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Danz's Profile - Community Messages
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» Danz répondu dessus Mon 27 Nov, 2006 @ 1:04am. Posted in an inconvenient truth: YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT!.
Coolness: 38100
great videos guys, very informative, thanks for posting.
» Danz répondu dessus Fri 24 Nov, 2006 @ 9:36pm. Posted in Why is 'candyraver' so stupid ?.
Coolness: 38100

Bravo, toi t
» Danz répondu dessus Wed 15 Nov, 2006 @ 4:17pm. Posted in how do I put a song/track into my profile?.
Coolness: 38100
The title says it all. Thanks
» Danz répondu dessus Mon 13 Nov, 2006 @ 11:49pm. Posted in Money Can't Buy Happiness...
Coolness: 38100
it wasn't meant to be funny in the first place. Just read the shit, the point of view is very valid :)

Neoform, you seem to be a good guy, but damn when you don't have anything to say just shut it lol.

Mise à jour » Danz a écrit dessus Tue 14 Nov, 2006 @ 4:13pm
Read: wasn't meant to be funny IN THE FIRST PLACE.
» Danz répondu dessus Mon 13 Nov, 2006 @ 10:01pm. Posted in Money Can't Buy Happiness...
Coolness: 38100
money and power gives ------> [ www.intellectualwhores.com ]

Go read that link, read it carefully, and completly.
» Danz répondu dessus Mon 13 Nov, 2006 @ 9:23pm. Posted in Cherche 1 Billet pour Tiesto.
Coolness: 38100
Personnaly I don't see how people can like tiesto's music, but for some reason we have to accept the fact that people are ignorant, and go for the easiest way. Tiesto is top fashion, so people go ahead and take the easy way, and like his music.
» Danz répondu dessus Mon 13 Nov, 2006 @ 8:13pm. Posted in cest la fete a qui le 18 novembre party des bucherons.
Coolness: 38100

c bin poche jpeut meme pas revenir en octobre checker ma date de fete!!
» Danz répondu dessus Mon 13 Nov, 2006 @ 8:05pm. Posted in How many 5 year olds could you take on at once?.
Coolness: 38100
not one at all since I'm man enough to not knock off a 5 year old kid :)
» Danz répondu dessus Wed 8 Nov, 2006 @ 7:35pm. Posted in Omfg.......
Coolness: 38100

qqn n'Aurait pas déjà vu le problème d'un XP pro qui redémarre dès qu'il est loadé? il redémarre avec aucun message d'erreur
ma blonde a eu ce probleme la.. de l'ordi qui redémare tjrs
le board étais chié :|
Oexal : ma blonde a le même prob :p
normal... c la meme fille :|
ta gueule atari lol

(|Nyne|) avez vous internet?

» Danz répondu dessus Sun 5 Nov, 2006 @ 3:29am. Posted in rad is an asshole : who agree.
Coolness: 38100
bonne fete yan!!!!
» Danz répondu dessus Fri 3 Nov, 2006 @ 12:32am. Posted in rad is an asshole : who agree.
Coolness: 38100
Je connais RAD, un gars vraiment bien, pas mal trop sensé pour commencer a prendre de la dope dans face de ses enfants. Dans votre genre 8 et demi a verdun, ya pas mal de racaille qui passe par la j'en suis sur, RAD n'a pas la meme version que toi sur le sujet du loyer. Tu fait un post avec TA vision des choses, pas mal biaisée a mon gout. Je me demande qui est le vrai crosseur la dedans.
» Danz répondu dessus Sun 29 Oct, 2006 @ 4:19pm. Posted in Hey Noah Erase This One Too!!!!.
Coolness: 38100
salut max ! ca fait un boutte. jpense quy faudrais que tu efface une coupe de member's comments dans ton profil chu pus capable d'en mettre un nouveau yen a trop :)
» Danz répondu dessus Sat 28 Oct, 2006 @ 10:23pm. Posted in Hey Noah Erase This One Too!!!!.
Coolness: 38100

ooooooookkkk... yeah... ?!
» Danz répondu dessus Sat 28 Oct, 2006 @ 9:08pm. Posted in Hey Noah Erase This One Too!!!!.
Coolness: 38100
why does he erase your threads? Maybe that your threads contains violent/racist/sexist/etcetera content. If they don't well I don't see why he would be erasing all your threads. Maybe we have to be in the ''gang'' to be posting here lol

