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» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 3:52am. Posted in Conservatives.
Coolness: 44255
Well I suppose you're right about both.
Actually all 3, I obviously think I know my shit too.
But mostly, I just think its fun to fuck around like most of the guys on here.
I think my loophole will involve something with psychology, I don't want to be a psychiatrist because they are the most fucked up people by far, analyzing and categorizing everyone they meet.
But maybe I can get some arts courses instead of all these science courses which are slowly sucking my soul from my shell of a body.
How was Edmonton? Why did you go and for how long? When did you get back?
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 3:36am. Posted in Conservatives.
Coolness: 44255
Biochemistry, I thought it would be obvious. =P
But I really can't stand the pre-med piranhas that are huge super keeners that jack up the GPA so I have to have a 3.2 just to stay in the god damn faculty! I don't want to go to med school....arghh.. so I am considering finding a loophole.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 3:27am. Posted in Conservatives.
Coolness: 44255
It sounds like maybe you are thinking you should stop doing drugs. So yeah you probably should, if YOU think that.
But in all honesty, what is the definition of a drug? Any mind-alterating substance? Oh well then everyone better stop eating chocolate and take sugar of the list and don't even start thinking about coffee.
Everyone does drugs they are not even aware of, but because its not on some list somewhere, it's okay. Drugs are and will be part of society until the end of time. They provide the ever-needed escape humans desire. A good book can be a drug. It is for me sometimes.
I couldn't agree more than they cause alot of damage and dysfunction and basically just fuck up people's lives.
But I feel its education that could save people, not just labelling them all as the devil. I would really like to hope that its possible to use them responsibly, to know your limits, and know the dangers. It seems like society just groups them all into one category. When you're younger you think pot is a drug and when you like it, you want to discover what all these other "drugs" are like. But the problem is it takes you doing all these other drugs to realise that one isn't like the others and by then its likely too late.
In any event, I hope people stop doing drugs too, but I also hope the I will begin to like my roommate.........

Good Luck, dude.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 3:04am. Posted in Ketamyne.
Coolness: 44255
I wish I could find a reliable, decent K source in Montreal as well, but alas, I still talk to my old dealer from home.
High doses sound nice....I cannot wait until midterms are fucking over!!!! Only one left. =)

Mixing K with E has always been fun, I'm an EK-tard at heart. Fuck responsibility.
Haha, as the one who does her homework laughs at her own ridiculousness.
Wish I could though, it'd be really nice to blow up a building using homemade TNT from the sulfuric and nitric acid that I had previously stolen from the building I eventually blew up.

It would also be nice to go to sleep, so have a good halloween everyone and try not to be one of those drunken assholes outside my window yelling on the street at 5 in the morning on a tuesday. =)
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Fri Oct 27, 2006 @ 6:30pm. Posted in Ketamyne.
Coolness: 44255
Agreed, Drinking and K is definitely a bad idea. As for people oding on K and having to be carried out on stretchers.....I know for a fact that they combined the wrong drugs because the fatal dose for ketamine is more than most people could fit up their nose before they are so fucked up that they can no longer hold anything steady let alone a straw/bumping utensil. I have seen several published doctor's reports that prove oding on K is near impossible because uping the dosage only makes the effect last longer, not the intensity. However, I whole heartedly agree about not shooting it up, actually I wouldn't suggest shooting up anything for that matter. But in someways its healthier because it doesn't affect your stomach lining or nasal passages.....but shooting up seems to be more mental damaging in the long run. For me it crosses a line that I'm not willing to cross....yet. But each to their own.

Have a good night, kids. =)
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Wed Oct 25, 2006 @ 11:34pm. Posted in Ketamyne.
Coolness: 44255
Bah. All of you are too uneducated to be making any rational conclusions on ketamine. First of all, yes ketamine is an anaesthetic, it is still used as a painkiller in hospitals today, but is usually administered to children as adults complain about out of body experiences. Originally it is in a liquid form to be injected, but is cooked until it is a white crystalline solid. In montreal it seems to be fairly unpopular but is most likely due to the fact it's in the east, while all the K that comes into Canada is coming from China, since ketamine is completely legal to produce there. What most people fail to realise, is what makes ketamine unique is the fact that it is the only anaesthetic where your respiratory system supports itself, meaning if the K is pure it represents litt le threat to your body. And before you all rush of to get some ridiculous fictional statistics about how bad K really is, I recently took a book out from my university's medical library, which included dozens of doctors and dentists reports on the effect of K on many different patients. What was found is that K creates a block in the neurotransmitters of the brain and no matter the dosage the block size does not increase, it it merely there for a longer period of time. These facts combined pretty much makes K the safest drug on the street, provided you know where you are getting it from and its fairly pure. Sure, it's still a drug, it still fucks you up, but considering the choices, I wish I would quit hearing ridiculous stories about how fucked up it is and how its only good to do once or twice a year. It's likely safer than drinking, do you only do that once or twice a year? Or is that okay because society accepts the fact the people drink 3-4 times a week, get some sort of liver disease and die of alcohol poisoing on their 18th birthday. I admit more people drink than do K, so statistially speaking..., but when you hear of an OD, its NOT from ketamine. I did an 8-ball of K easily with my 2 friends every weekend for the better part of 2 years and managed to keep my job, which was working with autistic children and good enough grades to be in the faculty of biochemistry at Mcgill. Any questions as to my major? *smirks* In any event, Ketamine is still a drug and it can steal your soul like any other mind-altering substance. But realise that its safer than most and the fucked up people you have heard or seen, were fucked up before they started doing K, it just helped them along.

