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» Level13 replied on Wed May 2, 2007 @ 3:27pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
i dont give out full quality tracks ... so no thanks
» Level13 replied on Wed May 2, 2007 @ 3:25pm. Posted in Kreatrix Evilution - May 2007 Releases.
Coolness: 44525
thnks man... and you're not alone :P

dark freeform isnt super popular
» Level13 replied on Wed May 2, 2007 @ 12:50pm. Posted in Kreatrix Evilution - May 2007 Releases.
Coolness: 44525
] Preview

[ www.trackitdown.net ] - Robot Captain - KRE008

Micken brings us an other dark number with Robot Captain. A very
technical track with lots tricky bits that mix well with the percussion
flow. The Drum'n'bass sequence is also to-die-for.

[ ] Captain Preview

[ www.trackitdown.net ] Freq - Red Android - KRE009

Red Android's is probably the most advanced track on the label. This
thing will run ya over like a school kid under a bus. The melodies and
sounds are extremely lush and hypnotic as hell.

[ Red"> ] Android Preview

Questions, feedback and comments are always more than welcome :)

Kreatrix Headquarters
» Level13 replied on Wed May 2, 2007 @ 12:49pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
it doesnt take longer ? you said it yourself a producer needs to study a lot more then someone that only plays the guitar or whatever.
you're contradicting yourself again there mr madforcrabs

other than that .. im not disagreeing with you
» Level13 replied on Wed May 2, 2007 @ 11:43am. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
a producer doesnt learn in small scope. after YEARS of learning, you become good in every aspect. a musicen limits him/herself to one thing. sure they become great at it but not every well rounded. a producer learns writing and engineering at the same time. it takes longer but eventually you get everything right.
» Level13 replied on Tue May 1, 2007 @ 4:46pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
i suppose it depends how much the person in question is willing to learn and try to be as rounded as possible. but id say there are a lot of poducers that know what they're doing in edm tho ( alot of them went to school or grew up techie nerds ) .

an other problem is with the mp3 market... theres even more crap then ever cus there is no money to lose by releasing it. its too bad there isnt an enforced standard on mp3 shop like there is with vinyl
» Level13 replied on Tue May 1, 2007 @ 12:26pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
why were you saying that all bands have their music written by the producers? Not everyone does that man, so what are you on about? I've never heard of you, you arent Bob Rock, so where the fuck were you going with this man?

nah man i dont mean all bands. there are great bands that write their own stuff like pink floyd, radiohead, etc etc. i was just saying that the majority of bands today have some guy writing all the peices and putting it all together for them. those guys that do that are pretty close to what producrs in electronica do ( the pro's ). its super common in pop that they hire writers , arrangers & producers. its just funny that they hire 3 people to do something 1 person should.

ive also talked to many friends that went to school in audio engineering and they get bands come in and record them... i think all of them told me that most producers can do much more than the bands that came in.

tbh i domnt care if youve heard of me or not. im just stating facts of stuff ive picked up along the years thats all.

Update » Level13 wrote on Tue May 1, 2007 @ 12:33pm
im far from saying musicians are inferior. im just saying producers are pretty much forced to make the "whole package" by themselves.

but you know thats got its downsides too. they could be good at one aspect and be crappy in an other.

a musician normally focuses on 1 instrument and becomes the best he can be

but a producer has no choice but to learn everything. (it takes 100 longer to master all this tho)

but of course the musician that plays the bass is more of an expert than a producer crackin at it.
» Level13 replied on Tue May 1, 2007 @ 10:31am. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
murdock ... im replying to everyone attitude towards technology. i dont think you said any dumb comments on technology...it was more to the others. im wrappin you all up in one bag

he only thing i'm dissing here is your method of stating personal "opinions" as fact when they are in fact mearly opinions

im not talkin about personal opinions asshat. im talking about you retards that diss producers and how they're not real musicians ... im shooting out FACTS that producers need/have more musical knowledge then 1 band member alone. these arnt my opinions , these are the facts. Its not my fault your knowledge of how the music industry works , is slim to none

im interested to know why im the "back peddler" here. im the only one in here that respects both worlds. and i dont give a fuck if you like trance or not, im not even talkin about that whats so ever. i was stating that the ones dissing producers and how its not music, is false and hypocritical, since every band needs/has one. why dont ya try and keep up kkkk