Mise à jour » Danz a écrit dessus Sat 28 Oct, 2006 @ 9:10pm
avant yavais des threads en francais ici, pourquoi yen a pus?
» Danz répondu dessus Tue 17 Oct, 2006 @ 10:18pm. Posted in all of you guys!!!.
Coolness: 38100
c tu la nouvelle mode de mettre des gros rappeux comme avatar? lol
» Danz répondu dessus Thu 12 Oct, 2006 @ 4:48pm. Posted in yo check le gars comme yé frais!.
Coolness: 38100
debile quand y fait le robot !!!!!!!!
» Danz répondu dessus Tue 10 Oct, 2006 @ 1:32am. Posted in Energy Drinks.
Coolness: 38100

I don't know about taurine, but why would guarana be bad for us? it's only high density cafeine.

For me I find that red bulls and shits like that doesn't work. Bottles are too small. Full throttle and rock star gives a small boost though, but I find none to be enough for me. Maybe jolt would work.
» Danz répondu dessus Tue 10 Oct, 2006 @ 12:48am. Posted in levres gercees???.
Coolness: 38100
C'est un plaisir si ca peut te faire changer de point de vue. On peut se faire du fun sans ses merdes, et quand on s'en fait, au moins c'est du vrai fun. Cette merde peut t'ammener dans les bas fond de la vie. Si tu tient tant a rester eveiller toute la nuit ya plusieurs alternatives.
» Danz répondu dessus Mon 9 Oct, 2006 @ 11:49pm. Posted in levres gercees???.
Coolness: 38100
c le crystal meth qui mettent din speed maintenant. En premier ca attaque tes levres, pis apres cest tes dents, et apres ta lair d'une vieille bouritte de 75 ans quand ca a attaquer ton visage.
» Danz répondu dessus Sun 19 Feb, 2006 @ 12:19pm. Posted in the Digital Playhouse.
Coolness: 38100
Great party, thank you Noah and everyone else involved for your generosity and efforts!
» Danz répondu dessus Wed 18 Jan, 2006 @ 8:59pm. Posted in Lisez, tres utile.
Coolness: 38100
Bonjour cher terrestre,

Je me présente: je suis en extraterrestre venant de la planète que vous appelez Jupiter.
Pour passer inapercu, je me suis déguisé en email et actuellement j'ai une relation sexuelle avec tes
globes oculaires. je sais que tu aimes ça, puisque tu me souris. Maintenant tu ris, c'est probablement
que tu as eu un orgasme. Alors passe-moi vite à ton voisin car je suis encore tout exicité.

A bientôt. Ce fut un plaisir pour moi...


He's banging her like a screen door in a hurricane


Hi, i am like the most laggiest sob there is in the world...


The only way to have fun these days is to blow your own brains

Of course we're not allowed to do that either.


I strongly feel I could take the 82 dollars used to make Dis snore-a-thon and make an infinitely more

interesting movie. I would take a camera, start it rolling, and throw it off the Empire State Building.

The acting would be better, the story would move faster, and the ending would be less predictable.


Oh, god was this a bad movie. I saw it first on Mystery Science Theater 3000, and I nearly jumped out

the window.


Anyway, after wanting to rip the eyes from my sockets because of the movie, I noticed something...


Basically this movie was the most sloppy piece of cinema ever thrown together. We have an idea. Set up

your tri-pod, point it at the toilet, flush it, and put it on a continuous two-hour loop, and it would

make for better film.




Even euphemisms can't describe how dreadful this movie really is.


God. This film is so vile, so disturbing, and so dumb that I almost died watching it


Aren't bats supposed to fly, use radar, and eat bugs instead of attacking humans tho?


Almost as much fun as running into a wall


This movie should not be viewed unless you are trying to kill yourself


it still made me bleed from both eyes


I'm not giving you anymore plot, because reliving it gives me this great urge to drive a pitchfork

through my brain


This movie is great...
...if you're into self-punishment


These internet monkeys are skeptical, belligerent and wouldnt spit on you if you were on fire


I wish people would quit identifying themselves so quickly with groups and start identifying themselves

as who they are


I should go buy a knife and accidentally drop it on MY ankle while I'm in my mom's car, and then sue the

knife company for making too sharp of a blade, and my mom for not having a magic anti-knife force field

surrounding her car. I'll be rich!

-En réponse a une femme qui poursuit Mc Donald et sa mère pour s'avoir renversé du café sur



Oh, well. That's why we humans are given the capacity to ignore.


