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» Trey répondu dessus Mon 9 Nov, 2009 @ 10:31am. Posted in One in Five Mammals Threatened With Extinction.
Coolness: 102895
The 'why' would mankind wants to save the planet is for selfish reasons. Well, that's my motive. Is the black rhino in Africa affecting my success at a career? No. Does it affect me? hell yeah, it makes me unhappy they're slaughtered for their horns (because of some altruistic genes I have).

People want to save the planet because human realized we need it more than it needs us. We want our paradise and it's only, almost too late, that we're realizing that we're fucking up. We underestimated the value of biodiversity that brings us happiness.

But LIFE itself, no matter how good We think we are at "killing" it, will continue. Planet Earth saw way worse. In cosmic time, or even in geological time, we're just a blink. Life, new Life, species, will proliferate, 'cause it doesn't really care about time.

[ science.nasa.gov ]

Somehow, most of the life on Earth perished in a brief moment of geologic time roughly 250 million years ago. Scientists call it the Permian-Triassic extinction or "the Great Dying" ...

Whatever happened during the Permian-Triassic period was much worse: No class of life was spared from the devastation. Trees, plants, lizards, proto-mammals, insects, fish, mollusks, and microbes -- all were nearly wiped out. Roughly 9 in 10 marine species and 7 in 10 land species vanished. Life on our planet almost came to an end.

In sum, to save the planet is to save ourselves, 'cause Earth and its life will do just fine without us.

See also: Earth: The Biography
» Trey répondu dessus Fri 6 Nov, 2009 @ 8:11am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 102895
Made: I found a old rave VHS tape. It has rave footage of Fantasia (NYC '93 or '94), Baby Blue (Boston'94), Megabyte (Montreal '96 or '98??).

Ruined: I found it by hearing a loud crack as my foot stepped on it.
» Trey répondu dessus Fri 6 Nov, 2009 @ 8:02am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 102895
maybe she was inhaling fumes from some substances in the plastic bag, gasoline?
» Trey répondu dessus Fri 6 Nov, 2009 @ 7:52am. Posted in Advice for new ravers.
Coolness: 102895
Originally Posted By LUKEPERIL

A bunch of grown-ups in fun fur with Peter-Pan complexes is at least 9000 times worse than a young idiot on e who wants to follow a dead trend they read about somewhere.

haha this is so true.

I need to point out that there's a difference, however small, between pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia.
» Trey répondu dessus Fri 6 Nov, 2009 @ 7:37am. Posted in Perveted Family of Baboons fuck with couple - so much lol.
Coolness: 102895
Now we know for sure the DNA we shared with baboon, the pervert genes.

Was the video of the baboon shag on the car hood posted here on [ rave.ca ] ? I can't remember if I saw it here or FB. oh what the hell, if so, I'm reposting it anyway.

» Trey répondu dessus Thu 5 Nov, 2009 @ 5:45pm. Posted in Who will be the First Rave-Waver to get Swine Flu?.
Coolness: 102895
what the fff....

» Trey répondu dessus Thu 5 Nov, 2009 @ 5:53am. Posted in South park is back.
Coolness: 102895
South Park was right on about the Whale Wars show. "Vegan pussies" do not make good pirates.
I watch the entire first season (of Whale Wars), and I was hoping they would be aggressive but they aren't.
Worst is, the Sea Shepherd serves only vegan food in the galley and no drinking, fooling around allowed.

Somalians should be pirating the Southern Oceans vs the Japanese, now that would be a show.
» Trey répondu dessus Mon 2 Nov, 2009 @ 4:20pm. Posted in EPIC PIC of yourself thread! most stoopid pic you can find of u.
Coolness: 102895
nice pics Melo.
Charming girl attracts alluring girls.
» Trey répondu dessus Sun 1 Nov, 2009 @ 12:25pm. Posted in 2012.Terre.Brulee.2009.
Coolness: 102895
heh. I always read the +5 funny comments at /. . Even though I don't understand half the stuff they talked about in sciences.
» Trey répondu dessus Sun 1 Nov, 2009 @ 10:34am. Posted in 2012.Terre.Brulee.2009.
Coolness: 102895
oh great. they got the date wrong. I smell a sequel.
» Trey répondu dessus Fri 30 Oct, 2009 @ 3:41am. Posted in Fml.
Coolness: 102895
are we supposed to post our personal FML or just quote from the site?
» Trey répondu dessus Tue 27 Oct, 2009 @ 12:18am. Posted in Passed the fuck out.
Coolness: 102895
Post pics of ravewavers passed out.
» Trey répondu dessus Tue 27 Oct, 2009 @ 12:12am. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 102895
Taken (2008). A retired CIA operative takes matter to his own hand when his daughter gets kidnapped by an Albanian gang for human trafficking.

