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raisinlove's Profile - Community Messages
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» raisinlove répondu dessus Wed 8 Jul, 2015 @ 1:02pm. Posted in Dees Bday Thread.
Coolness: 63160
» raisinlove répondu dessus Wed 18 Dec, 2013 @ 8:48pm. Posted in no new posts on rave.ca in 10 days.
Coolness: 63160
oh hai!
» raisinlove répondu dessus Sat 8 Dec, 2012 @ 9:39pm. Posted in J'ai enfanté.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By BONUSBEATS
Dee's baby thread somehow turned into the insane promotion of hard drug use and has become the kind of thread where it's appropriate to state that partying way too much is a decent lifestyle in less than 3 pages. I think, given the circumstances, that she might as well take pride in the fact that she's kind of the most corrupted girl ever.

But Dee is straightedge...
» raisinlove répondu dessus Fri 7 Dec, 2012 @ 4:36pm. Posted in J'ai enfanté.
Coolness: 63160
So this is where it`s at...
» raisinlove répondu dessus Wed 4 Jul, 2012 @ 8:59pm. Posted in who is AlexF / Host1.
Coolness: 63160
bag_of_fuuuuuu is another Bliss alter-ego?
» raisinlove répondu dessus Wed 4 Jul, 2012 @ 8:54pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 63160
Made: I made a person!
» raisinlove répondu dessus Wed 6 Jun, 2012 @ 8:09am. Posted in new feature on google.
Coolness: 63160
It's been in place for a while now, we use it at work. It's part of the Open Graph protocol, where content is tied with users and businesses.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Sun 4 Mar, 2012 @ 7:47pm. Posted in i just moved into montreal i need some more friend.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By RAKOON
I use Clitobat reader for This thread and there's nothing wrong

I think you owe me a beer for this ;P
» raisinlove répondu dessus Sun 4 Mar, 2012 @ 7:45pm. Posted in Why I use rave.ca less now.
Coolness: 63160
I like turtles
» raisinlove répondu dessus Thu 9 Feb, 2012 @ 11:35pm. Posted in Happy hardcore in Canada / States.
Coolness: 63160
Some happy hardcore this weekend in Montreal at Level Up :)
» raisinlove répondu dessus Thu 9 Feb, 2012 @ 11:30pm. Posted in i just moved into montreal i need some more friend.
Coolness: 63160
tu peux parler français ici si c'est ta première langue...
» raisinlove répondu dessus Thu 26 Jan, 2012 @ 9:23pm. Posted in Anonymous reaction to the FBI closing Megaupload.
Coolness: 63160
Most musicians are on labels that are actually just sidelines to actual paying jobs, no? Stealing from most labels is like stealing quarters from a bum. If I'm not mistaken, only a small percentage of labels are actual full fledged businesses that staff people fulltime... and a very small percentage of musicians actually earn a living from their music.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Tue 24 Jan, 2012 @ 8:56am. Posted in Anonymous reaction to the FBI closing Megaupload.
Coolness: 63160
I enjoyed megaupload like most people but you do realize the guy who ran it is more than a pirate, he was also into insider trading and embezzlement. He deserves to be locked up.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Mon 9 Jan, 2012 @ 7:40pm. Posted in What did you receive for Christmas?.
Coolness: 63160
now I'm hooked, I want a whole lot more :D They took me on average 4 hours to assemble, each.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Sun 8 Jan, 2012 @ 3:33pm. Posted in What did you receive for Christmas?.
Coolness: 63160
I also got a coffee machine, among other things such as:
» raisinlove répondu dessus Sun 11 Dec, 2011 @ 4:21pm. Posted in the regularization of irregulars....
Coolness: 63160
the ongoing evolution of language... reminds me of when there was an uproar about the recent updates in the official spelling of some french words. These people simple didn't realize that their language was already different from a few centuries before.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Tue 6 Dec, 2011 @ 8:45am. Posted in Do you ever wish for bad things to happen to people you hate?.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
fuck me! wow i really wrote a harlequin novel here.. wow amazing. it's like therapy.yay! +_O

