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MURDOCK_ROCK's Profile - Community Messages
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» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Jun 2, 2006 @ 1:31pm. Posted in Omni - A New Era.
Coolness: 84005
sound quality is really rich and phat...

» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Jun 2, 2006 @ 1:27pm. Posted in Airplane track?.
Coolness: 84005
its acctually a male vocal...

and its not old school...

huge clown step breaks track last from last summer.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Jun 2, 2006 @ 1:20pm. Posted in How to mix better?.
Coolness: 84005
personaly i HATE kill switches...

its partially because i rarely kill a frequency 100% and partially because i'm totally spasticated and hit em more by accident than intentionaly.

and in response to melodies cut question...

usually phrases break down into 64 bar chunks, and with most electronic music there is a variation every 4-8 bars with bigger variations at 16, 32 and eventually at 64 you get a break and in most cases thats where you wanna cut with most electronic music.

sometime its fun to cut out the last bar of a phrase and then bring it back in....

i found this for you too...

if you scroll down you can see a great example of a pretty standard musical formula

[ www.djrecess.co.uk ]

anyway... hope that helps.

and does anybody got any cool tricks on filter effects?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri Jun 2, 2006 @ 11:50am. Posted in montreal clubs? know any good ones?.
Coolness: 84005
when you say you "don't mind the gays"...

do you mean you love the cock?

not that there is anything wrong with that...

but aren't you gays s'possed to like.. LOVE MADONA?

or am i being homosexualist?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Jun 1, 2006 @ 3:07pm. Posted in Three Armed Baby!.
Coolness: 84005

that kid would make these guys pretty jelous...

[ www.bmezine.com ]
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Jun 1, 2006 @ 2:16pm. Posted in Planet Breezin'-Boozin'-Barbecued Breaks.
Coolness: 84005
well... that... or maybee an iron lung?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Jun 1, 2006 @ 1:17pm. Posted in Three Armed Baby!.
Coolness: 84005
at least he doesn't have a triple nipple...
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Jun 1, 2006 @ 1:13pm. Posted in Herbal Extacy.
Coolness: 84005
thats why we should all smoke CRACK kids!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu Jun 1, 2006 @ 12:24pm. Posted in the PB/J controversy.
Coolness: 84005
i was a weird kid...

i wouldn't eat a pb sandwich unless it was in the microwave for 10 seconds so it was all wet and mushy.

and no i don't do that anymore...
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 31, 2006 @ 4:14pm. Posted in How to mix better?.
Coolness: 84005
you have alot more control with the volume faders and gain knobs than the cross fader.

cross faders don't control volume very well as they are made for scratching and trick mixing.

you may wanna try bringing your tracks in more gradualy...

that way you have a better idea of how loud its gunna sound when the slider is at the top so you can adjust your volume acordingly.

flicking the crossfader (especially with a square curve) can be like playing russian rulette.

it can also be helpful to keep a hand close to the gain when you cut a track. that way if you do make a mistake you can cover it up before anyone notices.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 31, 2006 @ 3:39pm. Posted in breaks and electro breaks dj's.
Coolness: 84005
i play both electro and breaks...
msg me if you want a mix...
or tell me where the fuckin' upload button is in my special profile??
this site is big and vague its like an online garbage can.
you can also check out me somsay and kai along with guests every wed. on ibreaks.co.uk

» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 31, 2006 @ 10:52am. Posted in Photoshop Help.
Coolness: 84005
[ www.phong.com ]
[ www.htmlgoodies.com ]

i don't know shit about go live though...

nor do i really care too
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue May 30, 2006 @ 5:21pm. Posted in rockstar energy drink by the case?.
Coolness: 84005
what ever happened to "s.m.a.r.t." drinks?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue May 30, 2006 @ 1:11pm. Posted in how do i delete my account.
Coolness: 84005


don't get my hopes up like that...

fricken hippies!!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue May 30, 2006 @ 12:26pm. Posted in rockstar energy drink by the case?.
Coolness: 84005
if i had my own energy drink i'd call it poser...

it would be availablle in both raver and gino flavours...
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue May 30, 2006 @ 9:23am. Posted in rockstar energy drink by the case?.
Coolness: 84005
you guys are both more than welcome to drink my ass vomit. for free...

red bull in the can and vodka guru all the way!!

monster and rockstar are not only embarassing and gay...

but they taste like a prostitutes urine.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Mon May 29, 2006 @ 5:06pm. Posted in Planet Breezin'-Boozin'-Barbecued Breaks.
Coolness: 84005
personaly i found both steve and j-fizz's sets to be not breaky enough this time around...

