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Butterman's Profile - Community Messages
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» Butterman replied on Fri Sep 28, 2007 @ 2:42pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 41685
OK thanks for the clearing up... I guess I'm not an ellistist myself, which is strange because I used to be such a right-winged "facist" when it came to musical tastes.

Plus in my opinion, insulting people on the internet is a sign of weakness and of emotional compensation. So I don't see the point in doing that...

Flavor flavor!
» Butterman replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 3:29pm. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 41685
To AlienZeD: "I use to be ultra positive, but there's no fun in that... I mean no disrespect though, it's not like my opinion matters anyway, sheesh"

Hehehehehe... ya got a point there, of course! Still, there's a difference between joking around and insulting people... and the fine line is so thin it is so transparent, that it's almost invisible and impossible to see.

Myself, I used to be NEGATIVE, but there's no fun in that. Folks who call me negative just can't see that I am a realist and that trying to be objective is not about being negative.

What I think folks should do is keep the trash talk for the threads which seem to invite trash talk, and leave personnal insults at the proverbial door. Like I said to [name omited], I used to be one of the top 10 posters at this other site's discussion board since like 1998 or so, and then (get this!) a moderator posted a message which enticed other "flamers" to start shooting me down, so I just quit; dissapeared off the radar... Anyway story for another time & thread....

» Butterman replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 11:44am. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 41685
To Trey: OK I didn't know that... Myself, I don't go to many parties and don't socialise much with humans outside a small circle of dedicated enthousiasts. By deffinition, I am a mysanthrope & antisocial, if that means anything to anyone!

To Host One and Smurf: Damn straight guys! Just be and that's it; why waste time and energy on things (such as other people's viewpoints) which we cannot influence? There's always going to be moronic behaviour out there!

To Sabinonstop: "FUCK ELITISM WERE NOT IN HIGHSCHOOl anymore peace out and beyond" Oh yes, absolutly true; I am an old fart at 36, but I am sure some folks who surf around this site are still in high school...

As for the idea of ELITISM in general, it is un-avoidable since we all have our own preferences and whatnot which forces a certain elistist viewpoint on us whether we realise it or not. It's all fine and dandy to think ourselves open-minded, but we aren't always as open minded as we'd like to think. An old "master" once told me ages ago that wise man known he is clouded when he thinks himself open. Or something like that...

Thanks to everyone who actually read my rant!

» Butterman replied on Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 9:08am. Posted in What does one do when!!!!!!.
Coolness: 41685
I have to put in my own 2 Butter cents' worth now, because I cannot believe the real life stupidity of cyber idiots!

I mean let's look at this from an outsider's point of view... DJ LynZyn asks people on this board for help and opinions, since she thought this was the place to actually ask these kinds of questions.

Enter these young modern day kids, faceless and protected by the anonymity of the internet, who decide to ruin a perfectly good and well justified discussion board by poting rude, crude, and obviously off-topic content. Worst yet is the fact that they (who shall remain nameless) find it appropriate to post these comments anyhow even though this is not the area for such thoughts, nor can these kinds of postings be justified in any way!

So it boils to the fact that these people (who shall remain nameless) seem to have such a shallow and void existance in real life that they feel the need to put other folks down on the internet. It's a sad reality but reality nonetheless... The internet allows the planet's scum to voice their opinions without censorship, and in today's day and age, it prooves that the kids of today could use some self-censorship and manners...

So basically all we can do is read, look, and basically pity these poor fools who seem to have such little of self-love and social life that they feel the need to put down others to feel better about themselves.

In my case, I don't care anymore; I've been laughed at, ridiculed and shot down so often now that all it does is re-enforce my opnion on such people...
» Butterman replied on Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 10:34pm. Posted in mdma - how much is too much?.
Coolness: 41685
Hmmmm Like I said in a previous post about the MDMA, the so-called MDMA I myself was able to find in MTL was mostly bullsh!t than anything near what I have experienced.