Update » Level13 wrote on Tue May 1, 2007 @ 10:40am
its funny how you guys are arguing about apples and oranges, someone who plays an instrument and someone who writes music are 2 diferent world, no one is better than the other...

exactly, but its even funnier that ya gotta explain an apple is a fruit that comes from a tree too
» Level13 replied on Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 7:00am. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
don't get me wrong here... i'm not denying technological advancements in in recording over the years, but alot of the advancments your refering to (mainly digital) are in terms of cost and not quality.

im talkin about all technology....so id say YOUR getting me wrong .

and your statements are not only uneducated... but on the verge of ignorant.

why cus i think electronica sounds equally as good as a band ? may i remind you your're the one saying technology sucks and its all about guitars

your view on music is sad to say the least...

tell me why!!! because i respect both worlds while your debating me only 1 world is good an the other is shit ?

if modern technology is be all and end all... why are there still engineers out there who pride them selves on recording with old studer tape machines and still mixing on valve desks? and why are these studios booked solid with top quality artists chasing that unduplicated sound that these old relics are famous for?

i am NOT saying technology is all . all i said is that every band needs a techno nerd to make the track sound great
. theres nothing worse then a horrible recording of a good song and vis versa. yes back in the day , recording methods had evolved since. hell electronic artist still use old school ways to record too. my posts an opinions are neutral. how you can have beef with neutralism is beyond me....

why are dj's still playing vinyl records???

actually its dying in case you havnt noticed. becuase of retards like rependtokyo , to be exact.

why do ppl shell out hundreds of dollars to see there favorite bands play live when they can just load the mastered album onto thier ipod or watch a digitaly enhanced music video on mtv?

hahaha where do i sayy otherwise ? same thing for a techno artists and seeing them dj or do a live act. for the entertanament and watching ur fav artist go nuts. your drifting pal cus YOUR the one saying ONLY band sound good.

and as much as corporate america would like to repackage it and sell it back to us...

there is alot passion, blood sweat and tears behind the arts that can never be digitaly duplicated.

i never even talked about duplication. just that today , technology lets us write with a computer and sequencing software... and its sounds GREAT , if you know what you're doing.

denying the past by pigion holing yourself in the present is hardly goin' to make you a better musician...

hey i love both worlds.. hell i write some classicl music myself to teach myself new ideas with my music. your the one bitching about how the FUTURE sucks ( u and reggimental and so on )

it sucks when you manipulate someones post so much that you miss what i even stand for. im not the hater

Update » Level13 wrote on Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 7:13am
all i said was : bands have there own repetitivness as far as instruments and new ideas go (experimenting) and technology is the way to help grow. and your attitude that not playing a phsyical instrument, doesnt make you a musicien, is false and thats its no different than a writer, putting it on paper.

electronica's problem is trying to sound natural. the producers job is to make it as natural as possible. im just defending the fact that you dont give producers enough credit cus its easier to sound natural on an instrument than making a full track on a comp by yourself , and sound natural.
Update » Level13 wrote on Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 7:26am
so i can understand not liking producers that do a crappy job at sounding natural and not have amazing writing. who doesnt right!

drones... thats who. but drones are in both worlds sadly, supporting the crappy music
Update » Level13 wrote on Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 7:33am
lab4 is a good example of what im defending...seeing them live is a crazy experience and they only used technology.
» Level13 replied on Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 8:48pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525

why are you even comparing a guitar to a synth dude?

