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» Horus replied on Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 3:41pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By STRANGEDAHLIA
In 2 words: Pygmalion Effect

In 1 word: Fail!

It would be pretty nice if you got even close to understand what I'm talking about before typing a response.

Masa, do I think ravers are mindless idiots? You read my thoughts? And about my "blatant displays of ego" you may be sure they are that, but you may also be wrong. You know, this being the internet and all.
» Horus replied on Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 3:26pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By MASA
Heh, I'm 3 pages late already.
I'll be more blunt than DrN. and V2-1 on the Horus subject: YOU AIN'T TEACHING SHIT. YOU'RE SIMPLY SPEWING UP A BUNCH OF SEMANTIC BULLSHIT. Not everyone thinks inside the metaphorical box, and it's unfair to think that you're the only one able to think outside of it.

I stand by my "high horse" metaphor, and please Mr. Horus sir, if you ever notice me at a party, please come and call me "shithead" to my face. Then I'll have some sort of respect for you, as a man who stands by his affirmations.

OK sure. Strange that you would want that, though.
» Horus replied on Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 12:32pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Don't worry I read it all.

Version2minus1 at least proposes a respectable answer. The others "fuck yourself douche" fly low. No names mentioned here... :) They are simply ignored.

On to the more important stuff:

Originally Posted By VERSION2MINUS1
Horus, dude, a couple of things :

- You and me both come from a different generation. We've seen, experienced and lived a moreless different reality than that of today. You said it yourself : in 1963, it was totally different. Same thing could be said about the 80s btw, back when WE were kids. I dunno about you but back when I became 18, I STILL didn't look at our world in an accurately critical way. And when I did, I barely had any experience to back this up with. Back then, I was more concerned about college, getting my own place and going out to bars to flirt with chicks than being mature and, say, seeing the economical implications of capitalism and consumerism on a global scale.

- It's not rocket science : you have to realize being young today is NOT the same thing as when we were young. The world is different.

- Your life experience made you analytical like you are today. You CANNOT expect everyone to be like this, and most certainly not everyone our age is as smart as you claim to be. Why aren't you addressing these people ? Are they too old for you to care about them ? Is it because you prefer to instill your knowledge on younger people because they are more gullible and can be somewhat shapen like clay ? It certainly feels like you're playing cult leader, taking advantage of the weaker. That isn't acceptable.

- Even, by some obscure miracle, you convince us and we see your ways, you have affected 0.000000001% of our society today. Have you considered the stats ? Do you know how many people you have to " convert " ? I'm sorry but it looks like megalomania to me. And if you think this bunch will pass on your " knowledge " to others, you are so fucking grossly mistaken. WHat you do here will end here. You'll have to repeat the process all over again EVERYWHERE IN YOUR ENTOURAGE. Better quit your day job and become a full-time preacher. And I'm not talking about being a teacher. You aren't hired to make them understand your world.

- Young people do NOT, I repeat, do NOT question what was there before them. How many times have I heard someone under 20 discuss the fact that baby-boomers screwed it up for them today ? Once, maybe ? Most will listen to it if I explain it to them and will invariably shrug. Why ? What do they care ? They have to deal with what they have in front of them NOW, not look for reasons why it is what it is today by looking BEHIND. That's YOUR tedious job. And considering you understand that previous generations wrecked this one, what does that change ? We finally acknowledge who the culprits are but it still doesn't make it anywhere near easier to deal will stuff today, does it ?

- Most people, like me ( perhaps ), are decently intelligent around here, we just behave like we are stupid. Yes, I admit, it is incredibly liberating. You should try it sometimes. It's called " having fun ", something you have set aside in your never-ending obsession to overanalyze every nook and cranny of the human psyche.

- Your ideas, thought and opinions are your own. You have every right to voice them, considering the amount of work you've put into that. What you CANNOT do is impose them on people. You just perpetrate what failed previous generations have done in the past. Mass brainwashing and taking advantage of the weak and confused. Don't kid yourself and just look at how the clergy was conducting its business 20 years ago. The circle continues.

