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» Br34th3 répondu dessus Wed 11 Mar, 2009 @ 1:03pm. Posted in RAWally 36 dubstep tunes in 48 minutes.
Coolness: 127975
Instead of having us waste our time and bandwidth shuffling through your careless and sloppy mix... how bout just posting a link to your track?
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Tue 3 Mar, 2009 @ 10:39am. Posted in New Jizz in Pants T4 Trailer.
Coolness: 127975
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Fri 27 Feb, 2009 @ 1:36am. Posted in Murderers Brutally Kill On Camera.
Coolness: 127975
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Fri 27 Feb, 2009 @ 12:34am. Posted in Dj Clown - Fuck the Existenz, this is HARDCORE !!! 150 - 160BPM's.
Coolness: 127975
I like this new you .... wanna go for a beer?
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Fri 27 Feb, 2009 @ 12:09am. Posted in Rate My Bass.
Coolness: 127975
0dB Threshold of hearing
10 dB Rustling of leaves
20 dB Whisper
30 dB Quiet conversation
40 dB Average home
50 dB Normal conversation
60 dB Busy shop
70 dB City street
80 dB Busy workplace
90 dB Underground railway
100 dB Pneumatic drill 10ft away
110 dB Propeller aircraft taking off
120 dB Jet aircraft taking off
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Wed 25 Feb, 2009 @ 8:39pm. Posted in Rate My Bass.
Coolness: 127975
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
as much as I like the criticism from other producers

what producers?!?.... where?!?....

....doesn't sound like you've been talking to anyone to me...
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Wed 25 Feb, 2009 @ 3:58pm. Posted in Rate My Bass.
Coolness: 127975
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
If you don't mind, listen to it again, and try to lose all the expectations. I'm not going for a psytrance bassline at all, so try to be extremely subjective...


Mise à jour » Br34th3 a écrit dessus Wed 25 Feb, 2009 @ 3:58pm
sounds like total deaf n00b bass... knock off the retardo shit and grow some ears already.
Mise à jour » Br34th3 a écrit dessus Wed 25 Feb, 2009 @ 5:02pm
seriously tho.. the mix is all weird. I don't think that bass goes very well with that kick for starters .. it might just need some eqing but the two don't match or sound nearly as strong as they could with alot more tlc. That style bass reminds me alot of the earlier experiments in psytrance circa 1997 ala been there done that.

It really sounds like the kind of bass line you'd expect from someone who was writing their first song using some cheezy vst presets.. not from some one who's actually been making music for longer than most people I know including myself and should clearly know better without having to ask public opinion on a site where hardly anyone actually produces or can provide an educated analysis beyond the usual monkeytalk. You want to know how it sounds on other systems??.. get the fuck up and go fucking listen to it on other sound systems ..and.. make up your own mind.
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Wed 25 Feb, 2009 @ 1:40pm. Posted in Rate My Bass.
Coolness: 127975
sounds like total deaf n00b bass... knock off the retardo shit and grow some ears already.
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Wed 4 Feb, 2009 @ 9:55am. Posted in Twistedwave 4 !!!.
Coolness: 127975
Chic chic BLAM! .. Rave Dave w1ns again! Big THANKS to the man and his new partner in crime Cryckxy for the awesome party! Its always an honor a such pleasure having the opportunity to play in these events every year, a meeting point of the minds with an incomparable fusion of styles that noone else manages to pull off quite the way Rave Dave prod does. Here here brother~!

For anyone whos interested, We (Kode Six) posted 3 of our newest tracks that were played out for the first time at Twisted Wave 4 on our myspace page.. Enjoy and we hope to see you all again very soon!

[ www.myspace.com ]
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Mon 19 Jan, 2009 @ 8:44pm. Posted in Black Magik.
Coolness: 127975
Awesome party! Who could ask for more?!? Big thanks to Mike and Jesse for banging this one out and keeping it real.. here's to many more! See you all at Twisted Wave 4 in a few weeks!! -K
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Mon 19 Jan, 2009 @ 8:38pm. Posted in @@Neue Töne@@, EXTRAWELT Live!, 02/05/09.
Coolness: 127975
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Mon 12 Jan, 2009 @ 10:49pm. Posted in Noah !!!.
Coolness: 127975
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Sat 10 Jan, 2009 @ 6:34pm. Posted in DAVEoftheRAVE - 4 O'Clock In The Morning.
Coolness: 127975
Awesome :) thanks for posting this set!
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 25 Dec, 2008 @ 11:16pm. Posted in SOMA 2009 = New Years Party = Dec 31 2008.
Coolness: 127975
Dans quelques jours, nous nous rassemblerons tous afin de fêter le passage à 2009 , l'équipe de Phonolite et Psychonaut aimerais prendre cette opportunité pour vous souhaiter un Joyeux Noël à tous!

