Title: | Sunday-Hungover/Coming Down |
Posted On: | 2007-11-04 12:43:18 |
Back from my weekend.
worse for wear but worth the ride!
5 hours in a hockey arena booming with music and brimming with alcohol. Up to the hilt in all manner of chemical and dress. There was...as I discovered ICE on the rink. The skating variety... not an easy thing to manuver intoxicated. Withe the aide of fellow revellers we formed a gliding chain and managed to make it 'round the rink.
In the wee morning hours 'those who know best' advised us that an evacuation may be in order as the local authorities were becoming concerned about the 'little fete' in the hockey arena.
Back to a little house party with excellent imported tequila, good tunes and the most active ping pong game in the history of the sport. somewhere about 8am I finally succumed to alcohol exhaustion/burnout and had a short,satisfying bout into unconsiousness. About 1pm I awoke to more music and loud talking. Several hours of leftover halloween candy, egg mcmuffins, and paper mario on the Wii I set off for the 2nd half of my weekend.
Sat nite 9:30pm Arrive at an already bustling pub party in some little dive in TO. 150so people crammed into a 90 capacity bar.
A few pints into the evening I'm having a loud excessivly boisterous game of "who am I' with some friends whose names I never knew.
Sadly it was explained to me that although daylight savings time begins @ 2am, technically making it 1am, the bar was still closing.
Back to my place for some music,chemical,and Zim. 4am or thereabouts noone wants to play anymore and so i'm forced to bed.
Just got up now had a swig of whatever drink is on my coffee table and am prepping to seekout some kind of food like product...
Weekends are wondeful!