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» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 6:36pm. Posted in wildest drug story.
Coolness: 36825
me and my roommate were at an afterparty in gloucester (basically ottawa) and he lost his celll phone.

he actually didn't lose it, it was in his hands and he was waving it with his hands around and didn't realise it.

he came up to me and told me (hands waving around like he usually ), so i immediatly started to look for it,

he started looking for it too,, then other people seen us and asked us what we were doing, and he told them that he lost his cell phone and was looking for it (more wavy hand action), so they asked what it looked like, he told them (with wavy hand action) and they started to look for it too. this continued on until everyone in the whole room was looking for his cell phone.

finally my roommate got really frustrated and threw everything that was in his hands onto the floor and there was his cell phone. thrown onto the floor from the hands that he was waving around,the one that he explained to people what it looked like.

needless to say we all had a huge laugh at it then.
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 4:44pm. Posted in What are you looking forward to?.
Coolness: 36825
dude june 11th!!
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 3:26pm. Posted in Re: What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 36825
made: it's friday and i don't have to put up with stupid work people until monday - that's 2 whole days - yay!!!!
ruined: sunny day , and must sit inside a call centre, dealing with stupid cincinatti people who spend too much money and call in to complain about it.
made: my co-worker got a better job - it means i have hope of getting one too!!
ruined: stupid co-worker making fun of my email addy - he seemed insulted by it.....what a tool
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 3:13pm. Posted in What are you thinking about now?.
Coolness: 36825
how it gets on my nerves when 90% of the people u interact with say stuff they don't mean, actually today i'm bitchy and h8 the world
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 3:06pm. Posted in What are you eating right now?.
Coolness: 36825
a hamburger i cooked myself - with garlic powder - everyone at work loves the smell of my breath!!! yay
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 2:22pm. Posted in Ritual when high?.
Coolness: 36825
go to surface, i would just end up at that place.
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 2:21pm. Posted in best drug experience.
Coolness: 36825
ferry corsten - the clearest buzz, just had a lot of energy and was really happy -- except i still don't remember how i sprained my knee
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 2:18pm. Posted in Best way to recover from long night.
Coolness: 36825
Originally posted by SKINTRACKER...

5-htp is a product of tryptohan which in case ya didnt know you get by drinking milk or eating turkey. I drink lotsa milk the day after.

~ wonders if soymilk has 5-htp in it.. ^_- ?

interested - also sleeping and snuggling works the rest of the day works.
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 2:10pm. Posted in Things that piss you off.
Coolness: 36825
and i support myself too............. just had to vent
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 2:09pm. Posted in Things that piss you off.
Coolness: 36825
people who live with their parents, come over to my place and just decide to help theirselves to the food in my fridge - leaving a mess behind , especially when they know that u r all ready helping out someone else by letting them stay there for free and that person also eats ur food too.

well theyre out of there now.
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 1:55pm. Posted in What are you looking forward to?.
Coolness: 36825
next month - only one bill to catch up on = more partying, and can afford to go to infected mushroom and that rave at gravity, or jsut the latter.
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 1:54pm. Posted in meal ideas.
Coolness: 36825
corn on the cob with barbcued potatoes wrapped in bacon and onions
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 1:51pm. Posted in what are you NOT looking forward to?.
Coolness: 36825
not knowing will i get mad at him in the future when i see him next or completly ignoring him, i hate not knowing whether i have the right to be pissed at a person or when u r, someone tells u that u don't have a right to be upset.
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 1:41pm. Posted in What do you want today?.
Coolness: 36825
i want to get work over with, go dancing tonite, stay in saturday, go to sundaze@aqua, dance some more, then go home and take care of myelf
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 1:39pm. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 36825
dancing - i'm going to dance up a storm at tonite's dj battle - the music better be good - or i'll lose all hope with the ottawa scene and never go out again......that or move to montreal spontaneously
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 1:37pm. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 36825
Originally posted by PAT...

she's so wholesome.

she makes me wanna be a better person.

» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 1:36pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 36825
dancing - i wish there was more of a trance scene in ottawa
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 1:33pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 36825
infected mushroom - converting vegetarians
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 1:25pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 36825
ruined: work,
ruined: paul
ruined: people who lead "straight" life and think that they r better than people who don't - just b/c they r stupid assholes and hang out at crappy top 40 bars that r "happening" - sorry - only a lot of losers go to those.
ruined: eating that hamburger - honestly, it filled me up too much
made: knowing that i'm going to a dj battle tonite, get fucked up, staying in this weekend and going for a jog b/4 i head to chill out at sundaze, and eat corn on the cob with my good friend mitch!! - to bribe him to burn cds for me!!
» dudette replied on Fri May 6, 2005 @ 1:20pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 36825
sober people - fuckin assholes,
» dudette replied on Thu May 5, 2005 @ 7:31pm. Posted in RAVE / AFTERHOUR stands for what.
Coolness: 36825
Originally posted by DJ DIALECT...

A: All
F: Fags
T: That
E: Enter
R: Raves
H: Hurry
O: Off
U: Unfortunately
R: Really
S: Sad

R: Retards
A: Are
V: Very
E: Entertaining

2nd one was funny~
» dudette replied on Thu May 5, 2005 @ 2:36pm. Posted in The Signs.
Coolness: 36825
love the first sign,
» dudette replied on Wed May 4, 2005 @ 8:37pm. Posted in what can u do to spice up life??.
Coolness: 36825
right now i'm getting somewhat sick of all the partying i'm doing, some of the people in the scene that i have become friends with.

was just wondering what other things that people do that is just as exciting as partying, that spices up life in general.?????
» dudette replied on Thu Apr 28, 2005 @ 7:22pm. Posted in Re: What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 36825
made: my friend told me i rocked and that not to put out to ez, only to sleep with the hot guys
ruined: nothing this day is perfect.,...and i'm at work?
» dudette replied on Wed Apr 27, 2005 @ 6:37pm. Posted in Drug Acceptance.
Coolness: 36825
Originally posted by NAVIN...

I don't do drugs or drink or smoke. I like going out and dancing, I've tried everything, I just have more fun sober.

I go to rave-clubs, aftehours, and sketchy after parties. People around me are high.

It dosent bother me.

Why do people care so much what others do to have a good time? Let them enjoy themselves. Ask if peopl are ok if they look like they are not, if they're right triped out play with them, and if they're just having fun dont let it bring you down.

Too often I hear people criticize others lifestyles and choices. Makes me mad

i agree with u. i don't mind chilin with my friends while i'm sober and their high, i just don't have as much energy as they do,

glad u brought it up cuz it anoys me to see someone else be upset at other friends cuz their sober and who their with r high, it's not that big of a deal. :)
» dudette replied on Wed Apr 27, 2005 @ 6:02pm. Posted in the e-shits.
Coolness: 36825
e used to make me puke, now i poop b/4 i go out. club bathrooms r scarily dirty and i'm a clean freak myself.
» dudette replied on Wed Apr 27, 2005 @ 6:00pm. Posted in Why do you think ppl use drugs?.
Coolness: 36825
i used to use drugs b/c when i entered this scene - it was the norm and didn't think twice about it. reality for me really sucked b/c i had a crappy ass job, no future and clubbing and being high made me really happy.

it is individual reasons why people start to use drugs and keep using them, my roommate keeps using them b/c he has an addictive personality and really likes it so he's going to keep doing it. my best friend did it b/c she enjoyed the scene to and couldn't stop going out, she even started to rip people off.

i also think that its up to the individual to decide when enuf is enuf, sometimes it's too late and sometimes they just dabble in it for a few yrs. i don't know if drug problems r curable cuz they fuck with ur head a lot, but the person theirself has to realise they need to stop on their own not for anyone else.
» dudette replied on Wed Apr 27, 2005 @ 5:38pm. Posted in Why do ppl stop using drugs?.
Coolness: 36825
the last time i did drugs was my bday weekend, i hurt my knee really bad , but i was too fucked to care and still kept partying and going out. it was stupid, so i realised i needed to take care of myself.