The MDMA I consume (once in a while, not on a regular basis) comes from outside the city, so-called "custom" order from a chemist & pharmacist. A couple get together, order a certain batch, and you get cheaper pricing per unit as the the more you order, but that's all normal.

i am just starting to discover how good this feels, and wondering how much is too much?
see i don't ever want to be jaded and loose the state of bliss this brings to me.

anything more then 10$ is too much!

Like I said, I was told anything close to the MDMA I am used to is at least $25 a pop, so that's like arip-off, especially for the things I've tried produced in MTL.

I just know that at raves they rip you off for about 40$ a pill. I usually get mine for 10$-12$. It depends on what it is.

That's right. My orders allow me to get pricing ranging between $12 to $8 a unit, high quality stuff.

I never heard of any kind of pill being 40$, around here the most you pay is 25$, if you buy it off the street dealers.

Yeah... and honestly, I myself would try to steer clear of street dealers. No far the result has pretty much been rather zip.


Update » Butterman wrote on Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 11:50am
Scope out what good MDMA looks like: [ www.rave.ca ]
» Butterman replied on Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 10:25pm. Posted in MDMA that smells like ass! WARNING!.
Coolness: 41685
Listen folks,

the only times I've ever tried this so-called MDMA from MTL sucked back. Absolutly nothing in terms of real effects, and it always tasted and smelled more like talc powder or something. If any of you have seen the embarrasing clip(s) on youtube (now taken offline of course) you know that the only good MDMA has to be made elsewhere, where the demand is stronger and more regular. If any of you could pre-pay an order of MDMA from elsewhere, and good stuff from a chemist and a pharmacist, not the cheap-@$$ bullsh!t that is supposed to pass for MDMA in this town, would you be interested? Scope out the pics at the end of my photos folder for a visual confirmation.

Les autres choses comme le K & Speed ca ne fais que me garder trop reveille et je me ramasse toujours malade la prochaine journee. Quelques fois, j'ai meme eu une grippe ou genre de, les jours souvants. Moi-meme j'ai toujours prefere l'organique au chimique, mais il y a rien comme une vrai experience... En tout cas, vous comprennez l'essence de ca, je crois!


Update » Butterman wrote on Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 11:50am
Update » Butterman wrote on Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 11:50am
Scope out what good MDMA looks like here : [ www.rave.ca ]
» Butterman replied on Fri Aug 17, 2007 @ 2:30pm. Posted in JOB: Youtube Watcher.
Coolness: 41685
Oh well THAT (the currency exchange) I wasn't aware of! Thanks for the update!
» Butterman replied on Fri Aug 17, 2007 @ 12:23pm. Posted in hihihi pourquoi les hommes sont si frigide.
Coolness: 41685
Dans mon cas a moi; je ne suis PAS frigide mais misanthrope, alors ca ce peut qu'il y a beaucoup de gens que pensent que je suis frigide...

Mais je ne suis surtout pas prude! N'importe qui qui me connais pourrais le prouver...
» Butterman replied on Fri Aug 17, 2007 @ 12:20pm. Posted in whose the coolest?.
Coolness: 41685
Well Tiffany Mynx rules my all supreme. She's the top notch in all things human.

But Salma Hayek is a goddess, so she cannot be considered with any contest whatsoever since she's beyond mortal compehension.

After the Mynx, quickly followed by Olivia Del Rio, Julia Taylor, Eva Angelina, and others which would fill up this place like you couldn't believe...

Today is Jayna Oso's birthday! Happy birthday Jayna!
» Butterman replied on Fri Aug 17, 2007 @ 12:17pm. Posted in JOB: Youtube Watcher.
Coolness: 41685
It's not such a bad gig... $11 an hour US currency is like what, $24 per hour here in Canada? Plus you get to spend your time watching fools making arses out of themselves via the internet, so it isn't so bad. Well at least not on paper! In any case, it sure beats (almost) any job I was forced to take here in MOntreal. No offence I love my city (Je suis ne ici meme) but the truth about the job market is horsecaca; available jobs are all the same customer service crap or telemarketing scheme.
» Butterman replied on Fri Aug 17, 2007 @ 12:10pm. Posted in Open Bar !!.
Coolness: 41685
Well my 2 cents' worth on the subject is "unrealistic" per se. Simply because it all depends on the venue/where it is (the open bar). I mean for a slum place, $10 tops is the max charge I'd say. But I have seen some places who charge $30 a head for so-called "open" bars.

