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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN AB: LTE: On The Hook
Title:CN AB: LTE: On The Hook
Published On:2011-08-29
Source:Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Fetched On:2011-08-31 06:04:02

Re: "Free crack cocaine pipes enable the saving of lives," Louise
Gallagher, Opinion, Aug. 21.

It galls me that Alberta Health would use our tax dollars to
distribute crack pipes and other stuff related to using illegal drugs,
and use the excuse that they are saving lives. Why must taxpayers pay
for something that is self-inflicted by those people who choose to do
drugs? When is it the responsibility of the druggie to use safe stuff?

If you do drugs, you pay, not me, thank you very much, and the sooner
the do-gooders get it, the better off we all will be.

The longer you give in to the druggies, the longer we will pay. If the
druggies can't afford the stuff to be safe, why should you and I pay
for them to continue doing illegal drugs? Why do we have laws saying
drugs are illegal and the Health Department breaks the law by giving
them the equipment to continue doing an illegal act?

Jean Lane, Calgary
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