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» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Tue 11 Feb, 2003 @ 3:56pm. Posted in G. Bush says....
Coolness: 52575

i mean, how can we let someone use something he cant even pronounce?!?!?
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Tue 11 Feb, 2003 @ 3:53pm. Posted in fucken trippy...
Coolness: 52575

that was fuckin awesome.

was that actually done by Shpongle?
or just a big fan of the Divine Moments of Truth?
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Fri 24 Jan, 2003 @ 3:28pm. Posted in Confessions....
Coolness: 52575
I would like to appologise to anyone i have offended with my unending jabbering.

I am taking a break from ravewave for a good long while, because (it appears) i WASTE alot of time on here.... i know thats what the internet generally is. but my life is really hectic right now and i dont feel ravewave is benefitial anymore.

In the past it has been quite amusing, and uplifting. but these days all i see here are fighting, negativity, ridicule, and hate.

which there is already too much of in my life.
so why waste time on here to get more of it?

I would like to thank everyone who has supported my opinions/ideas...
and i hope you all can keep yourselves posative!

even in the face of your scene becoming more and more like Tdots sketched~bitch "community."

To those i have met in real life, i look forward to the next time im in Mtl so i can see you again.

and to those who have been badgering me about how useless, annoying and pointless my posts are...

congratulations. you win.

I no longer see a point in wasting my time here.

good luck ravewave.
if youre ever on Xvi, feel free to drop me a line.

some say that money is the root of all evil...
i would be lying if i said i disagreed...

but i also believe that Coke and Meth are tools of evil as well. but thats just my opinion.
its not like ive seen it happen... to happy optimistic new kandies as the drugs jade them into bitter negative little fucks...

the saddest part?

its not that ive seen it a hundred times before...

but that i continue to see it. again.
and again.

and again. and no one seems to realize the ever so obvious cause... and i cant ALWAYS stop it. so sad. but the sometimes that i can help...
are what keeps me going...
keep your head up ravewave!
and your nose clean. lol.

Peace and Respect,

~ Elliot
(Sir~Rants~Alot strikes for the last time.)
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Fri 24 Jan, 2003 @ 3:08pm. Posted in Raping Little Girls.
Coolness: 52575
transexual actually pat.
i mean if you actually get the operation done.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 23 Jan, 2003 @ 1:08am. Posted in Oh My God!!!.
Coolness: 52575
its always those damn quebexicans...

i blame them for all my problems!
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 23 Jan, 2003 @ 1:05am. Posted in #1 funny persone on ravewave.
Coolness: 52575
well then. as i said anyone can change...
there are other, more profitable "businesses" (mainly because you wont be doing your profit, i know how it is, since i delt for a while two summers ago... worst mistake EVER!)

but i guess youd know first hand...

have my posts affected business at all? *lol*
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 23 Jan, 2003 @ 1:02am. Posted in EXTREME TERROR, January 24, 2003.
Coolness: 52575
me so sad.

my ride fell through.

no speedcore for me. :*(
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 23 Jan, 2003 @ 12:58am. Posted in Hulla: POWER OF DREAMS.
Coolness: 52575
im not... :(

due to lack of ride and cash flow...

maybe next hulla...
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 23 Jan, 2003 @ 12:55am. Posted in #1 funny persone on ravewave.
Coolness: 52575
i dont know why that would be.
unless you're the proprietor for all of this filth that is corrupting our scene.

but even if you are... anyone can change.
life goes on.

but you're probably just being sarcastic again eh?
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 23 Jan, 2003 @ 12:51am. Posted in I like the drugs but they don't like me.
Coolness: 52575
Galaksy, ive got very much of the same history with "friendship" as you do...

only crystal and i had a long intence relationship that ended REALLY badly. and i dont want to see her ever again, but unfortunately she sees a number of good friends of mind on a regular basis... that slut! lol.
and Acid and i are through.
shes messed up my head way too much already.
and mushrooms and i are taking a nice LONG break.

unfortunately i see mary J far too often.
since i dont think shes good for me either...
but shes far to sweet and good to me.
unlike alot of things in my life.

but coffee is nasty. lol.
actually caffiene in general. if i drink any after noon ill be up until 3-6am...

its weird, but upper type drugs always affected me in a powerful manner.
maybe thats why i liked em so much.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 23 Jan, 2003 @ 12:43am. Posted in #1 funny persone on ravewave.
Coolness: 52575
i responded to your criticism.
just after this. since i hate seeing people being picked on. and refuse to sit idle by and watch someone being bullied. plain and simple.

im not taking sides. i dont know what people are arguing about.

im just sick of neoform posting something, be it attacking, defending, or just stating something... and having at least 2-3 people pick on him. meh. im just sick of all this hate in general.

though my post about quitting ravewave in "an open letter..." was completely sarcastic.

since then ive been wondering if i really do anything on here but waste my time.
i dunno.

i love you mtlers. so much spirit, and many of you have such a lust for life...

but its really sad to see alot of you falling into jib. and everyone wonders why there is so much fighting and bickering and bitching and hating... hmmm... any connection?!?!

nah. lets just do another line and pick on Neoform some more...

well i did it again. so ill stop now.

