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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: PUB LTE: Cannabis Naysayers A Danger To Society
Title:CN ON: PUB LTE: Cannabis Naysayers A Danger To Society
Published On:2011-10-19
Source:Windsor Star (CN ON)
Fetched On:2011-10-23 06:01:17

Re: Prison no place for marijuana users, by Ken Zulian, Oct. 6.

Ken Zulian is correct. Citizens who use or grow cannabis (marijuana)
should not be caged. However, his list of those who endanger the lives
of other people is incomplete.

Those who perpetuate the discredited prohibition, persecution and
extermination of the God-given plant cannabis clearly have endangered
the lives of other people, including our children.

The U.S. has proven mandatory minimum sentences for growing more than
six plants. This will only exacerbate violence and deplete scarce resources.

Cannabis prohibitionists are directly and indirectly responsible for
40,000 murders in Mexico, violence throughout Canada and the U.S., and
cannot even pretend to stop citizens from using cannabis. Cannabis
prohibitionists are unquestionably a danger to society.

The question is, what should society do with them?


Dillon, Colo.
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