- Maybe you should reconsider your methods. I don't think people will take it lightly when you get pretentious about " the err of your ways ", " you cannot understand " and " I understand the world in a way YOU never will ". Bringing everyone to your level should work wonders. That would require you to dismount your hypothetical high horse though. You want to convince the astray ? You have to speak in a language that can be understood. Saying " I could explain but you wouldn't understand " just makes everyone want to take a shovel to your face. Consider this : why should we invest in reading all your babbling for 16 pages, curious about your arguments, only to have them ultimately explained with " I'll stop here because your feeble brains cannot comprehend ". We get no closure AND we get insulted in the process. Some technique you got there, for such superior intellect.

- Your posts are sometimes the equivalent of going to water slides with a bunch of friends and having one guy talk about Harper and the way he run things all day. It is clear we won't invite you to any parties anytime soon. I KNOW you're not like that in person but, dude, the way you behave here sometimes does not make us want to look past that.

The core of things is this:

You speak of ideas and opinions and of methods. Of convincing and reasoning.

My case is that the very concepts with which modern man thinks hobbles him mentally and of course in every other way. So. "Understanding" is a process by which the right concepts are put together to symbolize a particular meaning. I state that the very concepts which are fed us from the earliest age are absolutely flawed and as such render us fully incapable of grasping REALITY. We reside in a fiction which we like to call "our own reality" but it is nothing but a fiction.

And so long as we keep on thinking the thoughts force-fed us from the earliest age (yes, it was all in good intent and unbeknownst the toxic nature of these thoughts and very concepts with which we 'think') man is doomed to living the shadow of a life.

I know, for I have done this process of destroying the terms of thought. No, it has nothing to do about drugs. I'm not saying anything good OR bad against drugs. They just exist, what you do with them is the same as with everything else. You can ram a crowd of pedestrians with a car, does that make all cars evil? Obviously not. Everything else is the same, it's in what you do with it.

So anyway.

I have proven that concepts as a means of thinking are intrinsically flawed and create a disgusting mental prison in which, no matter what you do, you end up ensuring that whatever is wrong with this world GROWS. So basically no one needs convincing. Everyone needs UNconvincing. I am not trying to pass on "knowledge", for whatever I say gets interpreted and converted into concepts first, so any additional value is then lost, but then the words are made to fit into terms that correspond with the established basis.

I am looking to younger people because they tend to possess more of the strength required to really change things. Sadly I would have to befriend them at early teen-age, since pride, the enemy of man, grows to its paroxism around 20 or so years of age. It is best I intervene before then, and before too much damage is done. Too much BRAINWASHING because that is exactly what our parents do to us, then teachers, then the media and so on. Forcing terms of thought into our minds, infecting them with their putrid lie-stuff. So actually I try to reach the STRONGER not the weaker as you pretend. The stronger ones are usually younger and then this system which undermines identity weakens them until there is just about nothing left, around the age of 20.

People whose minds operates outside of these norms has an extremely powerful effect on everyone around them. Nothing in particular needs to be done. Just by their presence, over time, the effect will grow on the collective. That will be the birth the new humanity, while the current one dives into its own hell.

And don't worry about me having fun. I have a hell of a lot of fun and I take 1/10th the drugs that the average person on this site takes.
» Horus replied on Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 10:58am. Posted in Someone save me.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By KISHMAY_PINAS
^^ I believe what you are speaking of is called Horusitis

oOohhh that stings sooooo bad.
» Horus replied on Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 10:56am. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
45 years ago the "new generation" that woke up and swore to change the world is now the generation that occupies the higest ladder of experienced management, corporate, legal, political, name it. Nothing is greatly improved huh?

How so? They sold out?

No, the acid wave stopped. Seriously. Peace and Love lasted as long as the acid wave. Then the cocaine took over and turned everyone into impatient, arrogant, vainglorious assholes. Thus is why the 80s was such shit and how everything was made cheap and in poor taste (Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Neon gym clothes are NOT proper attire! Back then or now!)

Anyway, point remains that the New Testament didn't do it for me and Holy Saviour Jesus Horus Christ will not do it either.

I do this because I love you. I always have and I always will. I have never given up on you and I never ever will. So long as I have even the ability to bat an eyelid, I will fight with all I have the forces which seek to make of this world a hell. For it could well be Paradise.

