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DirtApple's Profile - Community Messages
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» DirtApple répondu dessus Mon 2 Dec, 2002 @ 7:37pm. Posted in Whats Your Favorite Song Today?.
Coolness: 47850
kabouter plop kabouterdans speedcore (heehee)
and beverly hills cops song
» DirtApple répondu dessus Mon 2 Dec, 2002 @ 6:47pm. Posted in The future.
Coolness: 47850
well thats how its going down here
» DirtApple répondu dessus Sun 1 Dec, 2002 @ 10:34pm. Posted in The future.
Coolness: 47850
megan i recycle plastic bags, they take them now as long as they arent "soiled" with food or something im guessing
» DirtApple répondu dessus Wed 20 Nov, 2002 @ 9:50pm. Posted in Snowball fight #2.
Coolness: 47850
i cant bring my sister cuz were going out for supper cuz thats what she wants to do for her birthday. and either way, i have 2 big tests next week and a confusing essay due so maybe if theres more than one snowball fight this year ill come to the next
» DirtApple répondu dessus Mon 18 Nov, 2002 @ 9:09pm. Posted in Tell me your cheesy jokes.
Coolness: 47850
whats a ducks drug of choice?

» DirtApple répondu dessus Thu 14 Nov, 2002 @ 7:02pm. Posted in Snowball fight #2.
Coolness: 47850
and shes going away soon and stuff so i dunno :s
» DirtApple répondu dessus Thu 14 Nov, 2002 @ 6:58pm. Posted in Snowball fight #2.
Coolness: 47850
i dunno if i can make it on the 24th since its my sisters birthday and i love her
» DirtApple répondu dessus Mon 11 Nov, 2002 @ 7:19pm. Posted in :( i want to go to GLOOM but i sick:(.
Coolness: 47850
maybe he made himself a clone and its his clone.. (?).. like with the money.. he.. lines..his pockes with??
» DirtApple répondu dessus Sat 9 Nov, 2002 @ 1:10pm. Posted in New To The Board!.
Coolness: 47850
hi joey_p from the peg *waves*
» DirtApple répondu dessus Thu 7 Nov, 2002 @ 9:25pm. Posted in Snowball fight #2.
Coolness: 47850
yeah ultra crazy huge teams we have to be a lot of people and it'll be so much fun
» DirtApple répondu dessus Thu 7 Nov, 2002 @ 7:42pm. Posted in Stereo closing?????.
Coolness: 47850
yeah this one time i was on irc and i ended up talking to someone from san fransisco but really from ottawa and he said he bought stereo with his friends or partners.. and nananana! so i dunno i didnt really buy it cuz i dont like being gulibble but he told me he was reopening in december or something like that so yeah its true i guesss// i dunno!
» DirtApple répondu dessus Thu 7 Nov, 2002 @ 7:21pm. Posted in Snowball fight #2.
Coolness: 47850
the rules were silly, didnt we make them up after we built our forts? and didnt u guys use a picnic table? anyways im sure itll be fun and we can have more than two teams if were a lot of people anbd it can be really fun and cofusing.. or we could have two teams and chelsea shoving peoples faces in the snow
» DirtApple répondu dessus Thu 7 Nov, 2002 @ 12:30am. Posted in Snowball fight #2.
Coolness: 47850
*shrugs* i dunno mayb :)
» DirtApple répondu dessus Thu 7 Nov, 2002 @ 12:18am. Posted in Snowball fight #2.
Coolness: 47850
its a get together to we'd all get together and get to know each other and run around in snow and then go for hot chocolate!!
» DirtApple répondu dessus Wed 6 Nov, 2002 @ 11:50pm. Posted in Things that make you feel cheap.
Coolness: 47850
rolling pennies and depositing them in the bank
» DirtApple répondu dessus Wed 6 Nov, 2002 @ 11:47pm. Posted in Snowball fight #2.
Coolness: 47850
okay so if everyone needs some cheering up, i think this should happen but i duno when. when theres snow! so whose in and when is convenient for u?
» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 5 Nov, 2002 @ 7:58pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 47850
» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 5 Nov, 2002 @ 7:17pm. Posted in thing that make u fly.
Coolness: 47850
a jetpack
» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 5 Nov, 2002 @ 6:59pm. Posted in oye.
Coolness: 47850
you guys didnt win fair and square u hid ur shovel in a tree then made up some ru;le about seeing the shovel from 3 angles.. ?
when tehres more snow there should definately be a rematch
» DirtApple répondu dessus Mon 4 Nov, 2002 @ 9:18pm. Posted in oye.
Coolness: 47850
if theres another snowball fight youre not allowed hiding ur shovel in a tree@!
» DirtApple répondu dessus Mon 4 Nov, 2002 @ 6:28pm. Posted in oye.
Coolness: 47850
no u need really hot days too like only a few so u can go swimming and not be freezing
» DirtApple répondu dessus Mon 4 Nov, 2002 @ 6:05pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 47850
falling off the bus
» DirtApple répondu dessus Mon 4 Nov, 2002 @ 5:59pm. Posted in Organised confusion review.
Coolness: 47850
*starts to wink too cuz it looks fun* ;)
» DirtApple répondu dessus Sun 3 Nov, 2002 @ 7:18pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 47850
hugs by the ton
» DirtApple répondu dessus Sun 3 Nov, 2002 @ 7:12pm. Posted in Things that make you sad.
Coolness: 47850
bruising my pinky
» DirtApple répondu dessus Sun 3 Nov, 2002 @ 7:05pm. Posted in Organised confusion review.
Coolness: 47850
hi *waves*
i had fun meeting and remembering people from here and i had such a good time, everyone was so friendly and so nice it was absolutely fabulous :)
*hugs amanda and the rest of her mini posseee(thats u sar)*
» DirtApple répondu dessus Fri 1 Nov, 2002 @ 10:23pm. Posted in Things that make you sad.
Coolness: 47850
old senile homeless people
» DirtApple répondu dessus Wed 30 Oct, 2002 @ 8:09pm. Posted in Are you people dressing up?.
Coolness: 47850
im dressing up tomorrow at school itll be phun
» DirtApple répondu dessus Mon 28 Oct, 2002 @ 6:47pm. Posted in new years eve.
Coolness: 47850
toboganning sounds fun!! :)
» DirtApple répondu dessus Wed 23 Oct, 2002 @ 10:45pm. Posted in Best porn movie names.
Coolness: 47850
all the tipsy pictures confuse me..
» DirtApple répondu dessus Wed 23 Oct, 2002 @ 8:57pm. Posted in User - Keupon.
Coolness: 47850
inconnuE :D
et cest un compliment alors bienvenue

