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Iwas's Profile - Community Messages
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» Iwas replied on Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 11:27pm. Posted in Mal de ventre chiant pendant les party kekun a des trucs ?.
Coolness: 70290
ben humm comme exemple samedi soir a 10h 2h avant que jaille au party jai mangé un steak de surlonge de 12oz pis dé pétates :P jpense ya assez denergie la dedans :P pis non jmange pas de salade la salade cé pour lé gros!!! ste fois la cétait avec dla On-Star dla premiere batch qui sest vendue dans le coin jen achete vraieement rarement alors de la a savoir si tel ou tel est de meilleure qualité que lautre tout sque je sais cé que a sque jai entendu dire par plusieurs de mes amis a sa sortie la Onstar tait assez bonne pis jai mis la main dessus récemment .. ca peut tu passer date? :p
» Iwas replied on Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 11:10pm. Posted in Mal de ventre chiant pendant les party kekun a des trucs ?.
Coolness: 70290
jai tjrs lhabitude de bien me nourrir mais pendant un party jai pas trop le gout dmanger une salade lol
pis spas la premiere fois je rave jai juste changé ma facon de raver.. dans le temps vla 3 ans jtais juste trop glé pour mapercevoir que javais mal au ventre pis chuis tres satisfait davoir changé drastiquement ma consommation de droille

cé juste que pour le nombre de fois jen fait par année jaimerais profiter pleinement du moment !
» Iwas replied on Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 10:44pm. Posted in Mal de ventre chiant pendant les party kekun a des trucs ?.
Coolness: 70290
voyons va falloir jrérépete ca aucun rapport a mes intestins !!! cé lestomac ! pis ya pas de douleur cé juste un inconfort p-e un surplus dacidité ou whatever quand ca brasse pomal .. suggereriez vous de manger un petit kekechose? jtète dé vitamin C on dirait ca aide un peu mais manné faut pas en abuser!
» Iwas replied on Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 10:37pm. Posted in Mal de ventre chiant pendant les party kekun a des trucs ?.
Coolness: 70290
pis quoi jme siphonne lestomac avec une pompe??
spas une envie de chier stun total déconfort de lestomac!!!

Update » Iwas wrote on Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 10:41pm
truc coùnstructif kekun?
» Iwas replied on Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 10:17pm. Posted in Mal de ventre chiant pendant les party kekun a des trucs ?.
Coolness: 70290
chuis sur que chuis pas le seul dans cette situation la alors jvoudrais savoir si kelkun a trouvéd e bons trucs pour aider a minimiser le mal de ventre quand l'on consomme dla vitesse... chuis pas un gros utilisateur (une moitiée par party , un party aux 3 mois) mais a chaque fois jen prends dans un party jdanse beaucoup et environ 2h apres jcommence a avoir mal au ventre pis manné ca part pis ca revient pis ca repart ca revient cé dérangeant pis ca mempeche de bie profiter du moment...

jai pensé a des Thums ou des rolaids , on ma déconseillé le gravol kels sont vos trucs??!

» Iwas replied on Mon Nov 6, 2006 @ 9:11pm. Posted in Anyone tried one of those mp3 DJ consoles??.
Coolness: 70290
thanks for all the answers guys !!

i dont aim at a pro career ... only want to mess with some Djing stuff for fun ! got a new job and will be making some good bucks so i think ill make myself a christmas gift with a set of CDJs and a mixer then if i dont really use them ill find a way to sell em back to someone ! :) is anyone having a kit to sell ?
» Iwas replied on Mon Oct 30, 2006 @ 12:52am. Posted in Anyone tried one of those mp3 DJ consoles??.
Coolness: 70290
some friend talked to me about the Hercule DJ Console and it looks great and not too expensive for having fun trying to mix
would be cheaper cuz i wouldn't have to buy CDJs or any Vinyls + mixer and wirings and bla bla
[ dj.playback.fr ]

anyone ever worked with this kinda console? pros and cons? im a beginner would it be okay to start playing?

i saw this model on ebay too not to expensive
[ www.behringer.com ]

and last question.. is there anyone wanting to get rid of a console like this??or a cheap set of cdjs (maybe this just not exist)
i dont wanna spend big money on that

thanks!! can reply in pm too!

