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» Max_x2 répondu dessus Tue 2 Aug, 2011 @ 12:24am. Posted in The Future Sound Of Music.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By BASDINI
i like people who record ambiant sounds around them and make tunes out of those(the sound of a door closing, or the coffee machine or or the air con clicking 'on' or something weird.). We should do something fun, everybody records a sound (say ten people on the board) and make them all available to download, and everybody makes a track using ONLY those sounds...lol i would be so much fun!

Kinda reminds me of the 2 djs from Montreal who mixed sounds they recorded at La Ronde, probably about 10 years ago. Maybe someone here will remember better than I do ;)
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Tue 2 Aug, 2011 @ 12:12am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
Fun =D
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Tue 2 Aug, 2011 @ 12:03am. Posted in Just got a bb curve 9300.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By SOMEKID
anything cool to do with it? good aps? How do I lock it properly. Thank you.

Lock the keyboard/buttons? There's prolly a button top left, or try alt+enter (used to be the way, but now it allows me to change the keyboard to french/english... But try it anyway). One useful shortcut is the one to make a hard reset (which you normally would pop out the battery). Try alt + right caps + del
simultaneously, hold them for couple seconds. It should be done every day. Reset will close the apps you didn't close, clearing the RAM at the same time. Still, try to remember to properly close your apps when your done with them. It'll give you better performance.

And that's about it! Enjoy your bby =)

Mise à jour » Max_x2 a écrit dessus Tue 2 Aug, 2011 @ 12:08am
To properly close: menu (bby flag on the left of the trackpad), close.
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 11:46pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By BONUSBEATS
Cette pic d'Ariane me fera ben rire jusqu'a la fin de ma vie.

Pis aussi c'est quoi ce happy ending, c'est tellement atypique

Dats da hippie way baddy =D
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 10:31pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By KISHMAY_PINAS
Aww shit. Here we goes again'

Please don't tell me it's related to the way i've been writing =P
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 10:14pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
c'est pas tellement le hug.
meme si ca a enleve un peu de pression.

En gros, melanges juste pas Mark pis MolocH.
Deux entitees. :)

Moloch = douchebag
Mark = hippie

Got it =

Oh, talking about hippies... From my extensive experience in rave events (Andromeda, NTK/Hard Times free party and Heroes vs. Villains), i really was left on the impression you guys were a bunch of hippies sitting on the ground smoking joints =P. Am i wrong? Lol.
Ya rien de péjoratif là-dedans, au contraire. C d'ailleurs cke j'ai aimé, pcke honnêtement, j'en avais assez de la vibe de douchebag omniprésente dans les clubs, pi j'pense aussi que c une des raisons pour laquelle y va continuer d'avoir des n00b qui vont s'ajouter/s'impliquer dans la scène
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 10:04pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
Low life =P
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 9:59pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Bah j'm'attendais pas â des excuses, p-e pcke j'avais po plus l'intention d'en faire. Juste un minimum de civisme, question qu'on se dévisage pas dans les events où on va se croiser. J'ai jasé ek du bon monde à date, notamment les gars de Hard Times (Chris, Andrei, Alex et d'autres dont malheureusement le nom m'échappe, sorry guys), Pauly, etc. Besides, tu serais pas le premier avec qui je m'obstine sur un forum, pour finalement en fumer un pi boire une bière (ou plusieurs héhé) dans un party, mais ça je l'ai déjà mentionné. J'aime juste pas me faire piller sur les pieds, même si j'admet parfois courir après un peu ;). Mais j'le reconnais, pi j'suis pas rancunier (mais pas épais non plus, héhé ;)

P.s: ça l'air à t'avoir fait du bien cte hug là Mark (ou Moloch, si tu préfères). Niji, keep on spreading some hugz =D
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 9:38pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Le popcorn ca viens avec le nombre de views.
On en a pomal attire je penses. :)

Lol yeah i guess so. Just can't take anymore popcorn man, i'm about to blow =P

Sauf ya waaaayyyyy too much views pour le nombre de monde qui participent =/

Mise à jour » Max_x2 a écrit dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 9:41pm
Pi on se fait encore ramasser par le thread dla mort d'Amy Winehouse par 250+ views =(
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 9:32pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By BONUSBEATS
'buries the popcorn'

Lol you overkilled the popcorn thing dude hahaha!
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 9:27pm. Posted in The Future Sound Of Music.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
A lot of it I think also has to do with the availability and the improvements over musical instruments/technology.. Before they mastered distortion, at most you'd get a bit of overdrive on guitar, so music was all "clean".. then they got overdrive and rock and blues really took off because of the tonal change.. Pickups also, the evolution from single-coil to humbuckers.. then dual gain distortion created new ways to shape guitar and synth sounds..