~ Sir~Rants~Alot strikes again.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 23 Jan, 2003 @ 12:35am. Posted in An Open Letter to Optimist pRhyme.
Coolness: 52575
well now ive seen everything.
an actually intelligent post from a fake account.

Thank you Mr Squirell...
your post was actually very effective.

although i would never concider myself as a hater. in fact i only really hate one person, but not even. it would be hate for what he has done, but its more pitty because he is such a pathetic crack head...

and i dont mean to be judgemental and condemning its just that peoples stubbornness and rudeness can be VERY frustrating. and arguing with Sketch bitches bring out the bitch in me.

"but if you're gonna be concerned, don't neoform people into not listening to you. instead, relate to, respect, appreciate, and share your experience with a tone of understanding rather than judgement."

i appreciate you words and your help. ive now found a new respect for squirells... lol.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 23 Jan, 2003 @ 12:20am. Posted in #1 funny persone on ravewave.
Coolness: 52575
this thread is lame.

and seeing meg&gens mean sides...

has made them MUCH less attractive to me.

i dont know the history of why "everyone" hates neoform... maybe he shot his mouth off too much(which is the same problem i have) but everyone is free to have their opinions. even retards like the bag of shut up.

and ive never been impressed with people who team up to insult people, its almost as bad as people who have to hide behind fake accounts.

well, not really...
fake accounts are much more lame.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Mon 20 Jan, 2003 @ 10:00pm. Posted in Bag of shut up....
Coolness: 52575
good answer...

so im guessing that the sketch heads in the bag arent all from montreal?
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Mon 20 Jan, 2003 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Bag of shut up....
Coolness: 52575
so who else is in there...

from what i can tell,

its someone called nter, and mindset.

I have nothing against either of you since i dont know anything about you...

so who else is in there... who actually has a Good reason to hate me?

I mean besides the fact that i hate meth.
and people who value meth over their friends.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Mon 20 Jan, 2003 @ 9:37pm. Posted in Cheating..
Coolness: 52575
bag of shut up: why dont you take some of your own advice and have a bag of yourself.

and NO my dad isnt mr Rogers.
its just that i happen to have a little something called morality and ideals.
something that is seriously lacking for CERTAIN people online. you make me sad.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Mon 20 Jan, 2003 @ 9:32pm. Posted in An Open Letter to Optimist pRhyme.
Coolness: 52575
originally this forum pissed me off.
because i hate remember that there are some people who are so pathetic they have to prey on others to make themselves feel better.

but now i find it kind of amusing.

i mean. man was I stupid not to pick up the sarcasm... especially coming from such a rude and useless bag.

its silly really.

but hey. live and learn.

(btw, thanks meggie,
you have a damn sexay smile yourself!!)
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Mon 20 Jan, 2003 @ 9:28pm. Posted in BAN OPTIMIST'S WHINES!!!.
Coolness: 52575
A GREAT BIG Thanks to Thierry, Meggie, Kalfwin, Chelsea, Dj Neoform and Joolie.

as for the bags comment, "it's fucking gold man, it's the most sarcastic shit ever written, and the guy is thanking the bag. he's so obsessed with his importance to the world that he was unable to perceive sarcasm in the phrase " We wish to join you in thanking jebus for the life we've been given, and in praying for a life free from the hatred and despair of drugs. "

I do like to think that there is some reason to me being on the earth... be it for something important in the long run, or just to help my friends from falling into self destructive lifestyles.

but just to inform you.
i replied to your ever so rude post after not sleeping at all the night before. sleep deprivation can make someone very feeble minded.
as im sure you are well aware.

i would normally take offence. but i actually find the whole situation quite humourous.

i mean if ya cant laugh at your own sillyness...

*does the "i have to pee dance"*
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Mon 20 Jan, 2003 @ 9:18pm. Posted in Cheating..
Coolness: 52575
a relationship is an agreement.

if you agree to something.

then go against your word.

why should someone trust you?

Personally, i hate relationships.

