saying? Those who can't do, teach?
(no offense to the other instructors. I know all of you get gigs on the regular )
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 5, 2012 @ 1:10pm. Posted in who is AlexF / Host1.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By BLISSS
No it isnt. We've already proved that weeks ago.

Besides I have no reason to come on here and insult anyone, most people on here I know personally in real life.

Haha, yeaaaaahh suuuuure. So when do you want that 20 bucks, superstar? It's been a long time since you asked for it
» Masa replied on Thu Jul 5, 2012 @ 1:05pm. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By PENCAPCHEW
Playing someone elses music on cds is NOT art

Well, I actually think juggling between 2-3-4-10 tracks, samples and other miscellaneous beats IS an art, takes talent and skills not given to just anyone.

And, just to annoy Blisss, it's also why I personally decided never to hit the decks. Rather support all the great talent that's out there.

Blisss, if all you have to provide to this discussion is poo-slinging at my own self, just... Go fuck yourself, kthx
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 4, 2012 @ 12:35pm. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 158900
Aight aight, in all seriousness, I have no problems with there being a DJ school. I'm pretty sure I know a few of the instructors too.

And I don't really have any problems with anyone wanting to learn a skill, obviously.
I do have a problem with the motivations some may have for becoming one, as stated by our resident superstar wanker:

Originally Posted By BLISSS
For your information, you do meet a lot of girls, do get offered TONS of drugs for free, never pay to go anywhere, always end up on the guestlist, and yes if you're so inclined you can get your airfare paid for to go somewhere exotic if you feel like it.

.. Or by Moog's latest advertising.

There's a shitton of good DJs in Montreal, and a shitton of wannabe-poser-famehags too.
I let my feet be the judge.

Hopefully this DJ school WILL turn some lame DJs into proper ones.
» Masa replied on Wed Jul 4, 2012 @ 10:04am. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By BASDINI
Please continue, whatever you're saying is quite fascinating

Actually, it is; now we can be sure Blisss is in it for the groupies, the drugs and the not paying at events
» Masa replied on Tue Jul 3, 2012 @ 9:04pm. Posted in ☆ Dj School Montreal ☆.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD

YOU are what's wrong with electronic music today. Fucking get-rich-quick tourist assholes.

Yeah, well, wonder why no one posted this one yet

» Masa replied on Sun Jul 1, 2012 @ 2:23pm. Posted in The Dumbing Down of Electronic Music.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
Corrupter, you're in luck, someone's bringing the 90s back!

Oh gods, why was that worse than what I imagined it would be?
» Masa replied on Sat Jun 30, 2012 @ 9:56pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By BONUSBEATS
This message is immediately followed by a message talking about bringing arguments in an intelligent manner. WTF?

I mean, I know that modern-day Quebec and Pinochet-era Chile are two different realities, but the whole pot-banging part of the actual movement seems to me like a pretty nice way to protest in a country where freedom of speech allows people to protest without them having to riot against the police or army or whatever. I actually think that all those people banging on pots are the sign that the political life in Quebec is (at least) alive and I'd rather see that instead of bloodthirsty rioters turning the place into a warzone with REAL police interventions
and REAL political turmoil. Seen the riots in Greece last year?

With that vision, I really enjoy seeing a grandfather with his grandchildren banging on pots to protest a stupid law that wants to restrict their liberties because some dumbass, corrupted government is not able to deal with a bunch of students on strike without penalizing everyone's freedom of speech and reunion. So, well, yup, I encourage everyone to go bang on a pot if there's another occasion to do so collectively.

It's way better (according to me, of course), than to wake up one morning and get a plastic ball in the face because you didn't go bang on a pot when such a peaceful way of protesting was still an option. Of course, it's just me. If you like tear gas a lot, just wait, don't do nothing, at all costs DO NOT BANG ON A POT and one day, sooner than later I promise, you or your kids will have your lungs full of them.

Especially the last paragraph. Couldn't have said it better. :D
» Masa replied on Sat Jun 30, 2012 @ 6:23pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Who are you Bob Marley? Quick go bang on a pot Masa! Your liberties are theatened!


Everytime I think you can't possibly appear any more dumber, you manage to impress me.

Well played, wanker, well played
» Masa replied on Fri Jun 29, 2012 @ 3:02pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 158900
DUDE. Tu compares des pommes et des oranges. Des systèmes autocratiques / oligarchiques / autoritaires vs un état "démocratique", social-démocrate, progressiste..

Tu m'as entendu parler des policiers? J'ai dit qqch du genre : "fuck da police, les cochons c'toute des osties de trou de cul qui devraient mourir"?

Sauf qu'au fil des quelques manifestations auxquelles j'ai participé, j'ai quand même pu voir que certains étaient bin contents d'avoir des pouvoirs discrétionnaires franchement accrus, d'avoir la chance de taper à coups de bâton ou d'utiliser de façon fucking arbitraire du gaz poivre ou des guns à rubber bullets.

C'est bon, t'as l'air de comprendre que tout marche pas bien. T'as plus l'air de droite, dans le sens que t'aimerais bien être moins taxé et que la population ait moins de filets sociaux...

... MAIS tu voudrais aussi que l'État (et le gouvernement) s'ingère plus dans la gestion de la société (ce qui est traditionnellement plus de gauche, puisque ça implique plus de taxes).

Faut que tu fasses des choix, j'pense.