It's okay if you like action movies with body counts and swift brutal killings ( ranked 60th in [ moviebodycounts.com ] ). The contrasting funny part is the production cast a 25yo woman to play a 17yo girl, but ended up acting like a 12yo girl. Literally she's run like one too.

SAW IV (2007) Only the puzzle traps keeps me watching this series. The atmosphere feels "dead". As if the city had no people, no crowd or public scene. There only seem to be cops, victims, and the Jigsaw.
» Trey répondu dessus Sat 24 Oct, 2009 @ 11:25am. Posted in Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy.
Coolness: 102895
» Trey répondu dessus Fri 23 Oct, 2009 @ 4:57am. Posted in Paranormal Activities.
Coolness: 102895
ah man, I told my friend it was based on a true story and she got too scared. She'll watch it tomorrow in daylight. sigh.

Okay now that I seen both version, this cut has a better ending than the theatrical release, as in it keeps pace with the overall movie. And that's all I'm going to say about the difference since I don't want to spoil anything for those who plan to see it.

I'm curious about the 3rd alternate ending.
» Trey répondu dessus Fri 23 Oct, 2009 @ 1:13am. Posted in Paranormal Activities.
Coolness: 102895
I'm watching it tonight and I'll let you guys know.
thanks for the link btw, I told my friend and she's also going to watch it tonight.
She's already scared (I set her up) when I asked her if she had stairs at her house. hehe.
» Trey répondu dessus Fri 23 Oct, 2009 @ 12:10am. Posted in Paranormal Activities.
Coolness: 102895
yeah I already commented in the "Comment On The Last Movie You Saw" in Silly Games.
In sum, watch it with less people as possible, and avoid all reviews/previews.

If you're going to see in theater, go on a dead night, like when there's just a few people.

Mise à jour » Trey a écrit dessus Fri 23 Oct, 2009 @ 12:17am
EDIT: btw the book the guy was reading in bed with all those pictures. I just ordered it online, yeah!
» Trey répondu dessus Thu 22 Oct, 2009 @ 1:40am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 102895
these pics might be a repost.

[ machinarium.net ]

It's a click and point adventure. You can try the demo in flash. Full version of the game are available in torrent or just for 20$.
I'm still playing the demo.

» Trey répondu dessus Wed 21 Oct, 2009 @ 3:38am. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 102895
Unfortunately, I was stupid and watch the preview before leaving to join my friends. However, there were still surprising moments. I think I 'failed' cause I didn't see myself in that situation. In 28 days later, or even in the PC game, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, I was scared cause I imagine being there, immersed in the situation. "oh shit, I can't run that fast."

While watching, think yourself being there, and what the fuck would you do.
There's also 2 alternate endings, which I read one by accident. Avoid IMDb like the Bubonic plague!
» Trey répondu dessus Wed 21 Oct, 2009 @ 1:34am. Posted in I'd Hit That.
Coolness: 102895
Originally Posted By ALIENZED

whoa, what happened to her midsection?

I believe it's a Victorian corset.
» Trey répondu dessus Wed 21 Oct, 2009 @ 1:13am. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 102895
Okay I just saw the movie at the Theaters.

First of all, if you plan to see "Paranormal Activity", avoid all trailers, don't read the reviews (except mine of course ) cause it fucks up the end of the movie if you're the observant type (and I am ).

2nd. don't go see it on a busy night, like Tuesdays, where they are tons of people. This is what happens in the theater; the viral hype for this movie being scary is so infectious that a few people in the theater were laughing. They were not laughing because it was funny or absurd, they were giggling at every single thing 'cause they were scared of being scared shitless. So why the fuck would you go see the movie in the first place and ruin the immersion experience for the rest of us. If you plan to see it in the theater, go at a time where they are few people.


As for the movie, it's pretty straight forward. A couple filming themselves in their own home for any sign of paranormal activities. So it's a (large) hand held camera, a la Cloverfield, Quarantine, Rec, but it doesn't give that dizzy motion thing since a lot of the times, it sits on a tripod and films one angle.

I suggest the best way to see this is either get it online, the cam view of a cam POV movie could add the atmosphere, and stream it to your PS3/Xbox and HDTV, or however you have your entertainment set up. Or wait and forget about this movie, then rent/get it on DVD or Axxo release. Invite a few people over to watch it. Afterward, they certainly won't leave your place at night to go home.

In sum, it's for people who get scared easily.
Remember it's "Paranormal" which is more in line with creepy than scary.
» Trey répondu dessus Mon 19 Oct, 2009 @ 11:31pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 102895
Anyone seen "paranormal activity" yet?
» Trey répondu dessus Mon 19 Oct, 2009 @ 2:58pm. Posted in a Great day for crime!.
Coolness: 102895
£10 million or 16 852 894.23$CAD.
That's 1 123 526.28$ for each person.
» Trey répondu dessus Mon 19 Oct, 2009 @ 1:41am. Posted in Canadian Police Brutality.
Coolness: 102895
Look, a few rotten apples shouldn't spoil the whole barrel. I witness something last summer that softer my opinion of the police.

