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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: LTE: Free heroin could be just the beginning of NDP
Title:Canada: LTE: Free heroin could be just the beginning of NDP
Published On:1998-08-19
Source:Vancouver Sun (Canada)
Fetched On:2008-09-07 03:05:06

It's hard to argue with the logic of a New Democratic Party politician. They
have such unique views on things. I suppose that giving free heroin to addicts
will save lives not unlike the beneficial results of giving free food to
people or free housing to the homeless. We could probably save the environment
by giving away free electric cars or, in the interim, converting all vehicles
to propane -- for free, of course. I reluctantly have to agree with Ms.
free solutions to all problems will likely work significant miracles. She's
quite a politician.

Mind you, like most things, there is a dark side. Free heroin would likely
attract more heroin users. Amsterdam attracted more drug users merely by
becoming more tolerant. Free drugs would likely be enough to even attract
who have long established themselves in Amsterdam -- especially if we make the
air travel free. Then with more addicts, we could concentrate on the free
housing and food part of Ms. Davies plan -- one she has often espoused in the

There's no doubt we are a kinder and gentler nation with the likes of Ms
representing us. But perhaps we could use a bit more common sense.

Or maybe it's just me?

I will, however, make a proposal to save the addicts which follows closely
along the lines of generosity proposed by Ms Davies: let's give free one-way
air tickets to Amsterdam to all addicts and, just to make the transition easy
on them, six months of Social Assistance cheques.

I propose Ms Davies accompany them and we further provide a letter of
introduction for her to the Dutch Government so that she can share her ideas
with them. Maybe we could even exchange her for one of their politicians.

Or, better yet, a few Air Miles.

J. D. Cox Delta

Checked-by: Ghamal de la Guardia
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