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Rewire 5!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Deadfunk a répondu le Sun 12 Apr, 2009 @ 12:57pm
Coolness: 153405
Nice job with the sound and deco!!

i didnt stay late but it was amazing from what i saw

i'm happy i filled the second room !

cant wait till the next one
I'm feeling hardcore right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cvxn a répondu le Sun 12 Apr, 2009 @ 1:09pm
Coolness: 179045
Mise À Jour » cvxn a écrit sur Sun 12 Apr, 2009 @ 2:03pm
uploaded little lazerz video there [ www.rave.ca ]
sound is shitty but lazerz are cool.
I'm feeling / right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» TheUnknown a répondu le Sun 12 Apr, 2009 @ 7:49pm
Coolness: 110135
Anyone else have videos of lazers?
I'm feeling rewired right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Masha_Agricole a répondu le Sun 12 Apr, 2009 @ 8:19pm
Coolness: 100705
FUN FUN FUN!!!! Props to everyone who worked on this party! <3
I'm feeling fother mucker right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» system_glitch a répondu le Sun 12 Apr, 2009 @ 9:05pm
Coolness: 162900
Once again a great party by Jester and DeadNa prod.

A return to a more old-school vibe, from the feedback I gathered not sure the general raver crowd was ready for this, but technically the party was on track.

Couple of glitches related to the venue (heating and toilet) but big props for the organisation, security who managed to make a nice party place out of a real death trap, and promo team for being on top of things all night.

As for me, first party in over 6 months, never appreciated psy too much and the old-school hardcore stuff I was way too tired to fully appreciate, so the vibe of the night was kinda weird for me, but it was great seeing all the old faces again, and lots of new ones I met for the first time.

I'm feeling laundering karma right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Jibizz a répondu le Sun 12 Apr, 2009 @ 10:23pm
Coolness: 33180
Brrrrrrh ! J'ai pas réussi à me réchauffer !!!! :-(
Mais la salle: wouaw: c'est vraiment une place super pour les raves. Qui a déniché ca ??
Je ne suis pas resté longtemps, mais j'ai apprécié la musique et les lasers !! ;-)
I'm feeling completement flagada right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Seismik a répondu le Mon 13 Apr, 2009 @ 1:51pm
Coolness: 107975
Originally Posted By JIBIZZ

Mais la salle: wouaw: c'est vraiment une place super pour les raves. Qui a déniché ca ??
NTK crew

et un autre bon party, j'ai de la misere a m'en remettre encore X)
C'est plate que la Police a fait couper le sons au debut du party et pendan le super set a Na.
A part ca, y avait du bon sons toute la nuit. Pour ceux qui sont pas venu, just too bad.

Merci Na & Clown
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Rakoon a répondu le Mon 13 Apr, 2009 @ 7:09pm
Coolness: 175840
Si NTK n'existait pas
j'pense qu'on ferait des raves au red light :p

mais bon, je suis pas resté longtemps
mais j'ai bien aimé ma soirée
I'm feeling happy right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AlienZeD a répondu le Mon 13 Apr, 2009 @ 8:18pm
Coolness: 509960
really well organized event! The sound, deco and security were all great. I just wish more people could have been there to enjoy it...
props to Vince and Na on a high quality event!
I'm feeling hype right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MolocH a répondu le Mon 13 Apr, 2009 @ 9:10pm
Coolness: 226675

First I wanna give the credits they deserve to Nate and Vinny.
Guys, you rawk. I had a pretty awesome night. Bright faces, pretty ones too.
A lot of the latter.

T'wuz a leetle cold tough, I guess it comes with april weather and concrete.
Thanks to everyone for providing me with entertainement...