On tient à vous remercier pour ce qui était de la meilleure pré-vente depuis nos début il y a de cela 5 ans. De plus, nous sommes très exité de vous annoncer qu'en partenariat avec GRIP Montréal nous avons pu nous procurer pour la première fois un permis pour servir de l'alcool durant une partie de la soirée !

L'évènement tant attendu de Soma 2009 aura lieu dans moin de une semaine et il reste toujours des billets à la boutique Psychonaut au 154 Prince Arthur E. et sur [ www.wantickets.com ] (Recherche Soma 2009)


In just a few days we will be reuniting to celebrate the passage into 2009, the Phonolite and Psychonaut team would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas!

We would like to thank you one and all for what has been the best pre-sale we have had since our humble beginnings 5 years ago. We are also very excited to announce that in partnership with GRIP Montreal we have been able to obtain a permit to sell alcohol for a portion of the evening!

Soma 2009 will be happening in just under a week from now and there are still tickets available at boutique Psychonaut 154 Prince Arthur E. and on [ www.wantickets.com ] (search for Soma 2009)

Mise à jour » Br34th3 a écrit dessus Fri 26 Dec, 2008 @ 8:53am
Mise à jour » Br34th3 a écrit dessus Fri 26 Dec, 2008 @ 8:57am
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Sat 20 Dec, 2008 @ 9:34pm. Posted in Music Torrents....
Coolness: 127975
lets see what happens.....

[ www.google.ca ]
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Sat 20 Dec, 2008 @ 8:01pm. Posted in Motu 828 mk3.
Coolness: 127975
actually they go for about $550 on kijiji ... but whatever.
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 18 Dec, 2008 @ 11:08pm. Posted in dear ravewave.
Coolness: 127975
Wait a minute.. how did we go from interesting litterature to turtle rape? whats going on here?!?...

oh wait I know!!! ...

[ www.rave.ca ]


Mise à jour » Br34th3 a écrit dessus Thu 18 Dec, 2008 @ 11:11pm
P.s. I just hatched out 3 of these this week .. cute as hell no?

» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 18 Dec, 2008 @ 10:43pm. Posted in SOMA 2009 = New Years Party = Dec 31 2008.
Coolness: 127975
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Wed 17 Dec, 2008 @ 10:25pm. Posted in dear ravewave.
Coolness: 127975
Nature holds many great mysteries, seemingly unsolvable enigmas that range from the Loch Ness Monster to Bigfoot. They taunt us with intangible bits of information and evidence, begging for explanation, yet thriving on a lack thereof. There are people who have devoted their entire lives to unraveling such mysteries, millions of dollars are spent in the course of such efforts and the very existence of these unsolved mysteries trouble the minds of many. So, it is not without some apprehension that I reveal what may be the first published account of yet another grand enigma: the Box Turtles' Graveyard.

I heard of the spot second-hand from a zoologist friend, who came across the place one day while collecting snakes in the rolling Missouri hills. He sketched out a map as he spoke, his voice running with excitement over this biological peculiarity, like a treasure hunter recounting the discovery of the lost Dutchman mine. He drew an "X," pressing hard upon the pencil. "There is the Box Turtles' Graveyard."

Had I not known the man better, I would have thought his tale was the product of too much Stanley and Livingstone reading and an overactive imagination. But this was no dusty Darwinian gold panner I was speaking to. He was a curator of a well-known zoo, a former conservation officer and a college-trained biologist. I set out in search of this almost mythical spring, not knowing I could even find it if it did exist. The map was rough at best, the twisting Ozark roads deceptively similar, and a low distant rumble of thunder rolled in ahead of an April storm. Finally, I pulled off the road and struck off into the woods following the trickle of a tiny brook.

I had walked probably a quarter of a mile, pausing to gather up the errant feather of a blue jay that lay upon the glowing green mosses, when I came upon the spring. It was just as it had been described to me, a tiny clearing in the forest where the waters came up, a thick blanket of moss spongy beneath my step, the rocks encrusted with pale gray-green lichens. And everywhere, the skeletal remains of dozens of box turtles.

I moved about the area carefully, stepping lightly, stooping to inspect the empty carapaces and tiny bones. All appeared to be deceased adults, their shells 4 to 5 inches long. Of some, only the bleached white shells remained, while on others the colored chitinous layers still adhered, revealing a later demise. The reptiles did not appear to have perished at once. Tiny brown ants ran frantically about on the decaying tissues of one terrapin's legs, while the individual plates of other turtle shells lay strewn about like pieces of a geometric puzzle or the blocks of a dismantled igloo.

