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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: PUB LTE: We Disregard Modern Science
Title:US CO: PUB LTE: We Disregard Modern Science
Published On:2011-11-16
Source:Gazette, The (Colorado Springs, CO)
Fetched On:2011-11-17 06:02:10

I find it very troubling how we disrespect our veterans, in
particular those who have been wounded in service to their country,
and need our help the most. We trusted them to protect our freedom,
and yet when they return injured from military combat, we deny them
the very freedom that they fought and sacrificed for.

Why is it that we disregard modern science, and more importantly,
disregard the observations and opinions of our wounded veterans who
tell us that medical marijuana is the best thing for their PTSD and
chronic pain? Instead, we give them addictive narcotics that promote
depression and then follow that up with antidepressants that promote
suicide. I think that the low national public opinion of politicians
is higher than they deserve.

Dr. Bob Melamede

Colorado Springs
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