Synths also evolved in a similar fashion.. at first the analog synths had no patches or presets, you had to re-tune them in between every song if you were using them in performances, and they were simple monophonic synths with not too much in the way of filters.. then they became polyphonic, more filters were added, then people started running them through distortion pedals aimed at guitars.. they started off simple and "clean", and as they evolved, more sonic possibilities opened up.

What we need to really see any kind of evolution, I'd imagine, is a new instrument, or a new way of doing things. Sure we can make new effects or new synths, but we've already been doing that for so long that we'll just incorporate it into the current formula, because "that's what a synth does" and "that's a synth's role"

It reminds me of someone I'd seen in a documentary ages ago, this guy would do live electronic music at raves, but the extra 'touch' that he had is that he was using cell-phone scanners and CBs/ham radios, and while he was making music he'd scan around and throw in bits of conversations that were actually happening at the time.. really taking something non-musical and random and using it to make music..

We need some more innovation like that in terms of what makes sound.. find something that people wouldn't think of as a musical instrument, and use it as one.. hell ages ago with a friend we took some duct tape, a golf club and some elastics and suspended the golf club.. then we used an e-bow I had on it and figured out ways of changing the pitch by stretching out the elastics.. it wasn't really something easy to record, and wasn't something we could re-create live, but it's that kind of experimentation that really needs to start happening again.. we need to go beyond the hot new VST of the moment and learn to discover sound again..

But like I said, that requires work, that requires knowledge and understanding, and it requires stepping outside of the comfort zone and risking people not being into the new sound, so most people aren't going to do that, because we're currently in a very self-indulgent musical phase, where it's all about the youtube hits and the beatport downloads, and not about putting out something new and interesting, just rehashing what's accepted as popular in your own way.


I would tend to believe we're missing true artists. You know, guys like Hendrix, who was literally in a world of his own while playing on his guitar. True virtuoses. But hey, more 'artists" = also more bullshit artists.

And those bullshit artists may have more visibility because they go with the flow, instead of trying to change everything and go on from scratch. People are not used to too much changes, weither it's in music, economy, politics, etc. What someone earlier relied to "comfort zone".

Nobody knows what the future holds. But best believe i'm damn looking forward to it =D
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 7:20pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Wait, i'll take a look to make sure i'm still a dude, and make sure everything's still where it should be

Mise à jour » Max_x2 a écrit dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 7:23pm
Yup, still got a penis, balls, and everything is where it should be =D

Kishmay_Pinas: j'apprécie que tu aies remarqué =)
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 7:13pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 7:09pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Ok, one moment tu veux les gens utilisent leurs pms et qu'ils evitent de laver leur linge sale en public...10 minutes plus tard t'es en train de nous parler de tes chicanes et de tes pms.

Avoues que c'est quand meme une veritable contradiction ton affaire, no offense ;)

Well said buddy (pas de bullshitage, po de criage de nom, c'est ce que j'appelle un message constructif).
Je me suis dit que c'était comme voler un voleur (it's not a crime, right? Lol =P ). And to the light of the situation, i still believe i did what i had to do. That doesn't mean i hate any of you guys. Les campagnes de salissage, je pense que c'est clair, c'est pas mon fort. But that doesn't mean i'll let any yoyo in here get on my back. Yet, i prefer constructive conversations, or total randomness (the pop corn dude) and humour. Isn't it more fun for everybody to read than "fuck cutterhead, he's a shithead, a backstabber blablablabla bullshit bullshit bullshit blablabla".