that's what [ rave.ca ] is for :)
» raisinlove répondu dessus Fri 2 Dec, 2011 @ 1:35am. Posted in Do you ever wish for bad things to happen to people you hate?.
Coolness: 63160
Well said :)
» raisinlove répondu dessus Thu 1 Dec, 2011 @ 11:34pm. Posted in Do you ever wish for bad things to happen to people you hate?.
Coolness: 63160
But if karma is not a sentient force, how is it directed? Are there universal actions that create universal reactions? Does this mean everything is predetermined?
Karma is in fact the opposite of gambling. In gambling, you don't know the outcome, whereas karma has a predetermined outcome: bad yields bad and good yields good.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Mon 28 Nov, 2011 @ 12:07pm. Posted in Do you ever wish for bad things to happen to people you hate?.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By ALEXWUZHEAR
i try to never wish people harm because im not a hateful person and i believe in karma. if i dont like someone i would rather distance myself than waste energy into something that makes no difference in my life.

I wonder though, would that supernatural force take that into consideration though, and somehow protect you from harm because you don't use any will force yourself, to inflict harm onto others?

Mise à jour » raisinlove a écrit dessus Mon 28 Nov, 2011 @ 12:13pm
The way I understand the concept of karma is that a force/energy/god observes the actions of people, judges these actions according to a certain set of ethics and morals (based on the current culture and time period I imagine) and then influences other living beings and natural phenomena into affecting the people judged according to their actions.
Also, wishing harm and good towards others somehow works like praying, in that the karma force registers these thoughts and considers them when influencing the world to work for or against individuals.
Does this make any sense?
» raisinlove répondu dessus Wed 23 Nov, 2011 @ 12:05pm. Posted in Do you ever wish for bad things to happen to people you hate?.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By MAX_X2
Couldn't tell, i ain't no vegetable. But yeah, basically, it means that something greater than us is watching upon ourselves. And i believe that even more when i'm going through some shit in life, since there's always a miraculous way to get me out of that BS. And i try to bring good things in my people lifes. So i guess life is giving me some payback for that. But hey... like i said, it's no exact science here. And sometimes, it takes a fucking while before payback comes back. And since [ rave.ca ] is a forum... we can all come back right to our believes. But this is what i believe... This is what life wanted to show me. And i don't proclaim that this is what life tried to show you. I'm talkin' about my own personal experience here.

My (own) two cents.

That's alright. I think the closest thing to karma is reputation and consequences. If I act like an asshole, people will notice and might not keep being nice to me. On the other hand, some people are mean and will be mean to people that don't deserve it and some still manage to attract sympathy. If you believe in supernatural karma, you would probaby figure that those bad people to whom nothing bad happens will get theirs eventually, but then, we pretty much all run into bad luck eventually....
» raisinlove répondu dessus Tue 22 Nov, 2011 @ 11:18pm. Posted in Do you ever wish for bad things to happen to people you hate?.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By MAX_X2
Well... i somehow believe in karma. Tho, i believe that like pretty much everything else, karma isn't an exact science. But anyway... I feel some kind of relief when someone i really hate for what that person did to others, or to me, falls in stairs. But there isn't much people i really hate. I'm more of an indifferent guy, than a hater. Whether your life is good or bad... there's enough negativity already, so why add more, by hating people?
And aren't we actually, most of the time, mad at ourselves for letting others have a negative impact on us? I mean... Let's be realistic here: the power people have on us, is the power we are allowing them to have. Yet again, this is not an exact science, since having total control is the greatest illusion of all.

So basicaly you believe some higher power(s) is monitoring our behavior and influencing events and others to act upon those it/they deem deserving of such. Would it apply only to humans? What about plants and parasites? What use does karma have in the natural world?
» raisinlove répondu dessus Sat 19 Nov, 2011 @ 9:37am. Posted in Do you ever wish for bad things to happen to people you hate?.
Coolness: 63160
I don't believe in karma but I do get a kick out of bad things happening to evil people.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Sat 19 Nov, 2011 @ 12:06am. Posted in Doritos.
Coolness: 63160
my all time favorites were the Sonic *something* , they were sour cream Doritos. Best EVAR. The bag was neon green. I have no idea why they were discontinued because they were simply AWESOME
» raisinlove répondu dessus Tue 15 Nov, 2011 @ 9:47pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By VJ_ALBIREO
Made : week-end and skype and wine!

