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News (Media Awareness Project) - Physicians' group opposes medical marijuana, endorses handgun control
Title:Physicians' group opposes medical marijuana, endorses handgun control
Published On:1997-10-06
Source:The Associated Press
Fetched On:2008-09-07 21:46:05
Physicians' group opposes medical marijuana, endorses handgun control

YAKIMA, Wash. (AP) The state's largest physician group Saturday opposed
a ballot initiative to legalize marijuana for medicinal use but endorsed a
proposed handguncontrol measure.

The votes, which were expected, came at the Washington State Medical
Association's House of Delegates annual meeting at the Yakima Convention
Center. The voice votes reflected recommendations made earlier this week by
committees studying the issues.

Initiative 685, the medicinaldrug measure, is sponsored by Dr. Rob
Killian, a Tacoma physician, but has lacked general support within the
medical association.

"It's not unexpected," Killian told the HeraldRepublic of Yakima. "The
leadership of this organization, at the behest of the lieutenant governor,
has been preparing for this vote for five months."

On Friday, Lt. Gov. Brad Owen made a surprise visit at the meeting to urge
the roughly 200 physicians attending to oppose the measure. The House of
Delegates sets policy for the medical association, which represents nearly
8,000 of the state's physicians.

Killian said the best he could have hoped for was the association's promise
to remain neutral.

Among the concerns cited by those opposed to the measure included the lack
of U.S. Food and Drug Administration studies of drugs such as marijuana and

Newly elected WSMA President Peter Marsh, a Tacomaarea infectious disease
specialist, said I685 would do more harm than good.

"We all agree on the need for compassionate, effective palliative care for
our patients who are in pain," he said in a statement. "This initiative,
however, is much too broad and loosely prepared and contains a lot of
language not connected to the issue of the medicinal use of marijuana that
causes us great concern."

Killian, however, said thousands of doctors who treat terminal patients
already are quietly suggesting drugs such as marijuana.

I685 also would emphasize treatment rather than prison for those convicted
of possessing illegal drugs, but still calls for punishing serious, repeat

The handgun measure, Initiative 676, was drafted by physicians who want to

decrease the number of firearmrelated injuries and deaths statewide.

The initiative would require all pistols to be equipped with triggerlocks,
and all handgun owners to pass a safety test.

"This initiative, and the WSMA's endorsement of it, are not `antigun,"'
said Seattle physician Roy Farrell. "It is proresponsible gun ownership."

There are more handgun deaths than motorvehicle deaths in Washington
state, said Seattle physician Paul Herstein.

"This is not an effort to confiscate people's guns," he said. "This is a
safety issue."

The handgun measure is opposed by the National Rifle Association, the
Washington State Council of Police Officers and others.

Both initiatives will appear on the Nov. 4 ballot.

In other action, delegates endorsed a proposal directing the state medical
association to work with the state Board of Health on development of a
system of mandatory reporting of HIV cases.
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