I would believe the reason why the forum is dead (according to Moloch. I couldn't tell, haven't been here for a long time), is precisely because of that kind of bullshit, and not the other way around. Love your scene, and it will grow. Isn't it the slogan of rave.ça ?
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Mon 1 Aug, 2011 @ 12:47am. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By KISHMAY_PINAS
Here's a thought max. Whichever language you choose to write in how about not bastardizing it

Huh? The quality of my french is good. I do use some slang/abreviation. Sinon, ya pas beaucoup de fautes de syntaxe, orthographe, ou quoi que ce soit. Le peu d'anglais que j'ai utilisé, ctait ok... What do u mean?
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 11:51pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
That not what I was implying, I was implying that I allow my friends to judge me and throw half-hearted insults at me, you know, friends. Not going all "Was here furst." And I am not amused when some asshat comes here and tells me how to behave. I mean, He's not included in the original post, and I have to say for the record that I have not antagonised Cutter for a while now.

However, it's obvious to me that That Max Character is clearly trying to get some face time.
Meh, I guess it's okay. But for crying out loud, stop it with the "Stop fighting."

Pis anyways de quoi tu parles "tenvoyer un message pour calmer le jeux"?
C'etait avant kon joues du con, la c ON.
Je te mets au defi de poster un screen shot du mesage mon vieux.
I may be a totalitarian torough bread motherfucker here, But I have friends in real lfe, beleive it or not, and ZERO drama in my life as of late. The dude comes to me, and antagonize my whole online personna thingie, that I admit to having, and expects me to just shut up?

Not gonna happen.
Dude, That's how I roll here.

Boils down to this, if you don't like the convo. STFU.
You taking part is basically just proving how goddamn bad you need attention.
In the meantime why don't you just choke on a bag of dicks.

Thank you, and good night.

Malheureusement, j'suis sur mon blackberry, alors j'peux po/j'ai po l'application pour faire un printscreen. Anyway, j'ai po besoin de te le prouver, tu sais très bien kon c échangé 3 messages, un ds lequel tu me disais de po être aussi coincé, ckiétait même po le cas, pi ke ctait juste pour déconner. Auquel jtai répondu ki avait po de stress. auquel t'as répondu " ;) ".

J't'avais po précisément visé nulle part, tu t senti visé, j'pense que c assez clair.

Pour ckié de l'attention, c good, j'ai toute l'attention qu'il me faut. Mais tu dois avoir raison. En tk, ça surement po rapport avec cke j'ai à dire sur le sujet, mes opinions, valeurs, etc. Aucune chance, jamais en 100 ans, zéro pi une barre. C juste pour crier "heeeeyyyy chu icitte". Pourquoi utilisé la méthode simple quand tu peux choisir de te compliquer la vie en 72 étapes, pi en te faisant diss par la moitié du monde dans le thread... Voyons donc toué! Mèthode compliqué 4tw! Quand tu te fais haïr, t'as de l'attention anyway!

"""Boils down to this, if you don't like the convo. STFU.""" Pi cte phrase là, ça doit bin faire 10 fois jte vois l'ècrire, á 3-4 personnes différentes. (May i remind you that i've only been here for 2 weeks). Change de répertoire.

Si t'as de koi à répondre moloch, j'vais probablement me donner la peine d'y répondre, mais si cpour être le même cd, same bullshit, go 'head, j'va juste te bannir, pi po perdre mon temps ek toi. Pi j'va même te laisser le luxe de me dévisager ds les events où on va se croiser, j'ai po l'intention d'y répondre. Ya po de place pour ça ds ma vie, j'garde mon énergie pour d choses plus plaisantes, ou du moins, utile. Po à m'obstiner ek un troll de [ rave.ca ]

Mise à jour » Max_x2 a écrit dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 11:54pm
Ooups, j'aurais dû préciser un troll hater =)
Ne sommes-nous pas tous un peu troll sur le net?
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 11:23pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
Pepsi =D
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 8:55pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By MOLOCH
Pis mon gros calisse, on est pas des amis. Mes amis peuvent ben me blaster passke c mes amis.
Twe je te connais pas, fak avant de pitcher to flab partout pis jouer a capitaine America, penses y a deux fois. Chui pas kekun qui apprecies les meathead dans ton genre qui se prennent pour Ghandi. Pis yeah mangeux de marde hein. On s'en reparles mwe, twe, pis tes pit stains.

