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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: PUB LTE: End Marijuana Prohibition
Title:US MI: PUB LTE: End Marijuana Prohibition
Published On:2012-01-04
Source:Battle Creek Enquirer (MI)
Fetched On:2012-01-05 06:01:39

Your report of the misdirected marijuana delivery got me thinking
("Delivery problems," Dec. 27). Why don't we hear similar stories
about wayward tobacco, whiskey and Viagra shipments? Could it be
because those recreational drugs are legally sold by licensed retail
outlets right down the street? No one is forced to resort to
clandestine channels.

Cannabis prohibition violates the law - the law of supply and demand.
A willing buyer will always find a willing seller. That's Econ 101.
The only question is the price and the lengths they will go to.

We call marijuana a controlled substance and prohibit it. But that
doesn't make the manufacture and distribution of marijuana go away.
Prohibition just drives marijuana underground where we have no
control over it whatsoever.

The best way to control marijuana is to end marijuana prohibition so
that responsible adults can buy it from responsible vendors. Vendors
who check ID and don't depend on the vagaries of UPS to deliver.

Greg Francisco

Paw Paw
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