Friends with benefits are best.
but occasionally...
like with a girl ive recently met...

you can work out an agreement that works.

to each their own.

but cheating is lying.
and how can you claim you love someone if you lie to them???
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sun 19 Jan, 2003 @ 2:00am. Posted in love..
Coolness: 52575
well you're gonna find trashy people everywhere i guess. even on ravewave...
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sun 19 Jan, 2003 @ 1:48am. Posted in An Open Letter to Optimist pRhyme.
Coolness: 52575
well put.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sun 19 Jan, 2003 @ 1:43am. Posted in love..
Coolness: 52575
too true...

thats why i generally avoid mainstream parties...

and if i find trends like that...
then i avoid going to them again. simple.

but thats just my opinion.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sun 19 Jan, 2003 @ 1:33am. Posted in ..
Coolness: 52575
what're you f**kin retarded?
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sun 19 Jan, 2003 @ 1:23am. Posted in An Open Letter to Optimist pRhyme.
Coolness: 52575
meh, ill be the first to admit it.
i have done alot of damage.

but mostly it affects my perception of things.

like how depending on my mood and alcohol consumption im either very naive and hopeful of people doing good things for no reason.

instead of stupid obnoxious things for no reason.

luckily for you guys you caught me in a Very Good and trusting mood...
since ive had an awesome weekend.

but luckily for me. there is jack shit that a bunch of sad little heads can say to bring me down. so i hope you're having fun where ever you are you sad little sketchpads.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sun 19 Jan, 2003 @ 12:43am. Posted in ya gotta love the meth.
Coolness: 52575
^^ oops. i guess this is where i pissed off the bag enough to make that forum about me.

the real question is...
is it nter?
or one of his lackeys?
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sun 19 Jan, 2003 @ 12:26am. Posted in An Open Letter to Optimist pRhyme.
Coolness: 52575
scotty: I hear ya bro.
Makes you wonder how happy they are now?
left alone... well, with their drugs. and drug addict "friends" who're around more for convenience and drugs then friendship.

dont worry, the pain of betrayal and abandonment will subside... so dont kill it off.

Ive made that mistake a number of times.
and when you kill emotion you have for someone, it kills a little piece of you too.

So if you do that, youre only letting them win.


i refuse to let any crack heads affect me.
no matter how harsh the betrayal.

I wont let them affect my life.
because ive realized they KNOW theyre going down the drain. and theyre just looking for company.

its sad really. in a scary kinda way.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sun 19 Jan, 2003 @ 12:01am. Posted in ..
Coolness: 52575
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sat 18 Jan, 2003 @ 11:53pm. Posted in love..
Coolness: 52575
my previous post had nothing to do with genre~bias. since i enjoy most forms of electronica, so long as its well written.

but i dont discriminate just because something fits into a certain catagory.

I boycott Ray Jr, not only because he is a scum sucking pig. and not only because his "supposed" involvement with shutting down parties thrown on the same night as his.

but because i have attended his "raves" in the past. and they are everything that the media portrays raves as. they are the worst of our(the rave scene) world.

everyone really high, people having sex in the corners, the whole room smells of BO, Sex, and Vapo rub. little girls doing nasty things with older men for drugs. Ive seen it all.

Ray Jr parties are everything thats wrong with the rave scene wound up into one big nasty orgy.

as for the comment about why deprive yourself of seeing big names just to boycott a promoter.

I believe that boycotting is the only real way we can affect Fat Cats like Ray Jr.

and even if it wont take away from the huge amount of $$ hes making at his parties.

It still saves me from seeing the nastiness i stated above again.

i try to learn from my mistakes.
so i dont keep bashing my head against the wall.

anyways, thats my peace.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sat 18 Jan, 2003 @ 11:39pm. Posted in An Open Letter to Optimist pRhyme.
Coolness: 52575
wow. re~reading it a 3rd time...

i sometimes amaze myself...

how can someone be so naive?

just boggles the mind. doesnt it?

well. I think this will be my retiring from ravewave for a good long while.

It appears my ranting and rambling has been a total waste of time. since all my philosophies and opinions have fallen on deaf ears.

As a matter of fact this new information that has been brought to my attention, has totally changed my view on the world.


If someone who doesnt know anything about me, mocks my attempts at giving advice(even though i know i can sometimes come across as preachy)...


Quite obviously this person, who is too much of a coward because they’re so feebleminded from destroying their brain with drugs to insult me as themselves and they have to hide behind a fake account...


I mean come on.

I dont even know why i bother living.
If Im not accepted by some Crack head who hides behind a fake account. Whats the POINT?

the point.

well, i dont care how long this is,

because the point is that...

though I have severely damaged my brain with chemicals, doesnt mean that i have to stand by and watch a whole new generation of kids do it to themselves.
I know i cant save alot of you, but even when i save one like my friend Leigh, then there is A POINT.

OK. So Im not that experienced in giving advice, and i sometimes come across as preachy and overbearing.

And my strong opinions may have offend some people who are trying to PUSH these DISGUSTING chemicals onto the new blood of the rave scene to get them hooked when their young and naive.

