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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Scoffing At Voters' Will
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Scoffing At Voters' Will
Published On:2011-10-24
Source:Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, CA)
Fetched On:2011-10-26 06:01:49

Well, it looks like Hank Williams Jr. might have been right. Obama and
his henchman Eric Holder have gone back on their promise to leave
California's medical marijuana clinics alone.

It's bad enough that the narrow-minded, short-sighted city and county
officials scoff at the will of the people of California. It seems they
enforce the laws they want and ignore the ones they don't like.

I wonder what they will think when one of their loved ones is
deteriorating down to nothing because they can't eat due to the
poisoning of the chemotherapy they must endure to fight the cancer
they have. Do you think they would change their minds then?

Probably not.


Chino Hills
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