You forgot one tiny part, where you should state: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

Ah, the famous DrN! I was waiting for you!

You sir, are the epitomy, the super-leader, the ultra-example of people who think they are doing different but you are SO EXACTLY WHAT THE ESTABLISHMENT LOVES to further its cause. You sir, are the enemy of man.
» Horus replied on Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 10:54am. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By SHINDY
he pratice self-delusion... that's all he is able to show so far at least!

The only problem I have with your REACTIONS is that they are knee-jerks. They do not show any ability to detach yourself from anything being told you. At least a semi-sentient being should have that. Otherwise you are but an animal. But that is OK, evolution will get to you eventually. You will resolutely *HATE* that, I promise. But it's still good for you. ;)
» Horus replied on Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 10:47am. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Another shithead! Cool!

And another! Yeee-haaaaaa!!!! :)
» Horus replied on Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 10:43am. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Oh look a shithead.
» Horus replied on Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 10:42am. Posted in Someone save me.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By JOJO_BIZARRE
man human being are the worst!

Ever wonder if there is such a thing as a mental virus?

What if it spread before anyone could understand, and now everyone would be infected and we would way "OH MY GOD humans are such assholes" where it's the virus?

Bad sci-fi, I know.
» Horus replied on Thu Jun 5, 2008 @ 10:37am. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By DATABOY
I think he probably does hang out with peoples his own age. I was under the impression that he just didnt have the knack of communicating with younger peoples.

Actually, if his whole point was to get the "kids" riled up, i think he's been doing a pretty good job.

Hell, if his sole purpose in life was to entertain me it will still have been worth it.

Call it provocation therapy.

You're good.

Here's the deal.

See the world as it is? Most people on here bitch how nonsensical it is. War, famine, imperialistic capitalism, taxes down the throat and up the ass, politicians more rotten than rot itself, violent crime, pollution, it goes on and on and on. Go back 45 years. We're in 1963. What's going on? A "new generation" wakes up and says "what's with this shit?". Seem familiar? Same thing, right? More or less, but the gist of it is the same, with perhaps the difference that 45 years ago this "new generation" was filled with a new hope. Today hope is seen as futile at best.

YOU ARE GOING TO WORK AS A SLAVE MOST OF YOUR LIFE TO BARELY EEK OUT A LIVING AND YOU WILL BE HIT OVER THE HEAD WITH AWFUL NEWS LIVING IN A SHIT WORLD WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. This is the implied certainty of all people nowadays. The younger people should pretty much see that about now. And they're pissed. YOU are pissed. Rightly so.

You are pissed at people of previous generations, such as myself. You want things to be different, so the reaction is to do different. Mostly, to do the opposite, coz the world you wanna live in looks a bit more like the opposite of what you see around you.

But wait...

45 years ago the "new generation" that woke up and swore to change the world is now the generation that occupies the higest ladder of experienced management, corporate, legal, political, name it. Nothing is greatly improved huh?

How so? They sold out?

Yes and no. It would look very complex if I typed it, so I won't, coz it is kinda simple but it isn't intellectually easy. As a matter of fact, intellect is what keeps people from seeing these things.

So anyway. I see this new generation today, and they are ONCE AGAIN REPEATING THE SAME MISTAKE. Doing exactly what needs to be done in order to further the course on which the world has been launched. SPECIFICALLY and ESPECIALLY by resisting and protesting AGAINST what's going on. You will think something like "wait, if I'm resisting and protesting something, I am certainly NOT helping it along am I?" And that's where intellect is your worst enemy. This cannot be "understood".

Anyway, I have looked very deep into human nature, sociology, economics, the whole fucking thing. And finally got it. HOW it is that the people who so want to change things end up furthering the cause they so hate. And generation after generation it continues and increases.

So I see you, brave young people, in the process of repeating the same thing, which is doing the contrary of what seems to lead to the stuff you hate in the world. It doesn't work.

And because you won't listen, well instead I rile you up against things I say. Well you think you get riled up at me, but that's OK because you really get riled up at what you perceive within your own mind from what I write. And that's what's needed.