Perhaps Blizzard could try using a touch of common sense next time.


maudite slut, une vrai aéroport a queues.


If you don't believe any of this, I suggest you take an anthropology class and stop listening to rap

music to get your definition of race.


Now it's been ten thousand years
Man has cried a billion tears
For what, he never knew
Now man's reign is through

But through eternal night
The twinkling of starlight
So very far away
Maybe it's only yesterday


If you are killed by the first monster you meet, you obviously lack the coordination necessary to point

the cursor to the monster and click with the left mouse button.


I want a girl that is wholesome. Someone that's cute, sweet, and honest. Someone that would give me

support as much as I will give to her, and someone to raise children with.


No kiding Sherlock...


Super jubilant...


c quoi la chanson qui stipule....j'aurais toujours mon coeur........


Tes insultes sont dignes de ma cousine de 8 ans.


Pluck your damned head out of the sand, you simpleton.


Your IQ drops 1 point every time you click it


The only effect I can see is comic relief to the already harried and stressed Bizz production team.

Someone might even laugh hard enough to convulse and slap the table.


full paradox


full complexe


que pense tu du rap?
je pense que cest un son naturel
ca sort naturellement lors de lagony intense
si je massoi sur un blender, moi aussi je vais rapper


C'est pas pour rien que ta mère t'a oublier sur un banc de parc


dear idiot:


désopilant cette blague...


c'est bien, tu veux un os?


full confusion!


ouin, p'tite fille en recherche d'identité, ça doit être ca


You, obviously, have an IQ that I could count on one hand


toé ta yeule criss de singe de course


but if not i am about to blow a gasket


No amount of therapy or self denial could bring back those 2 lost hours. Let me think of things I would

rather do than watch this movie: 1.) Watch a new coat of paint dry. OR an equally amusing task, watching

linoleum curl. 2.) Volunteer to follow horses in a parade and scoop up manure. 3.) Slam my fingers

repeatedly in a car door.


simply because no explanation could convey the experience.


If the fact that people actually took the time to MAKE this film is not enough to disturb you greatly, I don't know what would be.


excruciatingly painful to watch.


Everyone and their dog have that nowaday




If you were to watch a blank screen you will see better acting, directing, and writing.


I felt that this shit was stealing minutes of my life and brain cells from me


le rapace club


je vais me tirer une mousse


j'ai mon voyage


It also stretches the limits of what we know about human nature to believe that this photographer and

his subject would continue to calmly compose this shot with a plane swiftly approaching the tower.

-photo WTC + avion qui fonce


Will your nipples get hard if you hear GF
say he was wrong and you're right


Ignorant fool. That is like saying that water is wet. Everyone
knows it


Toé va te faire ramoner mon osti de grosse charrue


I think my iq went down reading u're post u idiot.


Do the nation a favor
and give a blowjob to a shotgun.


engin, machine


You know how veterans respond when you ask them what the war was like, and they respond "I don't want to

talk about it." Well, that's the best I can come up with for describing this movie.


compliqué = protocole d'ingénieur


verdun = cour a scrap


Also the impossible cr*p she seemed to achieve. I mean what
the hell do those bad guys get hired for? Their stupidity? Lack of


I'm willing to bet that 90% of the US's
teenage population is a poser. I see kids immitating that reject
Eminem, or one of those Backstreet Boys clones, or this or that
half-wit rapper. They have no minds of their own.


I always sit in the same spot (up front) because I think anyone who actually enjoys sitting in the back

of the bus is a complete retard. First, it takes extra effort to wade your way through to the back. It

takes longer..WTF? And the people who sit back there are the "cool" kids...And I think you know what I

mean with those quotes.


Anyways yes my monitor is a fossil and I'll probably go out and
buy a new one very soon


i dont care rap is what the untalented and uninspired call music,
they say they have rythem.... i've heard dying combustion engines
with more rythem than that.... unless they call that 3 note tune
they play in the back ground, then i'd agree, but then again sesame
street has songs more comlex than that.


All Immigrants and their descendents too
Scram you busch beer swilling, big mac eating lardos. Leave now If
you can fit your fat @sses on the mayflower.


Because moronic teens with rebellion complexes who were raised on
MTV want to hear it so they can feel cool.


No more RAP, PLEASE! Other forms of music do exist!


C'est les ptis méné qui vont payer pour les grosses truites?


Faut pas capoter sul rack a ski comme ca


on yra prendre un coup a notre retraite (de jean lapierre a jean luc mongrain)


une pinte deau sale dans 4 pinte deau propre ca donne 5 pinte deau sale


ya anguille sous roche!