im not ... im saying todays technology makes synth sound as pro as a band thats all. quit freaking out

if you want synth... use a synth... if you want a guitar use a guitar...if you want emulated guitar sound... you can use one of those too.

pls show me where i said otherwise cus i agreed and SAID THAT. i said both worlds sound great. :S

and fyi synthisisers were used in live performances and recordings a long time before the invention of the midi clock. (if you don't know what that is i suggest you kindly stfu and do some book learnin')

and orchesta's were recording the scores for movies long before akai ever started making sample c.d.'s that "mimic them" to "cut down production costs"...

yup your right but they were shitty quality recordings.... technology today makes all forms of recordings sound great and even better now.

electronic music whether its live, pre aranged, analog or digital has its place... as does acustic...

i aint arguing that.. those guys are saying its shit...not me

anyway... the point of this thread was to point out the limited creativity and structure of alot the repetitive bullshit thats being fed to us as innovative under the badly defined moniker "electronic music" as well as get a rise out of narrow minded idiots like yourself...

you dont even know me... way to judge before investigating there chief. im the furthest thing from repetitive. besides having to fix you peoples manipulative posts.

p.s. i also got a kick out twisted's replys to reggies comments on nirvana...

twisted wrote....

its the same story for them ... :S

who do you think puts the tracks together, writes them, records , masters and engineers an albums ? just the band, in some garage? i don't think so

but yeah... i think this response is SO funny because nirvanas first album was actually recorded IN A GARAGE ON A BOOMBOX!!!

ya try and pull that shit today . labels will laugh in your face... my point was , every band has/needs a "techno" guy, you guys sooo poudly bash. its not my fault you guys are too retarded to realize that. your contradicting your own stupidity
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 9:14pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
you dont think computers are used in the audio of films ? audio in movies are more advanced than music thanks to computers and electronics. seriously i dont even know what your getting at. YOU dont even seem to know what your getting at there bradalina

you guys are seriously pretty manipulative little freaks. i see this site has lots of lil troublemakers with ego problems
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 9:02pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
you dont think dolby 6.0 and all that isnt using technology in an egineering way to produce amazing movies... ever seen the reeverb/delay units they use in movies ? the unit alone is worth a lexus car.

brad ..ever consider the clips on my site are 64kbp mp3 samples.... shows how much you know about music.
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 8:38pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
ill be sure to tip your babysitters before i log off

ben.. stop trying ... scott said intelligent points and acted like an adult. i dont give a fuck if you worked with him . and id tell him not to never work with you. i read your letter about illegal downloading. your a fucking piece of shit. all professional producers would love to rip your head off. fuckin illegal downloader
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 8:27pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
Its just a shame you have no points to back up "picking on a board member". At least have a point and facts. You've all said nothing to proof what I've said is false. Scotty is the only one thats on the ball and even Dmoney does.

You guys are primates in this music scene. Your attitude demonstrates that you're simply "filler" to kill the time. Who are you fooling in this music debate ? What you bring to the table, besides immature nonsense and name calling? Not too many adults on this site I take it.
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 8:06pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 7:59pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
well you dont know how to release, market it or a business sense in production. your label is no more and you dont do any music. id say it failed yes :S you call that a homerun ?

ya ive been writing seriously for 6 years and still going strong. id say i have an idea how the music scene works. ive talked to many students that went to school in sound engineering and theyve all said , an electronic music producer is a lot more well rounded in every aspect in music , than mainstream artists/bands. its just a known fact.