Made: you drunk and ready to kick asses lol
» raisinlove répondu dessus Tue 15 Nov, 2011 @ 9:46pm. Posted in How old?.
Coolness: 63160
34 lol
» raisinlove répondu dessus Fri 21 Oct, 2011 @ 7:43am. Posted in whats your costume this year.
Coolness: 63160
well I do own zebra shorts
» raisinlove répondu dessus Thu 20 Oct, 2011 @ 11:22pm. Posted in whats your costume this year.
Coolness: 63160
I will be wearing a beautiful zebra dress
» raisinlove répondu dessus Wed 19 Oct, 2011 @ 11:23am. Posted in Anxiety - shit got serious.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By FENGSHUI-ENGINE
de tout les etres vivants de la nature,l'etre humain est le seul qui a la possibilité de decider de mettre fin a sa vie.si ca te plait pas ce qu'a la nature t'a donné tu as toujours la liberté de te suicider :)))

Ah oui, t'a pris ça ou comme information? Si tu lisais un peu plus sur les animaux t'apprendrais que le suicide est aussi commun dans le reste du reigne animal que parmis les humains. Des abeilles kamikazes au chimpanzé qui saute dans la rivière se noyer plutôt que se battre contre un rival en passant par l'éléphant qui se laisse mourrir de faim parceque sa mère meure.

Mise à jour » raisinlove a écrit dessus Wed 19 Oct, 2011 @ 11:30am
fait interessant: on trouve pas de tarsiers dans les zoos parcequ'ils ont tendance a tous se suicider lorsqu'en captivité
» raisinlove répondu dessus Tue 18 Oct, 2011 @ 5:08pm. Posted in Anxiety - shit got serious.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
I like how life has a way of forcing us to live 'right' by providing us with little incentives like ulcers, anxiety, disease, etc..

by the same token you could say life forces you to live right by having fire burn you and water drown you... there's no forcing, it's all just cause and effect.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Tue 18 Oct, 2011 @ 11:50am. Posted in Anxiety - shit got serious.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By OLIVIA
im a firm believer in medicine... anti-anxiety medication is golden for people who suffer from anxiety problems

» raisinlove répondu dessus Mon 17 Oct, 2011 @ 3:45pm. Posted in qu'es-ce qui ce passe ?!?.
Coolness: 63160
it's not dying its DIEING!
» raisinlove répondu dessus Mon 17 Oct, 2011 @ 3:43pm. Posted in Throw me a bone.
Coolness: 63160
people should know what they're protesting against when they go out to do it, instead of just joining in for fun. he's hurting the cause he naively thinks he's helping.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Mon 17 Oct, 2011 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Hey I have a balls..
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
there's only one way to find out!

by having me compare them? I dont think I'm allowed...
» raisinlove répondu dessus Mon 17 Oct, 2011 @ 3:08pm. Posted in Anxiety - shit got serious.
Coolness: 63160
don't listen to anyone. The problem is your Body Thetans. Sign up for some Scientology courses and you will rid yourself of the curse of Xenu.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Sat 15 Oct, 2011 @ 3:36pm. Posted in Microsoft .NET Framework....
Coolness: 63160

Mise à jour » raisinlove a écrit dessus Sat 15 Oct, 2011 @ 3:36pm
» raisinlove répondu dessus Tue 11 Oct, 2011 @ 5:10pm. Posted in psytrance hate.
Coolness: 63160
this thread needs more hardcore
» raisinlove répondu dessus Thu 29 Sep, 2011 @ 7:50pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 63160
Made: getting shit DONE!
Ruined: not enough time!
» raisinlove répondu dessus Tue 27 Sep, 2011 @ 9:22am. Posted in Asshole tries to make an old lady listen to dubstep at 911 meeting.
Coolness: 63160
maybe it was dubstep but his shitty speakers couldnt carry the wha wha wha whomps out.
» raisinlove répondu dessus Wed 21 Sep, 2011 @ 1:48pm. Posted in Mickos fail hahaha.
Coolness: 63160
Originally Posted By ZIMMERMAU5
Soooooo, Anyone ever figure out who called the cops? :P

the same magical gnome who called the cops at every other party
raisinlove's Profile - Community Messages