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Basdini'S Secret
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» databoy replied on Sat Jun 18, 2011 @ 6:36pm
Coolness: 106340
Originally Posted By BASDINI

ya personal freedom!

You mean economic freedom don't you? Cus the right hasn't done much for personal freedom worldwide, quite the opposite..

Originally Posted By BASDINI

No, because gov does have a role, I'm not an anarcho capitalist.

For the right, the government will always be important to protect the fortunes of the few from the disenfranchised.

How about that one place where the right has crated a favorable place for humans to live. If its such a great philosophy, there's gotta be tones of places that have been reaping the rewards of right-wing economic freedoms.
I'm feeling shiraz right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» v.2-1 replied on Sat Jun 18, 2011 @ 10:28pm
Coolness: 159345
What gives ? My popcorn's gone stale.
I'm feeling r3c0nf1gur3d right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Sun Jun 19, 2011 @ 6:41am
Coolness: 145425
How many men

How many men? is a thought experiment often used by anarchists as a moral argument to show that taxation is theft. There are many variations of it, but one begins, for instance, with the example of a man stealing a car, which most people would regard as unethical. It then proceeds to make slight changes to the story, with the identity of the thief gradually shifting from one man, to a gang of five men, to a gang of ten men who take a vote (allowing the victim to vote as well) on whether to steal the car before stealing it; to a gang of twenty men who not only take votes but have specialization of labor; to one hundred men who take the car and give the victim back a bicycle; to two hundred men who not only give the victim back a bicycle but buy a poor person a bicycle as well. It ultimately challenges the reader to say how big a group needs to be, and what characteristics it needs to have, before the immorality of theft becomes the alleged morality of taxation.
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Sun Jun 19, 2011 @ 7:10am
Coolness: 685815
The same can be applied to war!

I'm feeling like a drama magnet right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» databoy replied on Sun Jun 19, 2011 @ 12:11pm
Coolness: 106340
Cus you need a lot of tax money to wage a war.

Originally Posted By BASDINI

It ultimately challenges the reader to say how big a group needs to be, and what characteristics it needs to have, before the immorality of theft becomes the alleged morality of taxation.

Do you really want to pit the morality of one system against an other?

No matter how big or small the group, in the more advanced human society's, peoples have been getting together collectively to create the type of infrastructures private company and corporations dont seem to be initiating on there own. There will always be the ones who will want to profit from these collective initiatives without having to pay like the rest of the peoples.
Those peoples are your typical right-wingers, who go through life with a sense of entitlement. Who will excuse or evacuate any moral dilemma as long as there's a profit to be made but will then turn around and play the victim of a "moral" crime when comes time to invest in the common infrastructure, the one you and your potential clients have been using every single day of your life.

You speak of personal freedom but in the world you describe, nothing is free. everything has a price tag. Freedom becomes then relative and proportional to how much money you make, you steal, or you inherit.
I'm feeling shiraz right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Sun Jun 19, 2011 @ 5:11pm
Coolness: 129945
I disagree. somethings are free

Like when you buy 10 coffees and get one free

Or when you find a box records on the street
I'm feeling sunshine right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» databoy replied on Sun Jun 19, 2011 @ 5:39pm
Coolness: 106340
I stand corrected, Freedom is proportional to the amount of coffee you buy and the quality of garbage you come across.
I'm feeling shiraz right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Mon Jun 20, 2011 @ 4:22am
Coolness: 129945
One mans garbage is another mans treasure, especially when it comes to music

I've made a killing over the years from recycling music, I'm talking tens of thousands of dollars

Vinyl is like art, some of its worthless, some of its worth serious coin

Always check the value of your items
I'm feeling sunshine right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» recoil replied on Mon Jun 20, 2011 @ 5:44am
Coolness: 86730
Originally Posted By BLISSS

One mans garbage is another mans treasure, especially when it comes to music

I've made a killing over the years from recycling music, I'm talking tens of thousands of dollars

Vinyl is like art, some of its worthless, some of its worth serious coin

Always check the value of your items

true. I used to sell records for years - mostly sought-after hardcore/jungle/D&B. basically from 1999-2002 or so, that was a big part of my income, and sometimes it was my main source.

back then, if you didn't have knowledge and good hookups, finding rare jungle was very tricky - cuz you could only really get the proper stuff from England, and you have to know how to dig for it. most people over here didn't even know the names of some of the tunes they wanted, much less know where they could find a copy for sale. so that was my niche..