"These lovely dead
I'm waiting for your breath
'cause sweet Death wants Last Caress..."
I'm feeling temptation right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mutante a répondu le Mon 13 Apr, 2009 @ 10:16pm
Coolness: 76580
merci a Na et Clown.
j'aurais aimé arriver avant, c'est mon seul bémol....
merci encore a toute l'organisation, de la grosse job.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Sparklz a répondu le Mon 13 Apr, 2009 @ 11:02pm
Coolness: 113795
Wow what a night! Yet another Rewire that will have a place in my heart <3333
Big up to all those people who were generous and tipped us well at the bar, like the poster said "tipping gets you laid!"
The music was solid, sucks that it had to be turned down, but killer music all the same :)
Had a blast, slept like the dead once it was over, and I can't wait to do it all over again ^.^
Nathan and Vinny, thank you soo much for the awesome evening!
I'm feeling a little teapot right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MrOurs a répondu le Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 12:46am
Coolness: 32260
It was a really great night. The dubstep at the beginning was a perfect start and the whole line up in the hard room was fucking great. Even with all the little problems of the venue there is one thing that can't be ignored : McDonald 2min walk :P. 2double cheeze and I came back at the perfect time : Tense's set was getting faster. It's sad that the sound had to be turned down just before Sickness began but it still was a fucking crazy party and I hope that there will be more hardcore event like this.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bad_Chemistry a répondu le Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 1:15am
Coolness: 73485
Awesome party. Props to Vinny and N.A. I really enjoyed the sound in the Psytrance room. Really had an old school vibe, I liked it.
I'm feeling wtf charles? right now..
Good [+2]Toggle ReplyLink» Nathan a répondu le Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 1:33am
Coolness: 166945
the Good

Wow. The music was incredible, the lights were cool, deco was great, the visuals were brilliant, and the people were awesome!

i'm so very very grateful for all those who came out and danced their legs off. I love you all :)

Dj Tense, owner of Apocalypse records from NYC, was as amazing as usual, some of the best hardcore i've heard, and varied too (crazy classic speedcore at the end!). Satronica's live set was so cool, especially when Betty Haze jumped on the mic! Kick ass! Mutante and Clown and Toltech all kicked ass too, as always...The psy room was solid as fuck, good good beats. Tripped out! Deadfunk brought the fire to heat up that second room...an ape's music is beautiful, and Drixel grooved hard right after him...

Thanx to all the DJs, you were all wicked, and i saw that you all worked really hard...

A big huge gigantic Thank You to the helpers, the employees, the support: Moloch, Sakara, Sparklz & Jason, Nemorave, Belinda, Jean-Raph & Ellie-Anne, Oussam, GRIP, the security crew, and of course Vinny's buddies who did the door and the coat-check. cheers!

Despite a few bumps in the road, i had lotsa fun, and the party was a success...working with Vinny/Jester prod was a blast, and pleasant :) i still can't believe how well organized we were :p [ ...ca ] wait to play for him at Rewire 5.5

Big up to radiocentreville for the support and letting us fund-raise for them. i've had 10+ fun years a that radio station, and many more to come.

Oh, and the all the girls with bunny ears, real sexay ;)

the Bad

i won't dwell on the negative, and there isn't much anyway, but i'm too honest, and would to express my disappointment in some people and explain a few things...

we were relying on ravers that didn't show up. i'm a little disappointed in the scene for that.

we were relying on other people to help out and bring certain items that would have made all the difference (ie. thick curtains for the window in room 1 to block sound/light, which would have meant that we wouldn't have had to bring the volume down as much when the cops showed up, if they had even shown up at all)

I apologize for the volume fluctuations due to 1 vindictive neighbor calling the police (even after we had talked to her, twice, to explain the situation). In the morning, after being tolerant all night, the police came back, hence why the volume dropped massively near the end of my set. It's unfortunate, yet understandable. had we set it up differently, it would have been worse. We didn't expect there to be 3 other parties in previous weeks either when we booked the place :/

it's still better to have the volume a little lower on a quality system than to have the party shut down, or be given a fine. Still, sorry to Sickness and Industrial Meat who had to play on low volume, but thnx for playing anyway!

The COLD. i'm soooo pissed off about that... we told the owners of the venue to heat the place up during the day, 3 times. When it came time to act, he refused to heat. there was nothing we could do. sorry. i know it took away form the vibe, but we did our best. we also expected more ppl, therefore more body heat. Anyway, it was a dick move on their part.

the Ugly

Douche bags like james (princest opiate) who showed up late in the morning, after the fact, and gave us attitude 'cause of the volume. fuck off man, you have no idea what we went through, you just came late 'cause you're a cheap asshole, missed all the fun, and had the nerve to complain. he got kicked out, and is never welcome to any DeadNa, and i'm told Jester, productions. ever.

