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News (Media Awareness Project) - Drug traffickers hire mercenaries
Title:Drug traffickers hire mercenaries
Published On:1997-07-25
Fetched On:2008-09-08 14:04:06
Souza, known as Magno da Mangueira. This group has approximately
150 very well armed members. Police authorities claim that this
group has training sessions, many of them based on combat tactics
shown in specialist videos. When the chief of another such group
in the Vigario Geral favela, Ulisses, was arrested last month he
claimed that his group had participated in 31 armed attacks of
favelas in the Greater Rio area during recent months. A member of
another such group arrested last week in the Borel favela in the
northern region of Rio de Janeiro claimed that he was earning
just under US $1000 per week for his services.

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