hard to believe now, but back in 99/2000 I was getting oldskool shipped over from my sources in the UK, and then actually it back to heads in England. I was really good at finding those white labels - cuz I knew how to identify em, and the seller usually didnt even know what they were.

more than a couple times I paid my rent and all my groceries with just one customer buying a few tunes.. I sold the one guy seven jump-up/ragga-jungle tunes for $540.00. aside from the 2 big ragga tunes, the rest were tracks I would never play at a gig or on a mixtape. they were just sitting there gathering dust. but to him.. they were gold! and who am I to argue?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Mon Jun 20, 2011 @ 7:38am
Coolness: 145425
Originally Posted By RECOIL

more than a couple times I paid my rent and all my groceries with just one customer buying a few tunes.. I sold the one guy seven jump-up/ragga-jungle tunes for $540.00. aside from the 2 big ragga tunes, the rest were tracks I would never play at a gig or on a mixtape. they were just sitting there gathering dust. but to him.. they were gold! and who am I to argue?

see capitalism works, everybody was happy after the transaction...
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» databoy replied on Mon Jun 20, 2011 @ 10:00am
Coolness: 106340
You can make a few bucks recycling cans and bottles too, proof once more that capitalism is working for the poor and the environment.

Isn't it great how that invisible hand of the economy takes care of gods children?
I'm feeling shiraz right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cutterhead replied on Mon Jun 20, 2011 @ 1:53pm
Coolness: 131820
i respect basdini , and he`s entitled to his opinion, dynv , you think your email address is a secret , maybe you oughta lookup in the dictionnary the proper use of such word , imo you just pours out as a dramma lamma , as usefull your thought that mgs first was i fail to see the use of this thread beside your own sick twist of it that reminds me cock-blocking.

keep up the good work
I'm feeling "god is(i)n`the tv" right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Mon Jun 20, 2011 @ 3:26pm
Coolness: 129945
cock blocking lol...
I'm feeling sunshine right now..
Good [+2]Toggle ReplyLink» Psilo replied on Tue Jun 21, 2011 @ 12:06am
Coolness: 82905
Premièrement merci Basdini d'avoir nourri ce qui ressemble finalement plus a un débat qu'a un argument. A vrai dire ca fait longtemps que j'ai pas eu envie de venir faire mon smart sur [ rave.ca ]
Mais disons que le sujet est, a mes yeux, un peu plus intéressant que d'ordinaire O.o (ca commence bien:)

Ton point de vu est vraiment intéressant, d'autant plus qu'inusité dans mon entourage, et je suis d'accord avec bon nombre de tes arguments. Seulement je suis de ceux qui croient qu'avec la tangente actuelle le capitalisme pur ne peut etre concevable a long terme.

Concernant nos ressources, une récente étude démontre que plusieurs élément du tableau périodique sont effectivement voués a l'extinction. Rien ne se perd rien ne se crée mais tout se transforme parfois tellement que leurs réinsertion deviennent impossible. Exemple l'hafnium, #72 (Hf) qu'on retrouves principalement dans des composantes électroniques (puce) ou l'indium #49 dans nombre de nos écrans. Certain plus facilement récupérable sont trop amplement utilisé, au rythme actuel il n'y auras plus d'or a extraire de la Terre d'ici 45 ans (29 ans pour l'argent). D'ailleurs économiquement parlant y va y avoir de l'argent facile a faire en investissant dans ces métaux (Dollars for gold anyone;) en fait le meilleur investissement c'est les diamants car certain en controle justement l'offre et la demande depuis longtemps;). Ca c'est sans compter tout les éléments que l'on perds dans l'espace, comme tu l'as si bien mentionné. Beaucoup de ceux-la sont d'ailleurs sous forme gazeuse et s'échappent encore plus rapidement vus la vitesse d'accroissement exponentielle des trous dans la couche d'ozone (Il ne reste presque plus d'hélium #2 grace au ballon etc). Les observations effectuées à partir du sol et par ballon-sonde au-dessus de l'Arctique ainsi que par satellite révèlent que la colonne d'ozone a accusé une déperdition d'environ 40 % dans cette région entre le début de l'hiver et la fin du mois de mars. (mais cela n'a bien sur rien a voir avec nos habitudes de consommation capitaliste;). Et la liste est malheureusement encore longue.