If you really want some reasons not to K.....I once had a k-trip, well I cant lie, I had been up for 4 days at an outdoor rave that I had brought 50 pills to sell, but i only sold 1, I'm pretty sure I remember eating 3 for breakfast. In any event, the K, speed, E, coke, acid and 4 days sleep deprivation, I really think the sleep deprivation and not eating were the biggest contributers, I have since learned to eat!!! All of this combined led me to believe I was a fire goddess was battling evil to save my friend, Jeremy, the mother earth. I suddenly thought I had all knowledge and was an omniscient being making decisions that the course of human history depended on. I remember looking up into the sky and seeing the clouds change, representing my actions in the world. I wasn't coherent for at least a couple of hours and when I came round, I realised that I had scared all my friends because that was my first time losing myself. It's pretty freaky the first time it happens, you wonder if you are still you, or where this extra part of your came from. But eventually you forget about it and shove the next bump of K up your nose. Ketamine fascinates me because if you read people's k-trip stories, you observe a common theme, K somehow makes people see connections and create meaning in things that would normally mean nothing. I understand how a drug can create a feeling, a feeling is so general, just a chemical released when a person is satisfied. But how does a drug affect something so specific as to make novel connections. Perhaps there is a chemical in the brain that makes connections, in a sense all brain activity is a chemical potenial across the membrane. In any event, if someone has some input on this matter, I would be interested.

Have fun Kids. =)
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat Oct 21, 2006 @ 4:41am. Posted in Tall V.S. Short And Skinny V.S. Fat.
Coolness: 44255
This is rather a ridiculous topic, mind you all interweb threads generally are, unless they include how to fix something which in that case I owe my life to the smart geeks that post their wealth of knowledge. But for the most part, I'd say most people generally like to be thin and tall, except for a few girls who are short and thin and I'm pretty sure my cat could kick their ass. My cat's pretty kick ass you see. But I myself am 5'5" and bounce between anywhere from 120 to 135 pounds. It really depends on what I am doing in my life. I've done too many drugs and been too skinny, so I don't really see skinny as an accomplishment, all you have to do is not eat. And I've had final exam week, where I'm compulsive about eating and reading at the same time and been significantly fatter for a couple of weeks. It's pretty sweet. But being healthy, well that's something else all together. I suppose I'm average and would like someone healthy, but I blame evolution and society for my tastes. And as for sebaceous matter.....well Murdock, I can tell you haven't seen anyone else's but your own in quite some time.... Mind you someone might think its pretty kinky to have a penis glans secrete on their lips, so I suggest that your next topic be a discussion about how sexy smegma is.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 2:34am. Posted in Finish That Expression!.
Coolness: 44255
fascist regime.