In the end, I understand your minds so thoroughly that I see that you will not go for the fun way so I get you riled up against things, which allows your minds to be steered in the direction that will allow the sprouting within your ranks of people who will break away from the pattern, and in turn help break the hellish pattern in which generations are intertwined, with as a result incalculable cost in suffering, unhappiness and so on.

I do this because I love you. I always have and I always will. I have never given up on you and I never ever will. So long as I have even the ability to bat an eyelid, I will fight with all I have the forces which seek to make of this world a hell. For it could well be Paradise.
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 3:27pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Someone cannot degrade someone else.

I shan't comment in public as to what it means to believe otherwise. It is not pretty.
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 3:20pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Is it about me showing how much better I am, or warring against mediocrity?

And if so, how could *YOU* tell the difference? That's right, you can't. You think you can, of course, because realizing you don't have that ability would be an admission of your own stupidity, yet being mediocre requires that you are blind to your own condition. Otherwise you would seek to IMPROVE upon yourself. Instead of just trying to continuously degrade yourself in unison with others and calling it "having fun", "being happy" and to the winner of the most ridiculously mediocre, degraded person "I loooooooooove you!"
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 3:16pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
If I could explain myself, I would. But your minds are of such feeble ability that any such attempt, made many times, is extremely futile.

With evolution, some will come to see.

I am very patient, and I egg you on. Yes even through this board, even through your putrid hatred, I continue.

Someday, some will see.
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 3:13pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
What is scary is how popularity is based on mediocrity.

Wanting to save younger people from the irreparable damage to themselves they will do in order to attain popularity is a very humanitarian thing to do, albeit much beyond your ability to comprehend.
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 2:38pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870

You betcha.

And I *LOVE* it.
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 2:35pm. Posted in Ghb.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By LACASSE.BOB
Pour ma part c surtout une question de dosage...

une petite dose( disons que je prend une demi-fiole assez vite) va me mettre vraiment excité, pas tant sexuellement que j'ai le feeling d'être un ostie de pti criss, de sauter partout pi de dire des conneries, tantdis qu'à plus grosse doze, ca m'amortit et m'endort... d'après moi ca rapport avec la différence entre les récepteurs de GHB, qui sont stimulants, et ceux du GABA, qui sont inhibiteurs. Aparemment que des peties dose de GHB ne stimulent que les réecepteurs de GHB mais qu'une fois ceux-ci saturés le GHB transfert son affinité pour les recepteurs GABA et produit les efets inhibiteurs semblables a ceux des l'alcool

Le GH c'est comme surfer sur des vagues d'excitation et des remous d'hibritété.

Oui mais tu viens-tu cochonne? C'est pas ça l'important? XD
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 2:29pm. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By BAELOS
my point was it could have been any random names you guys mention up. I just pick one. I wont say random shit anymore. I will only answer in a intelligent and boring manner from now on...

Yeah man, you have to be one of the KEWL BUNCH in order to BS around here. For example, if you are one of them you can talk about eating human flesh, having sex with minors, raping corpses and so on. That is all VERY acceptable, provided you are one of them.

But start talking about a JFK-style assassination on a scumbag politician and NOW you have crossed the line. Unless you were one of the KEWL KREW. Then you could probably talk about eating some of Obama's corpse while your friends are raping it and that would be way cool.

Back to topic, I wanted Clinton coz hubby is the least bad prez they had in a long time down there. Nevermind that he got almost impeached for getting his dick sucked, hey do something REAL like massacring thousands of Iraki on make-believe weapons of mass distraction and then you get off easy.
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 11:39am. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By GODISDEAD_
Originally Posted By databoy McCain ftw

We should all just die now.

Looking for the easy way out are we? ;-P
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 11:38am. Posted in Someone save me.
Coolness: 40870
Quelle enfant gâtée!!

Je te souhaite de passer ta vie avec un Francophone. Non. Un FRANÇAIS DE FRANCE!!! XD
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 11:20am. Posted in Obama Just Won The Nomination.
Coolness: 40870
Ron Paul was the world's last hope.