Update » Level13 wrote on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 8:05pm
haha i can see i intimidate some of you lots ... ill come back when you get over yourselves and understand that maybe, just maybe, someone out there knows a lil more about stuff than you do

see ya later children
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 7:50pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
i didnt say labtop .. i said technology. and computers do fall in that category. ive only been studying music for over 6 years and releasing fr 3yrs.. but what do i know right.
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 7:35pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
actually its is easy as fuck to sound good with a phsyical instrument. when i was in school , we were all forced to place an instrument. i got the trombone for 4 years and i didnt care about trying. both my teachers begged me to join the school band. so if i didnt even care or try on the trombone, why the fuck did they ask me to join the band ?

what i said in my last post arnt really my phelosify on anything. it just is. besides how would YOU know how this works mr repent tokyo, your production/label was a total failure due to your dumb philosofies on music. id say i got it right if im still growing and you're hmmm ...i wont bother

i didnt say guitars are 200 years old . i said guitars pretty much sound like a guitar since its been created. helllooo who are you fooling

Update » Level13 wrote on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 7:38pm
anyways , i got no beef with any instruments or styles. you guys do (sep a few of course)
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 4:12pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525

you sure are acting like a child anyway
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 3:48pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
an other loser mark for regimental. you must be under 19 *rolls yes*

but nowadays synths sound as good as hardware or a guitars or anything else. you wont convince me that a guitar sounds better then a synth cus thats pretty much what your saying. its nonsense. cubase , pro tools , etc are used by most bands to produce and record music. i know you guys arnt telling me even your fav bands sound like ass cus they go through the same processes as any genre be it mainstream or electronica.

i agree physical instruments sounds great without having to try. but just cus YOU couldnt pull it off on a laptop, doesnt mean its impossible. it clearly is. go to any "band" recording studio and youll find the exact same tools/software as a techno artist uses, minus the mainstream instruments, when making a track/album

bjork is a great example of quality electronica mixed with physical instruments. both worlds are great. i dont understand the hate here
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 2:01pm. Posted in looking for musicien!!.
Coolness: 44525
in case you guys havnt noticed ... since the start of dance groups ... its been duos. one is the writer and the other is the vocalist. thats why i say find a dj producer instead and add a guitarist maybe ... dunno. you need the right team for the right job. thats what i was explaining to this girl
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 1:49pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
ya most professional producers add the human touch by years of experience , pick up techniques to do so. its exactly like writing the music on a piece of paper. what are you saying, its not good enough now ? its not music unless its physically played ?

welcome to 2007 guys...

even the big huge bands use electronic elements in their music ... pink floyd ring a bell much ? hell even madonna sounds like house now.. justin timberlake with booty and electro ( ? ) hell i heard him use the cheap vanguard gated pad. and they alllll neeed an engineer to make it all happen. 90% of professional electronic artist ARE engineers already (you have to be obviously)

todays vsts/hardware synths/software has 1000x more sounds than any guitar that efxs u pull on it... its like the tb303. each synth produces its own signature. like the alpha juno is known for hoovers. and there are 100s of synths out there and more everyday. sorry but the piano sounded the exact same 200 years ago and same deal with the electric guitar. at least electronica is in constant evolution. i cant say that about the vibe im getting from you guys.

there is no better style or "worlds" here. they both bring its own entertainment that are equally great. this debate is stupid

Update » Level13 wrote on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 1:54pm
ps ; the level of quality in the audio of the movie industry, wouldnt be where it is today without "laptop nerds" your insulting.
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 9:58am. Posted in Creepy CK add.
Coolness: 44525
hahahaha he sounds like a fucking serial killer
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 9:52am. Posted in looking for musicien!!.
Coolness: 44525
lol you're such a fucking baby . grow up ... its the writing , not what you use, axe boy
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 8:52am. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
Hmm Im not the one bitching about sounds here. tbh I respect every instrument and realize that they each, produce their own sound and you cant do much to change the general sound of the instrument (band instruments , orchestra's , etc). I spun it this way to show you how you're sounding right now. Its just like a drummer and his drum kit. It will be the same kick drum sound , same snare, same crash on the whole album of a cd. Ill stop there cus I do realize that you have mistaken creativity with production .

Production and creativity are TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS in the production world. There is NOTHING wrong with wanting mint quality. And theres nuthing worse then a wicked track, poorly produced (youll be rejected by any label). Your mad about the creativity of music ... bitching about its production is dumb and nonsense. poor writing gets on your nerves and it does to me too man but you cant be mad at quality lol thats nonsense.... no one wants to eat a half rotten banana.

