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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Addict's Sentence Too Harsh
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Addict's Sentence Too Harsh
Published On:2011-10-25
Source:Sacramento Bee (CA)
Fetched On:2011-10-26 06:01:19

Re "Addict is face of new jail law" (Page A1, Oct. 21): I am appalled
by the Sacramento County probation office seeking a 21-year prison
term for a 64-year-old disabled Vietnam veteran for showing symptoms
of his addiction. He bought heroin.

The gentleman has no prior serious or violent crimes. He belongs in
drug treatment or a VA hospital, not in lockup. I am not at all
impressed that in light of a new law realigning the chairs on the
prison ship, the District Attorney's Office sought a penalty of six
years in county jail and another five years on probation instead. It's
still a massive waste of taxpayer dollars, and just plain wrong.

We cannot count on prosecutors to be responsible stewards of public
money. It's up to Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature to reform our
drug laws, and stop wasting lives and money.

Glenn Backes

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