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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Focus Resources Elsewhere
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Focus Resources Elsewhere
Published On:2011-09-08
Source:Bakersfield Californian, The (CA)
Fetched On:2011-09-11 06:01:30

Regarding the Aug. 27 news story "Kern County judge refuses to block
12-marijuana-plant rule": Speaking as a retired street cop, I am
disgusted that my colleagues in Kern County are wasting so much time
chasing a green plant.

This diversion means that pedophiles in chat rooms, those making and
possessing child porn and other such serious crimes are not being
arrested. That children are being hurt while they scoop up green
plants makes me ill.

Marijuana prohibition is a luxury California law enforcement can no
longer afford, unless we continue to allow free rein for pedophiles.

Howard Wooldridge

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