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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Delay Led To Cannabis Crackdown
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Delay Led To Cannabis Crackdown
Published On:2011-10-27
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA)
Fetched On:2011-10-28 06:01:53

Re "Talk about the compassion" by Nick Miller (SN&R The 420, October

I think the state of California and the Sacramento County Board of
Supervisors should be embarrassed by the way they have handled the
whole cannabis issue.

Both had 15 years to come up with a way to avoid the problem that has
happened now, but they ignored every indicator telling them that this
industry needed to be regulated. The result? We have a situation were
everyone is going to be affected.

The county has been holding stakeholder meetings for the past few
months ... that I think were meant to stall the whole process of
allowing collectives to operate in the county. I think the county knew
that the feds were coming, and basically wasted everybody's time and
money, with no intent of following through with anything that they

I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. This industry needs to be
regulated-which I am for-but not in the manner or direction that this
has gone. California and Sacramento County should have had a sit-down
with the right people and groups and taken care of this a long time

I do know one thing that the feds, the state of California, and
Sacramento County can't change: Cannabis is and cannabis always will
be medicine.

Mark Lusk

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