V'la ma ligne


Cross it pis on en reparles matante.

Quand je disais que tu exposes t faiblesses par toi même...

Originally Posted By blisss
T'es pas exterieur a la situation si tu participes

En faites on pourrais dire que ta philosophie échoues là ou tu penses qu'elle réussi

Mon point était que vs vs abaissez vous-même à shooter d insultes directes et complètement idiotes. Une vraie bande de illbillies ki court après cutterhead ds un champs ek vos shotguns, à gang contre un dude seul (2 maintenant que j'ai ouvert ma gueule, mais perso ça me fait po un pli sa bedaine). J'pense que ceux ki ont un peu de jugeotte
, même s'ils aiment po cutterhead, devrait reconnaitre que j'ai stand mes opinions, sans vraiment insulté personne (civisme, google-it).

Là par-contre j'vais être direct: Moloch, tu devrais p-e slacker sa dope, ça t'éviterait de m'envoyer un message après-coup, tentant de calmer le jeu. Trop de dope = mood swings, but you prolly already knew that, don't you?

Mise à jour » Max_x2 a écrit dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 9:04pm
Pi sur le "tu sais po comment ça marche", ma tel dire comment ça marche: t un membre, moi aussi. T'as po plus de droits que moi, j'en ai po plus que toi, mononcle. Si ya de koi, j'vous fait parler pi ça crée un traffic supplémentaire sur le forum ;)
Mise à jour » Max_x2 a écrit dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 9:05pm
Mon gros caliss... HAHAHAHAHA! Cute!
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 7:04pm. Posted in Night Terrors.
Coolness: 34025
Dj_dialect thx, j'vais aller écouter ça =)
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 7:02pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Dynv: hippies 4tw!

Moloch: ya d messages privés si tu veux pas que les autres voient cke t'écris (toi ou n'importe quel autre frustré dla noune (frustré sans "e" à la fin, ds le cas présent)). C redondant votre affaire, pi on s'en calisse, pour être honnête ek toé. Laver du linge sale en public, c assez mangeux de marde en fait.

Mais comme kekun a mentionné plus haut, c drôle de voir comment le monde révèle leur propre faiblesses en pètant une coche devant leur écran/clavier pi écrivent dla grosse marde de low life.

à part ça, si le chapeau te fait, met-le donc! J'ai dit aucun nom, j'ai visé personne en particulier. J'ai rendu mon opinion de gars kié extérieur à la situation. J'pense que tu peux me ban si mon opinion te dérange. C po ek d threads de même kon a le goût de vous rencontrer. En fait, j'ai même plus le goût de connaître cutterhead pour me faire ma propre opinion, pcke le peu de crédibilité que vs avez (c'mon, ctun forum), vs la perdez en vous descendant à dire dla bullshit en public, vraie ou fausse.
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 3:59pm. Posted in décalisse rapace!.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By HOST.WUN
Wrong its me vs all of you, cause I hate you all equally

There you go. No discrimination. I like that guy =P

More seriously, i think kuzutetsu is right. Mais j'cré bin kien a qui aiment vivre ds la haine, ou on besoin d'un endroit pour se défouler pcki sont po heureux, ont une blonde/coloc/parents ds le dos qui les font chier, or all the above. On changera po le monde ou le net aujd j'pense.
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 3:48pm. Posted in The Ministry of the Boner Police.
Coolness: 34025
Bah c comme quand t'envois ton auto chez un carrossier... Yen a d meilleurs que d'autres, et ça dépend tjrs combien tu veux payer. Personellement, maintenant qu'on en parle: natural boobs for the win! Mais c plutôt rare une fille avec d'la chaire, kia pas de seins =D
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sun 31 Jul, 2011 @ 3:42pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sat 30 Jul, 2011 @ 10:10pm. Posted in em.
Coolness: 34025
It's probably like most laws, they don't give a shit and just pay the fine. Mtl's stores do the same very often. They make more money than the fine they're given. Same thing for construction.
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sat 30 Jul, 2011 @ 9:57pm. Posted in Night Terrors.
Coolness: 34025

