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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Poor Pot Priorities
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Poor Pot Priorities
Published On:2011-11-03
Source:Chico News & Review, The (CA)
Fetched On:2011-11-05 06:01:06

Re "The marijuana mess" (Editorial, Oct. 20):

What is it with this marijuana mania? Everyone seems obsessed with
it. I don't partake of the substance and have no intention of doing
so. However, for those who do, what's the big deal?

From what those who have used it say, it merely renders one quiet,
calm and introspective. Unlike other drugs such as alcohol, which
causes people to become violent and dangerous, it appears that
marijuana is no menace to society.

I am acquainted with a few law-enforcement members. They are all
intelligent, level-headed folks who are seldom animated by anything
that comes their way. However, at the mention of marijuana they seem
to come unhinged. Although they don't froth at the mouth, they look
like they are almost going to.

With our budget problems and shortage of police, couldn't we get the
limited law-enforcement personnel we do have to concentrate on
activities that are a menace to society rather than this innocuous
practice of marijuana production and consumption?

Hugh G. Campbell

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