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» Anarkoid répondu dessus Sat 31 Oct, 2009 @ 1:18pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 192805
Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat (1990)
A true I did not know about before yesterday... with David Carradine AND Bruce Campbell
enough said!!!
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Fri 16 Oct, 2009 @ 1:39am. Posted in EPIC PIC of yourself thread! most stoopid pic you can find of u.
Coolness: 192805

I mean it was for Hard As Fuck:666, but I might have been a little too much "in character"
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Mon 24 Aug, 2009 @ 11:07pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 192805
Made: National Dragon Boat Championship last week-end was just amazing.
Made: Weather was amazing even if last Friday the forecast for the week-end was basically electric storms for the whole week-end!!

Ruined: Tired, waking up at 5:30 AM is just not for me, was tired as hell today...and I feel like a Eighteen wheeler ran me over...90% of my muscles are telling me they hate me!

But I would do it again next week-end anytime (if my body could survive it)
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Thu 20 Aug, 2009 @ 2:07am. Posted in Dexter Season 4....
Coolness: 192805
Thx, that show is amazing!!
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Mon 17 Aug, 2009 @ 9:20pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 192805
Hopefully she does not look like your mom old roommate...not even sure if that thing was human!!!
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Mon 17 Aug, 2009 @ 9:17pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 192805
You just can't imagine how much...and I am a fan of Fullmoon and Troma movies, so I'm not asking much from a movie
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Thu 13 Aug, 2009 @ 2:42am. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 192805
Dark Rising: Can't find anything positive about that movie...it sucked a hell of a lot
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Thu 13 Aug, 2009 @ 2:34am. Posted in Baby Emissions Fuel Global Warming.
Coolness: 192805
smart and very lucid analysis of the situation...
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Wed 12 Aug, 2009 @ 9:24pm. Posted in What book are you reading?.
Coolness: 192805
Pour en rajouter un peu sur Lovecraft, ce qui souvent est le plus horrifiant, c'est ce qu'il ne dit pas et laisse le lecteur imaginer plus que ce qu'il dit ou décrit. un spin-off intéressant d'un film sur Pickman's model pourrait être quand Randolph Carter le revoit dans le Dreamworld et qu'il a "légèrement" changé.
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Wed 29 Jul, 2009 @ 12:45am. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 192805
Neighbor: ...damn it was bad,I was just so happy the movie was shorter than 90 minutes
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Thu 23 Jul, 2009 @ 10:44pm. Posted in What's your favorite alcohol today?.
Coolness: 192805
Jameson 12 years old, always good!
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Wed 22 Jul, 2009 @ 2:02am. Posted in whats your word?.
Coolness: 192805
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Wed 22 Jul, 2009 @ 1:43am. Posted in How do you NOT want to die?.
Coolness: 192805
worst way:Degenerative disease...
best way: heart attack, quick...painful but quick
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Wed 22 Jul, 2009 @ 1:27am. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 192805
Alien Trespass: Was pretty good, recent movie but made in the style of the alien movies from the 50'...funny as hell

Brüno: Some may like it, but I guess it is not really my kind of movies...
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Sat 11 Jul, 2009 @ 11:55am. Posted in Untold Truths About the American Revolution.
Coolness: 192805
Two thumbs up, that is pretty interesting and something very few people talk about in the U.S.
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Mon 22 Jun, 2009 @ 5:46pm. Posted in if you understand economics you should be worried....
Coolness: 192805
Originally Posted By GAMOS
the us debt:GDP level is lower than Canada's...

Originally Posted By GAMOS
the us debt:GDP level is lower than Canada's...

the debt of the U.S.A is only lower if you use the number given by the C.I.A.

if you use the number either from the IMF or the OECD the debt of the U.S.A is clearly larger (OECD 2009 )

Per cent of nominal GDP
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Thu 21 May, 2009 @ 4:03pm. Posted in CSPCA Overflowing with Cats looking for new homes.
Coolness: 192805
La SPCA de Montréal déborde de chats à la recherche d’un foyer

Montréal, jeudi 21 mai 2009 – La SPCA sonne l’alarme : elle déborde de chats abandonnés. En ce moment, plus de 150 chats cherchent une famille.