I posted somewhere in these forums, maybe it was in WTF thread/Silly games, during this summer, about 12 police cruisers on my street, in front of my apt, for a group of 12-14 yo kids. It was about a noise complaint. The kids got taken away, and 2 hours later, the cops came back for the yelling, QQ mom, with an ambulance and took her away.

Anyhow, that family on my street has been a problem, 'cause 2 weeks later, same thing. Although this time there was 3 popo cruisers. This time the kids and the super parenting mom, yelled, at the cops, trying to provoke them. They cursed, swearing profanities, and uttered death threats. There was something along the lines: "While you're here harassing us, I hope someone get killed in the city (and you're not there to stop it)" and "fuck you police". Her and her kids bitching and screaming were so irritating, I wanted to shoot the woman myself ( I can see and hear the incident from my windows but I went outside and had a smoke ). After, failing to talk sense to the woman, the police officers stayed cool and left. The street was quiet. That's it.

The point I'm making is, we don't hear or see the flak the officers go on a weekly routine. We don't necessarily hear the good job they do. On the other hand, I agree that a lot of cops shouldn't be in law enforcement in the first place.
» Trey répondu dessus Sun 18 Oct, 2009 @ 5:17pm. Posted in Just Because!.
Coolness: 102895

""The squirrel photo crasher: How cheeky rodent became star of couple's holiday snap
12th August 2009

The strangest things often pop up when you least expect them. But normally these episodes usually have nothing to do with squirrels. So Melissa Brandts was given the surprise of her life when a curious rodent cheekily joined a photograph she and her husband were posing for.

The couple, who were exploring Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park, Canada, had stopped to take a timed picture of themselves by its picturesque shoreline. Mrs Brandts explained: ‘We had our camera set up on some rocks and were getting ready to take the picture when this curious little ground squirrel appeared, became intrigued with the sound of the focusing camera and popped right into our shot’

The image is so startling that, had it not ran on the prestigious National Geographic magazine's website, many might have assumed it had been digitally altered. Not so, according to Ms Brandts, who told the magazine: ‘It was a once in a lifetime moment - we were laughing about this little guy for days!’
» Trey répondu dessus Sun 18 Oct, 2009 @ 2:31am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 102895
poor fella thought it was a firefly.
btw the pic above that one, where the car is covered in web, is a communal network by the Ermine moth larvaes.
» Trey répondu dessus Sat 17 Oct, 2009 @ 7:24pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 102895
animal time!

father's a zebra, mother's a horse. Natural affair.

steaks for the entire village.

» Trey répondu dessus Sat 17 Oct, 2009 @ 6:42pm. Posted in Just Because!.
Coolness: 102895
» Trey répondu dessus Thu 15 Oct, 2009 @ 3:52pm. Posted in Boombing The Moon !!!.
Coolness: 102895
fuck yeah. Moon Mineral Water. 10$ a bottle, coming to a rave near you.
» Trey répondu dessus Thu 15 Oct, 2009 @ 3:45pm. Posted in wtf is up with all the goddamn trendy pedophile vampires?.
Coolness: 102895
For the Castlevania posts: [ www.gametrailers.com ]
» Trey répondu dessus Thu 15 Oct, 2009 @ 3:20pm. Posted in The My Dream Thread.
Coolness: 102895
I had a dream where I won 1.something million at the lottery and I remember 5 of the 6 numbers. I don't play lottery but I'm going to buy a tix for this weekend.
» Trey répondu dessus Thu 15 Oct, 2009 @ 2:46pm. Posted in "Surreal" Vegetarian Spider Found -- A First.
Coolness: 102895
"""Matt Kaplan
for National Geographic News
October 12, 2009

A new discovery has taken the bite out of spiders' status as meat-eaters.
A tropical jumping spider that eats mostly plant buds has been identified, a new study says—making it the only known vegetarian out of some 40,000 spider species.

In the late 1800s, naturalists named the spider Bagheera kiplingi after a panther in British author Rudyard Kipling's 1894 children's book The Jungle Book.

"At that time in history, all the [naturalists] had was a tattered dead specimen," said study leader Christopher Meehan, a biologist at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
"They had no idea what it ate. But perhaps they knew that jumping spiders were cat-like in their movements, and [they] decided to name the spider after the agile panther Bagheera in Kipling's book."

"Utterly Surreal" Spider

Between 2001 and 2008, Meehan and colleagues studied the spider in its tropical habitat in southeastern Mexico and northwestern Costa Rica. (Get spider facts.)

