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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Case Against Cannabis Legalization Full Of
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Case Against Cannabis Legalization Full Of
Published On:2011-11-12
Source:San Diego Union Tribune (CA)
Fetched On:2011-11-15 06:00:30

In response to "The case against legalization" (Dialog, Nov. 6):
Recent and multiple past studies link the drug with cognitive
impairment (think memory loss and brain dysfunction), motor skills
impairment (think drugged-driving accidents) and mental illness (like
psychosis and schizophrenia). Indeed, the drug negatively impacts the
development of the adolescent brain and effects the adult brain past
the age of 25. That drug: alcohol.

More accidents are caused by drunk drivers than marijuana smokers.
Even more accidents are caused by sober drivers than both of the above
combined. The argument by Aaron J. Byzak argument is full of holes. It
is old and tired. And alcohol- and cigarette-industry driven.

I don't see a workable prohibition against alcohol or cigarettes. It
hasn't been working all that well against marijuana, either.

I would support a sound scientific study of marijuana before being
legalized, and not the junk scientific studies of the past by
prejudiced researchers.

Also, Rep. Bob Filner is not the only mayoral candidate to come out
for legalizing medical marijuana, as reported by the U-T. Please
inform cartoonist Steve Breen to be fair and accurate.

John B. Kidwell

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