So let's be UNrealistic: $5 to $10 a head is a decent price.

Realistically speaking, $15 to $20 MAXimum is OK to fair.

Anything over $20 is a rip off, unless the price also includes a special show or performance of some kind... I mean let's face it; some of us are getting old and our livers aren't what they used to be!

» Butterman replied on Thu Jun 28, 2007 @ 2:05pm. Posted in THING-FEST part 7 2007: 27/10/07.
Coolness: 41685
Just FYI:

I have emailed the owner & operator of Cinema Du Parc about THING FEST(s) and asked him if there was anything planned for the film's 25th anniversary.

In the meantime I invite you all to visit THE THING's official fan-operated website at:

[ www.outpost31.com ]

And check out just how hardcore some fanatics can get! We're talking tattoos, trips to the original filming location, collectibles, fan stories & comics, etc...

Even though the film is 25 years old and the world has changed considerably since then, it still holds true to this day... I myself find it amazing that in today's CGI-obsessed world, people still find the mechanical effects from 1982 as effective as they were back then!

» Butterman replied on Wed Jun 27, 2007 @ 6:06pm. Posted in THING-FEST part 7 2007: 27/10/07.
Coolness: 41685
Well folks, I will try to see if I can't get something happening at Cinema Du Parc (my brother knows the owner!) since this year (2007) is the film's 25th anniversary! Don't forget that you have NOT seen this film until you've seen it on the BIG screen! If you can't, then don't settle for the fullscreen 4:3 aspect ratio; you lose about 40% of the image! Go for the 2:35 WIDESCREEN DVD instead; you'll see what I mean! In the meantime, it isn't too early to start saving up $$$ for the trip down to London Ontario... It reallly is an event, and the other fans who show up to watch the film are real hardcore fanatics... Scope out the discussion board (link in my main message) for a quick idea on how some of these people really are into this film. Cheers, take it easy!
» Butterman replied on Wed Jun 27, 2007 @ 1:27pm. Posted in THING-FEST part 7 2007: 27/10/07.
Coolness: 41685
[ www.rave.ca ]

Although this isn't a rave or party per se, but parties always end up happening before and after the screening, THING FEST is a rare if not unique opportunity to watch an original 35mm 1982 print on big screen theater of John Carpenter's masterpiece of modern cinema, "THE THING".

[ www.rave.ca ]

For more details, read the flyer linked above, or visit THE THING's official fan website at [ www.outpost31.com ] or visit the discussion board at [ thethingfan.11.forumer.com ] for extra details and whatnot.

It's in London Ontario, which is about an 8 hour drive or train trek from Montreal, and if you enjoy the film, this is a rare chance indeed to see it larger than life! It is also an opportunity to network with other hardcore fans of the film, as well as other folks from around the globe who come into London once a year for THING FEST!

» Butterman replied on Fri May 4, 2007 @ 3:07pm. Posted in Its Friday!.
Coolness: 41685
Thank the Goddess the work week is finally over! And what a crazy weekend I've got planned already!

Friday night: I get to guest rap (!!!) for an upcoming release! I think the label is USA or Australian, but it will be released under another name; I'll just be doing guest apperance! I'll also be recording clips for Frank Zen's "Music For Morons" series.... And more stuff!

Saturday: Butter's return to SubSystem! Watch for upcoming clips to be posted on YouTube!

Sunday; Last chance for Martin; he's leaving for BC for 2 months! My wife and I will be saying our goodbyes to the guy before his disapearance!

Of course, there's a ton of other stuff I've got planned but I can't post on these boards (for obvious reasons!)