Le nombre d’abandons dépasse largement le nombre d’adoptions, ce qui crée un engorgement au refuge.

La SPCA demande donc au public de venir adopter un chat dès aujourd’hui. « Nous vivons ce que nous appelons « La saison des chatons » et c’est durant cette période que l’éternel problème de surpopulation féline atteint des niveaux de gravité alarmants. Nous recevons des centaines de chatons alors que notre capacité d’hébergement pour les chats a atteint ses limites. Avec autant de chatons, les chats plus âgés ne seront tout simplement pas adoptés », déclare Alanna Devine, directrice du bien-être des animaux.

La SPCA rappelle à la population que les chats adultes font de merveilles compagnons et encourage le public à venir adopter un chat dans le besoin.

Les heures pour les adoptions sont de midi à 20 h du lundi au vendredi, et de 11 h à 17 h les samedis et dimanches.

Nous avons aussi besoin de familles d’accueil temporaires. Les personnes intéressées à prendre un chat ou un chien temporarirement peuvent communiquer avec le service des familles d’accueil à 514.735.2711, poste 2237.

Pour information :

Alanna Devine, directrice du bien-être des animaux

514.735.2711, poste 2245


CSPCA Overflowing with Cats looking for new homes

The CSPCA is sounding the alarm: It is overflowing with cats. At the moment, over 150 cats are waiting for a home.

The number of surrendered cats exceeds by far the number of adoptions thus creating an overflow at the shelter.

The CSPCA is calling on the public to come and adopt a cat today. “It is what we call ‘kitten season’ and it is during this period when the ongoing cat overpopulation problem becomes increasingly severe. Hundreds of kittens end up at our shelter, which is already overflowing with cats. With so many kittens, the older cats are simply not getting adopted” states Alanna Devine Director of Animal Welfare.

The CSPCA is reminding people that older cats can make wonderful companions and are encouraging the public to come and adopt a cat in need.

Adoption hours are 12 pm to 8 pm Monday through Friday and 11 am to 5 pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Temporary foster homes are also needed. People who wish to offer a temporary home to a cat or a dog can contact the Foster Family Program at 514-735-2711 ext. 2237.

Media Contact :

Alanna Devine, Director, Animal Wellfare

514.735.2711, x2245

» Anarkoid répondu dessus Thu 23 Apr, 2009 @ 4:53pm. Posted in Absolutely Choking BBC documentary about abandoned children in Bulgari.
Coolness: 192805
Originally Posted By JOJO_BIZARRE
non c'est la faute au communist russe (dans le temps ou la bulgarie faisait partie de l'urss..

Hey Simon a moin que je me trompe la Bulgarie fesait pas partie de l'U.R.S.S. meme si c'etait presque le cas tellement comme pays satellite ils fesait exactement ce que Moscou leur demandait...
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Tue 21 Apr, 2009 @ 11:46pm. Posted in OOOOOhhhh shit. RE: buring ppl alive?.
Coolness: 192805
Sorry, if I don't really agree with your sources, but even when you take the map [ en.wikipedia.org ] you can see whatever you want since I see very few Muslim countries that condemned Hamas or endorsed the Israeli position, making them as much biased as the countries that ONLY supported Israel.

This only demonstrate what I said about people having a one sided view and the sectarianism that comes from Religions.

You see, unlike you, I think they are BOTH responsible of the problems in Israel and Palestine, I unlike you am not trying to take side but to stay objective. I really hope that you can see that.

About Canadian politic, I would tend to agree with you, that we need greener policies except that I just cannot stand Elizabeth May, since she is too close to the liberals and the liberals are the last people I would ever vote for since they are by far the most corrupt politician we ever had, way more than any other party ever was(even the Conservative which I agree have pretty bad environmental policies).

I just hope the Green Party can find a new leader and distance themselves from the Liberal, if they do that they will almost certainly get my vote.
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Tue 21 Apr, 2009 @ 8:02pm. Posted in OOOOOhhhh shit. RE: buring ppl alive?.
Coolness: 192805
Originally Posted By DYNV
that was perfectly put out !