» Iwas replied on Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 10:44pm. Posted in HELP!!! Fruity needs to be fed some crak.
Coolness: 70290
this just happened to mine with FL6 and never been able to crack it or make it work again....
found cracks with regkeys and unistalled all of the FL6 and even manually erased regkeys in the registry then reinstalled applied the cracked regkey and still getting the no more valid message grr had a project going and just cant continue it and cant load it in FL5 either so... im kinda fuc*ed bad :(
» Iwas replied on Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 5:38pm. Posted in Having problems installing MIDI Controller.
Coolness: 70290
tried the 4 diffrent ports on my computer and i can't set it bad in reason cuz reason itself doesn't detect it and do not see any other MIDI port diffrent than the one on my Soundblaster Live sound card

Update » Iwas wrote on Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 6:20pm
tried with FruityLoops too but didn't worked keeps me with a single MIDI port from my soundcard but dont have the other midi cable and midi adapter
Update » Iwas wrote on Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 6:22pm
and then if i click on Find button and touch any key or button it just can't find anything....

the usb is well connected and i see the device in my computer device listings....
» Iwas replied on Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 4:27pm. Posted in Having problems installing MIDI Controller.
Coolness: 70290

just bougth a nice Novation Remote LE 25key MIDI Controller and im trying to connect it to my computer...

it has drivers built in the keyboard so no drivers to install they say it in the manual and on the websites i looked

when i hook it up by the USB cable supplied with it the keyboard gets ON and the "New hardware" bubble from Win XP appears and tell me that my new material is correctly installed and ready to work

i cant detect it in Reason and when i add the keyboard myself i gotta choose MIDI IN and Out i only have one choice... they show me my soundcard midi port but as said in my manual it can be wired with only the USB wire...so should see a second in/out choice isn't it?

looked at manuals and websites but didn'T found yet how to make it work on USB only :(

thank you
» Iwas replied on Thu Aug 10, 2006 @ 12:25am. Posted in Eclipse 2006!!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 70290
juste 3 mots...


wow owo wow wowowow mon premier eclipse , mon premier party exterieur , ma plus belle fin dsemaine a vie!!!
la musique étais excellente , la meteo était excellente , les gens étaient excellents, les bikinis étaient excellents :P en gros tout était malade jva m'en souvenir tres tres trews longtemps!!!!
» Iwas replied on Thu Aug 10, 2006 @ 12:21am. Posted in Shooting star forever.
Coolness: 70290
yon pas trouvé ca louche quand apeupres 45-50 ravers on courru dans cage descalier pour monter dans létage du haut?? (jtais dans ce tapon la)

pis ouais bon party en général bravo a michel et J-S pour un autre bon parté :P
» Iwas replied on Mon Nov 21, 2005 @ 11:46am. Posted in Why is 'candyraver' so stupid ?.
Coolness: 70290
the P.L.U.R. needs to live through times ..we must try the harder we can to live in this utopic way of life. utopic for the human civilisation but we can work it our way , our crowd
» Iwas replied on Mon Nov 21, 2005 @ 11:37am. Posted in post some hotties.
Coolness: 70290
niiiiiice thread :)
» Iwas replied on Wed Sep 7, 2005 @ 11:44am. Posted in Army shuts down rave.
Coolness: 70290
they are FAWKING stupidasses . this cause will go a long way in front of the law

lots of people , witnesses and more got involved in this raid
» Iwas replied on Tue Sep 6, 2005 @ 9:10pm. Posted in Internet Psy-Radio + More ...
Coolness: 70290
nice !! tuned in :)
» Iwas replied on Mon Dec 8, 2003 @ 8:04pm. Posted in Japan YoYo 2003 Contest.
Coolness: 70290
kickin asses
» Iwas replied on Mon Dec 8, 2003 @ 7:57pm. Posted in time to plan the snowball fight.
Coolness: 70290
im in!
Iwas's Profile - Community Messages