» Butterman replied on Fri May 4, 2007 @ 3:02pm. Posted in TRIP: Ketamine Kommunity Discussion - April 17th 7-9pm.
Coolness: 41685
Wait a minute... Isn't Ketamine like some kind of horse paralyser? I still say custom-made MDMA is the best chemical out there... But that's just my little opinion here....
» Butterman replied on Fri May 4, 2007 @ 2:56pm. Posted in What bugs me!!!!!.
Coolness: 41685
Whatch it LynZyn; be careful what you wish for! Or is it just me with my wishful thinking? What is it I used to say to women to turn them OFF? Oh yeah: "Once you go Butter, you never want no other"... Oh, "hardee Har Har", I know!
» Butterman replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 4:19pm. Posted in Giant penis!.
Coolness: 41685
That should teach him to mess around with mother nature!

Hey I'm not saying that I am well-endowed... In fact I think I'm not... But that doesn't mean I have to "fuck" with what mother nature has designed for me.

There are safer ways to do such things, but I will not promote such "activities"...
» Butterman replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 4:12pm. Posted in A weird question.
Coolness: 41685
This is sick... I am against sex with animals or children... It is completelly unhealthy...

So my answer would be "Shoot me now, mother fuck*r, I won't give in to your sick, twisted, perverted..." BANG!

(Dead Butter on the floor)
» Butterman replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 4:08pm. Posted in who is the horniest mother fucker in town tonight?.
Coolness: 41685
I know every male always says they are, but I can assure everyone that no other human is a horny as I am in terms of pure sexual energy on a long term basis. Let me put is simply; I have so much sexual energy overflowing that I actually started shooting my own porn. The response I got has been growing steadily and soon I will open my own official website... But that's something DIFFERENT entirely!
» Butterman replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 4:00pm. Posted in Your favorite period in human history ???.
Coolness: 41685
Pre-history; before human life even existed...

Prior to the "stone age", when life was still barely crawling out of the water...

Back when the Earth was flesh and teeth...
» Butterman replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 3:53pm. Posted in 3 words game!.
Coolness: 41685
3 words:

» Butterman replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 3:52pm. Posted in My name is... and I'm a....
Coolness: 41685
Hi, my name is BUTTERMAN and : ...

A man who makes or sells butter.

Guppy takes him in hand as a witness, patting him into this shape, that shape, and the other shape like a butterman dealing with so much butter, and worrying him according to the best models.

Definition of Butterman in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Butterman. What does Butterman mean? Butterman synonyms, Butterman antonyms.
» Butterman replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 3:49pm. Posted in Introduce Yourself!.
Coolness: 41685
I am The Butterman.
I am a 35 year old male, married.
I live with my wife, 2 cats, and lots of music.
I am generally mysanthropic due to my public paranoia, but I love having a good time, and I usually don't care what I project or how others may perceive or judge me...
That's basically it! Scope out my page for more details or better yet, wach John Carpenter's 1982 masterpiece THE THING in 2:35 widescreen to get a better idea on who I am!

» Butterman replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 3:47pm. Posted in What style of music are you?.
Coolness: 41685
Well the test thingy says this about me:
You are techno!
11365 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 138830 times.
14% of people had this result.

In all fairness I myself have been "TECHNOISE" since the early 90s... Think PANASONIC meets VROMB crossing THOMAS KONER and TECHNO ANIMAL....
» Butterman replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 3:43pm. Posted in OKok just 0n3 question...
Coolness: 41685
Well Vaness, if I was NOT married, you girls would be more than welcome to stay at my pad... but things as they are now, I doubt I could accomodate you... And don't worry, I come from another "world" (generation) where some men were in fact gentlemen and wouldn't "rape" people in their sleep! Ask anyone; I am usually harmless... Heheheheheh!
» Butterman replied on Fri Mar 9, 2007 @ 3:35pm. Posted in speed.
Coolness: 41685
Can anyone tell me anything ("Riddle me this!") :
1) Why is it impossible to find MDMA in Montreal?
2) Why are the so-called "party pills" so weak and filled with talc/baby powder?
3) Why is it so hard to find good drugs in Montreal?