BUT I am not insulted by someone who is too filled with cowardice to make comments about me as themselves. And i wont stop my attempts to show people what theyre doing to themselves.

Honestly, i hope youre not SO much of a chicken shit loser that you skip over my reply,
because YOU make me sad.

I hope that someday you can escape your shackles of drug addiction and realize that you DO have a brain which works, when its not filled with poisonous chemicals...

and that your life isnt so terrible you need a chemical to tell you that its alright and everything will be ok.

I know this is the most extreme example.
And i may offend some people with this.

but i figured it was only appropriate for an extreme coward like the bag. and i am sick of posting the same shit over and over again as much as im sure youre sick of hearing it.

And im sorry Meggie. but this was quit the rant.

But ignorant, loud mouthed cowards really piss me off.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sat 18 Jan, 2003 @ 10:43pm. Posted in An Open Letter to Optimist pRhyme.
Coolness: 52575
well if you were, you need to work on it.
cause it sounded really sweet to me.
you said everything that i aspire my posts to be.
they may not always come out as i hope...
but I do my best to say things as i see em.

re~reading your post now i feel foolish.
but i guess thats just my curse.
trying to see the good in things.

and if you are being sarcastic,
then obviously there is nothing good left in you(for me to see at least.)
and im sorry for you.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sat 18 Jan, 2003 @ 9:46pm. Posted in An Open Letter to Optimist pRhyme.
Coolness: 52575

that was not what i was expecting at all.

I deeply want to thank who ever it is you guys in the bag are.

because ever since MY bad mouthing of a certain *unnamed* Crack face, i thought i had gone to far in the process of trying to warn people about his lying and cheating ways. so much to the point where i made myself look like an asshole who goes around talking shit about people.

so this post has really brought my spirits back up. and given me new modivation.

Thank you.

Sometimes when youre telling people things that deep down they already know, like...
"drug'r'bad, M'kay?"

it feels like youre talking to a wall, cause what youre saying they already know so you dont get any feed back... except the occasional,
"its none of your business, so piss off."

But the thing that keeps me going is the occasional reminder... like when my friend leigh told me because of my warnings and the things i pointed out she has never tried, nor will she ever try(since she now sees what it CAN do to people) Crystal Meth.

and like this forum.

so before i babble on anymore, since as meggie pointed out earlier i tend to babble on and on, and just when you think im about to stop.

I keep going with some other thought.


anyways, Thanks so much.
you have just made my week, maybe even month since i can look at this forum whenever i want as a reminder to keep at it...

Peace and Respect to all those who dont hate me,

~ elliot

(Neoform, quit starting shit with meggie in this forum. I know shes beautiful, but you can flirt with her like the other boys, you dont have to pull hair anymore.)

~ Sir~Rants~Alot strikes again!
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sat 18 Jan, 2003 @ 9:03pm. Posted in EXTREME TERROR, January 24, 2003.
Coolness: 52575
6 Days!!
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sat 18 Jan, 2003 @ 9:01pm. Posted in Deeelight 6.
Coolness: 52575

it'll be wikkid(but odd) to party with you in my home town... I hope you can make it meggie!
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sat 18 Jan, 2003 @ 7:57pm. Posted in ya gotta love the meth.
Coolness: 52575
wow, if i do meth too...
will i be as cool as this guy sounds?
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sat 18 Jan, 2003 @ 7:44pm. Posted in Deeelight 6.
Coolness: 52575
Storm definitely played hhc.
but i wasnt impressed at all by his set.

it was pretty shitty actually.

Did anyone else see Storm at Hardcore meltdown?..

molesting the REALLY high 14 year old girl right IN THE MIDDLE of the dance floor!!

eventually moving onto that couch they moved in front of the Dj booth to prevent the decks from skipping.

It was nasty. they were gettin really freaky on the dance floor. *lol*
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Sat 18 Jan, 2003 @ 7:31pm. Posted in ..
Coolness: 52575
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 16 Jan, 2003 @ 7:38pm. Posted in Deeelight 6.
Coolness: 52575
Nice one, Galaksy.
congrats on your anniversary.

speaking of anniversaries...
deelite will be my 3 year anniversary of ravin.

Horrah! 3 years later, and im still not dead.

who'da thunkded it? *lol*
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 16 Jan, 2003 @ 7:30pm. Posted in Me for President.
Coolness: 52575
if ya get to 49 ill change my vote.
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 16 Jan, 2003 @ 2:16pm. Posted in Deeelight 6.
Coolness: 52575
» Optimist_pRhyme répondu dessus Thu 16 Jan, 2003 @ 2:13pm. Posted in love..
Coolness: 52575
i will NEVER attend a party thrown by ray jr.
Optimist_pRhyme's Profile - Community Messages