"I don't sleep, cuz sleep is the cousin of death"

Said NAS in "The message", i believe

Host.wun: that's because you have a lot on your mind, either it's conscious or subconscious. You need to get rid of that, go see a doctor about that. It can't hurt =) But i get those too every once in a while, so i know pretty much how's it feels when you wake up. Same shit here, i'm done for the day and have fucked up thoughts i'd prefer not to have. Doesn't amplify if i go back to sleep tho. Dreams can be fucked up since it's so realistic.
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sat 30 Jul, 2011 @ 9:44pm. Posted in How to buy a PC.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
yeah, but a lot of those don't put out the audio through HDMI, which if you've got a home theater is no issue, but if you've just got an HDTV won't work, because all of them have their signal "groups" together, you can't mix and match. if you're using HDMI, you can't take the sound from, say, RCA2.

ATI video card. Ain't that expensive anyway.
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sat 30 Jul, 2011 @ 9:17pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34025
Niji: regular black painted metal stairs. And actually, i still don't believe it myself, and i was there. That's why i put some emphasis on the fact it had been cut, not broken O_o. Poor guy, still =/

Moloch: you said that the rain stopped your neighbors noisy soiree on the patio, that's why i said that lol
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Sat 30 Jul, 2011 @ 6:16am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 34025
Made: imma be sleepin' at home (and might not reply to any thread b4 2-3 pm)
Made: had a nice party (hope Moloch doesn't live on colonial Street, Mtl)
Made: having breakfast (for once)
Ruined: breakfsast cost me 10$ since mcdonald wasnt even open at metro Longueuil
Ruined: didn't go to Dream CreatoR
Ruined: had to wait. For an hour, for my bus Starts its run
Made: i'm still alive to write on this thread =D

Mise à jour » Max_x2 a écrit dessus Sat 30 Jul, 2011 @ 7:17am
Je savais po trop où colissé ça, so here we go: there's actually a dude who managed to cut one of his fingers falling down the stairs (yeah, i know, trippy fucked up shit, but i'm still wondering how he did that anyway). And when i say cut, i mean cut, like they're not there anymore, not just broken (again, trippy shit, but HOW THE FUCK did that happen?????????)
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Fri 29 Jul, 2011 @ 6:37pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Fri 29 Jul, 2011 @ 5:16pm. Posted in What do you want?.
Coolness: 34025
I wanna find 100$ right now so i can go to Dream Creator. But that won't happen, so i'll go to a party at my friend's place ='( (not that i don't like that dude, nor the fact that he's throwing a party, which is awesome, but Dream creator is the shizzniddle shiznit). Wish a great party to everyone attending this event =)
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Fri 29 Jul, 2011 @ 5:09pm. Posted in The Ministry of the Boner Police.
Coolness: 34025
Originally Posted By KOUNTESS
One of the girls has the worst boob job ever. And I see this pretty often on the net. Are there really so many dudes that are into big, fake, uneven balloon tits? She was better off with her original boobies IMO

What actually bugs me, is that none of these girls have any thickness at all... I mean... The heaviest one is prolly not even 110 pounds... Anyway, chacun ses goûts
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Fri 29 Jul, 2011 @ 2:52pm. Posted in What are you wearing?.
Coolness: 34025
Une autre facon de dire que t un toton? (Ok, joke, JOKE, don't want no "dêcaliss rapace" thread =P )
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Fri 29 Jul, 2011 @ 2:43pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Fri 29 Jul, 2011 @ 2:41pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Fri 29 Jul, 2011 @ 2:24pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
water =D
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Fri 29 Jul, 2011 @ 1:20am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Fri 29 Jul, 2011 @ 12:46am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Fri 29 Jul, 2011 @ 12:41am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Thu 28 Jul, 2011 @ 11:46pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 34025
» Max_x2 répondu dessus Thu 28 Jul, 2011 @ 11:44pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 34025
Someone please call 911 - Wyclef ft. Mary j. Blige
Max_x2's Profile - Community Messages