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Title:Growing up
Posted On:2008-04-01 21:36:56
Posted By:» MunchinSushi
Today I realized how much I have actually Grown in the last year. Some may say that I have gone backwards but really I haven't. Sure I've had some major setbacks in the last year but I have also made some big steps forward. At the moment I may not be the happiest that I have been but I am happy, That right now is what counts.

Hopefully I keep gaining and not falling back to where I was 7 months ago. To most of you that person is a stranger, because I was good at hiding her away from the eyes of everyone, and alot of you I had only met once or not at all. I find myself learning more about myself everyday and I am liking it. I like the person I have let surface, I learned with my ex how to hide my real self and not let people really know me.

The girl that everyone knew then was this girl who was quiet and shy, She was never herself, she hid behind a wall and never wanted to come out from behind it. That is not me. I am a happy person, I love people and I have a sense of humor. I love to dance and I love to argue with people. I am shy sometimes, only when I like someone though, and only because I fear the pain I may re-live if I get involved with someone emotionally again, I fear the girl that I used to be coming back to take over my life. I have alot of obstacles that are going to be hard to overcome but I am working at them one at a time.

I have become myself again, the girl I was before I gave everything I could to my relationship with my ex. I'm back to being the girl I was before, to some people she my be loud and she may be annoying but she is who I am. If you don't like it then that's your loss. I don't need people in my life that don't like me for being me.

I do want to say thank you to my real friends that have stuck by my side through all of this, I don't know how I could have made it this far without you. Thank you for not judging me and for letting me know when you looked down on my choices, yet still stuck by my side. You knew that I would pull through and you stuck by me through all of it. Thank you.

To those that didn't know me, I really appreciate you, for taking the time you have taken to get to know me, despite what others may have said about me.

Listening To: Make Me Sweat - J Bradley
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