Oh well, planet earth goes down the drain thus.
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 11:18am. Posted in Ice Spotted On Mars!!.
Coolness: 40870
O teh lolz :)
» Horus replied on Wed Jun 4, 2008 @ 10:58am. Posted in Pedo's insane.
Coolness: 40870
Very very sick.

Oh, and DrN, human meat tastes EXACTLY like pork meat. No I have not had it but by all accounts it is the exact same. The (very hidden) historical texts also allude to that being the reason certain religions don't eat pork, so as to avoid being tempted going back to their previous cannibalistic ways...
» Horus replied on Tue Jun 3, 2008 @ 10:10am. Posted in The game thread.
Coolness: 40870
Heh ça me fait penser à des entraîneurs qui s'entraînent pas... :(

Daf, effectivement, nous sommes d'accord. C'est vrai qu'il est ben mieux d'avoir "la piqure" quand on travaille dans qqchose...
» Horus replied on Tue Jun 3, 2008 @ 9:50am. Posted in The game thread.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By DAF
Originally Posted By DrNyarlathotep And Horus, we're videogame geeks. Daf, Shindy and I work in the industry. Comes with the job!

si seulement c'étais vrai. Chez Ubisoft y'a plus du 3/4 qui joue jamais à des jeux. Je comprend vraiment pas ce qu'il fait ici, à créer des jeux vidéo, sans avoir "l'expérience" ou je sais pas. L'esprit est 2 fois plus critique quand tu connais ce qu'il y a sur le marché

J'ai tellement passé mon adolescence dans les arcades pis sur le NES, SNES, PC, etc... Je pourrais jamais travailler là-dedans... LOL... ;)
» Horus replied on Tue Jun 3, 2008 @ 9:48am. Posted in The game thread.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
I spent all my money on Golden Axe (the arcade original) . I had this gimmick when I lived with my grandmother.

She would give me three bucks every week for a pack of cards (I collected hockey and Marvel cards. I kept the Marvel cards and used the hockey cards for Poker... We bet cards instead of money). Instead of buying Marvel cards, I bought Ghostrider cards at that one hobby store because they cost 50 cents a pack.

Then I'd waste 2.50$ on Golden Axe. My grandmother often wondered why it took me 3 hours to buy a pack of cards. I'd usually tell her that I met some friends and played ball or something. (She didn't approve of the videogame addiction)

Golden Axe... Wait... "Warrior needs food, badly" ??
» Horus replied on Tue Jun 3, 2008 @ 9:12am. Posted in The game thread.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By SHINDY
no Kings of dragon finalement : [ en.wikipedia.org ]
Hey I played that. I remember enjoying it. How do you guys even remember the names though? =O
» Horus replied on Mon Jun 2, 2008 @ 2:29pm. Posted in Official apology/leaving tread.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By BAELOS
I rly think I was on a huge down + a bit of paranoia. I did way to much this weekend. I dont want to freak anyone out. Don t worry suicide isnt even an option for me ever! Still feeling this way, with a bit of torn inside my heart but I am fine :)

Dude go to a natural health store and get yourself some 5-htp right away. Ask for it. Take 200mg today and 100mg every day for a week.

That will fix you right up for now. Take a LONG break off E brother, you deserve it now. ;)
» Horus replied on Mon Jun 2, 2008 @ 2:25pm. Posted in The game thread.
Coolness: 40870
Pong was the first game I ever played. OMG was I amazed.

Uh, ahem.
» Horus replied on Sat May 31, 2008 @ 9:51pm. Posted in The game thread.
Coolness: 40870
About Mass Effect... It's a damn good game but the system requirements are crazy. I run an Athlon64 FX60 with 2gb ram and a radeon x1950pro vid card. The video is very nice, and at first I thought my settings were just too high, but turning them down does nothing. Turns out most of the time both cores are maxed out, and my RAM usage goes in the 70% +...

Great sci-fi adventuring but serious horespower needed. I'mma get me Oblivion after playing this one, I feel it will be more playable than this.
» Horus replied on Fri May 30, 2008 @ 2:56pm. Posted in The game thread.
Coolness: 40870
So I just downloaded the acclaimed Mass Effect for PC, which is finally out. It's beautiful and of course the gameplay has blown many a gamer away over the past year or so.