Then I came to a live turtle, sitting quietly amongst the bones of deceased relatives. It retreated within its shell at my approach, drawing head and legs inside and sealing itself within by means of the hinged plastron. I found two other living individuals who tolerated my intrusions with exquisite reptilian patience, alive but as inactive as their dead compeers.

I sank down upon a rock and took some notes, trying to rationalize the bizarre congregation. There was no natural trap here to doom the reptiles as I had seen before in sink holes and abandoned wells. The water was fresh and sweet, although insufficient to sustain fish, it teemed with insect larvae and I found a lone salamander beneath a rock. Judging by the various stages of decay, as well as the still living individuals, it was apparent that the creatures had arrived here and perished over a number of years.

Perhaps, I thought, they had come here suffering from some unknown turtle ailment, seeking relief. Maybe these waters contained a medicinal mineral that the reptiles sought out, too late for most. But to assume that such a creature is capable of the realization of the curative properties of a certain spring is dubious.

I considered the possibility of some poisonous form of fungi upon which passing turtles had chanced to feed and then perished of, but I found no mushrooms of special note in the area. The specter of toxic waste occurred to me, but no, not here in the middle of this relatively unspoiled area.

The low grumbling of thunder now broke into an earth-shaking clap that shattered my thoughts and heralded the first big drops of rain. I got up and surveyed the graveyard one last time, the dim amber eyes of the three living turtles peering suspiciously out of their fortifications. An unnerving feeling curbed my urge to take one of the empty shells with me as I usually did upon finding remains in the woods. I did not wish to be seen as a grave robber in the eyes of the turtles still alive there, or perhaps it was just the solemn, respectful atmosphere of the place, so akin to that of our own cemeteries.

I made it back to my car moments before the deluge and continued home to Kansas. Although the mystery of the Box Turtles' Graveyard kept my mind groping for explanations, I never searched any further for clues. Some things, after all, just are. Should I ever find out why so many turtles had come there to die, the romance of the story would be lost forever.

The map to the box turtles' resting place vanished into the cluttered debris on the floorboards of my old Chevy, and the mystery seemed complete. I am tempted to test my memory and once again search out the Box Turtles' Graveyard, just to see how many more have come to pass amongst the bones of kith and kin. But to try and explain the phenomenon would seem almost sacrilegious to me now. Enigmas seem always to shed their mystery ungracefully, explained as awkward and ungainly natural functions. A clinical knowledge of light diffraction does little to enhance a rainbow. As the ancient reptiles rest, I will let the turtles rest, their deaths unexplained.

As I reflect now upon the phenomenon, I feel a sad peacefulness. There is something touching in this fatal congregating that I finally recognize as my attributing a common human fear to the motives of the turtles ... the fear and tragic inevitability of dying alone. -Marty Capron

» Br34th3 répondu dessus Wed 17 Dec, 2008 @ 2:59pm. Posted in SOMA 2009 = New Years Party = Dec 31 2008.
Coolness: 127975
one of em anyway.... ;)

[ www.discogs.com ]
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Wed 17 Dec, 2008 @ 2:37pm. Posted in SOMA 2009 = New Years Party = Dec 31 2008.
Coolness: 127975
Room 1:
22:00 Ygriega
24:00 Spannungsbogen
02:00 Br34th3
03:00 ReSet (Live)
04:00 Slug (Live/dj set)
06:00 Psydraulix
08:00 Virtual Light
10:00 Ihy aka Sinadelik
Vj Neuro vYrus

Room 2:
22:00 Noway
23:00 TÖRTÜ (Live)
24:00 Clown
01:30 Omni (Live/dj)
04:00 Hidra (Live)
05:00 Tenzin
07:00 Camo
09:00 Noerg
Vj frigo
Vj Mikiram

Room 3:
24:00 Sinaë
02:00 Snork (Live)
03:00 Wally
04:30 Longstocking
06:00 Sabi Non Stop
08:00 Living~Stone vs Guestlist
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 11 Dec, 2008 @ 11:19pm. Posted in Music Torrents....
Coolness: 127975
tell me about it... our album was plastered all over them the morning of its release, cover and all.. some of the [ .ru ] sites were even selling the mp3's... bastards.
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 11 Dec, 2008 @ 11:16pm. Posted in Music Torrents....
Coolness: 127975
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 11 Dec, 2008 @ 11:14pm. Posted in Music Torrents....
Coolness: 127975
dl a translation plugin for your browser
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 11 Dec, 2008 @ 10:58pm. Posted in Flyer Printing Suggestions.
Coolness: 127975
depends on what you want... size/colors/scored/support/folded/die-cut blah blah blah...