I mean I remember 15 years ago, even the weed smelled, tasted, and offered a superior effect than the stuff I sample today...

And the MDMA I sampled here in Montreal? It was so empty and without effect that we (the Subsytem crew Spike, BTM and Butterman) refered to it as our Baby Powder "low"... Like "Hey is the talc powder kicking in yet?"...
» Butterman replied on Thu Mar 1, 2007 @ 4:28pm. Posted in Pillz frum da Past....
Coolness: 41685
No contest: custom designed MDMA made to measure by a pharmacist friend.
» Butterman replied on Thu Mar 1, 2007 @ 4:25pm. Posted in Your first rave/party.
Coolness: 41685
Private party at SubSystem (on invitation only) where at one point I actually got to play three tracks by PANASONIC, and we were high on custom designed MDMA from another province... THAT was euphoric!
» Butterman replied on Thu Mar 1, 2007 @ 4:22pm. Posted in Candy Ravers.
Coolness: 41685
I never used to be a raver per se. I never liked the posing/posers/posturing/meat market involved in such activities. I always enjoyed the eye candy of course but never were the type to get into the whole game. I avoided raves, opting for smaller venues and clubs.

About 10 years ago I totally gave up on the so-called "scene" and didn't go to a single club or rave, except for my weekly gig at the SubSystem.

Recently I went to an event "Le Party Des Lofts" where I just had fun being myself without giving a sh!t about what the new kids would think.

Anyways my opinion goes further down the deep end but I'll spare you all my personnal viewpoint on this subject....
» Butterman replied on Thu Mar 1, 2007 @ 12:51pm. Posted in Vinyl or "NEW Technology".
Coolness: 41685
Hi gorgeous! (DJ LynZyn is DA REAL DEAL, folks!)
My opinion is simple; there are too many DJs out there, very few are actually "good" per se, but DJing is about the performance, not the medium.

Modern DJs using CDs and MP3s and stuff should take warning; it is good as long as they are pushing the enveloppe, but it is a waste of time if they use shortcuts using computers and whatnot.

For example; DIPLO is a good modern DJ who actually mixes different songs and styles as one to create a "new" track. Mash-ups are a good way to push the enveloppe too. But a DJ who uses computers to mix from one track into the other is basically lazy.

Exceptions do apply of course!

Lots of luv to you Lynn!
» Butterman replied on Thu Feb 1, 2007 @ 12:56pm. Posted in Have you ever loved someone to the point you were ready to do anything.
Coolness: 41685
At the risk of sounding typical and boring, love is very dangerous. It is the ying to hate's yang, the morning to the night, etc... Strong emotions such as love and hate are blinding and cloud one's judgement.

Of course when one is so much in love they would be ready to do almost anything! History has shown lovers torn from each other to satisfy "greater" needs than their own. People so much in love they are ready to sacrifice themselves, or the couple, for the sake of love.

The main problem with love is it's blinding effect, and how it prevents those in love to sometimes see things clearly. Somtimes it is good to be blind, sometimes you are putting your life in jeopardy (no, not the game!).

Love cannot be measured or quantified. It cannot be seen or heard or touched, or even felt, unless you are the person "in love" at the time... To others, another person's love can only be witnessed, not experienced.

Love is also difficult to maintain because it has to be constantly nurtured and renewed. Love is not stable and needs to be worked on, often on a daily basis, in order to grow, evolve, and flourish. Leaving love alone will eventually make it wither away...

There are substitutes to this strong emotional reaction. There are steps, measures, or even "products" one can take to avoid the negative side effects of love... But none of them can be a true "cure" since love is such a powerful emotion.

Some would even argue that the human's ability to love is in fact a clue to the true meaning of life, like a part of the great puzzle can be seen in humans' ability to love.

But again I repeat myself for the sake of information, love is a strong emotion that blinds and clouds judgement. One can do so-called "crazy" things for the sake of love, similar to organised religions and other religious fanatics.

Cheers, I gotta run, my lunch hour's over and the boss-man is giving me the evil eye...
Butterman's Profile - Community Messages