I also love CS:Source (obviously) and the whole Half-Life 2 thing.

What are you guys playing and loving?
» Horus replied on Fri May 30, 2008 @ 2:54pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 40870
VA - Slow Motion
» Horus replied on Fri May 30, 2008 @ 11:25am. Posted in Love and E.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By MICO
Originally Posted By Gamos
Can taking E decrease one's long-term ability to love, sympathize and empathise with others? More generally, can it decrease one;s ability to make emotional connections with others?


I agree. And I also agree that it can be key to removing blocks towards love/sympathy/empathy in a most permanent fashion.
» Horus replied on Fri May 30, 2008 @ 11:09am. Posted in Being Unemployed.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By WIZDUMB
mail order brides is a creepy idea

Yeah it kinda is but the fact is, there are some very nice people in some bad spots around the world. They want out. They put their faces on these foreign dating agencies, it's not really mail-order brides, than international dating. Then you go to the country, and visit 25 women there, and if you find a match, well good. Coz if after 20, 30, 40 years of looking for a match locally you don't succeed, well, there's the rest of the world buddy. Either way I think it's a swell idea for SOME people. Of course you will have creeps, but they are everywhere.

Even on your avatar. XD

Oh and back to the topic of the unemployed, "MASS EFFECT", the critically-acclaimed, award-winning game, just came out on PC. Finished downloading it yesterday night... Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!!
» Horus replied on Thu May 29, 2008 @ 4:05pm. Posted in Being Unemployed.
Coolness: 40870
A couple of them look OK.

Reminds me of the Chinese brides website I was visiting... Finally my current girl cured me of getting me a chinese wife. :)
» Horus replied on Wed May 28, 2008 @ 5:24pm. Posted in Being Unemployed.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By PURESEXMEGS
i do have it linked to my bank account and then numerous times i have attempted to get this confirmation code thats given to me when they deposit 1 cent into my account and it never happens so i cant get the code and so i cant use the pay pal feature

The code IS the amount of pennies they deposit.

For example, they will deposit, 0.17 and 0.31 on the same day.

Then you go to the paypal site they ask you how much they deposited you enter 0.17 and 0.31 and voila!! :)

Update » Horus wrote on Wed May 28, 2008 @ 5:27pm
And yes paypal are monstrous assholes. Like banks. Like governments. Like big corporations. Like uh... Fuck that, like just about the entire fucking world. They're out to get us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
» Horus replied on Tue May 27, 2008 @ 11:01am. Posted in Who wants to be a terrorist?.
Coolness: 40870

» Horus replied on Tue May 27, 2008 @ 11:00am. Posted in Being Unemployed.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By PURESEXMEGS
paypal wont work me :( i think im the only one ?

How do you mean it won't work?

You have to have funds in your paypal account, or have it linked to your bank account if you have no CC, but it should work.

I'm getting lotsa stuff off Beatport, all with paypal. :)
» Horus replied on Sun May 25, 2008 @ 2:03pm. Posted in Being Unemployed.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By RAWALI
Originally Posted By No_Comply
Apply for enough to cover your credit cards THEN CUT THEM UP.

noooooooo! no cutting... i needz creditz for my beatport

They take paypal too. :)
» Horus replied on Sat May 24, 2008 @ 1:18am. Posted in there is no god..
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
His dissing the manboob depiction of Horus the sun god.

Ah, but no more. Perhaps he will dare diss the mighty #1 Terrorist with the equally Mighty Steyr Aug? If so, he shall surely perish quickly after the crosshairs precisely line up with his skull.
» Horus replied on Fri May 23, 2008 @ 11:54pm. Posted in Being Unemployed.
Coolness: 40870
Originally Posted By SMOG
work if you want the canadien dream .

Which would go like...

Work 50 years of your life.
Pay most of what you earn in income tax.
Pay sales taxes on all that you buy.
With whatever is left, try to make ends meet as best you can.
If you can, scrounge up some to put into an RRSP.
If you are lucky you will lose your job only a few times in your life.
At the end you can retire at 65, earning about the poverty treshold.

Horus's Profile - Community Messages