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» Gone répondu dessus Mon 31 May, 2004 @ 2:27am. Posted in What are you thinking about now?.
Coolness: 63285
That I should be nicer to all of you. So I will.
» Gone répondu dessus Mon 31 May, 2004 @ 2:19am. Posted in ravequebec.com.
Coolness: 63285
Most people who use Content Management Systems will have a site that looks like [ Rave.ca ]

Sites like

[ www.litestep.com ]
[ www.wincustomize.com ]

share alot in common with [ Rave.ca ] design. A quick search over the internet will find you hundreds of sites that look like it.

But most won't have anywhere near the amount of features this site has :)
» Gone répondu dessus Sun 30 May, 2004 @ 7:03pm. Posted in al....
Coolness: 63285
How is this more intelligent than the cracked out magic mushroom thread?

How about we ban this one too.
» Gone répondu dessus Sun 30 May, 2004 @ 7:01pm. Posted in Be Or Notta Be.
Coolness: 63285
Um, I must say, this thread is no less intelligent than many of the other threads on this board. The only difference is that it's in French.

If we ban this, we may as well ban 95% of the other posts on here.
» Gone répondu dessus Fri 28 May, 2004 @ 2:13am. Posted in I like....
Coolness: 63285
» Gone répondu dessus Wed 26 May, 2004 @ 12:05pm. Posted in Things that made you sick today?.
Coolness: 63285
the feeling's mutual.
» Gone répondu dessus Wed 26 May, 2004 @ 12:03pm. Posted in What are you thinking about now?.
Coolness: 63285
I wonder how long before people on this site start dying...
» Gone répondu dessus Wed 26 May, 2004 @ 12:03pm. Posted in Things that made you sick today?.
Coolness: 63285
All of you make me sick.
» Gone répondu dessus Fri 21 May, 2004 @ 11:53am. Posted in Spiderman 2.
Coolness: 63285
» Gone répondu dessus Fri 21 May, 2004 @ 11:34am. Posted in Spiderman 2.
Coolness: 63285
Pfft, Gwen Stacy's the lead singer for No Doubt and Black Cat is a figment of your imagination.
Don't confuse people with your "facts" Screwhead!
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 9:52pm. Posted in Spiderman 2.
Coolness: 63285
It wasn't a total insult. A total insult would involve Spider-man having passionate sex with the Green Goblin, but only after prancing around New York screaming "I suck! I suck! La La La! Can't believe you guys spent $9 to see this movie! Suckers!"
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 9:43pm. Posted in i love you.
Coolness: 63285
i must be a fuckin' loser then.

Well, we can't all be cool.
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 9:21pm. Posted in Spiderman 2.
Coolness: 63285
There's a few proper ways to go about it, I think. I haven't seen the 2nd movie yet, but MJ's apparently engaged to an astronaut in it... Maybe he'll be bringing back the symbiote in Number 3?

Of course, they could just do what they did in Ultimate Spiderman universe. Eddie Brock turns into Venom thanks to a freakish cure for cancer that's... less than perfect.

My money's on the astronaut.
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 1:40pm. Posted in i love you.
Coolness: 63285
Alive and kicking Ze'ev.

Cloak, don't dress trendy. Just take lots of drugs. Drugs are the ultimate fashion accessory, they seperate the cool kids from the losers.

Be cool.
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 1:14pm. Posted in Spiderman 2.
Coolness: 63285
If the old license holders didn't renew it, chances are Sony has the license now. If that's the case, you'll still get to see Venom on the silver screen... Just not in the movie Screwhead described.

And I hope that's how it turns out. That psychic-spiders-fleeing-from-blobs script sounds horrible.
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 1:02pm. Posted in Spiderman 2.
Coolness: 63285
Screwhead, from what I remember reading, the Venom movie was cancelled a few years back. Their license ran out and they never renewed it.
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 20 May, 2004 @ 12:36pm. Posted in i love you.
Coolness: 63285
Azz, dont worry about it, the majority of people on this board are actually NOT self-righteous judgemental fucks even if they appear to be sometimes.