I haven't watched the video as the title was explicit. I'm so terrified of what a power like Israel is doing to the Gazans (Palestinians). I'm ashamed to be a citizen of a country mostly enslaved to the US which support a country like Israel and support any organization oppressing the innocents (people that just want to live peacefully without oppressing). In fact by my inaction supporting the oppression, I'm an oppressor and I'm ashamed of it, deeply.

hey, I heard Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was looking for some friends...

Seriously, I think that an affirmation like that shows either a serious one-sided view of a complex problem. Especially when you see the human right records of many of the country criticizing Israel.

however this is not to say that Israel does not share a good part of the blame by occupying and controlling land that were taken after 1967 (when Egypt, Syria and Jordan lead by Nasser, tried to wipe Israel from the map)

I think that this problems will never be solved as long as people refuse to accept that blames are to be shared and one sided views like yours cause seriously more harm than good.

My opinion is that Israel should dismantle the post 67 colonies and give back the land that were taken from the Arabs during the Six-Day War. The Palestinian on the other hand should stop the bombing (with bombs and rockets) of the Israeli cities.

No one can ask the Israelis not to react to bombs and rockets on their cities, no more than we can ask the Palestinian to live under a constant control of an occupying troupes surrounded by Jewish colonies.

my two cents...

About the video...this is a seriously fucked-up video, which i was unable (and unwilling ) to watch till the end. Yet even if I personally don't want to watch it I think it should be shown so that people do understand some of the atrocities that are committed in the world today.

Hatred begets hatred, murder begets murder...please give peace a chance!!!
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Thu 16 Apr, 2009 @ 6:53pm. Posted in To those who didn't go to Rewire.
Coolness: 192805
Originally Posted By AERIAL
it's possible to dance on K?
Hmm... you should tell it to the shoggoths at parties ;)
You know, the ones who are sitting in a corner floppy-mou-vedge-amorphous during all the party ;)


erm ok, I'll stop ;)
just that to me, a rave isn't a vedge-fest... it's dancing until tranced out hyperspace on amazing music ^__^ and smiling people... and friends and hugs and candy and fruits... ^__^

Rewire had all that too :)

I agree with Jass 100% and also need to say that it was a rockin' party. My only issue was that the big room was a little cold, but still pretty fuckin good!!!

Hope you keep up the good fight!!!
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Tue 31 Mar, 2009 @ 9:35pm. Posted in Hey America, You're not doing it right..
Coolness: 192805
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
well SOME judges have some common sense when it comes to the issue...

[ tech.yahoo.com ]

maybe there is some hope for the States after all
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Mon 30 Mar, 2009 @ 10:59pm. Posted in Afganistan is smelling more and more like Vietnam..
Coolness: 192805
I might be wrong, but I would say because little girls have the right to go to school
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Sat 28 Mar, 2009 @ 12:32pm. Posted in Video explaining the origin of many problems in our society.
Coolness: 192805
Zeitgeist is entertainment, nothing more and nothing less, to see anything else in that movie is to be seriously misguided
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Thu 26 Mar, 2009 @ 11:57pm. Posted in Pentagon Exploring Robot Killers That Can Fire on Their Own.
Coolness: 192805
These robots\killbots, do they stop when they reach a predetermined kill limit?
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Tue 24 Mar, 2009 @ 2:06am. Posted in The Under-Appreciated Actor Thread.
Coolness: 192805
I would say Ted Raimi, I think he was funny and pretty solid in most of his movies, but sadly lives in the shadows of his brother Sam and his cult icon friend Bruce (Campbell)
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Sat 21 Mar, 2009 @ 9:06pm. Posted in Your Talent.
Coolness: 192805
Originally Posted By BASDINI
i'm good at killing people...

How many have you killed to know you are good at it?
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Sat 21 Mar, 2009 @ 3:52am. Posted in Your Talent.
Coolness: 192805
Who said that mouses and frogs can't be friends. It's not because someone is different that it/he/she cannot become a good friend!!!
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Sat 21 Mar, 2009 @ 3:37am. Posted in Your Talent.
Coolness: 192805
I program videogames... and my cooking specialty are desserts ( I make a couple of really wicked ones, but my favorite one is still my Chocolate cheese cake)...

