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Roxiie's Profile - Community Messages
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» Roxiie répondu dessus Sun 10 May, 2009 @ 12:57am. Posted in Henri Rollins Hates You!!!.
Coolness: 35475
"wonder what came first - Henry Rollins quitting Black Flag to persue a career in shirtless entertainment or his stand up career"

Actually Greg Ginn the founder of BF called up Rollins one day and said he was finished with the band, that he wanted to focus more on his other music"

What a fucking closed minded talentless fuckhead.

Considering he has written over 10 books, does over a 100 tours a year , has managed to have his own IFC special, still find time to produce bands and put out music I'd say he's pretty talented"

"I wrote 6 pack and slip it in! I'm fuckin Beethoven!"

Actually you misinformed cock sucker. Six pack was from the Damaged era before Rollins and was even a member of the band. Slip it in was also written by Ginn on the my war album.

"My terrible acting is showcased alongside Keanu Reeve's
terrible acting in Johnny Mnemonic" like that movie didn't have an industrial/techno
soundtrack or anything ;)

A gigs a gig, the fact that he bust's his ass more than 90% of people out there commands my respect.
You don't have 1/4th the work ethic this man has had for over 34 years.
» Roxiie répondu dessus Wed 8 Apr, 2009 @ 2:20pm. Posted in quebec haters....
Coolness: 35475
Meh... this is just going around in circles.

Go play the spoons and shut the fuck up.
» Roxiie répondu dessus Wed 8 Apr, 2009 @ 2:10pm. Posted in quebec haters....
Coolness: 35475
"So please spare me the "I'm first nation, I know my history, bullshit" cus if you did you did, you would spit on that native Canadian card of yours.

Until then, i guess the next beer is on me... and the next, and the next..."

Your right I mean it makes so much more sense to take away any type of compensation.
We should just pull up our boot straps like les Quebecios and do things our se-.... Ohhh that's kinda awkward. For half a second I implied that Quebec didn't suckle the tit of the federal government and threw temper tantrums any time another province is getting any sort of support or attention.
Quebec has always played the fucking martyr card and it sickens me.
You want to talk about a province getting screwed?
How about Newfoundland.
» Roxiie répondu dessus Wed 8 Apr, 2009 @ 4:00am. Posted in quebec haters....
Coolness: 35475
“Because very few native American know their history and what they do know, they learned from the Upper Canadians. “

I love individuals who aren’t actually part of an native faction or tribe and speak on behalf of my people. Really go on please educate me on how I’ve been tricked by the big bad Anglo Canadian, that my perspective has been distorted by lie’s and propaganda.

i don't want a "semi-independent" nation, i want a full fledged independent country, with it's own money, passport, UN rep”

What the fuck are your going to support your economy with Jean-Couteau and Bombardier? Are you fucking serious that you want Quebec to be a sovereign state?
Lets play the hypothetical game where Quebec gains its independence.
Here’s a question for you champ
(1) If the Federal Government granted you whining maggots your independence and withdrew all federal support. How could you possibly create a viable economy?

“so long as we are part of canada we will never have a sane political system in quebec.”

Do tell what type of political party would Quebec create to truly represent the needs of it’s people?

“i really believe that people like me and our ideas represent the shape of things to come...”
Such as a resurgence of the oh so friendly FLQ?
You know what I love more than anything. When Trudeau smacked the living shit out of the FLQ and put those motherfuckers in their place like they belonged.
Ever so often I watch his speech during the October crisis and it bring a tear to my eye.

“You guys are all idiots for fighting over this

Politics is for the birds”

And you should for fit the right to have a say in anything that ever happens in this country again you dumb ass. People who willfully choose to remain politically ignorant in the type of first world state’s we live in deserve to be kicked in the god damn teeth.
Honestly …politics is for the birds?
Political apathy boils my boild. God I would love to kick your ass to a State in the Global South where your apathy would have you starve.