Indeed. The majority of the people on this board are cut from the finest cloth. They're well adjusted, emotionally stable, and intelligent.

They're not self righteous, rather, they possess wisdom beyond their years, a sense of humility that would make Buddha blush, and the kind of wholehearted consideration for their fellow man that I can only hope future generations will emulate.

Yes, the participants on this discussion forum never cease to amaze me. If only everyone in the world was like the majority of ravewavers, life would be so much better.

Like paradise on earth, only better.

I love all of you.
» Gone répondu dessus Fri 7 May, 2004 @ 1:59pm. Posted in 25 kung fu movies for sale.
Coolness: 63285
I'll take them
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 6 May, 2004 @ 4:25am. Posted in The Happy Meth Day Thread!.
Coolness: 63285




» Gone répondu dessus Sun 11 Apr, 2004 @ 9:48pm. Posted in What are you thinking about now?.
Coolness: 63285
adventures. hitch hiking to halifax. attending burning man. chilling in vancouver. roadtrip to Tijuana. something like that.
» Gone répondu dessus Sun 11 Apr, 2004 @ 9:31pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 63285
This Jimi Hendrix Electric Ladyland record.
Mmm, groovy.
» Gone répondu dessus Fri 9 Apr, 2004 @ 6:41pm. Posted in The fun facts thread.
Coolness: 63285
Some people use urine to heal themselves, and you can to!

Here's how :

"Very briefly, here are two ways to do urine therapy. This is in no way a complete discussion of how to use the therapy, but simply an introduction.

1) Use your own urine in a homeopathic fashion.

First, collect midstream urine in a clean cup or container. This should be a clean catch, meaning the genital area (important for women in particular) has been cleaned beforehand. To 1/6 ounce of distilled water in a sterile bottle, add one drop of fresh urine. Cap and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this mix and add to another 1/6 ounce of distilled water and shake 50 times. Take one drop of this mix and add to 1/6 oz. of 80 to 90 proof vodka which acts as a preservative.

Place three drops under the tongue hourly until there is obvious improvement or temporary exacerbation of symptoms. As improvement progresses, lengthen the interval between treatments. After 3 days, suspend treatment to avoid pushing the immune system. Treatment is resumed if progress remains static or relapse occurs.

2) Begin with oral drops then increase dosage as needed.

Use fresh urine drops direct. For some cases, sub-lingual drops work well.
(Should always use fresh urine immediately upon collection. You should not boil or dilute the urine in any way. You must use it in its natural form)

Start by taking 1-5 drops of morning urine on the first day. On the second day, take 5-10 drops in the morning. On the third day, take 5-10 drops in the morning, and the same amount in the evening before you go to bed.

Once you feel accustomed to the therapy, gradually increase the amount as needed for obtaining results for your condition. As you use the therapy, you will learn to adjust the amount you need by observing your reactions to the therapy. It may be that you'll work up to actually drinking an ounce or two at a time."

courtesy, [ biomedx.com ]
» Gone répondu dessus Fri 9 Apr, 2004 @ 6:34pm. Posted in What are you thinking about now?.
Coolness: 63285
about how useful nominalizations are.
» Gone répondu dessus Fri 9 Apr, 2004 @ 6:29pm. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 63285
Jazz records.
» Gone répondu dessus Fri 9 Apr, 2004 @ 5:38pm. Posted in Event Calendar.
Coolness: 63285
I can use your three pennies to build a radio.

[ www.scitoys.com ]

» Gone répondu dessus Thu 8 Apr, 2004 @ 1:05pm. Posted in Event Calendar.
Coolness: 63285
and it's nowhere near done yet. We're aiming to have the most comprehensive events calendar in Montreal. If you're liking it now, you'll bloody love it in June.