Jealous saboteurs like Bliss who said online that he was discouraging ppl from coming because of some unrelated online beef he started a year ago. bullshit.

The venue is pretty much burned at this point, i suggest no one takes a chance on it. plus the owners, no offense, are a little sketchy and a little greedy. (well, at least they installed an emergency exit, upon our request, though it was done the day itself).

*** *** ***

All in all, who cares about money, we had a great time, the music was worth it, and i'm happy to have had the opportunity to bring you all this event. I'll be paying for it for a while, but that's my problem, not yours.

One more big THANKS and a great big HUG to the ravers and gravers and freaks who came out and rocked the dancefloor hard in both rooms, who toughed out the chilly air...you guys are real hardcore! you make me proud :)

Thank you for everything Vinny, it was great working with ya'...much love my friend :)

*** *** ***

DeadNa: a solution in search of a problem.

-->Super long post /end.
Mise À Jour » Nathan a écrit sur Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 1:37am
ps. thank you guys n' gals for the great reviews! i feel all warm and fuzzy inside :P
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss a répondu le Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 1:48am
Coolness: 130120
Originally Posted By N.A

Jealous saboteurs like Bliss who said online that he was discouraging ppl from coming because of some unrelated online beef he started a year ago. bullshit.


Dude I remember mentionning ONCE 3 months ago that you beefing online with people might affect your turnout

I never discouraged anyone from attending your party

And jealous? Get your head examined man, first off I'm not a promoter you moron, second off I play enough good events to not have to be jealous of nobody

I'm happy your party went well, I mean that, I respect your hard work

But please don't blame your poor turnout on an observation I made, thats fucking pathetic
Mise À Jour » Blisss a écrit sur Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 1:57am
I expect an apology
I'm feeling like the good guy right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nathan a répondu le Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 1:59am
Coolness: 166945
had a feeling you were spying on this thread, waiting to say something negative and mean spirited.

turnout wasn't poor, but those 5 ppl you told not to come (you said you did exactly that, btw), makes a small difference. if it wasn't true, you shouldn't have said it. If it was just a lie to piss us off all those months ago, then sorry

*edit*: i would apologize sincerely, but your arrogant re-edit of your post makes me want to retract that 'sorry' i wrote, but i'll leave it, 'cause i have principles.

anyway, this review thread is awesome, don't ruin it for everyone. you've done enough damage.

I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss a répondu le Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 2:20am
Coolness: 130120
Originally Posted By N.A

had a feeling you were spying on this thread, waiting to say something negative and mean spirited.

oh yeah, you fucking insult me for no reason and falsely mention my name, and I'm the negative one...who are you kidding exactly?

Originally Posted By N.A

turnout wasn't poor, but those 5 ppl you told not to come (you said you did exactly that, btw), makes a small difference. if it wasn't true, you shouldn't have said it. If it was just a lie to piss us off all those months ago, then sorry

hey fuck you man, now you're really going over the line,


I said "I know at least 5 people who won't be attenting your party because of all your beefing"

Thats what I said, so shut the fuck up with that shit
Mise À Jour » Blisss a écrit sur Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 2:35am
Out of respect for Vinny and other people involved in this party, I'm done here,

You better not mention my name again.
I'm feeling like the good guy right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nathan a répondu le Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 2:33am
Coolness: 166945
uh huh, believe what you want. if you have a problem, keep it PM.

we worked so hard on this, and the reviews so far are 110% positive. we don't need your negativity and caps-lock here. don't ruin it for us, seriously.

guess i should've known that mentioning you would start a shit storm. i retract my comment, for the greater good.
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» vj_sakara a répondu le Tue 14 Apr, 2009 @ 2:34am
Coolness: 61725
na , you are a hardworker , being knowing well from your music and production ...

really good product for rewire ,you did care everything , work hard as 3 man . there is some nega. and it is somethings wrong about the place , everyone know about it .

and it is sometimes hard to be a nice guy ")
I'm feeling loving right now..
Rewire 5!
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