Dont forget times always change and we wont always get or even be into whats "hot" today.

I myself am a freeform producer yes, but I think outside the box, creatively. I dont sound like anyone in freeform and im sure you're not accusing me of creative problems or am i on you guys. But yes it takes talent to write any type of catchy music no matter what the genre is ... come on guy. Sure its not hard to make percussion in hardcore BUT you can tell the ones that put more focus on making a groove and making it drive your tune perfectly, isn't walk in the park either. percussions in techno is the same as in bands. yua just gotta write a groove in percussions like like you would with a synth. but a lot of people do this half assed or you could be half assed in other departments too ...like production quality and reggie ? :P jkjk

Update » Level13 wrote on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 9:07am
Like in happyhardcore... uk hardcore. Gammer and all that gang. Ive heard they have no interest in changing and shaping new sounds. Its just all the same type of stuff and super basic melodies every release. Sales and majority speak louder than words/opinions unfortunately. so trust me i toally understand and agree with you guys.

I sacrifice myself to dark freeform regardless of sales. music should be about the love of a style and push its boundries, not filling up your wallet.
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 1:24am. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
whats your point! that doesn't clear up your arguments

you said : "all this perfect production shit is getting on my nerves"

soo the drummer from the roots gets on your nerves too then ?

you make no sense.

Update » Level13 wrote on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 1:29am
my point is : as much as you want to hate on techno regimetal. techno producers have more production skill than 90% of bands/etc , out there. take it the way you want it mr 1 sound guitar man.

but i agree theres a lot of crap but that goes for any type of music
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 12:42am. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
who do you think puts the tracks together, writes them, records , masters and engineers an albums ? just the band, in some garage? i don't think so

all bands are linked to labels, that pay professionals to make their music work, mastered and ready for the pressing plants.

Update » Level13 wrote on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 12:45am
i think you're the one stuck in some magical fairy tale bubble dude
» Level13 replied on Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 12:31am. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
its the same story for them ... :S

» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 11:52pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
hahaha seriously .

the water is wet.... diieeeee
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 11:41pm. Posted in looking for musicien!!.
Coolness: 44525
Well you gotta take music seriously if you want to be really known on a professional level . Learning production isn't always fun and the business aspect & promoting isn't much fun either :P Theres also the sacrifices of not partying your ass off and getting stuff done production wise instead (ive dealt with that problem with tones of female vocalist)

It becomes a lil bitter/sweet when you take a music career seriously in electronica...Especially when you've done over 100 tracks in the genre you're studying to perfect. Thinking outside the box is fun as hell but it can also be hard. Writers block is a bitch too :P
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 9:37pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
i wasnt really talkin to you repenttokyo. altho i did take your post about him being serious, into consideration, in my reply.

but yea trance is gay but house is gayer ;)
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 9:31pm. Posted in looking for musicien!!.
Coolness: 44525
aye my bad... i though this was a serious thing... seems more for fun then anything, cool. thats all that matters in the end

ive done collabs with artist and i gotta say there is a lot of compromising involved. i can just imagine if this is YOUR idea, just how much compromising there is. things can get butchered easily and tempers flair over creativity. thats why i mention to just get started alone and slowing get others involved with time , as it shapes up.

esp if its eurodance... you can easily write the bits yourself and learn the in's and out's of the style. it still takes years to learn that. ya get up to the standard and once you're there, you can start going outside the box.
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 8:32pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
well i dont thats for sure. but the "harder" the style , the more the quality gets compromised. mainstream is not very busy music wise, so you have more room for crystal clear , clarity. i somehow dont think thats what your on about tho. too bad.

you know in mainstream.... its the same drum kit , same vocalist , same guitar, same classical piano sound on an album. how is that any different then techno ? it just has its own repetitive elements too.