Au moins, j'sens que t'es d'accord que le gouvernement actuel est plutôt corrompu. Espérons que tu vas te mobiliser, regarder ce que les différents partis offrent et voter conséquemment aux prochaines élections.

... Parce que t'as pas l'air de vouloir te mobiliser pour l'instant, si tu penses que c'était pas nécessaire que le peuple manifeste son mécontentement.
» Masa replied on Fri Jun 29, 2012 @ 2:02pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Im not sure if you still qualify as a little boy at 30, but sorry to hear the police made you cry

Considering your record though, you probably started it lol...

Well, you're pushing 40 and you're acting like the dumbest bully in the schoolyard, Blisss, so... You really wanna go down that road?

Originally Posted By gkillaz
That kind of thing almost happen every weekend since the "mouvement du carré rouge" start...
So, I hope some stupid persons (including Police officers and cityzens) will stay home next time then all will be nice...

Well, I do hope you never need to stand up for your rights and have to face repression the likes of which has rarely been seen in Quebec since, say, Octobre 1970?
» Masa replied on Fri Jun 29, 2012 @ 1:51pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 158900
Suure, say that to the 30 or so people who were detained without just cause, or to that little boy who got scared and whose bag got seized by bully policemen...

Glad you had fun. But I wouldn't go so far as saying nothing bad happened that weekend.
» Masa replied on Fri Jun 29, 2012 @ 1:47pm. Posted in who is AlexF / Host1.
Coolness: 158900
Blisss is on an attention-whoring binge again?
» Masa replied on Mon Jun 25, 2012 @ 5:19pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 158900
No, the sad thing is that you're allowed to make a living while being an ass to peaceful, loving souls.

The system doesn't work
» Masa replied on Mon Jun 25, 2012 @ 4:35pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By NATHAN
where'd you get your info, from 'Right-wing Propaganda For Dummies' ?

maybe you overheard a crazy homeless person yelling it out?

nothing you wrote has any basis in reality or fact ... not even very creative; if you're gonna make shit up, at least use some imagination! xD

( <-- laughing at you, not with you )

Ravemance <3
(<-- with you, not at you )
» Masa replied on Mon Jun 25, 2012 @ 4:34pm. Posted in Nathan !.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By KIRE
n yeah he's a chill guy, no dead bodies in his basement or nothing ! lol

You mean you haven't shown him your dungeon, Nathan?
Guess you're oldskool, saving that for 2nd dates huh?
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 21, 2012 @ 8:19pm. Posted in To all my homeboys.
Coolness: 158900
» Masa replied on Thu Jun 21, 2012 @ 6:10pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 158900
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 20, 2012 @ 7:41pm. Posted in I'm in luck!.
Coolness: 158900
Aww. And here I thought I was special
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 20, 2012 @ 7:37pm. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 158900
Geez, vous prenez pas la critique constructive d'une industrie qui fait clairement pas particulièrement d'effort pour polluer moins en attaquant une nécessité de la vie?

For the record, j'aime conduire, c'est un guilty pleasure pour moi. J'conduis pas un Hummer mais c'est pas une hybride non plus. J'essaie d'être soucieux de l'environnement mais je suis conscient que j'laisse une trace écologique pas mal plus imposante que d'autres (genre 90% du reste de l'espèce humaine). Et j'assume, j'essaie pas de refiler le blâme sur personne d'autre.

J'suis tout à fait triste que l'industrie automobile s'appuie encore sur quelque chose d'aussi désuet que les combustibles fossiles. Vous argumentez que la F1 apporte du R&D? Mwais, ptêt pas dans la bonne direction, vous trouvez pas?

J'pense que ce qui choque le plus dans votre argumentation, c'est la fatalité; TOUT pollue, donc aussi bien s'en foutre.


Vous avez le droit d'aimer les automobiles. Vous avez le droit de considérer ça comme un sport, même si c'est pas vargeux comme argument. Oui, ça prend des réflexes et une certaine perception spatiale qui est pas donnée à n'importe quel être humain.

Mais faut quand même pas se leurrer : ça pollue pas mal plus qu'une game de basket ou le Tour de l'Île, ça a effectivement des retombées économiques mais reste que ça profite surtout à une poignée de merdeux parvenus (Ecclestone et cie), et c'est clairement pas l'industrie la mieux gérée. Ou celle qui bénéficie le plus à l'humanité.

Update » Masa wrote on Wed Jun 20, 2012 @ 7:39pm
Kin, j'vais essayer d'exprimer mon opinion d'une autre façon :

[ www.independent.co.uk ]

J'mange quand même du steak. J'deviendrai pas végé du jour au lendemain.
Mais j'limite ma consommation.
Un modicum de conscience sociale, s'il-vous-plaît.
» Masa replied on Wed Jun 6, 2012 @ 9:08am. Posted in retarded protestors targetting F1.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By MELODRASTIK
pas besoin de beat quand on a des casseroles haha

» Masa replied on Fri May 25, 2012 @ 6:08pm. Posted in Piercing Project.
Coolness: 158900
Originally Posted By PARTY_GIRL
hahahaha!!! half price at my place, :P
bin non j'suis pas facile dememe, mais jte charge un bon prix d'amis parce que tes cool toi, :)

C'tait une joke, à cause du contexte avec Blisss, mais awww t'es sweet

Pour vrai les nape piercings ça guérit bien?
» Masa replied on Fri May 25, 2012 @ 9:33am. Posted in Licking Eye Balls.
Coolness: 158900
Masa's Profile - Community Messages