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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: PUB LTE: It's Time To Consider The Options
Title:UK: PUB LTE: It's Time To Consider The Options
Published On:1997-02-03
Source:Guardian United Kingdom
Fetched On:2008-01-28 20:34:51
Dear Editor,

I too hope that Noel Gallagher's comments will lead to a sensible debate on
drug policy and agree with Paul Shurey's suggestions that hysterical media
and political responses currently prevent us from doing so (31 January
-Comment and analysis). However I would like to point out that it is not
only *young people* who use illegal drugs, although most media coverage
would have us believe this.

In fact a recent government report "Drug Misuse Declared" indicated that
professionals living in smart urban areas are the biggest users of
illegal drugs. The highest level of drug taking in the 19 - 59 age group
was found in households with an income of more than #30 000 a year. One
wonders how many Members of Parliament could truthfully declare that they
had never used illegal drugs.

What separates the high earning professionals from illegal drug users in
lower socio - economic groups is that the former are more able to pay for
this very expensive habit. They are less likely to resort to property and
street crime, prostitution and dealing drugs themselves to raise funds.

Despite masses of money the government pump into campaigns to deter
people from using drugs they are fighting a battle that can never be won.
It is like trying to empty the Thames with a teaspoon. Noel Gallagher is
right - the criminalisation of drug users is not an effective policy.
It's time to consider the options.

Victoria Jones,
(Member of Transform, - The campaign to transform drug policy and
legislation), Box 59, 82 Colston Street, Bristol, BS1.
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