i got into this scene b/c i met the nicest people here and stayed in it b/c i made myself a group of friends that i cherish and continue to meet new people every weekend. they even told me i should stay in for a couple of weekends to take care of myself. in a way i'm sort of happy that i experimented with drugs, but now i know to do it more responsibly in the future and that's it not the reason to party. i thought that they wouldn't want to be my friends after awhile , but they still r, so i don't regret anything that i did, but i'm glad i cut down and i'm getting to know them even better now. :-)
» dudette replied on Tue Apr 26, 2005 @ 8:52pm. Posted in Sperm.
Coolness: 36825
Originally posted by MOONDANCER...

I had to share a room with 4 russian girls who refused to use the toilet cause apparently they didn`t use toilets in Russia and using a toilet made them feel wierd. So they were always pissing in plastic cups, sometimes putting them under my bed. They were so used to it they didn`t even have to squat to aim it properly into the cup. There were cups of piss hidden everywhere.

that's probably the most interesting thing that i've heard all day----thank u very much :)
» dudette replied on Tue Apr 26, 2005 @ 8:48pm. Posted in what have cops done to you #%&@#$!@~@!.
Coolness: 36825
i got yelled at for j walking last summer.
» dudette replied on Tue Apr 26, 2005 @ 8:47pm. Posted in what have cops done to you #%&@#$!@~@!.
Coolness: 36825
Originally posted by GOALIEN...

well for me after getting sandwiched between all kinds of cars last thursday. they smashed me around shoved the dam blow tube down my throat , left me on the floor of the street with 3000$ of tix in my hands, and are taking my licence away because i didn't get out of my car to help the others, by the way i wasn't consiounce to help the others..............................................................

die fuckers die.

now i will be the one prosecuted in court........

man that really sux
» dudette replied on Tue Apr 26, 2005 @ 8:43pm. Posted in Whats Your Favorite Song Today?.
Coolness: 36825
angel by sarah mcglaughlin
» dudette replied on Sun Apr 24, 2005 @ 7:43pm. Posted in what have u randomly done partying?.
Coolness: 36825
i went into a grocery store downtown onetime and bought fruit for my friends, then went back to the club to continue partying, the whole experience was just different.

i guess i was just wondering what other people have done randomly still buzzed during partying and what was it like?
» dudette replied on Sun Apr 24, 2005 @ 7:19pm. Posted in What do you want today?.
Coolness: 36825
*a day off to rest my knee
*more money, no financial stress
*restaurant job
*sundays off
» dudette replied on Sun Apr 24, 2005 @ 7:14pm. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 36825

subway or quiznos?
» dudette replied on Sun Apr 24, 2005 @ 7:13pm. Posted in dumbest thing you have ever said?.
Coolness: 36825
"hey melinda!! i'm not looking for you !".......then walked away.
» dudette replied on Sun Apr 24, 2005 @ 7:06pm. Posted in meal ideas.
Coolness: 36825
rice cooked in cream of mushroom soup or cream of chicken soup or you can cook noodles in cream of mushroom or cream of chicken soup too. yummy. then add a side of broccoli and cauliflower.
» dudette replied on Sun Apr 24, 2005 @ 6:50pm. Posted in Best comeback you heard/did.
Coolness: 36825
i said that just to hurt you. ouch.
» dudette replied on Sun Apr 24, 2005 @ 6:48pm. Posted in Things that make you sad.
Coolness: 36825
i haven't been in love yet and when i persue a guy i get rejected, just the thought of never knowing if i'll meet someone to be with and i just turned 22. is there something wrong with me.?
» dudette replied on Sun Apr 24, 2005 @ 6:44pm. Posted in I Love . . ..
Coolness: 36825
smoking a j and then watching reruns of friends
dudette's Profile - Community Messages