J'veut pas faire ma vierge offencée la mais... ca me fait chier


jpeux pu vivre avec la biere et sans non plus!!!


j'men tape la canisse de ton affaire

» Danz répondu dessus Thu 12 Jan, 2006 @ 9:20pm. Posted in Quoi dire a ceux qui haissent le trance!.
Coolness: 38100
Originally posted by KISHMAY PINAS...

So apparently only mainstream faggots and hip hop heads hate trance????

Trance blows! Wake up and buy some breaks, buy some jungle, hell buy some house, buy some reggae, buy some hip-hop, but puhhleez, stop trying to convince the world that trance is music!

You and everyone:

replace the world ''trance'' by ''techno music in general''

Now calm your nerves and smile ;)
» Danz répondu dessus Thu 12 Jan, 2006 @ 12:14am. Posted in Quoi dire a ceux qui haissent le trance!.
Coolness: 38100
Attention ne prenez pas trop au serieux hehe, ceci vient des forums de [ www.di-fm ] trop drole (et parfois vrai)

What to say to someone who hates trance:

1. At least my music is made by people who're actual musicians, and not a bunch of uneducated rappers.

2. At least my music is based on REAL dance music (80's electronic/techno in my opinion is what started dance music)

3. At least my music is listened to ALL over the world, not like your crappy ass hiphop and rock that's listened to MOSTLY in north america.

4. (this is for when they say "oh your music is all about drugs") At least the producers and DJs who spin my music don't encourage taking drugs... UNLIKE hiphop and rap where drugs are openly advertised.

5. At least my music isn't intended for the bedroom (R&B)... it's for dance floors.

6. At least my music has events all over Europe with like 50,000 people showing up.... not like your little concerts where you get like 500 KIDS and you call it a kick ass show!!!!!! (JACK ASSES)

7. At least my music isn't all about f*&king, raping, killing, fighting, stealing, getting high, p&$sy, tits, ass, etc..... it's about love and peace.

8. At least my music isn't a stupid little sample stolen from some old 50s/60s tune and looped OVER AND OVER.

9. At least my music's lyrics make sense when you listen to them... there's no one mumbling words or trying to say them sooo friggin' fast, it's like they got diarrhea!!!

10. At least my music is from Europe... and you know anything from Europe is sexy

11. At least producers/DJs spinning my music don't have weird retareted names likes 50cent!!!!

12. At least my music has subgeners... you can listen to different styles and still be listening to trance.

13. At least my music isn't mainstream where you have ANY retardo who got friggin' kicked out of his/her mamma's house become a superstar!!!!

14. At least my music isn't produced by a bunch of self-centered, self-obsessed morons who need to host like a trillion award shows per year to make themselves feel good.

15. At least my music isn't about the money... it's about the music. (so often my buddies ask me if all these big DJs I talk about are millionairs and shit, and I'm like no... they don't do it for the money...) And when they SAY it's about the music and not the money they REALLY mean it (not like some little whore like Britney or Christina who always says, oh it's not about the money, it's about my love for the music.... ah SHUT THE HELL UP)

16. At least my music isn't produced by some jackass who's in the gym all day pumpin iron, trying to look "good"!!!! Trance producers actually DO spend most of their time in the studio mixing/remixing.

17. At least my music is played on the BIGGEST, BEST, HOTTEST, COOLEST internet radio station in the WORLD... DI.fm (I'd like to see someone top that off)

18. At least my music doesn't need 5 thugs or rockers to make a single song. (thanx to K-BAN for this one)
» Danz répondu dessus Sun 8 Jan, 2006 @ 11:47am. Posted in Tams at raves.....
Coolness: 38100
Quelqu'un de talent avec un tam dans un rave/after peut rendre une toune qui est pas trop bonne ou trop slow foutument écoeurante.
» Danz répondu dessus Mon 19 Dec, 2005 @ 9:53pm. Posted in E-High 4.
Coolness: 38100
C'était cool... je ramène la question, qui etait la fille aux mitaines vertes?
» Danz répondu dessus Sun 20 Nov, 2005 @ 6:59pm. Posted in How to spot a raver in the street.
Coolness: 38100
Tant que Max est dans notre camps on est correct. Pis quand est-ce qu'on le fait ce rave dans le parking du carrefour laval on manquera pas d'alarmes pour danser
Danz's Profile - Community Messages