all's fair in love and....
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 2:30am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat Jun 10, 2006 @ 10:27pm. Posted in The Great K Debate....
Coolness: 44255
Well in Edmonton, people sell real K, so its not a problem whether I trust people because the 8-ball is going to be good powder. As for K being a cat tranquiliser, yes that is one of its more infamous uses, but it has been used on humans, children espeicially for decades. In fact, I recently took a book out of my university library that has dozens of doctor's reports on their experiences of using K as an anaesthetic/pain killer for humans from around the world. Some ketamine that is on the streets is stolen, but some is definitely shipped from other countries as there is not enough vet K to supply the market!! If you don't believe me about China, perhaps you should type the words, "ketamine china" into a google search and you will soon realise that all of the subsequent articles are about smuggling ketamine out of China. In china it is legal to produce Ketamine!!!!!!! and another newsflash, Vancouver is closer to china then montreal!! Furthermore, ALL K is synthetic because its all made in a lab, none of it is naturally occuring, so basically noone in montreal has the proper chemist skills to synthesize decent K, so perhaps someone should take local responsibility and make doing K in Montreal actually enjoyable!! Its no reason that so many people dislike K here, I dislike K here.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat Jun 10, 2006 @ 7:48pm. Posted in The Great K Debate....
Coolness: 44255
I love and need K, but I cannot find any fucking decent shit in the whole island of Montreal and I am beginning to get sick of putting synthetic, yellow, bad-tasting, shit up my nose and not even getting the proper high. I am from Edmonton and I know all the ketamine in Canada comes through Vancouver, so apparently all you easterners are getting fucked!! because I have not been properly incapacitated in 6 months!! So perhaps this is the reason that so many of you seem to think K is a waste of money, because here it fucking is!!!!! Now I know all of you will reply that YOU know where to find some worthy K, but that's because you don't know that your K is shitty and overpriced and in vials, WTF?!?!? How much is in a vial anyways? What if I want to buy an 8-ball, do you have a vial that fits 3.5 grams too? I would like to be able to buy a weight!! not a fucking volume!!! That doesn't even make sense!! Are they gonna be assholes and only fill it to the line? And don't you think its a lot easier to store a baggie?!?! That shit won't fit in my wallet comfortably, which means its going in my pocket, which means that if I actually got suitably fucked up, I would most likely lose it!!!!! I mean who can unscrew a lid and dump some on their hand when they are high. I want a bag, that I can stick a bill in the bottom of and snort a couple of points then and there. Easy, quick, convienient. Noone even knows how much is in a vial, haha, they just know how much it costs, and quite honestly, there cannot be more than a little over 3 points in there and it costs more than a half does at home. So perhaps if K was done properly in Montreal , there wouldn't need to be this ridiculous debate in the first place.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat Jun 10, 2006 @ 6:11am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Thu Jun 8, 2006 @ 9:46pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
speed garage.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Mon Jun 5, 2006 @ 9:46pm. Posted in Finish That Expression!.
Coolness: 44255
e-tarded kandi kids.

It's better to have loved and lost, then...
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Tue May 30, 2006 @ 10:56pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat May 27, 2006 @ 1:48am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
The Princess Bride.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Wed May 24, 2006 @ 9:53pm. Posted in What book are you reading?.
Coolness: 44255
Catch 22 is a pretty awesome read. You really can't figure out what's going on at first, its just random crazy anecdotes about being in the war, but its witty, that's what makes it worth the read. Enjoy. =)
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Wed May 24, 2006 @ 12:44am. Posted in What book are you reading?.
Coolness: 44255
The Lord of the Flies-William Golding

I'm trying to read classics, so if anyone has some interesting suggestions, I would appreciate it.
You know when you are reading a literary article and the author refers to how this piece of literature has a similar such and such as this other book,
well, I am trying to read those other books, thanks kids. =)
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Tue May 23, 2006 @ 10:16pm. Posted in Finish That Expression!.
Coolness: 44255
...are willing to exploit others.

The grass is greener....
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Tue May 23, 2006 @ 10:07pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Tue May 23, 2006 @ 1:56am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
power rangers.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Tue May 23, 2006 @ 1:56am. Posted in Finish That Expression!.
Coolness: 44255
know I smell like Neuromyth *smirk*

Do not speak- unless...
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Mon May 22, 2006 @ 8:18pm. Posted in Finish That Expression!.
Coolness: 44255
therefore, all witches burn!!

