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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: LTE: Marijuana Brings Trouble
Title:US CA: LTE: Marijuana Brings Trouble
Published On:2011-11-12
Source:Sacramento Bee (CA)
Fetched On:2011-11-17 06:00:58

Re "Medical pot backers sue and protest" (Page A1, Nov. 10): Does
anyone actually believe that only the disabled and afflicted use this

For the past two decades, I have been willing to bear the expense and
time of a long commute in order to enjoy the peace and quiet of the

I now find myself surrounded by collectives and growers who
contaminate the air with the stench of their product, disrupt the
night with their barking watchdogs and turn what was once a lazy
country road into a virtual freeway traveled by these "unfortunate
sufferers" of God-knows-what-deserving diseases.

I fear that due to a feckless Legislature and a lack of oversight
created by financial shortfalls, a viable medical marijuana law would
be impossible to establish at this time.

Bob Williams

Grass Valley
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