My tech skills are also pretty good and I can also be used as external knowledge storing device( a mutation from the uncountable years I have passed behind university doors and the nearly uncountable number of different programs I have been enrolled in )
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Mon 16 Mar, 2009 @ 2:27pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 192805
I really liked Warzone, Frank Castle was almost as crazy as the first one ( the one with Dolph Lundgreen ) but unlike that one the story in warzone is almost acceptable. The second one was the worst with a sane / girly punisher.
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Sun 15 Mar, 2009 @ 12:46pm. Posted in Comment on the last movie you saw.
Coolness: 192805
Last movie:Far Cry

Comment:Uwe does it again!!!, I am not really a Far Cry fan, but it still saddens me to see that there are still video game companies which are ready to get their games pissed on by Bolls

Do I recommend?:Yes, but only if you like pain and think that having your eyes bleed is a good thing...Otherwise STAY AWAY
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Fri 13 Mar, 2009 @ 10:40am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 192805
Ruined: the Thor \ Avengers movies are going to be delayed:(
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Thu 19 Feb, 2009 @ 12:45pm. Posted in Happy Birthday Masha!.
Coolness: 192805
Joining that happy bunch of ravers to say Happy Birthday, hope this year is going to be one of the best of your life!
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Wed 18 Feb, 2009 @ 1:20pm. Posted in Two messages from the SPCA.
Coolness: 192805
Deux message provenant de la SPCA envoyé aux bénévoles ou ancien bénévoles. Le premier concerne une clinique d'opération féline et le second un chiot qui nécessite un opération et donc une levée de fond

Two message sent to SPCA volunteers or former volunteers. The first one is about a neutering clinic for cats in low incomes family and the second one is about fund raising for a puppy that need an operation because of a broken leg


Bonjour chers amis,

Nous allons procéder à la quatrième clinique d’Opération Féline ce dimanche, ce qui est excellent pour un nouveau projet. Mais le projet est toujours à l’étape de démarrage. Je vous rappelle qu’Opération Féline est un programme de stérilisation des chats pour les personnes à faible revenu.

Afin d’assurer la continuité du projet, nous sommes maintenant à la recherche de vétérinaires intéressés à se joindre à la SPCA et à Stéri-Animal pour participer au projet Opération féline.

Nous sommes à la recherche d’un ou d’une bénévole qui aime faire du traitement de texte pour nous aider à préparer l’envoi, « lettre type fusionnée au document des adresses ». Donc, à l’aise avec la fonction « fusion ». La partie la plus longue du projet est d’entrée les adresse à partir du bottin de l’Ordre des vétérinaires.

Nous calculons que ce travail pourrait prendre de 4 à 5 heures et peut se faire à la maison.

Si vous êtes intéressés à participer à Opération Féline de cette façon, veuillez me contacter sans délai.

Louise Allard

Coordonnatrice des bénévoles/Volunteer Coordinator


(514) 735-2711, poste 2243


Dear Friends,

This weekend, we will be holding our forth spay and neuter clinic which is good for a new project, but the project is still at its early stages. Operation Feline is a new spay and nerter project created in partnership with Steri-Animal for low income families.

In order to ensure the continuation of this project, we need to contact veterinarians to invite them to join the SPCA and Steri-Animal to this project.

We are also seeking the help of volunteers talented in word processing in doing mailings. This person needs to have knowledge in document merging with Word. We estimate that this job would take 4 to 5 hours and can be done from home. The most consuming part will be to enter the addresses from the vet directory.

If you are interested, please contact me without delay.

Thank you.


(English will follow)

Chers amis de la SPCA,

Je suis un mignon petit chiot de 3 mois nommé Mickey et j’ai vraiment besoin de votre aide! Je suis un chiot comme n’importe quel autre, sauf qu’une de mes pattes est cassée.

Les vétérinaires disent qu’ils peuvent m’opérer mais cela coûtera cher. Il faut que j’amasse $ 1000 afin de couvrir les coûts de la chirurgie. Toute donation, petite ou grande, peut aider à sauver ma vie.