Give a man a whale and he wil eat blubber for a week,
Teach a man to whalehunt,...
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Mon May 22, 2006 @ 8:10pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sun May 21, 2006 @ 4:56am. Posted in Freestylers.
Coolness: 44255
I saw a guy in the girls washroom. That's how all places should be, I have always enjoyed sitting in the boys washroom.
It's funny how uncomfortable guys are about it.
The venue was pretty chill and the crowd was phenomenal.
The music was just the right mix of favourites and lesser known but equally good tracks
I definitely enjoyed my first breaks night in Montreal, thanks to whoever threw it and I look forward to the next one!!
I suggest more UK breaks, I would love to see Krafty Kuts, Meat Katie, the Stanton Warriors or Plump DJs spin in Montreal. *hint hint*
Thanks for the awesome music!! I needed it after going to many hardcore parties.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sun May 21, 2006 @ 12:51am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Tue May 16, 2006 @ 8:38pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
cuddle puddles.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Mon May 15, 2006 @ 4:20am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 11:19pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 44255
I hate people who are enthuastic about stupid jobs. Especially when they make my life more difficult. Fucking keeners
I also hate people who wear McGill merchandise, as if its not enough that you pay thousands of dollars in tuition, you give the institution more money in order to be able to promote the fuckers. I also might hate McGill/Uni in general.
However, I do love my cat and that counts for something.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 11:13pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Mon May 8, 2006 @ 8:25pm. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 44255
Reading that was bitter-sweet. It's comforting to me to know that Montreal was once like that. I definitely learned alot about a new city. It sounds phenomenal, but it reminds me alot of my home. In edmonton, where I'm from, the scene is still smaller, you can know all the faces and learn everyone's name/story. There are different crews from outlying cities that come to party in edmonton and we always go to parties in Calgary, 3 hours south. There's only a big party every month, which makes it so much more special, you always dress up and can't wait to see everyone again. It's the reason I love deep dark drum n' bass despite being a candi kid, I've been forced to appreciate other genres. Now I wonder if I should go back since it seems I will never find anything like that here. =( The flyers and pictures are fucking wickid though, everything looks so pure. =)
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Mon May 8, 2006 @ 8:09pm. Posted in You know it's gone too far....
Coolness: 44255
I know I like to get my drugs for the lowest price possible. It's a business like any other, if you aren't friends with the dealer that is, so I can't blame him for saying that. I just blame him for writing an email in the first place. I didn't know the market was so desperate to go online, I thought druggies always needed drugs. I know I do. =)
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Fri May 5, 2006 @ 2:39pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
the strokes.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sun Apr 30, 2006 @ 9:36pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sun Apr 30, 2006 @ 4:26am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
Unprotected Sex.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat Apr 29, 2006 @ 1:47pm. Posted in The Great K Debate....
Coolness: 44255
Generally I just do enough K to fall into a hole, whether real or in my mind.
To me the idea of being in a dark room seems really boring, I would much rather be in the sun in my backyard....trying to crawl on the grass.
There's something about sun that makes K absolutely enjoyable, you are just comfortable to chill out(which is all you can do most of the time)
and the vibe outside always makes trips phenomenal.
To me drugs should more of an interactive experience with the people and things going on around you, I really enjoy having group trips with the
people I bring into my backyard. Its amazing how you all have the same feelings about things when you talk about it later.
I suppose self-exploration is awesome too, but I really do enjoy the unfathomable dimensions K makes of the world.
that is why K is amazing!
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Sat Apr 29, 2006 @ 1:37pm. Posted in Bad Trips.
Coolness: 44255
Well, losing ones sanity for the first time wasn't exactly comforting.
It actually scared the shit out of me then, its an experience like no other to lose the identity of one'self.
My logic is important to me and I was scared that maybe I had finally lost it forever.
Now, I am able to find it amusing and would likely do it again, but right after I really had no idea what to think.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Fri Apr 28, 2006 @ 4:43pm. Posted in Bad Trips.
Coolness: 44255
I went to my first 3 day outdoor party called Motion Notion in Alberta and I decided that I needed to bring enough drugs for 3 days, so naturally I brought 50 pills and a couple of grams of K. In the end I only had 8 pills left and had sold one. The first day was awesome, but it quickly just became the worst sketch/come down ever in the middle of the woods. I fondly remember eating 3 pills for breakfast to take the sketch off. To make things worse, I was by the main stage and all they played was psytrance for 3 days. I fucking hate psytrance or trance period for that matter. The beat never changes and that's all I heard inside of the grey vinyl of my tent. I'm sorry to anyone who saw me when I was such a sarcastic bitter sketch-tard because I had fun at their expense. I tried to eat...but had spent all of my energies finding quantities of drugs at good prices to bother to buy healthy tasty food. Eating half a granola bar took an hour so eventually I just gave up, chrunchy things on drugs are generally bad. In any event, no eating or sleeping for 5 days because naturally I had to party on the wednesday and thursday prior to the party and doing the last of my K at one time led to me losing my reality with myself and thinking I was something else. And I say someTHING else because I thought I was no longer human, I thought I was a higher being, a fire goddess if you will and my best friend was mother earth. I was clinically insane for probably 2 hours until the K wore off and by then it was Sunday, so it was time to pack up my shit and drive home. It's definitely memorable to me and those who watched me lose my sanity. Since then I have went to other outdoor parties, namely Shambhala and have had an awesome time on an assortment of drugs.
So the take home message here, kids, is EAT when your doing copious amounts of chemicals over a long period of time.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Fri Apr 28, 2006 @ 4:05pm. Posted in Pink Incredibles (exclamation mark).
Coolness: 44255
I don't know if I have done your specific batch as I don't remember there being sketchy grey speckles in mine. Mind you, I rarely check.
But I found them to be a quality pill, nothing to write home about but worth the money.
Either way, Most pink pills have a good amount of MDMA in them, furthermore, the exclamation is a pretty popular press.
At any rate, you should pop it and then you will know if they are any good and whether to buy more in the future.
» Etch_A_Sketch replied on Fri Apr 28, 2006 @ 3:54pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 44255
Etch_A_Sketch's Profile - Community Messages