They observed that the spiders ate nutrient-rich buds that grow on acacia plants.
The acacias are also home to a species of ant that live in the plants' hollow thorns. In a classic example of mutualism, the ants protect the plant in return for shelter and food, said Meehan, who conducted the research while at Villanova University in Villanova, Pennsylvania.

Yet the fast, stealthy Bagheera has figured out how to leap from thorn to thorn to collect its meal—while avoiding the highly aggressive ants.
Though the spider does occasionally snack on ant larvae, the bulk of its diet is plants, Meehan said.
"It is utterly surreal," he said, "to see a spider use such effective hunting strategies to hunt a plant."

Study published October 12 in the journal Current Biology. "


An adult female Bagheera kiplingi, a kind of jumping spider, eats a plant bud from an acacia tree in 2007.
" The agile spider is the first out of about 40,000 known spider species to be almost entirely vegetarian, an October 2009 study says.

Photograph by Robert L. Curry """

[ news.nationalgeographic.com ]
» Trey répondu dessus Wed 14 Oct, 2009 @ 5:43pm. Posted in Hippies make me ROFL.
Coolness: 102895
Originally Posted By ZOMBIE8MYBRAIN

yeah, but, last i checked, butterflies aren't exactly the type of creatures best designed to withstand lotsa pressure and harsh environments :p .. maybe we'd become flying versions of those deep-sea fishes (oops, i mean, sea-kittens) ..

ummm.. duh. You don't make it the same matter/physiology as an actual butterfly. You just make look like one but composed of harder material with molecular nanotechnology and biomolecular nanotechnology. It isn't feasible now, but hey, who knows what the future might bring us.
» Trey répondu dessus Wed 14 Oct, 2009 @ 3:58pm. Posted in the next human evolution.
Coolness: 102895
All we need to do is get off this forsaken dirt ball of a planet and send generations and/or sleeper ships to all over the Milky Way to ensure the survival human species. Hopefully the hippies ship will snag onto an active galactic nucleus.

but yeah next evolution of human is 'probly Hive Mind. It's already begun in the form of MMORPG.
» Trey répondu dessus Wed 14 Oct, 2009 @ 3:29pm. Posted in Hippies make me ROFL.
Coolness: 102895
In a very plausible future, with biomolecular nanotechnology, where it would be easier to modified Terragen life forms to adapt to new environments, instead of terraforming whole planets, the idea of a human butterfly isn't far fetched.

Molecular nanotechnology suits to protect from the harsh vacuum of space with wings kilometers long to sail the solar winds and planetary magnetic field, it's possible. What misguided hippies see with their transcendence crap, fueled by drugs, other people see it with hard science and imagination. :)
» Trey répondu dessus Wed 14 Oct, 2009 @ 3:14pm. Posted in wtf is up with all the goddamn trendy pedophile vampires?.
Coolness: 102895
I abhorred anything that's produced for tweens; Twilight, Vampire Diaries, to the point I won't read or watch anything related to Vampyrs. No matter how many people tell me to watch True Blood. Hell, I find Harry Potter repulsive.

Unfortunately, tweens is a demographic with large buying power. They're old enough to want and make mommy and daddy pay for it.
» Trey répondu dessus Wed 14 Oct, 2009 @ 3:01pm. Posted in ¿esto es reggeton?.
Coolness: 102895
No worse than girls in North America, trying to emulated Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, etc...
» Trey répondu dessus Tue 13 Oct, 2009 @ 9:23pm. Posted in Wtf.
Coolness: 102895
"Matching Sexy Costumes For Humans & Pets!"

[ www.spoiledrottendoggies.com ]
» Trey répondu dessus Tue 13 Oct, 2009 @ 8:45pm. Posted in Picasso Serre closed down, wtf..
Coolness: 102895
The one I mentioned is located on 7734 Boul. SAINT-MICHEL.

So far I browse all of 2009, and the biggest is RESTAURANTS MONTAZA P.A.T. INC, located 12 675 Rue SHERBROOKE Est, Pointe-aux-Trembles. They had a total of 17 'contrevenants' totaling 49 450$. However I don't know in what time frame.
» Trey répondu dessus Tue 13 Oct, 2009 @ 8:24pm. Posted in Picasso Serre closed down, wtf..
Coolness: 102895
Originally Posted By APR1ZM

here is a complete list of restaurants that got plaints for "insalubrite" (youd be surprise how many big names youll find in there)
[ ville.montreal.qc.ca ]

wow MARCHÉ KIM HOUR, in over almost 2 year period, got 24 000$ in fine. And I only check back so far to June 2k9. Imma check if there is any establishment with bigger fines.
Trey's Profile - Community Messages