- Jesus, events admin.
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 16 Oct, 2003 @ 2:10pm. Posted in Congratulations.
Coolness: 63285
I'm Marc. I'm one of Noah's best friends. I've known Noah for eight years, I've been with this website since it started.

I've seen shit you haven't seen, and I know shit you don't know, so shut the fuck up. Or don't. Post more. Help me prove my point.

This is a thread for Noah. It's to let him know that I'm not going to sit around while he throws his life away.

And I'm sorry, it's not paranoia. Noah, you've seen what's happened over the last year. I want you to imagine what will happen in the next two.

It'll get worse before it gets better..

And this is my final post on the board.

Enjoy fucking your lives over.
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 16 Oct, 2003 @ 2:01pm. Posted in Congratulations.
Coolness: 63285
Slightly more than drama,

I was the first user this forum ever had.
I'm also one of Noah's best friends.
My suggestion has a little more oomph than mere drama. This is a declaration of NOAH WAKE THE FUCK UP from a close friend.

He won't close this site. But, it would be nice for him to consider where he stands.

Seriously, Noah, why waste your time with these guys??

For fuck sake, they're kamikaze pilots heading towards destruction. They'll take you down with them.
» Gone répondu dessus Thu 16 Oct, 2003 @ 1:56pm. Posted in Congratulations.
Coolness: 63285

close ravewave. take it down. Not for others, but for yourself.

These people have nothing to offer you.

They barely have anything to offer thsemselves.

You're better than this shit.

Raise your fucking standards.
Stop associating with losers.
Sure, you don't hang out with them, but you
hang out around them.

You know where I stand.

As for ravewave, I'm out. No love loss,
I'm sure. I've learned a valuable lesson over the years I've been on this board :

If you want to live a good life, do the exact opposite of what a ravewaver would do. Therein, lies the secret to a happy life.

Thankgod, I'm moving to Nova Scotia this November. I'll never have to worry about seeing any of your faces again.

Sayofuckinora, jackasses.
» Gone répondu dessus Wed 15 Oct, 2003 @ 12:55pm. Posted in the wishing well.
Coolness: 63285
I wish that none of your wishes come true.
» Gone répondu dessus Wed 15 Oct, 2003 @ 12:49pm. Posted in The What The Fuck thread.
Coolness: 63285
bashies bashies bashies.
for a bunch of fuckups,
you're really boring.
» Gone répondu dessus Wed 15 Oct, 2003 @ 12:41pm. Posted in happyworld13. Very offensive..
Coolness: 63285
haha ah, evil.
» Gone répondu dessus Tue 14 Oct, 2003 @ 4:13am. Posted in suks when.
Coolness: 63285
he hates everyone, but me especially :(
» Gone répondu dessus Tue 14 Oct, 2003 @ 4:10am. Posted in suks when.
Coolness: 63285
you're a marc hater!
and you hate air hockey too.

you're evil.
» Gone répondu dessus Tue 14 Oct, 2003 @ 4:10am. Posted in Heroine.
Coolness: 63285

i've got a few people i want to smack around because of that....

... let's all cross our fingers that im never in a position to deliver my own ideas of justice to people I consider guilty of crimes.
» Gone répondu dessus Tue 14 Oct, 2003 @ 4:07am. Posted in cat valium!.
Coolness: 63285
» Gone répondu dessus Tue 14 Oct, 2003 @ 4:04am. Posted in suks when.
Coolness: 63285
noah still hates me! :p
» Gone répondu dessus Tue 14 Oct, 2003 @ 3:59am. Posted in suks when.
Coolness: 63285
true that.
» Gone répondu dessus Tue 14 Oct, 2003 @ 3:59am. Posted in Coping with loss..
Coolness: 63285
easy women?

they're everywhere!

question is, are your standards low enough?
» Gone répondu dessus Tue 14 Oct, 2003 @ 3:57am. Posted in suks when.
Coolness: 63285

Noah hates me :(


Violence is retarded.
Gone's Profile - Community Messages