Si vous pouvez m’aider, veuillez passer à la CSPCA ou envoyer un chèque à la l’adresse suivante (faire le chèque à l’ordre de la ‘CSPCA’, avec un mémo spécifiant ‘foyers d’accueil – chirurgie Mickey’) :

CSPCA Foyers d’accueil
Attn: Fond chirurgie Mickey
5215 Jean-Talon O
Montréal, QC
H7L 4Z6

SVP faire suivre ce message à toute personne qui puisse aider.

Ensemble je suis certaine que l’on pourra sauver ma vie.

Beaucoup de becs baveux,


SVP : Le besoin est urgent et veuillez noter que tout don supérieur à $20 est déductible d’impôt sur demande.


Dear CSPCA supporters,

I am a sweet 3 month old puppy named Mickey that desperately needs your help! I am almost like any other puppy you would meet - except for my broken leg.

The veterinarians say that my leg is operable – but very costly. I need to raise $1000 to cover the cost of surgery. Any donation, large or small, will help save my life.

If you can help – either drop by the CSPCA or send your donation by mail at the following address (all checks can be written to ‘CSPCA’, with a memo specifying ‘Foster Dept – Mickey’s surgery’) :

CSPCA Foster Department
Attn: Mickey’s Surgery Fund
5215 Jean-Talon W
Montreal, QC
H7L 4Z6

Please forward this message to everyone that may be able to help.

Together, I am sure we will be able to save my life.

Many wet puppy kisses!


P.S. Please hurry, as this request is urgent! Note: donations greater than $20 may be tax deductable upon request.
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Tue 3 Feb, 2009 @ 1:05am. Posted in This or That?.
Coolness: 192805
Captain Morgan ( the dude destroyed Panama city twice if I remember correctly...however it is still an amazing city)

Squid or Octopus?
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Tue 27 Jan, 2009 @ 12:55am. Posted in $240 000 awarded for discrimination based on t-shirt....
Coolness: 192805
Damn, why can`t it happen to me, I need 240 000$ too...but seriously I would be curious to know where the guy came from since the article says "US resident" which seems to indicate he is not a US Citizen and also I am wondering if it is really about the T-Shirt or it is about racial profiling or something else.

Moreover, I find weird that in the same article they speak about racial profiling and talk about discrimination toward muslim even if muslim has never been a race or ethnicity (you are not born muslim, or jew or Christian, you are indoctrinated as one ).

But on the other hand even if it is not racism, it does not make this kind or any kind of discrimination any better and I think that this verdict is really is a good thing maybe it will make people think twice when discriminating.
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Mon 19 Jan, 2009 @ 12:49pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 192805
Ruined: XBOX360 --> RRoD
Ruined: Friends in my team lost their jobs because of cuts
Made: SD cart that I first believed to have lost ( and when found seemed broken ) worked so I was able to get my New Years eve at UV pictures from it (and also some other unbacked-up pictures.
ruined: wanted to put them on [ rave.ca ] yesterday but got delayed
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Tue 23 Dec, 2008 @ 5:09am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 192805
ruined: Insomnia (even if technically it ruined my night and not my day)
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Mon 22 Dec, 2008 @ 3:20pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 192805
Si t'as des économie, effectivement je pense que ca serait le temps d'acheter, mais en bourse tu peux jamais etre sur de quoi que ce soit

Mise à jour » Anarkoid a écrit dessus Mon 22 Dec, 2008 @ 3:40pm
Damn, je viens de voir que c'est encore plus douloureux pour Eidos

12 month ago:193.00$
91.7% loss
» Anarkoid répondu dessus Mon 22 Dec, 2008 @ 3:14pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 192805
made: Samedi, syndrome avec DrN...damn I was pretty drunk!
ruined: tout le monde dit que l'industrie du jeu video va bien mais si tu regarde la valeur en bourse dit autrement...

12 month ago:65.50 Euro
now:11.50 Euro
82.5% loss

12 month ago:6.23 Euro
now:1.45 Euro
76.7% loss

Electronic Arts
12 month ago:60.35$
74.3% loss

je regardais pour vendre mes action que j'ai eu a la signature de mon contrat et finalement changé d'idée, c'est sure que l'important c'est les revenue (et les profits) mais quand meme...
Anarkoid's Profile - Community Messages