too much 4/4 for my taste... found my self wondering if i landed on the right planet at one point?

poontz kicked it ol school though!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Mon May 29, 2006 @ 10:19am. Posted in Planet Breezin'-Boozin'-Barbecued Breaks.
Coolness: 84005
ladies can't keep thier hands off my chicken....
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri May 26, 2006 @ 5:16pm. Posted in Nimi Strikes again!.
Coolness: 84005
mescaline doesn't exist in canada...

we don't have the proper climate to grow it...

what ppl call mesc here is acctually pcp.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri May 26, 2006 @ 5:05pm. Posted in Paris Hilton Nipple Slip at video shoot.
Coolness: 84005
i love paris...

so please refrain from calling her biatch cuz i want this women to be my wife...

and buy me stuff!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 24, 2006 @ 4:43pm. Posted in Nimi Strikes again!.
Coolness: 84005
for real...

what the appeal with that show?

its the like the most mediocre boring show on t.v. and everybody watches it?

i can't bear it for 5 minutes... and i usually like chick show too...

like what guy doesn't secretly watch sex in the city and old patrick swaze movies?

the o.c. is a horrible horrible show and don't approve.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 24, 2006 @ 10:55am. Posted in Peirce the bridge of your nose.
Coolness: 84005
Anyone ever seen the movie "the jerk "with steve martin?

where everybody goes cross eyed cuz of the stupid glasses thingie?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri May 19, 2006 @ 5:33pm. Posted in Nimi Strikes again!.
Coolness: 84005

a sack of dead/ sexually molested hampsters is gone missing from my freezer...

anyone care to fess up?


p.s. has anyone else noticed there is beer stealing chicks at saphire?

so ya... don't let go of your beer!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 17, 2006 @ 5:07pm. Posted in How to mix better?.
Coolness: 84005
BOW TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 17, 2006 @ 4:32pm. Posted in Who Needs A Haircut?.
Coolness: 84005
don't deny our man love!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 17, 2006 @ 4:25pm. Posted in How to mix better?.
Coolness: 84005
can you read?

i said i've played at only 2 "RAVES" not shows...

i think raves are gay and got played out in the 90's

i play in bars and clubs all over the city on regular basis...

my last few gigs were at kunta lounge, the s.a.t. and mega club saphire...

i also play a weekly radio show on [ www.ibreaks.co.uk ] (the #1 breakbeat station in the world) every wensday from 7-10PM montreal time.

so ya.. what was i saying?

oh yeah...

i think i speak for everybody on the board when i say in all modesty that i'm like pretty much the greatest superstar dj to walk the face of this earth!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 17, 2006 @ 2:35pm. Posted in Where do I get a tub o' BALLS.
Coolness: 84005
is that all you think about sharon?

» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 17, 2006 @ 2:31pm. Posted in Who Needs A Haircut?.
Coolness: 84005
i still need a shave...

and silly robbots...

no... i don't do guys...

well... maybe if i'm really drunk?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Wed May 17, 2006 @ 2:20pm. Posted in How to mix better?.
Coolness: 84005

madforbrad kills me!!

and just for the record i never said that i tape my eq's in place...

and as far as theory goes... i agree with brad to a certain extent... there are certain guidlines that you should know and follow...

but all those rules are made to be broken...


and this applys to all artforms both aural and visual.

and what this particular argument comes down too is that you mix with your EARS not with your eyes...

ie. madforbrad wrote:
grab any audio engineering book. None of you fucks have actually dj'd anywhere except the odd shitty rave with shitty soundsystem that your friends threw. So just shut up already.

Had you fuckfaces actually played on real sound systems , you would know that having 2 bass sources being mixed sounds awfull. You get kick phasing which takes away energy.

first off... i'm a club dj not an engineer, i have also played on some pretty decent systems and i've only played 2 raves in my whole life, coincedentaly one of those 2 "shitty raves" rocked the biggest sound system i've ever mixed on and boasted big ass 12' stacks of eaw's... and if memory serves me correct... i think davesob was on the same bill?


i think you should read a little more on phasing... especially from a dj standpoint...

because dj's acctually experience 2 different kinds of phasing...