Comme Masa, l'allusion a Goldmans Sachs m'a aussi fait quelque peu sourciller. Il est paradoxal de croire qu'ils ont eux la "chance" de s'en tirer a bon compte quand ce sont eux qui a la base on organisés la crise des subprime (mortage) et le crash économique de 2008 qui s'en suivit. Comme d'ailleurs ce sont eux qui avaient tout aussi bien planifiés la Grande Dépression. Je sais que cela parait très conspirationniste mais il serait tout aussi naif de croire qu'aucun groupe sur Terre possédant autant de pouvoir ne voudraient point en profiter un peu. (surtout quand tu constate que nombre d'entre eux entretiennent d'étroite relation). Quand tu as suffisamment divisé pour régner pour avoir le quasi monopole de la plupart des secteur clés de l'économie, cela devient bcp plus aisé de faire des prédiction,non? Historiquement Goldmans fut a plusieurs reprise en pur conflit d'interet dans cette histoire:

- Henry Paulson (oui,le meme Paulson que dans le plan du meme nom qui a soit disant sauvé les U.S. du crash 08). Saviez vous qu'il fut, bien avant d'etre nommé secrétaire au trésor par Bush en 2006, l'ancient président de *roulement de tambours* Goldmans Sachs! (jetez un petit coup d'oeil au film "inside job") Le crash leur a permis de devenir une "bank holding" tout en affaiblissant suffisamment leurs principaux compétiteurs pour les acquérir a coups de fusion/acquisitions.
La plupart des échanges effectués par Goldman Sachs ne sont pas spéculatifs et se contente de profiter du jeu de l'offre et de la demande en créant du marché.

- La gestion des fonds du Plan Paulson fut confié a un certain Neel Kashkari (cashcarry:) qui fut, o
comble du hasard, un protégé de Paulson chez Goldmans l'ayant suivit au secrétariat du trésor!

- Il est intéressant aussi de savoir que l'imminent Mario Draghi, gouverneur de la banque d'Italie et responsable d'innombrable fusions et privatisations stratégique du coté européen. Vient il y a peine un mois d'etre nommé président de la banque central Européenne (grace a ce si "aimable" Sarkosy).
Il était évidemment vice président pour l'Europe de *suspence* GoldMothaFawkin Sachs Bitchzz!!

- Ya aussi Rubin, sorit de G.S. pour entrer au secrétariat du trésor, qui fut responsable de la faillite de Citigroup, le principal concurrent de G.S. (aussi appelé "La Firme", et ce bien avant le film wak, in your face).

Anyway je pourrais continuer longtemps, mais tout ca pour dire finalement que ce qui compte par dessus tout, c'est que le peuple saches bien a qui ils donnent les rennes et ils le fait justement plus en consommant qu'en votant de nos jours parcequ'au final c'est le complexe militaro-industiel et les tres ancienne organisation de banquiers, entre autre, qui gouverne de nos jours. So use your money wisely...

...and i sell reality checker real cheap, anyone? ;)

P.S.Y. (Post Scrotum Yo):comme tu vois je m'en suis tenu aux faits et ai laissé l'explosivité des enjeux moraux de coté.

Have a nice day! (read life:)
Update » Psilo wrote on Tue Jun 21, 2011 @ 12:10am
Holy wall of tits!!!...iz cockblocking me again..NOOOO!
I'm feeling ~them solar beamz! sun right now..
Bad [-3]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Tue Jun 21, 2011 @ 3:51am
Coolness: 129945
I'm feeling sunshine right now..
Good [+2]Toggle ReplyLink» lilopinpin replied on Tue Jun 21, 2011 @ 12:32pm
Coolness: 31875
wow psilo!!
ka klaw!! pew pew!!
jai rien dautre a ajouter
I'm feeling patate right now..
Neutral [0]Toggle ReplyLink» Trey replied on Tue Jun 21, 2011 @ 10:10pm
Coolness: 102990
I like realpolitiks and political ideologies... and would have posted a Wall of Flood.
However I bowed myself out of this thread a while ago... and I'm glad I did!

Here's to summer, beers, and girls in short dress. 24th and 1st, both hitting on Friday, fuck ya long weekends.
Bad [-1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Wed Jun 22, 2011 @ 2:49am
Coolness: 129945
Fuck politics, gimme some tits
I'm feeling sunshine right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» SourUltraFast replied on Thu Jun 23, 2011 @ 5:23pm
Coolness: 91615
Originally Posted By BLISSS

Fuck politics, gimme some tits

Donnez-lui du pain et des jeux!
I'm feeling hulk right now..
Neutral [0]Toggle ReplyLink» databoy replied on Thu Jun 23, 2011 @ 5:31pm
Coolness: 106340
Originally Posted By BLISSS

Fuck politics, gimme some tits

Maybe they can help... [ www.feminizationsurgery.com ]
I'm feeling shiraz right now..
Basdini'S Secret
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