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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WA: PUB LTE: Medical Marijuana Myths Rebutted
Title:US WA: PUB LTE: Medical Marijuana Myths Rebutted
Published On:2011-12-30
Source:Columbian, The (WA)
Fetched On:2011-12-31 06:00:53

I'm responding to Elwood Bonner's Dec. 27 letter, "Medical pot plan
too inclusive." I'm quoting from his first paragraph, "According to
the Dec. 22 story in The Columbian, 'State considers adding ADD, OCD
to medical pot list,' the state of Washington is considering
legalizing the use of marijuana for anyone who has a medical problem
of any kind. For instance, attention deficit disorder or obsessive
compulsive disorder would qualify. Other unrelated diseases, such as a
'social disorder' and 'intractable pain,' also would make the grade."

This previous paragraph is almost wholly false. "Intractable pain" is
an acceptable condition - now. "Social disorder" was previously
declined. The state of Washington is not considering legalizing the
use of cannabis for anyone who has "a medical problem of any kind." I
found his letter wholly disingenuous. Further, I can't help but wonder
his motivation. The last reference to cannabis being an "addictive
gateway drug" could give us a hint? That hypothesis was debunked some
time ago. May I recommend you point your favorite search engine to
http://pubmed.gov. Once there, enter in the search box THC, CBD and a
malady of your choice. Heck, try ADD and OCD. Please educate yourself.

Jim Kennedy

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