It's been years since I've done simple 4x6 flyers so I have no clue what they charge for that these days.. call them up or request a quote online.. [ www.rythmeurbain.com ]
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 11 Dec, 2008 @ 10:31pm. Posted in True Old School.
Coolness: 127975
no offence.. but I went to many parties before 1997 and never heard any of the bands you just mentioned being played out in dj sets.... maybe foufs...
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 11 Dec, 2008 @ 10:23pm. Posted in Flyer Printing Suggestions.
Coolness: 127975
Rythme Urbain .. for so many reasons ... that Ive posted many times before .... in many threads ..... just like this one ... *dies*
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Sat 6 Dec, 2008 @ 5:46pm. Posted in For your consideration.
Coolness: 127975
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 4 Dec, 2008 @ 8:36pm. Posted in NOISIA - JANUARY 17th - MONTREAL - IGLOOFEST 2009!.
Coolness: 127975
Originally Posted By MAYDAY
I have many well worded and articulate thoughts in regards to this show, but I am going to be nice and not say anything at all.

Glad they are coming tho, I'll be there.
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Wed 3 Dec, 2008 @ 6:05pm. Posted in Snork "coccinelle" review.
Coolness: 127975
Babel fish says: on Steffen Krutzinna The title „Coccinelle” reminds me klanglich spontaneously of Meningokokken. There I was today approximately inoculated. However now a comparison of the music with brain skin inflammation would be also simple sense of chess - although: So electronically, abstractly, broken Beats… , We leave Nee times better. Thus completely essentially: Snork publishes pertin_nce for the first time with the EP on the Netlabel, where the music, which such Netlabels has usually actually, for lau be down-loaded can. The four TRACKs are now not like that them a completely brainfucken, but nevertheless completely interesting. Because purely klanglich and from the sound aesthetics the four titles quite orient themselves at the contemporary sound organization of IDM and Ambient. Clearly there is ne quantity of breaks and well produced rhymische Stolpereien, it is however to sound nevertheless nice. That does it also. Good it is however here particularly also that Snork unpacks also now and then times the Bassdrum and as in the title TRACK also strongly (naturally accordingly absorbed) in D'n'B manners zulangt. If a bezaubernde French speaking woman voice would not lie over the sound surfaces and the Beat, even Trance friends could have joy on Sunday afternoon hereby. In addition a good move by Snork was to be limited the EP to 20 minutes. There the motives and Synthies are not overstimulated - many more would not also have given the TRACKs. Thus the whole remains however a conclusive and a round things and that download is worthwhile oneself in any case.

"a completely brainfucken"

» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 27 Nov, 2008 @ 10:13pm. Posted in Mainframe Nov 28th.
Coolness: 127975
Stoked... STOKED!!!
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Tue 25 Nov, 2008 @ 10:48pm. Posted in Toddler fight!.
Coolness: 127975
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Mon 24 Nov, 2008 @ 9:22pm. Posted in LOLkenfold.
Coolness: 127975
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Sun 16 Nov, 2008 @ 7:49pm. Posted in Nuclear.
Coolness: 127975

^^first all Z comment.... err almost...
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Sun 16 Nov, 2008 @ 12:24pm. Posted in Hidden oasis get busted :(.
Coolness: 127975
Anyone bother asking the cops why they were there and/or how they found you instead of pointing fingers like a bunch of assclowns?? Last time Dave, Wally, and Fel's party got busted they took the time and answered almost every single question I had for them and gave me a business card with their superiors phone number on it for the few they couldn't...
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Sun 16 Nov, 2008 @ 12:47am. Posted in Nuclear.
Coolness: 127975
holy shit... fourth!
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Fri 14 Nov, 2008 @ 5:38pm. Posted in pola: the movie.
Coolness: 127975
so very clever v2-1
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Fri 14 Nov, 2008 @ 12:17pm. Posted in Concours de mennquin! Venez votez pour moi svp!.
Coolness: 127975
Originally Posted By TAMALA
How about she has a boyfriend?

» Br34th3 répondu dessus Thu 13 Nov, 2008 @ 4:11pm. Posted in bal en rose - mistery dj??.
Coolness: 127975
Originally Posted By DRGONZO
you could surprise everyone by just not having a mystery dj.
play the thong song on loop for an hour and call it intermission.
» Br34th3 répondu dessus Mon 10 Nov, 2008 @ 12:57pm. Posted in SOMA 2009 = New Years Party = Dec 31 2008.
Coolness: 127975

Br34th3's Profile - Community Messages