Mise à jour » Roxiie a écrit dessus Wed 8 Apr, 2009 @ 4:02am
~boils my blood not boild
» Roxiie répondu dessus Mon 6 Apr, 2009 @ 5:37pm. Posted in quebec haters....
Coolness: 35475
Speaking as a card carrying native Canadian.
I would like you narrow minded trust fund french hippies to shut your god damn trap holes.
You people really wanna play the oppressed minority card?
» Roxiie répondu dessus Fri 2 Jan, 2009 @ 11:04pm. Posted in Ravvvvvvvvvers Unite.
Coolness: 35475
And yet this is why most people think ravers belong in the special Olympics

[ www.viceland.com ]
» Roxiie répondu dessus Sat 30 Jun, 2007 @ 7:20pm. Posted in official i love Girl Talk thread!!!!.
Coolness: 35475
You mean HIM.
Girl Talk is one guy!
» Roxiie répondu dessus Sat 30 Jun, 2007 @ 11:03am. Posted in the issue of french in Quebec....
Coolness: 35475
"hahahaha go get laid."

What does that have to do in relation with the statement i made?
I know its tuff for druggies to actually follow a conversation.
But give it a try some time :)
» Roxiie répondu dessus Sat 30 Jun, 2007 @ 3:00am. Posted in Wrestler Chris Benoit Family Murder-Suicide.
Coolness: 35475
DJ Bliss how old are you?
I have this feeling your going to retort with some lame ravetard comment like" Age is just a number,their for is irelevent in our magical society"
» Roxiie répondu dessus Sat 30 Jun, 2007 @ 2:58am. Posted in the issue of french in Quebec....
Coolness: 35475
shut it frenchie!
» Roxiie répondu dessus Sat 30 Jun, 2007 @ 1:32am. Posted in the issue of french in Quebec....
Coolness: 35475
I get pissed off at Quebecers who try to tell me they are Quebecer's first,canadians second.
I wish those people would just fucking die.
It's so discusting how little canadian pride their is in the area i live in (Eastern townships)
Their is nothing going on for canada day.
» Roxiie répondu dessus Thu 28 Jun, 2007 @ 5:33pm. Posted in Wrestler Chris Benoit Family Murder-Suicide.
Coolness: 35475
What a Vadge.
Your boy runs off to Toronto.
Meh when he comes back he's going to enjoy getting ass fucked.

But he should have no problem with rollin with peeps in jail.
I mean its not like the majority of the people on this site are Spoiled little white rich kids who shove drugs up their noses and act like their a bunch of tought guys.

Ohh wait
actually i think that description fits you fucking poseurs pretty well.
» Roxiie répondu dessus Thu 28 Jun, 2007 @ 5:01pm. Posted in Wrestler Chris Benoit Family Murder-Suicide.
Coolness: 35475
how come host_one isn't on here mouthing off?
i thought he was some tuff guy.
» Roxiie répondu dessus Thu 28 Jun, 2007 @ 2:13am. Posted in Wrestler Chris Benoit Family Murder-Suicide.
Coolness: 35475
This is to god dam funny.
Host_one is like a little lap dog,is always yapping away.
I hope he gets slapped with a decent fine or does some jail time.

But...wait he's the "big man" with his baton.
What a fucking vadge.
» Roxiie répondu dessus Mon 14 May, 2007 @ 9:15pm. Posted in Who the FUCK is this POMPOM NOOB?.
Coolness: 35475
I'm curious as a noob do i get to wear a special nametag?
And also can i jump on the Pompom vs Host_One bandwagon?
» Roxiie répondu dessus Mon 21 Feb, 2005 @ 3:36pm. Posted in Apartment For Rent.
Coolness: 35475
Exquisite 5 1/2 with 3brdms.
Near Outremont metro,park ave.
5 minuet walk from outremont metro
Quiet neighborhood and well equiped with a multitude of emenities near by.
Act now and furniture may be included to keep.
Rent is $850 mth
Lots of park,perfect place for students
ask for spencer or corey

The quicker some one picks this up the more furniture,other items i throw in to keep
» Roxiie répondu dessus Wed 9 Feb, 2005 @ 10:38am. Posted in ASK the boys.
Coolness: 35475
But if its dark,you cant see... Your taking a chance.. Because to find out if it's gross or not your going to have to go down there...
» Roxiie répondu dessus Wed 9 Feb, 2005 @ 10:32am. Posted in Your favorite movie line.
Coolness: 35475
Steve Zissou: That pregnant slut is playing us like a cheap fiddle -The aquatic life of steve zissous
» Roxiie répondu dessus Wed 9 Feb, 2005 @ 10:26am. Posted in Free heroin..You know you waaaaaaant it!.
Coolness: 35475
Probaly the same thing that goes threw some one's head when the decide to do coke or k? .... boredom perhaps ?
Roxiie's Profile - Community Messages