we all use the same elements. its like bitching that the "sun is bright" or "water is too wet" lol
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 7:23pm. Posted in looking for musicien!!.
Coolness: 44525
hahaha whatever man ... you obviously have no clue on engineering and sound qualities of instruments. computer software is used in every professional studio nowadays. are you telling me all music is shit now cus they're all made with the help of computers?

i dont even know why you've made a thread , askin for advice/opinions . You're rejecting them all for "what you want to hear"

my point is : you either become a song writer or become a tool (vocal artist/guitarist,etc) and be told what to do. you dont need a drummer , guitarist, etc to write music. you write the parts for each instrument and once youve got yourslf the band members, you teach em the songs. and the best way to write music is using a computer and professional software.

you're chances of finding a song writer (good ones) out of every member is very slim. and so many things/excuses, would keep you from writing.

Update » Level13 wrote on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 7:44pm
plus you dont even know anyone so ya gotta build a relationship with each person and try to like them .and working with them is an other side to their personality. so theres 25% chance of being perfect relationship, on stage and off. cus thats pretty important for the future of "the band"

the pink popo band [ ...com ] in 2020 ?

if you want things done, do it yourself. dont wait for others to get started. it takes 5+ years of experience to really become something
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 7:03pm. Posted in Sacha Savage & Coreon need » Ride to Ottawa 2day or 2nite.
Coolness: 44525
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Originally Posted By Twisted_Freq its just something thats not very hard to discover... drop his name in ott, mtl or qc and youll get a fast reply on peoples thoughs on jesse :P

It's gotta suck to be Jesse.

tbh hes never done a thing to me but yea its his own fault really. you only got one image ... changing your stage name doesnt do fuck all in that aspect
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 6:37pm. Posted in the lowest form of music....
Coolness: 44525
hahaha is that an actual , serious post ?

i dunno what you're listening to but( you could be right on certain artist & tracks ) but electronica is as "musical" as classical music. there is tones of synth work, layering, counter notations, etc than most"popular mainstream" . hell there are more talented original artists in electronica then all of rocknroll/alertnative/rap/hiphop/etc combined. most bands couldnt write a good track to save their lives. they hire professional songwriters to do it
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 6:20pm. Posted in Sacha Savage & Coreon need » Ride to Ottawa 2day or 2nite.
Coolness: 44525
its just something thats not very hard to discover... drop his name in ott, mtl or qc and youll get a fast reply on peoples thoughs on jesse :P
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 6:02pm. Posted in Sacha Savage & Coreon need » Ride to Ottawa 2day or 2nite.
Coolness: 44525
hahaha people STILL book jesse? no offence but the promoter deserved the missing dj.... bookin jesse is just about the dumbest move a promoter could make
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 5:33pm. Posted in looking for musicien!!.
Coolness: 44525
this is not the plan... everything easyer...i want something different that nody have done before.


no offence to you but what you asking is FAR from new. and screwheads got a point . most bands dont even know how to write music, the labels hire engineers and songwriters to write the material and teach the bands. what you're asking, you might as well just learn to write yoursef and do it all yourself . why bother relying on people that arnt there fulltime like you are.

its not easier... its more REALISTIC. ive been a solo artist for 5 years... there aint nuthin easy about it, its actually harder

Update » Level13 wrote on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 5:54pm
and to the comment : bands sound better than computers.

LOL WHAT ?!?! music is music , no matter how its made. it may be more entertaining on stage but music isss music.
» Level13 replied on Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 4:41pm. Posted in looking for musicien!!.
Coolness: 44525
in todays times, esp for techno. why bother with a band .... they all break up and go do their own thing. and you have to go with everyones time , not just your own which makes writing 100X longer. i think people here are being pretty honest with you and tellin you want the band thing really ends up to be.

focus on doing music yourself or team up with a dj/producer. thats a lot more realistic than building a band for electronica.
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