Mise à jour » Jaggery a écrit dessus Mon 30 Jul, 2007 @ 8:50pm
À l'aide!

J'ai perdu ma caméra numérique lundi matin au festival et je l'ai probablement oublié dans une des toilettes sur le chemin menant au Sumzone. Quand je me suis aperçu qu'elle était perdue, j'ai retracé mes pas mais je ne l'ai pas trouvée. Si quelqu'un est tombé dessus ou à une idée où c'est qu'elle pourrait être, je vous prie de me contacter par courriel à cpt_bricks@hotmail.com ou par téléphone au (514) 956-8408. La caméra ne m'appartient pas; elle a été empruntée et je n'ai pas les moyens de fournir un remplacement. Le pire c'est que les photos et les vidéos enregistrés dedans sont inestimables pour moi. c'est une HP Photosmart R817 et ressemble au photos présentées ci-dessus.

Je ne veux pas pointer quelqu'un du doigt ou accuser un autre de me l'avoir piquée; je veux juste la ravoir. Si c'est impossible, est-ce que je pourrais au moins avoir les photos pis les vidéos? Je suis prêt à offrir une petite récompense à n'importe qui qui me rammène la caméra ou qui m'aide à l'obtenir. Merci à l'avance.

» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 22 Oct, 2002 @ 10:16pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 47850
people rioding really small bidycles in the street
» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 22 Oct, 2002 @ 10:11pm. Posted in Why do you suck.
Coolness: 47850
cuz u say short hair sucks
» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 22 Oct, 2002 @ 8:43pm. Posted in Why are people so unhappy ??.
Coolness: 47850
i can see what u mean sometiiems its hard to not think of things that arent going well and be happy about life in general.. but sometimes when u think positively things seem less bad and i dunno i like feeling happy and i like having happy days sometiems it happens that i dont feel unhappy for a long time but then i remember when i do feel unhappy and it sucks
» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 22 Oct, 2002 @ 8:30pm. Posted in I'd like to say I'm sorry.
Coolness: 47850
yay ?
» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 22 Oct, 2002 @ 8:16pm. Posted in Look..
Coolness: 47850
(its the hokie pokie)
» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 22 Oct, 2002 @ 8:13pm. Posted in Look..
Coolness: 47850
*does a special dance for kafwins entertainment*
» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 22 Oct, 2002 @ 7:45pm. Posted in User - Keupon.
Coolness: 47850
jaimme comment tu parles francais c comme ya pas bcp de slang et c beau
» DirtApple répondu dessus Tue 22 Oct, 2002 @ 7:33pm. Posted in Im such a bad person..
Coolness: 47850
happy birdday big bird :D
» DirtApple répondu dessus Mon 21 Oct, 2002 @ 11:16pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 47850
DirtApple's Profile - Community Messages