1 that takes away from the sound just like you mentioned above...

and 1 that acctually doubles the intensity.

it can really go either way depending on the frequency and i firmly believe its best to let your ears be the judge on how it should be eq'ed.

not to mention phasing can also be a desired effect...

many dj's even rock doubles of the same record to get this effect... the term is called "ghosting" and depending on how you space it you can get an echo or a flanger effect...

anyway brad...

just outta curiousity...

what clubs do YOU dj at?

and what kind of music do you play?

do you know that different genres tend to be eq'ed differently as well?

ie. hip dj's usually only kill the bass to scratch and don't use mids...
, dnb can get pretty chaotic with 2 basslines goin full force.
and most 4/4 house and minimal techno doesn't require alot of equing at all.

so ya... basicly what i'm saying brad, is that talk is cheap... especially in your case...

your more than welcome to come mix some records with me sometime if you wanna school me...

but until then i'mma file you under "sucker".

p.s. this song makes me think of you...

here is a clip...

[ www.chemical-records.co.uk ]
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue May 16, 2006 @ 5:50pm. Posted in How to mix better?.
Coolness: 84005
madforgayass wrote:
ya whoever mentioned having bass on both tracks is a moron. The whole point in Eqing is to have a balance between both tracks. Having kick drums that both have high energy in the bass frequencies will result in phase distortion and will sound bad 100% of the time.

Bass isn't something you mix. This isn't an opinion. The whole concept of equing is to have elements in their seperate frquency band so they don't get in the way.

god damn

jeez... what a bitch^^^^

and big ups to dave for defending my point...

12db is usually where i kill it too coincedentaly... like 1/4 up for us simpletons...

and the 4/4 thing is a great example of my point...

like why would you wanna drop the high frequencys of a 4/4 kick?

and i certainly wouldn't want to kill the bass on the fat break thats already got the croud moving...

so why not rock em both?

and being a producer isn't much of an excuse...

if i made a track with sampled loops i wouldn't start equing the bass outta my kicks cuz i have 2 drum loops layered either...

but thats just me...

anyway... the whole reason i started playing with 2 basslines is that my friends who were playing the big afterhours clubs like stereo and sona had to learn the hard way that killing your bass all the way on big sytems is fuckin' tricky buisness and were nice enough to pass the knowledge.


i like this thread... and wanna learn some new moves...

so ya...

» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Tue May 16, 2006 @ 8:32am. Posted in Who Needs A Haircut?.
Coolness: 84005
shave me!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Mon May 15, 2006 @ 1:35pm. Posted in How to mix better?.
Coolness: 84005
i was talking to my friend benny about all this and he says that i should never have two bass lines (the lows) pounding at the same time he said that this only makes everything sound all garbeled and distorted especialy on a big sound system, what do other people think can one bass line dub over another and still sound all right?

"never" is a pretty big word... not to mention limiting..

i find the bassline thing a very interesting debate...

personally... i can't help but to notice that most good analog mixers aren't even capable of bringing the bass down to 0...

its usually cheap ass digital mixers that do that.


i don't like killing my bass all the way... cuz yer not just killing the bassline... but all the low end... and more often than not you want some of that low end in your kick drums regardless of what the bassline is doing.
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri May 12, 2006 @ 5:30pm. Posted in mtl F! weeklend.
Coolness: 84005

thats tourist egging week!!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri May 12, 2006 @ 5:24pm. Posted in eyes moving.
Coolness: 84005
are you talking about "vision jitters"?

or are your eyes actually shaking?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri May 12, 2006 @ 5:22pm. Posted in Drugs Now Legal In Mexico.
Coolness: 84005
are they over dosing on the gay?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Fri May 12, 2006 @ 11:21am. Posted in PLANET BREAK MAY 26th & JUNE 23rd.
Coolness: 84005
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 5:39pm. Posted in FREESTYLERS IN MONTREAL! - MAY 19th.
Coolness: 84005
for the price of 2 tix you can get like 5 CASES of ramen...

6 if you buy the "SMACK" kind...

so ya...

fuck the freestylers...


who's down?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 5:35pm. Posted in SOUTH BEACH SLEAZE(TO-Ragga Breaks)May18.
Coolness: 84005
i listened to south beaches mix online...

straight up party breaks...

and i heard she's a wigger?
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 5:31pm. Posted in Best Of Montreal!.
Coolness: 84005
Did i win anything???

i voted for myself!!
» MURDOCK_ROCK replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 4:14pm. Posted in Recording your mixes.
Coolness: 84005
any ol recording software should do...

i use wavlab or peak usually...

but i'd recomend using a proffessional mixer with seperate outs for recording, and booth.

that way you can turn your volume up or down without effecting the mix output.

i'd also recomend running the mix through a pre-amp.

that will make the biggest difference in sound.

and don't forgot to normalize when yer done.
MURDOCK_ROCK's Profile - Community Messages